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World Conference on Constitutional Justice Cape Town, 23–24 January 2009
Theme: “Influential Constitutional Justice: its influence on society and on developing a global human rights jurisprudence”
organised by the Constitutional Court of South Africa and the Venice Commission
Papers |
Conférence mondiale de justice constitutionnelle Le Cap, 22-24 Janvier 2009
« La justice constitutionnelle influente: son influence sur la société et sur le développement d’une jurisprudence mondiale des droits de l’Homme »
organisée par la Cour constitutionnelle d’Afrique du sud et
la Commission de Venise Présentations |
Asian Courts / Cours de l'Asie:
LEE, Kong Hyun, Judge at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of , Report by the Asian group
Association des cours constitutionnelles ayant en partage l'usage du français (ACCPUF):
Andorra / Andorre:
Viver Pi-Sunyer, Carles, Président, Cour constitutionnelle, La justice constitutionnelle influente: son influence sur la société et sur le développement d’une jurisprudence mondiale des droits de l’Homme (French and Spanish).
Armenia / Arménie:
Harutyunyan, Gagik, President, Constitutional Court
- Constitutional Jurisdiction and Developing Society (English and Russian)
- Workshop report on behalf of the Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of Countries of Young Democracy (English, Russian)
Bahrain / Bahreïn:
Humaidan, Ebrahim, President, Constitutional Court, The Influence of Constitutional Justice on Society (Arabic and English) and The Development of a Global Human Rights Jurisprudence (Arabic and English)
Miklashevich, Petr, Chairman, Constitutional Court
- The influence of constitutional justice on society in the Republic of Belarus (Russian and English)
- Intervention at Plenary Session (Russian)
Belgium / Belgique:
Benin / Bénin:
Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie-Herzégovine:
Palavric, Seada,
President, Galic, Valerija, Vice President, Sali-Terzic, Sevima, Head of
Appellate Division, Constitutional Court, Influential Constitutional Justice:
its influence on society and on developing a global human rights jurisprudence
(English and
Brazil :
Mendes, Gilmar, President Federal Supreme Court, World Conference on Constitutional Justice (English, Portuguese)
Bulgaria / Bulgarie:
Chile / Chili:
Cea Egaña, José Luis, Judge, Constitutional Court, Influence of Chilean constitutional jurisprudence on society and on developing human rights (English and Spanish)
Council of Europe / Conseil de l'Europe:
Ms Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, Deputy Secretary General, Opening Speech
Rozakis, Christos, Vice-President, European Court of Human Rights, Interaction between the ECHR and other courts
Croatia / Croatie:
Dominican Republic / République dominicaine:
Jorge, Subero Isa, Chief Justice, Supreme Court, Cadre résumé du système constitutionnel de la République dominicaine (français, Spanish)
Egypt / Egypte
Khairy Taha, Mohamed, Deputy Chief Justice, Constitutional Court (Arabic)
Finland / Finlande:
P. Steinmetz, Membre, Conseil constitutionnel (français)
Georgia / Géorgie:
Hungary / Hongrie:
Iceland / Islande:
Indonesia / Indonésie:
Mahfud, Mohammad, Chief Justice, Constitutional Court, (abstract) The role of the Constitutional Court in the development of democracy in Indonesia
Israel / Israël:
Supreme Court, World Conference on Constitutional Justice (2009) Reply by the Supreme Court of Israel, The Wasser Case, The Supreme Monitoring Committee Case, The Louzon case
Ivory Coast / Côte d'Ivoire:
Yanon, Yapo, Président du Conseil Constitutionnel, La justice constitutionnelle influente: son influence sur la société et sur le développement d'une jurisprudence mondiale des droits de l'homme
Jordan / Jordanie:
Rogov, Igor, Chairman, Constitutional Council (Russian)
Korea, Republic / République de Corée:
Lee, Kong-Hyun, Justice, Constitutional Court, Constitutional review and regional cooperation among Asian countries (plenary session), Constitutional review, social change and global cooperation - experience of Korea (workshop presentation)
Abotota, Abderrahman Muhammad, President of the High Court of Libya, Head of the UACCC, Opening Speech - delivered by Mr Mohammed Abdel Kader Abd Allah, Secretary General of the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils, Vice-President of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt (