By a letter dated 5 July 2012, the Chair of the Monitoring Committee
of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe asked the
Venice Commission to provide an opinion on the Federal Law No. 54-FZ
of 19 June 2004 on assemblies, meetings, demonstrations, marches and
picketing (“the Assembly Act”) of the Russian Federation as amended
by Law of 8 June 2012. Federal Law No. 65-FZ of 8 June 2012 has
amended both the Code of Administrative Offences and the Assembly
March 2012 Opinion on the Assembly Act
In March 2012, prior to the adoption of the amendments of June 2012,
the Venice Commission adopted an opinion on the Assembly Act
(CDL-AD(2012)007), at the request of PACE. In its Opinion on the
Assembly Act, the Venice Commission has dealt with its standards for
evaluating laws on the freedom of assembly (para 5-8) and it has
referred to its Guidelines on the freedom of assembly.
The Guidelines reflect the Commission’s deep conviction that the
protection of the freedom to peacefully assemble is crucial to
creating a tolerant and pluralistic society in which groups with
different beliefs, practices or policies can exist peacefully
together. As a fundamental right, freedom of peaceful assembly
should, insofar as possible, be enjoyed without regulation. The
state should always seek to facilitate and protect public assemblies.
The Venice Commission is aware of the fact that several assembly
laws in Europe, especially older ones, contain provisions which are
drafted in rather restrictive terms.
The Commission stresses in this respect that the manner of
implementation of similar provisions may contribute to restricting
their negative impact on the exercise of freedom of assembly. At any
rate, as the Commission has previously said,
“risks of an overbroad use of discretionary powers in order to
suppress assemblies can always arise and therefore any assembly law
must aim at reducing them as far as possible”: it is the
Commission’s firm belief that when designing or amending assembly
laws, Council of Europe member states should reflect the fundamental
principles of “presumption in favour of holding assemblies”,
“proportionality” and “non-discrimination” in their wording.
In its March 2012 Opinion, the Commission made the following
It is recommended that the presumption in favour of holding
assemblies and the principles of proportionality and
non-discrimination be expressly included in the Assembly Law
the regime of prior notification under Article 5.5, 7 and 12
Assembly Act should be revised; the co-operation between the
organisers and the authorities in Article 12 Assembly Act should
be settled on a voluntary basis respecting the assemblies’
autonomy and without depriving the organisers of the right to
hold an assembly on the ground of a failure to agree on any
changes to the format of an assembly or to comply with the
timeframe for notification of the public event; the power of the
executive authorities to alter the format of a public event
should be expressly limited to cases where there are compelling
reasons to do so (Article 11.2 ECHR), with due respect for the
principles of proportionality and non-discrimination and the
presumption in favour of assemblies.
the right to appeal decisions before a court (Article 19
Assembly Act) is welcomed; it should be provided that a court
decision will be delivered before the planned date of the
assembly, for instance via the availability of court
spontaneous assemblies and urgent assemblies as well as
simultaneous and counter demonstrations should be allowed as
long as they are peaceful and do not pose direct threats of
violence or serious danger to public safety;
the grounds for restrictions of assemblies should be narrowed to
allow application of the principle of proportionality in order
to bring them in line with Article 11.2 ECHR and reasons for
suspension and termination of assemblies should be limited to
public safety or a danger of imminent violence;
the obligations of the organisers in Article 5.4 Assembly Act
should be reduced; their responsibility to uphold public order
should be restricted to the exercise of due care;
the blanket restrictions on the time and places of public events
should be narrowed.
Regrettably, the amendments of June 2012 to the Assembly Act failed
to address the Commission’s recommendations.
ECHR and Constitutional Courts judgments
On 10 July 2012, a Chamber of
the European Court of Human
Rights issued a judgment (Berladir and others v. Russia) which
relates to the Assembly Act and in which the Court found no
violation of Article 11 ECHR. The Court noted that the applicant
had not fully exhausted legal remedies. It further accepted that -
in the instant case - the authorities had acted within their broad
margin of appreciation as concerns the reasons for amending the
modalities of the planned demonstration and for rejecting the
proposal by the organiser. In the Berladir case, as usual, the ECtHR
did not examine the compatibility of the Assembly Law with the ECHR
in abstracto, but limited
itself to the examination of the application of the Law in that
case. The ECtHR therefore did not examine whether the Assembly Law
contains a violation of the ECHR, for instance a potential for
abuse, which, by chance, did not materialize in that case. In this
opinion the Venice Commission will also deal with this topic.
The constitutionality of certain specific amendments contained in
the law of June 2012 was challenged by a group of deputies of the
State Duma before the
Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation which reviewed the
law in open sitting. Judgment in the case was delivered on 14
February 2013 and published and came into force immediately (the
English translation of extracts of this judgment appears in document
CDL-REF(2013)012). The judgment is in principle welcomed by the
Venice Commission. It reflects many of the critical points seen by
the Commission, though it does not solve all problems. Besides this,
the Venice Commission bears in mind that it still needs to be
implemented by the executive authorities and the courts. In
particular with respect to those provisions which the Constitutional
Court decided to interpret in conformity with the Constitution
rather than demanding clarifications in the law itself, there might
be a lack of clarity for the executive authorities and the
organizers and participants of assemblies. The implementation in
practice remains to be seen.
