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Constitutional Justice
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CDL-REF(2024)038rev  English  13/11/2024 -  Public
Poland - Act on the provisions introducing the Act on the Constitutional Tribunal 
CDL-REF(2024)037rev  English  13/11/2024 -  Public
Poland - Act on the Constitutional Tribunal 
CDL-REF(2024)038  English  17/09/2024 -  Public
Poland - Draft provisions introducing the Act on the Constitutional Tribunal  
CDL-REF(2024)037  English  17/09/2024 -  Public
Poland - Draft Act on the Constitutional Tribunal 
CDL-REF(2024)036  English  17/09/2024 -  Public
Poland - Draft amendments to the Constitution of Poland 
CDL-REF(2023)049  English  07/10/2023 -  Public
Chile - "Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile – Constitutional Council’s draft"  (H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, G. BUQUICCHIO, J. CASTELLÀ ANDREU, P. CAROZZA)
CDL-REF(2023)045  English  20/09/2023 -  Public
Chile - Preliminary Draft Law of the Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile  (K. TUORI, J. CASTELLÀ ANDREU, J. OTÁLORA MALASSIS, P. CAROZZA)
CDL-PI(2023)002  English  25/01/2023 -  Public
Ukraine - Follow-up to the Opinion CDL-AD (2022)054 
CDL(2022)038  English  07/10/2022 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft joint amicus curiae Brief of the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR relating to the offence of illicit enrichment  (C. PINELLI, A. NUSSBERGER, J. OTÁLORA MALASSIS)
CDL-REF(2022)023  English  01/06/2022 -  Public
Kosovo - Revised draft amendments to the Constitution  
CDL-PI(2022)023  English  26/04/2022 -  Public
Compilation of Venice Commission opinions and reports concerning prosecutors 
CDL-REF(2022)006  English  10/02/2022 -  Public
Kosovo - Draft amendments to the Constitution 
CDL(2021)052  English  26/11/2021 -  Public
Cyprus - Draft opinion on three bills reforming the judiciary  (M. FRENDO, Z. KNEŽEVIĆ, M. KUIJER)
CDL-REF(2021)085  English  09/11/2021 -  Public
Serbia - Revised Draft Act regarding amendments to the Constitution  
CDL-REF(2021)039  English  27/04/2021 -  Public
Malta - BILL No. 198 An act to amend the interpretation act, cap. 249.  
CDL-REF(2021)038  English  27/04/2021 -  Public
Malta - BILL No. 166 An act to further amend the constitution of Malta  
CDL(2021)014  English  05/03/2021 -  Public
Russian Federation - Draft interim opinion on constitutional amendments and the procedure for their adoption  (I. CAMERON, V. BÍLKOVÁ, N. ALIVIZATOS, C. BAZY MALAURIE, M. KUIJER, M. HERMANNS)
CDL-REF(2021)015  English  09/02/2021 -  Public
Ukraine - Draft law no. 4533 on the Constitutional Procedure  
CDL-REF(2021)010  French  04/02/2021 -  Public
Fédération de Russie - Constitution 
CDL-REF(2021)010  English  04/02/2021 -  Public
Russian Federation - Constitution 
CDL-PI(2020)019  English  10/12/2020 -  Public
Ukraine - Urgent opinion on the Reform of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine issued pursuant to Article 14a of the Venice Commission’s Rules of Procedure   (C. GRABENWARTER, S. DARMANOVIĆ, M. CARTABIA, P. CAROZZA)
CDL(2020)041  English  24/11/2020 -  Public
Draft Revised report on Individual access to Constitutional Justice  (G. HARUTYUNYAN, P. PACZOLAY, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL(2020)041  French  24/11/2020 -  Public
Projet de Rapport révisé - l'accès individuel à la justice constitutionnelle  (G. HARUTYUNYAN, P. PACZOLAY, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL(2020)032  English  25/09/2020 -  Public
Malta - Draft Opinion on ten Acts and Bills implementing legislative proposals subject of Opinion CDL-AD(2020)006  (K. TUORI, H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR, M. NICOLATOS, M. KUIJER)
CDL-REF(2020)038  English  23/07/2020 -  Public
Malta - Bill No. 143 "Permanent Commission Against Corruption (Amendment) Bill 
CDL-REF(2020)037  English  23/07/2020 -  Public
Malta - Bill No. 142 "Various Laws (Removal from Office) (Amendment) Bill" 
CDL-REF(2020)036  English  23/07/2020 -  Public
Malta - Bill No. 141 "Constitution of Malta (Amendment No. 2) Bill" 
CDL(2020)014  English  14/05/2020 -  Public
Armenia - Draft amicus curiae brief relating to article 300.1 of the criminal code   (K. TUORI, D. MERIDOR, M. HERMANNS, J. SARDON DE TABOADA)
CDL(2020)011  English  06/03/2020 -  Public
Albania - draft Opinion on the appointment of the members of the Constitutional Court  (O. KASK, H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, C. PINELLI, A. NUSSBERGER, M. KUIJER)
CDL-REF(2020)006  English  23/01/2020 -  Public
Malta - Act XXV of 2019 (State Advocate Act) 
CDL(2019)042  English  22/11/2019 -  Public
Ukraine - Draft Opinion on the Legal framework in Ukraine governing the Supreme Court and judicial self-governing bodies  (H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, N. EȘANU, E. HOLMØYVIK)
CDL(2019)041  English  22/11/2019 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Amicus Curiae Brief on the criminal liability of constitutional court judges  (K. ŠIMÁČKOVÁ, M. HERMANNS, Y. ATAR, S. LEE)
CDL(2019)027  English  27/09/2019 -  Public
Albania - Draft Opinion on the powers of the President to set the dates of elections in a parliamentary system  (O. KASK, K. TUORI, C. PINELLI, A. VARGA, G. MCMORROW)
CDL(2019)027  French  27/09/2019 -  Public
Albanie - Projet d'avis sur le pouvoir présidentiel de fixation de la dates des élections en régime parlementaire  (O. KASK, K. TUORI, C. PINELLI, A. VARGA, G. MCMORROW)
CDL(2018)039  French  29/11/2018 -  Public
Malte - Projet d'avis sur les dispositions constitutionnelles, la separation des pouvoirs et l'independance des organs judiciaries et repressifs  (K. TUORI, H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR, M. NICOLATOS, R. CLAYTON QC, M. KUIJER)
CDL(2018)039  English  29/11/2018 -  Public
Malta - Draft Opinion on Constitutional arrangements and separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary and law enforcement bodies  (K. TUORI, H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR, M. NICOLATOS, R. CLAYTON QC, M. KUIJER)
CDL-REF(2018)058  English  14/11/2018 -  Public
Malta - Constitution  
CDL-WCCJ-GA(2017)007  Russian  13/09/2018 -  Public
Вильнюсское Коммюнике 
CDL(2018)003  English  01/03/2018 -  Public
Moldova - Draft Opinion on the Law on amending and supplementing the constitution of the Republic of Moldova  (K. ŠIMÁČKOVÁ, A. VARGA, P. DIMITROV)
CDL-WCCJ-GA(2017)010  Spanish  28/09/2017 -  Public
Estatuto revisado de la Conferencia mundial sobre la justicia 
CDL-PI(2017)006  English  19/09/2017 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft revised Constitution of Georgia as adopted in the second reading on 23 June 2017   (M. FRENDO, R. KIENER, N. ALIVIZATOS, J. CASTELLÀ ANDREU)
CDL-WCCJ-GA(2017)007  English  13/09/2017 -  Public
Vilnius Communiqué 
CDL-WCCJ-GA(2017)007  French  13/09/2017 -  Public
Communiqué de Vilnius 
CDL-WCCJ-GA(2017)007  Portuguese  13/09/2017 -  Public
Comunicado de Vilnius 
CDL-WCCJ-GA(2017)007  German  13/09/2017 -  Public
CDL-WCCJ-GA(2017)007  Spanish  13/09/2017 -  Public
Comunicado de Vilnius 
CDL(2017)021  English  22/05/2017 -  Public
Armenia - Draft opinion on the Constitutional draft law of the Constitutional Court  (C. GRABENWARTER, K. TUORI, A. ENDZIŅŠ, M. HERMANNS)
CDL-REF(2017)019  English  02/03/2017 -  Public
Armenia - Draft Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court 
CDL(2017)008  English  24/02/2017 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft Amicus Curiae Brief for the Constitutional Court on the Criminal liability of judges  (G. MCMORROW, M. HERMANNS, E. HOLMØYVIK)
CDL(2017)008  French  24/02/2017 -  Public
République de Moldova - Projet de mémoire amicus curiae sur la responsabilité pénale des juges  (G. MCMORROW, M. HERMANNS, E. HOLMØYVIK)
CDL(2017)004  English  24/02/2017 -  Public
Slovak Republic - Draft Opinion on the appointment of judges to the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic  (C. GRABENWARTER, B. VERMEULEN, R. CLAYTON QC, M. FRENDO)
CDL(2017)009  English  21/02/2017 -  Public
Spain - Draft Opinion on amendments to the Institutional Law on the Constitutional Court of Spain  (C. GRABENWARTER, P. PACZOLAY, G. NEPPI MODONA)
CDL(2017)009  French  21/02/2017 -  Public
Espagne - Projet d'avis sur la loi du 16 octobre 2015 portant modification de la loi no 2/1979 sur le tribunal constitutionnel  (C. GRABENWARTER, P. PACZOLAY, G. NEPPI MODONA)
CDL-REF(2016)066add  English  05/12/2016 -  Public
Ukraine - Draft law on the Constitutional Court  
CDL(2016)042  English  25/11/2016 -  Public
Ukraine - Draft opinion on the draft law on the Constitutional Court  (C. GRABENWARTER, H. SUCHOCKA, W. HOFFMANN-RIEM, O. CAN)
CDL(2016)042  French  25/11/2016 -  Public
Ukraine - Projet d'avis relatif au projet de loi sur la Cour constitutionnelle  (C. GRABENWARTER, H. SUCHOCKA, W. HOFFMANN-RIEM, O. CAN)
CDL(2016)040  English  25/11/2016 -  Public
Albania - Draft Amicus Curiae Brief for the Constitutional Court on the Law on the transitional re-evaluation of Judges and Prosecutors (The Vetting Law)  (H. SUCHOCKA, S. BARTOLE, J. HAMILTON, K. VARDZELASHVILI)
CDL-REF(2016)066  English  24/11/2016 -  Public
Ukraine - Draft Law on the Constitutional Court 
CDL-REF(2016)062  English  16/11/2016 -  Public
Albania - Law on the transitional re-evaluation of Judges and Prosecutors 
CDL-REF(2016)059  English  03/11/2016 -  Public
Armenia - Draft Constitutional Law on the Human Rights Defender 
CDL(2016)029  English  30/09/2016 -  Public
Poland - Draft Opinion on the Act of the Constitutional Tribunal   (C. GRABENWARTER, J. SCHOLSEM, K. TUORI, S. CLEVELAND, M. FRENDO)
CDL(2016)029  French  30/09/2016 -  Public
Pologne - Projet d'avis sur la Loi relative au tribunal constitutionnel  (C. GRABENWARTER, J. SCHOLSEM, K. TUORI, S. CLEVELAND, M. FRENDO)
CDL-PI(2016)009  English  29/08/2016 -  Public
Kyrgyz Republic - Preliminary Joint Opinion on the Draft Law “on Introduction of amendments and changes to the Constitution”  (G. HARUTYUNYAN, N. EȘANU, A. ENDZIŅŠ, T. KHABRIEVA)
CDL-PI(2016)009  Russian  29/08/2016 -  Public
Kyrgyz Republic - Preliminary Joint Opinion on the Draft Law “on Introduction of amendments and changes to the Constitution"   (G. HARUTYUNYAN, N. EȘANU, A. ENDZIŅŠ, T. KHABRIEVA)
CDL(2016)031  English  02/08/2016 -  Public
Albania - Draft Amicus curiae brief for the Constitutional Court on the restitution of property  (C. GRABENWARTER, B. AURESCU, M. HERMANNS)
CDL(2016)014  English  27/05/2016 -  Public
Republic of Moldova - Draft amicus curiae brief for the Constitutional Court on the right of recourse by the state against judges  (S. BARTOLE, G. KŪTRIS, J. HIRSCHFELDT, G. MCMORROW, E. HOLMØYVIK)
CDL(2016)018  English  25/05/2016 -  Public
Russian Federation - Draft Final Opinion on the Amendments to the Federal Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court   (S. BARTOLE, B. AURESCU, I. CAMERON, W. HOFFMANN-RIEM, P. CRAIG, M. KUIJER)
CDL(2016)018  French  24/05/2016 -  Public
Fédération de Russie - Projet d'avis final sur les amendements de la loi constitutionnelle fédérale sur la Cour constitutionnelle   (S. BARTOLE, B. AURESCU, I. CAMERON, W. HOFFMANN-RIEM, P. CRAIG, M. KUIJER)
CDL(2016)008  English  26/02/2016 -  Public
Draft Interim Opinion on the Amendments to the Federal Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation  (S. BARTOLE, B. AURESCU, I. CAMERON, W. HOFFMANN-RIEM, P. CRAIG, M. KUIJER)
CDL(2016)003  English  26/02/2016 -  Public
Draft Opinion on amendments to the Act of 25 June 2015 on the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland  (C. GRABENWARTER, J. SCHOLSEM, K. TUORI, S. CLEVELAND, V. BÍLKOVÁ, M. FRENDO)
CDL-REF(2016)009  English  25/01/2016 -  Public
Act of 25 June on the Constitutional Court of Poland and amendments 
CDL-JU(2015)020  English  29/09/2015 -  Public
Report on competing hierarchies: Constitutional supremacy versus supranational law primacy  (E. TANCHEV)
CDL-JU(2015)021  English  28/09/2015 -  Public
Constitutional Review Design and Functions Implications to the Separation of Powers  (E. TANCHEV)
CDL-PI(2015)020  English  28/09/2015 -  Public
The Icelandic Constitutional Experiment   (H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR)
CDL-PI(2015)018  French  14/08/2015 -  Public
Avis préliminaire sur le projet de loi organique relative à la Cour constitutionnelle de la Tunisie   (G. NEPPI MODONA, S. BANIC)
CDL-PI(2015)018  English  14/08/2015 -  Public
Preliminary Opinion on the Draft Institutional Law of the Constitutional Court of Tunisia  (G. NEPPI MODONA, S. BANIC)
CDL-REF(2015)030  French  11/08/2015 -  Public
Constitution de la République Tunisienne 
CDL(2015)021  English  05/06/2015 -  Public
Draft Amicus curiae brief for the Constitutional Court of Georgia on the Non ultra petita rule in criminal cases  (M. NICOLATOS, S. CLEVELAND, Z. KNEŽEVIĆ)
CDL(2015)022  English  03/06/2015 -  Public
Draft joint opinion on the draft law on introduction of changes and amendments to the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republc  (H. GSTÖHL, A. ENDZIŅŠ, K. VARDZELASHVILI, I. KANG, O. AYDIN)
CDL-REF(2015)008  English  01/06/2015 -  Public
Draft Amendments to the Law on the Prosecutor's Office in Georgia 
CDL-JU(2015)003  English  14/03/2015 -  Public
Venice Forum – users’ guide 
CDL-JU(2015)003  French  14/03/2015 -  Public
Forum de Venise – guide d’utilisateur 
CDL-REF(2015)007  Russian  06/03/2015 -  Public
Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court of Tajikistan 
CDL-REF(2014)045  English  15/10/2014 -  Public
Draft Law on State Prosecution Service in Montenegro 
CDL-REF(2014)043  English  15/10/2014 -  Public
Draft Law on the Courts of Montenegro 
CDL-REF(2014)042  English  15/10/2014 -  Public
Draft Law on the Special State of Prosecutor's Office in Monenegro 
CDL(2014)043  English  25/09/2014 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court on Montenegro  (G. NEPPI MODONA, A. ENDZIŅŠ, D. WEDAM LUKIC)
CDL(2014)043  French  25/09/2014 -  Public
Projet d'avis sur le projet de loi constitutionnelle relative à la Cour constitutionnelle du Monténégro   (G. NEPPI MODONA, A. ENDZIŅŠ, D. WEDAM LUKIC)
CDL-REF(2014)034  English  15/09/2014 -  Public
Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of Montenegro 
CDL-REF(2014)031  English  29/08/2014 -  Public
Organic Law on General Courts of Georgia 
CDL-JU(2014)011  English  18/06/2014 -  Public
Status of updates of constitutions and laws in codices  
CDL(2014)027  French  10/06/2014 -  Public
Projet d'avis sur le projet de loi modifiant et complétant le Code judiciaire de l'Arménie (durée du mandat des Présidents de tribunaux)   (K. TUORI, J. HIRSCHFELDT, W. THOMASSEN, A. VARGA)
CDL(2014)030  English  06/06/2014 -  Public
Draft opinion on the procedure for appointing judges of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic  (C. GRABENWARTER, B. VERMEULEN, R. CLAYTON QC, M. FRENDO)
CDL-JU(2014)010  English  04/06/2014 -  Public
Drafting decisions for Judges of the Constitutional Chamber of the Kyrgyz Republic   (U. EESMAA)
CDL(2014)027  English  28/05/2014 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on introducing Amendments and Addenda to the Judicial Code of the Republic of Armenia  (K. TUORI, J. HIRSCHFELDT, W. THOMASSEN, A. VARGA)
CDL(2014)026  English  28/05/2014 -  Public
