2nd Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice Rio de Janeiro, 16-17 January 2011
"Separation of Powers and Independence of Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Bodies" organised by the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil and the Venice Commission
Papers |
2e Congrès de la Conférence mondiale de justice constitutionnelle Rio de Janeiro, 16-18 janvier 2011
"Séparation des pouvoirs et indépendance des Cours constitutionnelles et instances équivalentes"
organisée par la Cour fédérale suprême du Bresil et
la Commission de Venise Présentations |
Link to the conference site / Lien vers le site de la conférence
I. Programme presentations / présentations du programme
Opening speech by the President of the Venice Commission, Mr. Gianni Buquicchio
Opening speech by the President of the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil, Justice Justice Cezar Peluso (English, French)
Key note speech / Discours introductif: Grabenwarter, Christoph, Judge, Constitutional Court of Austria, Co-President oft the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice of the Venice Commission, Separation of powers and independence of Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Bodies (thesis paper)
II. National reports / rapports nationaux
Albania / Albanie
Algeria / Algérie
Armenia / Arménie
Harutyunian, Gagik H., Professor, Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Bureau Member of the Conference, Separation of Powers and Independence of Constitutional Courts in Conditions of Societal Transformation (English, Russian)
Austria / Autriche
Azerbaijan / Azerbaïdjan
Miklashevich, Petr P., Chairman, Constitutional Court, Republic of Belarus, Separation of Powers and Independence of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus (English, French, Russian)
Belgium / Belgique
Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie-Herzegovine
Burkina Faso
Binnie, Ian, Justice, on behalf of the Supreme Court of Canada, Judicial Independence in Canada
Chad / Tchad
Peña Torres, Marisol, Ministra, Tribunal Constitucional de Chile, Las audiencias públicas en los procedimientos de inconstitucionalidad de la ley: La experiencia del Tribunal Constitucional de Chile (automatic translation to English)
Dominican Republic / République Dominicaine
Suprema Corte de Justicia, Separación de poderes e independencia del tribunal constitucional y órganos equivalentes (automatic translation to English)
Egypt / Egypte
Supreme Court, Separation of Powers and Independence of Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Bodies (Arabic) (automatic translation to English)
Estonia / Estonie
Georgia / Georgie
Constitutional Court, The Guarantees of the Independence of the Constitutional Court
Indonesia / Indonesie
Korea, Republic / Corée, République
Latvia / Lettonie
Lithuania / Lituanie
Rogov, Ivan, Chairman of the Constitutional Council, Separation of Powers and Independence of Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Bodies (English, Russian)
Lemoyne de Forges, J.-M., Professeur agrégé de droit public, Vice-Président du Tribunal Suprême de la Principauté de Monaco, Séparation des pouvoirs et indépendance des cours constitutionnelles,
Marković, Milan, President, Constitutional Court, Constitutional Court Independence
Morocco / Maroc
Separação dos Poderes e Independência do Conselho Constitucional (Portuguese) (automatic translation to English)
Rosales Arguello, Francisco, President of the Constitutional Chamber, Visión jurisprudencial del principio de separación de poderes en Nicaragua (automatic translation to English)
Norway / Norvège
Constitutional Court of Portugal, Separation of Powers and Independence of Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Bodies (English, Portuguese)
Romania / Roumanie
Serbia / Serbie
Nenadic, Bosa, President / Vucic, Olivera, Judge, Constitutional Court, Guarantees of institutional independence of Constitutional Courts – the case of the Constitutional Court of Serbia (Russian, automatic translation to English)
Switzerland / Suisse
Tribunal fédéral, Séparation des pouvoirs et indépendance des cours constitutionnelles et instances équivalentes
Thailand / Thailande
"The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" / "L'ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine"
Spirovski, Igor, Judge, "The Independence of the Constitutional Court of the
Republic of Macedonia: Guarantees and Challenges"
Karakamisheva-Jovanovska, Tanja,
Different Models for Protection
of Constitutionality, Legality and Independence of Constitutional Court of the
Republic of Macedonia
Supreme Court of Yemen, Separation of Powers and Independence of Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Bodies (Arabic) (automatic translation to English)
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.
Separation of Powers and Independence of Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Bodies