In this regard it should be noted that in its judgment the
Constitutional Court addressed only the arguments (which were of
limited scope) that were made by the applicants in the case who
alleged the unconstitutionality of certain specific provisions of
the law of June 2012. In contrast the role of the Venice Commission
in preparing this Opinion and the previous Opinion on Federal Law
No. 54-FZ of 19 June 2004 on assemblies, meetings, demonstrations,
marches and picketing (“the Assembly Act”) which was adopted in
March 2012 (CDL-AD(2012)007), is to address the laws as a whole in
relation to their compatibility with international human rights
standards. The Court’s analysis does not therefore address or
propose remedies for all of the problems identified by the Venice
Commission in this previous Opinion. Furthermore, some of the issues
considered by the Court appear not to have been discussed in our
Opinion in any detail. The Venice Commission therefore recommends
that each of its conclusions in the previous Opinion on Federal Law
No. 54-FZ of 19 June 2004 on assemblies, meetings, demonstrations,
marches and picketing (“the Assembly Act”) should be addressed so
that the laws in their entirety comply with international human
rights standards. The Duma has yet to decide on the amendments to
the Assembly Law which are required following the judgment of the
Constitutional Court and it is hoped that the Venice Commission’s
Opinion concerning those parts of the law which were not dealt with
by the Court will be taken into consideration as well as its opinion
in regard to the Court´s judgement.
The careful analysis of international human rights norms and, in
particular, the discussion of Article 11 and the ECtHR’s
jurisprudence at point 2 (pp10-12) of the Constitutional court’s
judgment are welcomed. Amongst other points, the Constitutional
Court acknowledges that “...the right of freedom of peaceful
assembly is not subject to any restrictions other than such as are
prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the
interests of national security or public safety, for the prevention
of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals or for
the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.” The
Constitutional Court also acknowledges that the State bears an
obligation to guarantee protection, including judicial protection,
for civil and human rights and freedoms and notes that “...the
reaction of a public authority to the organisation and holding of
assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, marches and picketing must be
neutral and in all cases...geared to ensuring conditions...for the
lawful exercise by citizens and associations thereof of their right
to freedom of peaceful assembly...”
The Venice Commission notes that
the judgment speaks only of
the guarantee of the freedom of assembly in relation to “citizens”.
However it is required to be extended to all persons on the national
territory. This reference to “citizens” is repeated throughout the
judgment. Care should be taken to ensure that guarantees of
fundamental freedoms in the law should not be limited to citizens
but be applied to all persons.
Conclusions by the
The Venice Commission is firmly convinced that the June 2012
amendments to both the Assembly Act and to the Code of
Administrative Offences
raise a number of serious concerns and represent a step backward for
the protection of freedom of assembly in the Russian Federation;
their implementation may result in infringements
of the fundamental right to peaceful assembly guaranteed by the
Russian Constitution and by the European Convention on Human Rights.
Therefore, in order to ensure compliance of the Assembly Act with
international standards, the Venice Commission makes the following
recommendations, in addition to those contained in its previous
opinion on the Assembly Act and it strongly recommends to reconsider
the amendments:
It is recommended to reconsider new Article 5 paragraph 2.1.1
and to remove the exclusion from the right to organise public
events of whole categories of people for breaches of a variety
not only of criminal but also of administrative offences,
irrespective of their gravity;
It is recommended to indicate in sub-paragraph 6 of paragraph 3
of Article 5 that failure by the organiser to demand the
intervention of the internal affairs authorities will not entail
any negative consequences for the organiser;
It is recommended to reconsider paras. 4.3 and 4.7.1 of Article
5 so as to exclude responsibility on the part of the organiser
on account of the number of participants in the public event;
It is recommended to limit, in paragraph 6 of Article 5, the
organiser’s responsibility for damages to cases of failure to
exercise due care;
It is recommended to reconsider the blanket ban on wearing masks
or similar ;
It is recommended to limit the responsibility of picketers to
cases of actual threats to public order and safety;
It is recommended to reconsider the time-limitations on public
events in Article 9;
It is recommended to reconsider the limitations to campaigning
for a public event to after the authorities’ agreement;
It is recommended to reconsider the provision of specially
designated place where public events should take place ‘as a
It is recommended to remove Article 12 paragraph 3;
It is recommended to revise and lower drastically the penalties
applicable in case of violation of the Assembly Act;
It is recommended to reconsider Article 20.2.2
Care should be taken to ensure that guarantees of fundamental
freedoms in the law should not be limited to citizens but be
applied to all persons.
Full text of the opinion CDL-AD(2013)003
OSCE/ODIHR-Venice Commission Guidelines on Freedom of
Peaceful Assembly, as revised in 2010.
During the process of amending the Russian Assembly Law, a
paper was posted on the Duma’s website under the title
“Analytical Review. Individual Norms in Foreign Legislation
regarding a Responsibility for Failure to Obey Regulations
in the Conduct of Mass Events” (Аналитическая справка
Государственной Думы РФ, май 2012, "Отдельные нормы
зарубежного законодательства об ответственности за
несоблюдение правил проведения массовых мероприятий"
Some of the information on the basic legislative
norms in the countries referred to in this paper does not
match with the information collected by the Venice
Commission. The
Venice Commission in particular strongly disputes the
conclusions that “there is not a single democratic state in
which rallies, marches or demonstrations can be organised
and carried out on the basis of strictly formal
notification” and that “the demands of legislation in
developed democratic countries are considerably (when
compared to Russian) harsher in prioritising public order
and in detailing the authorities of the police”.
CDL-AD(2012)007, para. 30 in fine
The Venice Commission remains at the disposal of the Romanian
authorities for assistance in the implementation of such reforms.
Text of the opinion CDL-AD(2012)022