Draft opinion on the draft Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court of Tajikistan   (G. HARUTYUNYAN, L. MIHAI, A. ENDZIŅŠ)
CDL-JU(2014)004  English  06/05/2014 -  Public
Preliminary requests before Constitutional Courts  (S. BANIC)
CDL-REF(2014)015  English  22/04/2014 -  Public
Draft Amendments to the Civil and Criminal Procedure Codes of Albania  
CDL-JU(2014)016  English  18/04/2014 -  Public
Report on "Decision Drafting and Reasoning - the Slovenian experience" by Arne Marjan Mavcic  (A. MAVCIC)
CDL(2014)012  English  11/03/2014 -  Public
Draft amicus curiae brief for the Constitutional Court of Georgia on individual application by public broadcasters  (A. SANCHEZ NAVARRO, W. HOFFMANN-RIEM, Z. KNEŽEVIĆ)
CDL(2014)010  English  04/03/2014 -  Public
Draft opinion on the draft Law on disciplinary liability of judges of Moldova  (H. SUCHOCKA, J. HAMILTON, P. PACZOLAY)
CDL-JU(2013)007  English  20/09/2013 -  Public
Scope of the Protection of Human Rights by the Constitutional Court: Latvia’s Experience   (G. KŪTRIS)
CDL-JU(2013)007  Russian  20/09/2013 -  Public
Scope of the Protection of Human Rights by the Constitutional Court: Latvia’s Experience   (G. KŪTRIS)
CDL-JU(2013)006  English  25/07/2013 -  Public
Keeping the Guardian under Control: the Case of Hungary   (K. KOVACS)
CDL-JU(2013)002  Spanish  05/07/2013 -  Public
El acceso individual ante los tribunales constitucionales y el control de convencionalidad en Europa   (P. BIGLINO CAMPOS)
CDL(2013)023  English  29/05/2013 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Fourth Amendment to the Fundamental Law of Hungary  (C. GRABENWARTER, H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, J. VELAERS, W. HOFFMANN-RIEM)
CDL-REF(2013)021  French  26/04/2013 -  Public
Constitution de la Principauté de Monaco 
CDL-REF(2013)021  English  26/04/2013 -  Public
Constitution of the Principality of Monaco 
CDL-JU(2012)028  French  20/12/2012 -  Public
La question prioritaire de constitutionnalité  (J. DE GUILLENCHMIDT)
CDL-JU(2012)025  Italian  20/12/2012 -  Public
Il giudizio incidentale di legittima costituzionale  (A. QUARANTA)
CDL-JU(2012)027  French  19/12/2012 -  Public
Les questions préjudicielles  (P. Nihoul)
CDL-JU(2012)026  Arabic  19/12/2012 -  Public
L'expérience egyptienne  (A. A Hasan)
CDL-JU(2012)023  French  17/12/2012 -  Public
L'exception d'inconstitutionnalité à la Cour constitutionnelle de la Roumanie  (A. ZEGREAN)
CDL-REF(2012)033  English  07/09/2012 -  Public
Draft law on the public prosecutor's office of Ukraine 
CDL(2012)041  English  31/05/2012 -  Public
Draft opinion on the draft law on free access to information of Montenegro  (H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR, I. CAMERON, A. PETERS)
CDL(2012)037  English  29/05/2012 -  Public
Draft opinion on act CLI of 2011 on the Constitutional Court of Hungary  (C. GRABENWARTER, G. NEPPI MODONA)
CDL-REF(2012)018  English  14/05/2012 -  Public
The transitional provisions to the fundamental law (31 December 2011) of Hungary 
CDL-REF(2012)020  French  11/05/2012 -  Public
Constitution de la Belgique - Articles 195 et 195 bis 
CDL-REF(2012)017  English  09/05/2012 -  Public
Act CLI of 2011 on the Constitutional Court of Hungary 
CDL(2012)019  English  07/03/2012 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on amendments to the law on classified information of Montenegro  (H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR)
CDL(2012)020  English  02/03/2012 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on amendments to the law on classified information of Montenegro  (I. CAMERON)
CDL(2012)017  English  02/03/2012 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on free access to information of Montenegro  (I. CAMERON)
CDL(2012)018  English  01/03/2012 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on free access to information of Montenegro  (H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR)
CDL(2012)016  English  29/02/2012 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on free access to information of Montenegro  (A. PETERS)
CDL-REF(2012)007  English  15/02/2012 -  Public
Act CLXI of 2011 on the organisation and administration of courts of Hungary 
CDL-REF(2012)006  English  15/02/2012 -  Public
Act CLXII of 2011 on the legal status and remunerations of judges of Hungary 
CDL-REF(2012)004  English  07/02/2012 -  Public
Draft Law on free access to information of Montenegro 
CDL-JU(2011)013  English  13/12/2011 -  Public
Systematic thesaurus version 21 - Applicable as of Bulletin 2011/3 
CDL-JU(2011)013  French  13/12/2011 -  Public
Thésaurus systématique version 21 - Applicable à partir du Bulletin 2011/3 
CDL-JU(2011)013  Portuguese  13/12/2011 -  Public
Thesaurus sistemático versão 21 - Aplicável a partir do Boletim 2011/3 
CDL-JU(2011)013  Spanish  13/12/2011 -  Public
Tesaurus sistemático versión 21 – Aplicable a partir del Buletín 2011/3 
CDL(2011)096rev  English  09/12/2011 -  Public
The judicial power in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) - Background paper 
CDL(2011)097  English  02/12/2011 -  Public
Draft opinion on draft amendments and additions to the law on the Constitutional Court of Serbia  (C. GRABENWARTER, J. VELAERS)
CDL(2011)096  English  02/12/2011 -  Public
The judicial power in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Background paper 
CDL(2011)083  English  07/10/2011 -  Public
Draft opinion on the draft code of constitutional procedure of Bolivia  (F. FLANAGAN, H. GSTÖHL, C. MESIA RAMIREZ)
CDL-REF(2011)053  Spanish  04/10/2011 -  Public
Codigo de procedimientos constitucionales de Bolivia 
CDL-REF(2011)053  English  04/10/2011 -  Public
Code of constitutional procedure of Bolivia 
CDL(2011)066  English  30/09/2011 -  Public
Draft opinion on the law on the establishment and rules of procedure of the Constitutional Court of Turkey  (P. VAN DIJK, C. GRABENWARTER, P. PACZOLAY)
CDL(2011)087  English  29/09/2011 -  Public
Draft joint opinion on the draft law amending the law on the judiciary and the status of judges and other legislative acts of Ukraine  (H. SUCHOCKA, J. HAMILTON, S. Gass, P. Lemmens)
CDL(2011)070  English  29/09/2011 -  Public
Draft joint opinion on the draft law on the bar and practice of law of Ukraine  (D. MERIDOR, L. MIHAI, K. HELLER, R. MULLERAT, R. JOKUBAUSKAS)
CDL(2011)069  English  15/09/2011 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on the bar and practice of law of Ukraine  (K. HELLER)
CDL(2011)068  English  15/09/2011 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on the bar and practice of law of Ukraine  (L. MIHAI)
CDL(2011)067  English  15/09/2011 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on the bar and practice of law of Ukraine  (D. MERIDOR)
CDL-REF(2011)040  English  22/07/2011 -  Public
Draft law of Ukraine on the bar and practice of law 
CDL-JU(2011)007  English  21/06/2011 -  Public
Status of updates of constitutions, laws and descriptions in codices 
CDL(2011)049  English  08/06/2011 -  Public
Draft joint opinion on the constitutional law on the judicial system and status of judges of Kazakhstan  (J. HAMILTON, K. VARDZELASHVILI, K. BARD)
CDL(2011)053  English  06/06/2011 -  Public
Comments on the constitutional law on the judicial system and status of judges of Kazakhstan  (K. VARDZELASHVILI)
CDL(2011)052  English  06/06/2011 -  Public
Comments on the constitutional law on the judicial system and status of judges of Kazakhstan  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2011)030  English  01/06/2011 -  Public
Draft opinion on the draft constitutional law on the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kyrgyzstan  (G. HARUTYUNYAN, K. VARDZELASHVILI)
