Dr Nicos C. Alivizatos was born in Athens (1949), where he resides and practices law.
He is married and has two children.
- 1977: Doctorat d’ Etat, University of Paris II. The late doyen Georges Vedel was his supervisor (directeur de thèse ).
- 1973: D.E.S. (: LL.M.), University of Paris II (Public Law).
- 1972: Ptychion (: LL.B.), University of Athens (Faculty of Law).
- 2016 to present: Professor Emeritus of Constitutional Law, University of Athens.
- 1992-2016: Professor of Constitutional Law, Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Athens.
- 1980-1992: Instructor (1980), Assistant Professor (1983), Associate Professor (1987), Faculty of Law, University of Athens.
- 1978 to present: Attorney-at-law, Alivizatos, Kioussopoulou and Partners, Athens (founder and managing partner). Dr Alivizatos specializes in public law litigation and pleads regularly before the Supreme Courts of Greece (Conseil d’ Etat and Court of Cassation), as well as before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
- 1978 to present: Counsel, the American College of Greece.
- 2017: Responsible for the holding of the election by the people of the leader of a Center to the Left Party (comprising, among others, Pasok, to Potami etc.) later to be named “Movement for Change” (KINAL). The election was held on 12 and 19 November 2017 and Ms F. Gennimata was ultimately elected. More than 211,00 participated in the 1st round of the election and 155,000 in the the second.
- 2014 - 2018: President of the “Association Aristovoulos Manessis” (Greek Constitutional Law Scholars)
- 2019 - Member of the Venice Commission (Council of Europe)
- 2013 - 2017: Member of the Venice Commission (Council of Europe)
- 2006 - Member of the Legal Council of the Bank of Greece
- 2012 - 2015: Member of the Board of the Athens Concert Hall
- 2010 - 2012: President of the Board of the National Museum of Modern Art, Athens
- 2002 - 2005: Member of the European Group of Ethics in Science and New Technologies,better known as EGE, i.e. an advisory independent committee, operating next to the President of the European Commission, Brussels.
- 2004: Minister of the Interior ad interim of the Greek Government, in view of the holding of the general elections of 7 March 2004 (February-March).
- 1997-2002: Member of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority.
- 1989: Member of the National Broadcasting Authority of Greece.
- 1989 - Dr Alivizatos has presided over and participated to various independent experts’ committees within the Greek Ministry of Justice, drafting legislation on issues such as data protection (chair: 1995-1996), administrative procedure, media law, and compliance with the Rules of the International Criminal Court (chair: 2002).
- 1980-present: Co-editor and member of the editorial board of the Greek cultural quarterly review Synchrona Themata.
- 1980-present: Member of the Board (President: 1999-2003) of the Hellenic Ligue of Human Rights, which is the Greek affiliate of the Fédération Internationale des Droits de l’ Homme (Paris).
- 2008 - present: Columnist for the Athens daily I Kathimerini.
- 1999 - present: Member of the European Group of Public Law.
- 2000 - 2008: Columnist for the Athens daily Ta Nea.
- 1986 - 2000: Columnist for the Athens daily To Vima.
- 2005: Visiting Fellow, Oxford University, Institute of European and Comparative Law.
- 1997: Visiting fellow, Princeton University, Program in Hellenic Studies.
- 1989: Visiting fellow, Stanford University, School of law.
- Pragmatists, Demagogues and Dreamers, 2015, in Greek.
- What Kind of Democracy After the Crisis, 2013, in Greek.
- The Constitution and its Enemies (in Modern Greek History, 1800-2010), 2011, in Greek.
- Beyond Article 16. Before and After, Athens, Metaihmio, 2007, in Greek.
- The Royal Properties in Strasbourg. History and Documents of a Hard Litigation, Athens, Sakkoulas, 2003, in Greek
- The Uncertainties of Modernization. Essays, Athens, Polis, 2001, in Greek.
- The Constitutional Status of the Armed Forces, Athens, Sakkoulas, vol. I, 1987 and vol. II, 1992, in Greek.
- Les institutions politiques de la Grèce à travers les crises, 1972-1974, with a forword by G. Vedel, Paris, L.G.D.J., 1979, in French.
Dr Alivizatos has published more than 70 articles and other contributions in various periodicals and collective volumes (in Greek, English and French). Among others:
- “In Search of Legitimacy. A Retrospection of the Constitutional History of the Greek Monarchy”, in La Convention européenne des droits de l’ homme, un instrument vivant, Mélanges en l’ honneur de Christos L. Rozakis, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2011, p. 1-14.
- “Les minorités ont-elles un droit de se définir d’ elles-mêmes?”, in Annuaire International des Droits de l’ Homme, v.III(2008), p. 247-252.
- “Pratiques discriminantes en Europe méditerranéenne: l’ exemple grec”, in Quelle “politique” religieuse en Europe et en Méditerrannée? Enjeux et perspectives, Actes de XVIIème Colloque de l’ Institut de Droit et d’ Histoire de l’ Université Paul Cézanne-Aix-Marseille III, PUAM, 2004, p. 83-88.
- “The Constitutional Treatment of Religious Minorities in Greece”, in Droit et justice. Mélanges en l’ honneur de Nicolas Valticos, Paris, Pédone, 1999, p. 629-642.
- “Primauté du pouvoir civil sur les militaires”, in Confluences-Méditerrannée, No spécial, Armée et pouvoir, 29/Printemps 1999, p. 81-95.
- “Politics and the Judiciary in Greek Transition to Democracy” (co-authored with P. Nikiforos-Diamantouros, in A. James McAdams (ed.), Transitional Justice and the Rule of Law in New Democracies, Notre Dame and London, University of Notre Dame Press, 1997, p. 26-60.
- “Judges as Veto-Players”, in Herbert Döring (ed.), Parliaments and Majority Rule in Western Europe, New York, St-Martin’s Press, 1995, p. 525-548.
- “The Difficulties of ‘Rationalization’ in a Polarized Political System: the Greek Chamber of Deputies”, in Ulrike Liebert and M. Cotta, Parliament and Democratic Consolidation, London and New York, Pinter Publ., 1990, p. 130-153.