CDL(2011)047  English  30/05/2011 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on "the Council on selection of judges of the Kyrgyz Republic"  (L. HUSEYNOV)
CDL(2011)046  English  30/05/2011 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on the council on selection of judges of Kyrgyzstan  (N. EȘANU)
CDL(2011)045  English  30/05/2011 -  Public
Comments on the draft constitutional law on the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kyrgyzstan  (K. VARDZELASHVILI)
CDL(2011)031  English  26/05/2011 -  Public
Draft opinion on the introduction of changes to the constitutional law "on the status of judges" of Kyrgyzstan  (J. HAMILTON, H. GSTÖHL)
CDL-REF(2011)033  English  24/05/2011 -  Public
Draft amendments to the constitution of the Republic of Montenegro 
CDL-WCCJ(2011)001  English  23/05/2011 -  Public
Statute of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice 
CDL-WCCJ(2011)001  French  23/05/2011 -  Public
Statut de la Conférence mondiale sur la justice constitutionnelle 
CDL-WCCJ(2011)001  German  23/05/2011 -  Public
Statut der Weltkonferenz der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit 
CDL-WCCJ(2011)001  Portuguese  23/05/2011 -  Public
Estatuto da Conferência Mundial de Justiça Constitucional 
CDL-WCCJ(2011)001  Spanish  23/05/2011 -  Public
Estatuto de la Conferencia Mundial de Justicia Constitucional 
CDL-WCCJ(2011)001  Russian  23/05/2011 -  Public
Statute of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice 
CDL-WCCJ(2011)001  Arabic  23/05/2011 -  Public
Statute of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice 
CDL-REF(2011)018  English  14/04/2011 -  Public
Draft Law on the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kyrgyzstan 
CDL-REF(2011)016  English  14/04/2011 -  Public
Draft Law on the Council on selection of judges of Kyrgyzstan 
CDL(2011)003  English  08/03/2011 -  Public
Draft opinion on the draft law on judges and prosecutors of Turkey  (J. HAMILTON, B. Maan)
CDL(2011)003  French  08/03/2011 -  Public
Projet d'avis relatif au projet de loi sur les juges et les procureurs de la Turquie  (J. HAMILTON, B. Maan)
CDL(2011)002  English  16/02/2011 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on judges and prosecutors of Turkey 
CDL(2011)001  English  16/02/2011 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on judges and prosecutors of Turkey  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL-REF(2011)005  English  08/02/2011 -  Public
Law on judges of Serbia 
CDL-REF(2011)004  English  08/02/2011 -  Public
Law on the High Judicial Council of Serbia 
CDL-AD(2010)039rev  Spanish  27/01/2011 -  Public
Estudio sobre el Acceso individual a la Justicia Constitucional 
CDL-REF(2011)002  English  10/01/2011 -  Public
Draft law on judges and prosecutors of Turkey 
CDL(2010)126  English  10/12/2010 -  Public
Draft opinion on the constitutional situation in Ukraine  (K. TUORI, D. MAUS, G. PAPUASHVILI, E. TANCHEV, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL(2010)134  English  08/12/2010 -  Public
Draft study on individual access to constitutional justice  (G. HARUTYUNYAN, P. PACZOLAY, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL(2010)117  English  18/11/2010 -  Public
Draft law on public assemblies of the Republic of Armenia 
CDL(2010)116  English  18/11/2010 -  Public
Judgement of the constitutional court of Ukraine - 30 September 2010 
CDL-JU(2010)018rev  English  11/10/2010 -  Public
Draft study on individual access to constitutional justice  (G. HARUTYUNYAN, P. PACZOLAY, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL-JU(2010)018  English  08/10/2010 -  Public
Draft study on individual access to constitutional justice  (G. HARUTYUNYAN, P. PACZOLAY, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL(2010)064  English  02/07/2010 -  Public
Draft Law of Ukraine on the Judiciary and the Status of Judges 
CDL-JU(2010)010  English  26/05/2010 -  Public
Status of updates of constitutions, laws and descriptions in Codices 
CDL-JU(2010)004  English  26/05/2010 -  Public
Preliminary Draft Study on Individual Access to Constitutional Justice  (G. HARUTYUNYAN, P. PACZOLAY, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL-JU(2010)007  English  21/05/2010 -  Public
Proposal for the Creation of a Venice-Monnet Web-Forum 
CDL-JU(2010)007  French  21/05/2010 -  Public
Proposition pour la création du Forum Web Venise-Monnet 
CDL(2009)148  English  01/10/2009 -  Public
Draft Opinion on Amendments to the Law on the Constitutional Court of Latvia  (G. HARUTYUNYAN, J. OMEJEC)
CDL(2009)103  English  04/09/2009 -  Public
Law on Public Prosecution of Serbia 
CDL(2009)115  English  04/08/2009 -  Public
Draft Law on Normative acts of Bulgaria 
CDL(2009)100  English  08/07/2009 -  Public
Preliminary Opinion on the Draft Law of Ukraine on the Office of the Public Prosecutor  (H. SUCHOCKA, J. HAMILTON)
CDL-JU(2009)007  English  09/06/2009 -  Public
Draft Statute of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice 16 April 2009 
CDL(2009)068add  English  16/04/2009 -  Public
Explanatory note to the draft Law on amending the Constitution of Ukraine 
CDL(2009)010  English  06/03/2009 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Law on the High Constitutional Court of the Palestinian National Authority  (P. PACZOLAY, C. PINELLI, A. BRADLEY)
CDL(2009)010  French  06/03/2009 -  Public
Projet d'avis sur la loi relative à la Haute Cour constitutionnelle de l'Autorité nationale palestinienne  (P. PACZOLAY, C. PINELLI, A. BRADLEY)
CDL(2009)009  English  04/03/2009 -  Public
Law of the High Constitutional Court of the Palestinian National Authority 
CDL-JU(2008)038  English  01/12/2008 -  Public
Case-law of the Consitutional Court of Belarus 2006-2007 
CDL-JU(2008)038  French  01/12/2008 -  Public
Jurisprudence de la Cour Constitutionnelle du Belarus 2006-2007 
CDL-DEM(2008)003add  English  01/12/2008 -  Public
Annexe: Legislative initiative excerpts from constitutions of European countries 
CDL-JU(2008)052syn  English  15/11/2008 -  Public
Colloquy on Constitutional Interpretation (Algiers, 30-31 October 2008): Synopsis 
CDL(2008)076  English  11/06/2008 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of Montenegro  (C. GRABENWARTER)
CDL(2008)069  English  05/06/2008 -  Public
Draft Law on Court Juries of Kyrgyzstan 
CDL(2008)064  English  05/06/2008 -  Public
Amendments to the Law on Constitutional Proceedings of Kyrgyzstan 
CDL(2008)065  English  03/06/2008 -  Public
Amendments to the Law on the Constitutional Court of Kyrgyzstan 
CDL(2007)080prov  English  01/10/2007 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Constitution of Bulgaria 
CDL-JU(2007)010  English  21/05/2007 -  Public
Secretariat proposals for version 19 of the systematic thesaurus 
CDL-JU(2007)010  French  21/05/2007 -  Public
Propositions du Secrétariat pour la version 19 du Thésaurus systématique 
CDL-JU(2007)012  English  11/05/2007 -  Public
Vademecum on Constitutional Justice (Compilation) 
CDL-JU(2007)012  French  11/05/2007 -  Public
Vademecum sur la justice constitutionnelle (Compilation) 
CDL-JU(2007)006  Engl./Fr.  30/04/2007 -  Public
Liaison Officers - Agents de liaison 
CDL-JU-OJ(2007)001  English  29/03/2007 -  Public
6th Meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice (Venice 29-30 May 2007) 
CDL-JU(2006)013  English  15/06/2006 -  Public
Proposals by the working group for version 18 of the systematic Thesaurus 
CDL-JU(2006)012  English  08/06/2006 -  Public
State of updating of Constitutions, Laws and Descriptions in CODICES 
CDL-JU(2006)010  French  07/06/2006 -  Public
Guide de l'utilisateur du Forum de discussion de Venise 
CDL-JU(2006)010  English  07/06/2006 -  Public
User's Guide to the Venice Discussion Forum 
CDL-JU(2006)029  English  06/06/2006 -  Public
Draft Vademecum on Constitutional Justice (Compilation) 
CDL-JU(2006)014  English  06/06/2006 -  Public
Secretariat proposals for version 18 of the Systematic Thesaurus 
CDL-JU(2006)014  French  06/06/2006 -  Public
Propositions du Secrétariat pour la version 18 du Thésaurus systématique 
CDL-JU(2006)008  Engl./Fr.  06/06/2006 -  Public
Liaison Officers/Agents de liaison 
CDL-JU(2005)035rev  English  01/12/2005 -  Public
The status and functions of secretaries general of constitutional courts 
CDL-JU(2005)035rev  French  01/12/2005 -  Public
Le statut et les fonctions des secrétaires généraux des cours consitutionnelles 
CDL-JU(2005)035  English  14/09/2005 -  Public
The Status and functions od secretaries general of constitutional courts 
CDL-JU(2005)021  English  20/07/2005 -  Public
Systematic Thesaurus - Version 17 - Applicable as of Bulletin 2004/2 
CDL(2004)057  English  14/06/2004 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the rules of procedure of the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan  (J. KLUCKA, E. Barnstedt)
CDL-JU(2004)042  English  03/05/2004 -  Public
Systematic Thesaurus - Version 16 - Applicable as of Bulletin 2004/2 
CDL-JU(2004)036  French  24/03/2004 -  Public
Masque de saisie V 1.8 (Access XP/2002 version): Guide de l’utilisateur 
CDL-JU(2004)036  English  24/03/2004 -  Public
Codices Data Input Mask V 1.8 (Access XP/2002 version): User’s Guide 
CDL(2003)064  English  09/10/2003 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Constitutional Amendments reforming the judicial system in Bulgaria  (S. BARTOLE, J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2003)060  English  30/09/2003 -  Public
Comments on Constitutional Amendments reforming the Judicial System in Bulgaria  (O. AFONSO)
CDL-JU(2003)026  Engl./Fr.  11/09/2003 -  Public
Systematic Thesaurus - Version 15 
CDL-JU(2003)011  English  07/04/2003 -  Public
Sending Bulletin contributions (précis) and full-texts of decisions by E-mail 
CDL-JU(2003)001  English  21/01/2003 -  Public
Simplified User's Guide : CODICES V4.3 2001/3 (CD-ROM) 
CDL-JU(2003)001  French  21/01/2003 -  Public
Guide d'utilisation simplifié de CODICES V4.3 2001/3 (CD-ROM) 
CDL-JU(2002)029rev  English  16/01/2003 -  Public
Simplified user's Guide, Codices 4,3 
CDL-JU(2002)029rev  French  10/10/2002 -  Public
Guide simplifié d'utilisation de Codices 4.3 
CDL-JU(2002)012  English  17/05/2002 -  Public
Example of Special Bulletin on Leading Cases 
CDL-JU(2002)012  French  17/05/2002 -  Public
Exemplaire du Bulletin special sur les grands arrêts 
CDL-JU(2002)010  English  17/05/2002 -  Public
Co-operation with Courts in Latin America 
CDL-JU(2002)013  English  14/05/2002 -  Public
Codices-E Users Guide: English Version 4.2 
CDL-JU(2002)013  French  14/05/2002 -  Public
Codices-F Guide d'utilisateur: Version française 4.2 
CDL-JU(2002)022  English  10/05/2002 -  Public
Sending Bulletin contributions (précis) and full-texts of decisions by E-mail 
CDL-JU(2002)007  English  07/05/2002 -  Public
Guidelines for the Venice Forum 
CDL-JU(2002)007  French  07/05/2002 -  Public
Indications pour le Forum de Venise 
CDL-JU(2002)029  English  06/05/2002 -  Public
Simplified User's Guide CODICES 4.1 2001/1 
CDL-JU(2002)029  French  06/05/2002 -  Public
Guide simplifié d'utilisation de CODICES 4.1 2001/1 
CDL(2002)058  English  02/05/2002 -  Public
Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of Moldova 
CDL(2002)056  English  02/05/2002 -  Public
Moldova: Memorandum on the Draft Law of the Constitutional Court 
CDL(2002)025rev  English  05/03/2002 -  Public
Draft Opinion: Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan  (J. HAMILTON, G. NOLTE, P. PACZOLAY, A. ENDZIŅŠ)
CDL(2002)028  English  28/02/2002 -  Public
Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2002)023  English  26/02/2002 -  Public
Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan  (G. NOLTE)
CDL(2002)022  English  26/02/2002 -  Public
Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan 
CDL(2001)122  English  04/12/2001 -  Public
Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL(2001)108rev  English  26/11/2001 -  Public
Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan 
CDL(2001)114  English  05/11/2001 -  Public
Comments On the Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan  (P. PACZOLAY)
CDL(2001)111  English  12/10/2001 -  Public
Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan  (A. ENDZIŅŠ)
CDL(2001)110  English  12/10/2001 -  Public
Republic of Azerbaijan: Draft Law on the Constitutional Court  (G. NOLTE)
CDL(2001)108  English  10/10/2001 -  Public
Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan 
CDL-JU(2001)037  English  29/08/2001 -  Public
CODICES - version 3.3 2000/3: User's guide 
CDL-JU(2001)037  French  29/08/2001 -  Public
CODICES –version française 3.3 2000/3: Guide de l’utilisateur 
CDL-JU(2001)028  French  11/06/2001 -  Public
Masque de saisie V 1,5 (Access 2000 version) Guide de l'utilisateur 
CDL-JU(2001)029  English  15/05/2001 -  Public
Systematic Thesaurus: Version 13 
CDL-JU(2001)029  French  15/05/2001 -  Public
Thésaurus systématique: Version 13 
CDL-JU(2001)031  English  10/05/2001 -  Public
CODICES - new version 3.3 2000/2: User's guide 
CDL-JU(2001)031  French  10/05/2001 -  Public
CODICES – nouvelle version française 3.3 2000/2: Guide de l’utilisateur 
CDL-JU(2001)028  English  25/04/2001 -  Public
CODICES, Data Input mask V 1,05 (Acess 2000 version) User's guide 
CDL-JU(2001)010  French  12/04/2001 -  Public
Guide simplifié d’utilisation de CODICES 2000/2 sur Internet 
CDL-JU(2001)008prov  English  12/04/2001 -  Public
Special Bulletin on Constitutional Case-Law Basic Texts – Issue 6 
CDL-JU(2001)024  English  11/04/2001 -  Public
Folio siteDirector 4 User’s Guide (Infobase browser) 
CDL-JU(2001)019  English  11/04/2001 -  Public
Keywords of the alphabetical index: Example including links 
CDL-JU(2001)019  French  11/04/2001 -  Public
Mots-clés de l'index alphabétique: Exemple incluant des renvois 
CDL-JU(2001)009  French  11/04/2001 -  Public
Guide simplifié et en images de la base de données CODICES sur CD-Rom 
CDL-JU(2001)007  English  02/04/2001 -  Public
Sending Bulletin contributions (précis) and full-texts of decisions by E-mail 
CDL-JU(2001)013prov  Engl./Fr.  28/03/2001 -  Public
Venice Forum 
CDL-JU(2001)004  English  26/03/2001 -  Public
Functions of liaison officers (model letter to new liaison officers) 
CDL-JU(2000)045  English  19/12/2000 -  Public
CODICES - new version 3.2 2000/1: User's guide 
CDL-JU(2000)045  French  19/12/2000 -  Public
CODICES – nouvelle version française 3.2 2000/1: Guide de l’utilisateur 
CDL(2000)099rev  English  11/12/2000 -  Public
Draft consolidated opinion on the Consitutional Law on the Consitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia  (I. JANU, P. VANDERNOOT)
CDL(2000)101prov  English  07/12/2000 -  Public
Judgments of Constituional courts and the execution thereof 
CDL(2000)101prov  French  07/12/2000 -  Public
Les arrêts des juridictions constitutionnelles et leur exécution 
CDL(2000)106  English  06/12/2000 -  Public
Law on the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina 
CDL-JU(2000)001rev2  French  28/11/2000 -  Public
Rapport sur le financement des partis politiques  (J. ROBERT)
CDL-JU(2000)041  English  04/10/2000 -  Public
The Execution of judgments of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany  (S. Walter)
CDL(2000)060  English  31/07/2000 -  Public
Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia 
CDL(2000)058  English  31/07/2000 -  Public
Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia U-I-12/97 
CDL(2000)048  English  09/06/2000 -  Public
Draft Law on the State Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina 
CDL-JU(2000)012prov  English  24/03/2000 -  Public
The Systematic Thesaurus and Alphabetical Index of the Venice Commission: User's guide 
CDL(2000)019  English  22/03/2000 -  Public
Draft opinion Constitutional Aspects of certain Amendments to the Code of Penal Procedure of Bulgaria  (J. HAMILTON, F. MATSCHER)
CDL-JU(2000)004add  English  22/03/2000 -  Public
Guidelines for the presentation of précis 
CDL(2000)011  English  17/03/2000 -  Public
Constitutional referendum in Ukraine: Individual opinion  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL-JU(2000)008  French  16/03/2000 -  Public
Propositions d’amendements à la version 11 du thésaurus systematique 
CDL-JU(2000)003  English  16/03/2000 -  Public
Internet links to Constitutional Courts and equivalent bodies 
CDL-JU(2000)003  French  16/03/2000 -  Public
Liens Internet aux cours constitutionnelles et autres instances équivalentes 
CDL-JU(2000)008  English  15/03/2000 -  Public
Proposals for amendments to version 11 of the systematic thesaurus 
CDL-JU(2000)016  English  14/03/2000 -  Public
Model letter to new liaison officers 
CDL-JU(2000)016  French  14/03/2000 -  Public
Modèle de lettre pour les nouveaux agents de liaison 
CDL(2000)010  English  14/03/2000 -  Public
Constitutional referendum in Ukraine: Individual opinion  (C. SVOBODA)
CDL(2000)009  English  14/03/2000 -  Public
Constitutional referendum in Ukraine: Individual opinion  (H. STEINBERGER)
CDL(2000)008  French  14/03/2000 -  Public
Référendum constitutionnel en Ukraine: Observations individuelles  (G. MALINVERNI)
CDL(2000)007  French  14/03/2000 -  Public
Référendum constitutionnel en Ukraine: Observations individuelles  (G. BATLINER)
CDL-JU(2000)004  English  13/03/2000 -  Public
Guidelines for the presentation of précis: Introduction 
CDL-JU(2000)004  French  13/03/2000 -  Public
Instructions pour la présentation des décisions abrégées : Introduction 
CDL-JU(2000)011rev  Engl./Fr.  13/03/2000 -  Public
Indexing of Constitutions for the CODICES InfoBase 
CDL-JU(2000)009  English  09/03/2000 -  Public
Organisation of seminars in co - operation with Constitutional Courts (CoCoSem) 
CDL-JU(2000)009rev  English  26/01/2000 -  Public
Organisation of seminars in co-operation with Consitutional Courts (CoCoSem) 
CDL-JU(2000)015  English  25/01/2000 -  Public
Draft amendments to the law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia  (C. PINELLI)
CDL-JU(2000)014  English  18/01/2000 -  Public
Conversion Tables for non - ANSI characters used in CODICES 
CDL-DI(1999)003rev  English  23/12/1999 -  Public
Synoptic table on self - determination and secession in constitutional law 
CDL(1999)062rev  English  03/12/1999 -  Public
Law on the Constitutional Court of Latvia adopted by the Saeima on 5 June 1996 
CDL(1999)068  English  26/11/1999 -  Public
Draft amendments to the law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia  (R. LAVIN)
CDL-JU(1999)007  English  27/04/1999 -  Public
Cross - references within the alphabetical index: obligatory cross - references 
CDL-JU(1999)007  French  27/04/1999 -  Public
Renvois dans l'index alphabétique: renvois obligatoires 
CDL-INF(1999)007  English  21/04/1999 -  Public
Constitutional law and European integration 
CDL-INF(1999)007  French  21/04/1999 -  Public
Le droit constitutionnel et l'intégration européenne 
CDL-JU(1999)004  English  16/03/1999 -  Public
Codices user's guide (English version 3.0) 
CDL-JU(1999)004  French  16/03/1999 -  Public
Guide de l'utilisateur codices (version française 3.0) 
CDL(1999)007  English  10/03/1999 -  Public
Law on the Constitutional Court of Georgia of 31 January 1996 
CDL(1999)008  English  09/03/1999 -  Public
Law of Georgia on Constitutional Proceedings of 21 March 1996 
CDL-JU(1999)013  English  12/02/1999 -  Public
Seminar on "Electoral disputes before the constitutional court" 
CDL-JU(1999)013  French  12/02/1999 -  Public
Séminaire sur "le contentieux électoral devant la cour constitutionnelle" 
CDL(1999)071  English  01/01/1999 -  Public
Draft amendments to the law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia  (L. SOLYOM)
CDL(1999)070  English  01/01/1999 -  Public
Draft amendments to the law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia  (H. SCHWARTZ)
CDL-JU(1999)009  English  01/01/1999 -  Public
Organisation of seminars in co - operation with constitutional courts (cocosem) 
CDL-JU(1999)006  English  01/01/1999 -  Public
Systematic thesaurus: proposals for the modification of Version 10 
CDL-JU(1999)006  French  01/01/1999 -  Public
Thésaurus systématique: propositions d'amendement de la Version 10 
CDL-UE(1998)004  English  04/12/1998 -  Public
Constitutionnal Law and European Integration  (A. TOLEDANO LAREDO)
CDL-UE(1998)004  French  23/11/1998 -  Public
Le Droit constitutionnel et l'intégration européenne  (A. TOLEDANO LAREDO)
CDL-JU-PV(1998)015  English  09/11/1998 -  Public
Report of the 15th meeting of the Sub - commission on Constitutional Justice 
CDL-JU-PV(1998)015  French  09/11/1998 -  Public
Rapport de la 15e réunion de la Sous - commission sur la justice constitutionnelle 
CDL-JU(1998)011rev  English  11/09/1998 -  Public
Guidelines for the presentation of précis - Revised version 1998 
CDL-JU(1998)030  English  10/08/1998 -  Public
Seminar on "Constitutional courts, state of law and the process of economic reforms"  (E. OZBUDUN)
CDL(1998)059  English  05/06/1998 -  Public
Opinion on the reform of Constitutional Justice in Estonia  (H. STEINBERGER, S. BARTOLE)
CDL(1998)059  French  05/06/1998 -  Public
Avis sur la réforme de la Justice constitutionnelle en Estonie  (H. STEINBERGER, S. BARTOLE)
CDL(1998)054  English  04/06/1998 -  Public
Draft opinion on constitutional issues involved in Estonia's accession to the European Union  (L. LOPEZ GUERRA, M. NIEMIVUO)
CDL-JU(1998)020  English  04/06/1998 -  Public
Proposals for amendment of version 10 of the systematic thesaurus 
CDL-JU(1998)020  French  04/06/1998 -  Public
Propositions de modification de la version 10 du thésaurus systématique 
CDL-JU(1998)013  English  14/05/1998 -  Public
Round table on constitutional justice: Sarajevo, 4 - 5 April 1998 
CDL-JU(1998)013  French  14/05/1998 -  Public
Table ronde sur la justice constitutionnelle: Sarajevo, 4 - 5 avril 1998 
CDL(1997)054  English  21/01/1998 -  Public
Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan 
CDL(1997)054  French  21/01/1998 -  Public
Loi sur la Cour constitutionnelle de la République d'Azerbaïdjan 
CDL(1997)054rev  English  16/01/1998 -  Public
Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan 
CDL-JU(1998)005  English  15/01/1998 -  Public
The budget of the constitutional court: control and management  (P. Varvarovsky)
CDL-JU(1998)032  English  01/01/1998 -  Public
"General concepts of implementation of international law"  (G. MAAS GEESTERANUS)
CDL(1998)021  English  01/01/1998 -  Public
Opinion on recent amendments to the Albanian law on the major constitutional provisions  (S. HOLOVATY)
CDL(1998)019  English  01/01/1998 -  Public
Opinion on recent amendments to the Albanian law on the major constitutional provisions  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL-INF(1998)015  English  01/01/1998 -  Public
Opinions on the constitutional regime of Bosnia and Herzegovina 
CDL-INF(1998)015  French  01/01/1998 -  Public
Avis sur le régime constitutionnel de la Bosnie et Herzégovine 
CDL-JU(1998)015  English  01/01/1998 -  Public
Model letter for new liaison officers: 1998 version. 
CDL-JU(1998)015  French  01/01/1998 -  Public
Modèle de lettre pour les nouveaux agents de liaison : version 1998 
CDL(1998)014  English  01/01/1998 -  Public
Draft law declaring the communist regime in Bulgaria unlawful 
CDL-JU(1998)010  English  01/01/1998 -  Public
Powers of constitutional courts and equivalent bodies  (A. MAVCIC)
CDL-JU(1998)007  French  01/01/1998 -  Public
Préparation et exécution du budget de la cour constitutionnelle  (E. Willame)
CDL-JU(1998)003  French  01/01/1998 -  Public
Le budget de la cour constitutionnelle: contrôle et gestion  (L. Potoms)
CDL-JU(1998)007rev  French  01/01/1998 -  Public
Préparation et exécution du budget de la cour constitutionnelle  (E. Willame)
CDL-JU(1998)003rev  French  01/01/1998 -  Public
Le budget de la cour constitutionnelle: contrôle et gestion  (L. Potoms)
CDL-JU-OJ(1998)015  English  01/01/1998 -  Public
15th meeting of the Sub - commission on Constitutional Justice 
CDL-JU-OJ(1998)015  French  01/01/1998 -  Public
15e réunion de la Sous - commission sur la Justice constitutionnelle 
CDL-JU(1997)067  English  18/12/1997 -  Public
Specific problems of Human Rights protection in times of transitions  (A. ENDZIŅŠ)
CDL-JU(1997)060  English  08/12/1997 -  Public
The role of non-Governmental organisations in the protection of Human Rights.  (M. Sevian)
CDL-JU(1997)059  English  05/12/1997 -  Public
Constitutional Guarantees of the Protection of Human Rights in the Republic of Armenia.  (A. Nazarian)
CDL-JU(1997)059  French  05/12/1997 -  Public
Les garanties contitutionnelles de la protection des droits de l'Homme en Arménie.  (A. Nazarian)
CDL-JU(1997)054  English  07/11/1997 -  Public
The execution of judgments of Constitutional Courts and bodies of equivalent juridictio - Country report, Austria  (B. ADAMOVICH-WAGNER)
CDL-JU(1997)052rev  French  30/10/1997 -  Public
Codices (version 2,1, en français) Guide de l'utilisateur 
CDL-JU(1997)042  English  28/10/1997 -  Public
Advertising campaign for the Bulletin on constitutional case-Law/CODICES 
CDL-JU(1997)034rev2  English  27/10/1997 -  Public
Report on the composition of Constitutional Court and comparative table 
CDL-JU(1997)034rev2  French  27/10/1997 -  Public
Rapport sur la composition des cours constitutionnelles et tableau comparatif 
CDL-JU(1997)044  English  23/10/1997 -  Public
Powers of Constitutional Courts and equivalents bodies 
CDL-JU(1997)045prov  Engl./Fr.  23/10/1997 -  Public
Documents available at the centre on Constitutional Justice  (A. MAVCIC)
CDL-JU(1997)041  English  17/10/1997 -  Public
Model letter to new liaison officers 
CDL-JU(1997)041  French  17/10/1997 -  Public
Lettre modèle aux nouveaux agents de liaison 
CDL-JU(1997)039  French  17/10/1997 -  Public
L'application des droits sociaux et culturels dans le recours individuel  (P. Martens)
CDL-JU(1997)010rev-prov  English  03/06/1997 -  Public
Revised report on the composition of constitutional courts 
CDL-JU(1997)010rev-prov  French  03/06/1997 -  Public
Rapport révisé sur la composition des cours constitutionnelles 
CDL-JU(1997)015  English  02/06/1997 -  Public
Human Rights protection with the help of the individual complaint  (A. MAVCIC)
CDL-JU(1997)014rev  English  03/03/1997 -  Public
Codices - data input mask v 1.1 02/1997: user's guide 
CDL-JU(1997)014rev  French  03/03/1997 -  Public
Codices - masque de saisie v 1.1 02/1997: guide de l'utilisateur 
CDL-JU(1997)010prov  French  03/03/1997 -  Public
Rapport préliminaire sur la composition des cours constitutionnelles 
CDL-JU(1997)014  English  25/02/1997 -  Public
Codices - Data Input mask v 1.1: User's Guide 
CDL-JU(1997)014  French  25/02/1997 -  Public
Codices - masque de saisie v 1.1: guide de l'utilisateur 
CDL-JU(1997)010prov  English  17/02/1997 -  Public
Preliminary report on the composition of constitutional courts 
CDL(1997)053  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
The reform of Constitutional Justice in Estonia  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL(1997)027  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republika Srpska 
CDL-JU(1997)027  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
General constitutional principles and Human Rights  (H. SCHWARTZ)
CDL-JU(1997)024  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
CODICES (English version 2.1) User's Guide 
CDL-JU(1997)023  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Constitutional courts: models of operation as regards federal states systems  (A. MAVCIC)
CDL-JU(1997)021  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
The effects of decisions by the constitutional court: Lapinskas  (K. LAPINSKAS)
CDL-JU(1997)020  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
The "life - cycle" of a case before the constitutional court  (B. ADAMOVICH-WAGNER)
CDL-JU(1997)019  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Suitable rights for constitutional complaint  (J. KLUCKA)
CDL-JU(1997)017  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
The constitutional complaint - avoiding excessive case load  (C. von Paczensky)
CDL-JU(1997)013  French  01/01/1997 -  Public
Thésaurus systématique cumulatif 1993 / 1 - 1996 / 2 
CDL-JU(1997)012  French  01/01/1997 -  Public
Tableaux cumulatifs du thésaurus systématique 1993 / 1 - 1996 / 2 
CDL-JU(1997)011  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Report of the 11th meeting of the Sub-Commission on Constitutional Justice 
CDL(1997)010  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Comments on the law of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine  (S. HOLOVATY)
CDL-JU(1997)007  French  01/01/1997 -  Public
Inclusion des constitutions dans CODICES 
CDL-JU(1997)007  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Inclusion of constitutions into CODICES 
CDL-JU(1997)006  French  01/01/1997 -  Public
Note du Secrétariat concernant les Bulletins spéciaux sur les grands arrêts 
CDL-JU(1997)005  French  01/01/1997 -  Public
Propositions de modification du thésaurus version 9 
CDL-JU(1997)004  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Replies to the questionnaire on the composition of constitutional courts 
CDL-JU(1997)004  French  01/01/1997 -  Public
Réponses au questionnaire sur la composition des cours constitutionnelles 
CDL(1997)004  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Comments on the law on the Constitutional Court of Ukraine  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL-JU(1997)002  French  01/01/1997 -  Public
Liste des agents de liaison 
CDL-JU(1997)001  French  01/01/1997 -  Public
CODICES (Version 1.5 12 / 96) Guide de l'utilisateur 
CDL(1997)018rev  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Opinion on the law on the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, adopted at the 31st plenary meeting of the Commission  (S. BARTOLE, J. KLUCKA)
CDL-JU(1997)010rev  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Revised report on the composition of constitutional courts 
CDL-JU(1997)010rev  French  01/01/1997 -  Public
Rapport révisé sur la composition des cours constitutionnelles 
CDL-JU(1997)009rev  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Study on the composition of constitutional courts - Comparative table 
CDL(1997)005rev  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Comments on the law on the Constitutional Court of Ukraine  (J. KLUCKA)
CDL-JU(1997)009prov  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Study on the composition of constitutional courts - Comparative table 
CDL(1996)062rev  English  02/10/1996 -  Public
The law of the Republic of Armenia on the Constitutional Court 
CDL(1996)062rev  French  02/10/1996 -  Public
La loi de la République d'Arménie sur la Cour constitutionnelle 
CDL(1996)064  English  03/09/1996 -  Public
Draft law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan 
CDL(1996)047  English  23/07/1996 -  Public
Draft opinion of the Venice Commission on the constitutional situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina with particular regard to Human Rights protection mechanisms  (G. MALINVERNI, A. LA PERGOLA, M. RUSSELL, P. JAMBREK, F. MATSCHER)
CDL(1996)047rev  English  23/07/1996 -  Public
Draft opinion of the Venice Commission on the constitutional situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina with particular regard to Human Rights protection mechanisms  (G. MALINVERNI, A. LA PERGOLA, M. RUSSELL, P. JAMBREK, F. MATSCHER)
CDL-JU(1996)010  English  17/06/1996 -  Public
CODICES Template for data entry - User Guide 
CDL-JU(1996)010  French  17/06/1996 -  Public
Codices - masque de saisie: guide de l'utilisateur 
CDL-JU(1996)011  English  07/06/1996 -  Public
Dissemination of the codices database: note by the secretariat 
CDL-JU(1996)011  French  07/06/1996 -  Public
Diffusion de la base de données CODICES: document du secrétariat 
CDL-JU(1996)010rev  English  07/06/1996 -  Public
Codices - template for data entry: user guide 
CDL-JU(1996)010rev  French  07/06/1996 -  Public
CODICES - masque de saisie : guide de l'utilisateur 
CDL-JU(1996)009  French  30/05/1996 -  Public
CODICES - F Guide de l'Utilisateur 
CDL-JU(1996)009  English  30/05/1996 -  Public
CODICES - E User's Guide 
CDL(1996)030  French  29/05/1996 -  Public
Règlement de la Cour constitutionnelle de Croatie 
CDL(1996)028  English  29/05/1996 -  Public
Constitutional Court of Croatia: relevant provisions of the Constitution 
CDL-JU(1996)004  French  14/05/1996 -  Public
Proposition de modification de la version 8 du Thesaurus systématique 
CDL-JU(1996)005  French  03/05/1996 -  Public
Questionnaire sur la composition des juridictions constitutionnelles 
CDL(1996)007  English  30/01/1996 -  Public
Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Georgia 
CDL(1996)089  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
Law on the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, Kyiv, 1996 
CDL(1996)078  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan  (M. RUSSELL, E. OZBUDUN, M. Lesage)
CDL(1996)069  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
Constitutional Court of the Republic of Georgia: regulations in force 
CDL(1996)062  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
The law of the Republic of Armenia on the Constitutional Court 
CDL(1996)034  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia and International Law  (S. Rodin)
CDL-JU(1996)015  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
Systematic thesaurus - version 9 
CDL-JU(1996)014  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
Presentation of précis: revised version 1996 
CDL-JU(1996)014  French  01/01/1996 -  Public
Présentation des décisions abrégées: version révisée 1996 
CDL-JU(1996)013  French  01/01/1996 -  Public
Bulletin spécial 1ère édition, version provisoire 
CDL-JU(1996)012  French  01/01/1996 -  Public
Liste des Agents de liaison 
CDL-JU(1996)008  French  01/01/1996 -  Public
Composition des cours constitutionnelles 
CDL-JU(1996)008  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
Composition of Consitutional Courts, synoptic tables 
CDL-JU(1996)005  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
Questionnaire on the composition of Constitutional Courts 
CDL-INF(1996)001  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
Judgment of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 31.07.95 
CDL-JU(1995)014  English  15/11/1995 -  Public
Proposal for amendment of the systematic thesaurus 
CDL-JU(1995)014  French  15/11/1995 -  Public
Proposition de modification du thésaurus systématique 
CDL(1995)054  English  04/09/1995 -  Public
Opinion on the regulatory concept of the Constitution of the Hungarian Republic  (G. REUTER)
CDL(1995)043  English  28/08/1995 -  Public
Opinion on the law on the Constitutional court of the Republic of Georgia  (J. KLUCKA)
CDL(1995)043  French  28/08/1995 -  Public
Avis sur la loi sur la Cour constitutionnelle de la République de Géorgie  (J. KLUCKA)
CDL-JU(1995)005rev  English  24/08/1995 -  Public
Composition of constitutional courts: synoptic tables 
CDL-JU(1995)005rev  French  24/08/1995 -  Public
Composition des cours constitutionnelles: tableaux synoptiques 
CDL-JU(1995)002rev  English  07/07/1995 -  Public
Presentation of summaries 
CDL-JU(1995)002rev  French  07/07/1995 -  Public
Présentation des résumés 
CDL-JU(1995)004  English  06/06/1995 -  Public
Secretariat proposal for decision codes in zone 1 
CDL-JU(1995)002  English  17/05/1995 -  Public
Presentation of summaries 
CDL-JU(1995)002  French  17/05/1995 -  Public
Présentation des résumés 
CDL-JU(1995)001  English  17/05/1995 -  Public
Questionnaire on computer equipment 
CDL-JU(1995)001  French  17/05/1995 -  Public
Questionnaire concernant l'équipement informatique 
CDL(1995)078  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
Opinion on the law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Georgia  (J. Zlinsky)
CDL(1995)056  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
Opinion on the regulatory concept of the Constitution of the Republic of Hungary  (J. Zlinsky)
CDL(1995)050  French  01/01/1995 -  Public
Avis : Accord constitutionnel de l'Ukraine  (N. V Vitrouk)
CDL(1995)049  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
Opinion: Constitutional Agreement Ukraine  (G. MAAS GEESTERANUS)
CDL(1995)047  French  01/01/1995 -  Public
Avis : Accord constitutionnel de l'Ukraine  (A. MILENKOVA)
CDL(1995)046  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
Opinion Ukraine: The present constitutional situation  (S. BARTOLE)
CDL(1995)032  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
Constitutional Laws of the Republic of Albania 
CDL(1995)021  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
Regulatory concept of the Constitution of the Hungarian Republic 
CDL(1995)018  French  01/01/1995 -  Public
Avis sur le projet de loi sur la Cour constitutionnelle de la République du Bélarus  (N. V Vitrouk)
CDL-JU(1995)018  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
Systematic thesaurus 
CDL-JU(1995)018  French  01/01/1995 -  Public
Thésaurus systématique 
CDL-JU(1995)017  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
CODICES user guide 
CDL-JU(1995)017  French  01/01/1995 -  Public
CODICES Guide l'utilisateur 
CDL(1995)015  French  01/01/1995 -  Public
Avis sur le projet de loi sur la Cour constitutionnelle de la Lettonie (CDL(94)20)  (N. V Vitrouk)
CDL-JU(1995)008  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
Documentation centre on constitutional case - law: systematic thesaurus 
CDL-JU(1995)008  French  01/01/1995 -  Public
Centre de documentation constitutionnelle: Thésaurus systématique 
CDL(1995)051rev  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
Memorandum: the Contemporary Constitutional Order in Ukraine  (S. HOLOVATY)
CDL-JU(1995)017prov  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
Codices (English testing version 1.2 beta): user guide 
CDL-JU(1995)017prov  French  01/01/1995 -  Public
Codices (version d'essai en anglais 1.2beta): guide de l'utilisateur 
CDL-JU(1994)005add  English  03/11/1994 -  Public
Remarks on the alphabetical index and on the systematic thesaurus: addendum 
CDL-JU(1994)005add  French  03/11/1994 -  Public
Remarques sur l'index alphabétique et le thésaurus systématique: addendum 
CDL(1994)040  English  18/08/1994 -  Public
Latvian draft law for the Constitutional Court  (J. KLUCKA)
CDL(1994)051  English  01/01/1994 -  Public
Comments on the draft of Latvian Constitutional Court  (L. Garlicki)
CDL(1994)039  English  01/01/1994 -  Public
Latvian draft law for the Constitutional Court  (K. BERCHTOLD)
CDL(1994)038  English  01/01/1994 -  Public
Latvian draft law for the Constitutional Court  (A. SUVIRANTA)
CDL(1994)020  English  01/01/1994 -  Public
Draft law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia 
CDL(1994)017  English  01/01/1994 -  Public
Comments on the constitutional law of the Russian Federation Constitutional Court  (H. STEINBERGER)
CDL(1994)016  English  01/01/1994 -  Public
Comments on the constitutional law of the Russian Federation Constitutional Court  (J. Zlinsky)
CDL(1994)010  English  01/01/1994 -  Public
Constitutional Laws of the Republic of Albania 
CDL(1994)005  English  01/01/1994 -  Public
Estonian law on Constitutional Review Court Procedure 
CDL-JU(1994)001  Engl./Fr.  01/01/1994 -  Public
Liaison Officers from Constitutional Courts and other Equivalent Bodies 
CDL-JU(1993)007  English  05/05/1993 -  Public
Report on constitutional jurisdiction in Russia  (M. N Marchenko)
CDL-JU(1993)007  French  05/05/1993 -  Public
La juridiction constitutionnelle en Russie  (M. N Marchenko)
CDL-JU(1993)006  English  05/05/1993 -  Public
Report on constitutional jurisdiction in the States of the Former Soviet Union  (M. N Marchenko)
CDL-JU(1993)006  French  05/05/1993 -  Public
La juridiction constitutionnelle dans les Etats de l'ancienne Union soviétique  (M. N Marchenko)
CDL-JU(1993)005  English  14/01/1993 -  Public
Outline of decisions taken by the European Commission for Democracy through Law 
CDL-JU(1993)010  English  01/01/1993 -  Public
Systematic thesaurus 
CDL-JU(1993)010  French  01/01/1993 -  Public
Thésaurus systématique 
CDL-JU(1993)008  French  01/01/1993 -  Public
CDL-JU(1993)004  French  01/01/1993 -  Public
Système Bradoc: Banque de données du Tribunal fédéral suisse 
CDL-JU(1993)002  English  01/01/1993 -  Public
Comments on draft Thesaurus 
CDL-JU(1993)002  French  01/01/1993 -  Public
Commentaires sur le projet de thésaurus 
CDL-STD(1993)002  English  01/01/1993 -  Public
Models of constitutional jurisdiction - Science and technique of democracy, no. 2 (1993)  (H. STEINBERGER)
CDL-STD(1993)002  French  01/01/1993 -  Public
Modèles de juridiction constitutionnelle - Science et technique de la démocratie, n° 2 (1993)  (H. STEINBERGER)
CDL-STD(1993)002  Arabic  01/01/1993 -  Public
Models of constitutional jurisdiction - Science and technique of democracy, no. 2 (1993) (Arab version)  (H. STEINBERGER)
CDL-JU(1993)001  English  01/01/1993 -  Public
Documentation Centre: Summary of decisions by liaison officers 
CDL-JU(1993)001add  English  01/01/1993 -  Public
Documentation Centre: Summary of decisions by liaison officers 
CDL(1992)025  French  27/04/1992 -  Public
Réunion d'experts pour la rédaction d'un thesaurus 
CDL-JU(1992)001  French  24/04/1992 -  Public
Groupe de travail sur la justice constitutionnelle  (P. TSCHUMPERLIN)
CDL(1992)013  English  12/02/1992 -  Public
Questionnaire on the Documentation Centre 
CDL(1992)013  French  12/02/1992 -  Public
Questionnaire sur le Centre de documentation 
CDL(1992)026  English  01/01/1992 -  Public
Outline of Decisions - Documentation Centre 
CDL(1992)026  French  01/01/1992 -  Public
Relevé de décisions - Centre de documentation 
CDL-JU(1992)005  English  01/01/1992 -  Public
Documentation Centre for Constitutional Case Law: outline of decisions 
CDL-JU(1991)001  English  29/10/1991 -  Public
Models of Constitutional Jurisdiction  (H. STEINBERGER)
CDL-JU(1991)001  French  29/10/1991 -  Public
Modèles de juridiction constitutionnelle  (H. STEINBERGER)
CDL-JU-PV(1991)001  English  26/09/1991 -  Public
Working party on Constitutional Justice: report 1st meeting 
CDL-JU-PV(1991)001  French  26/09/1991 -  Public
Groupe de travail sur la justice constitutionnelle: rapport 1ère réunion 
CDL-JU(1991)002  English  01/01/1991 -  Public
Establishment of a documentation Centre on Constitutional case law 
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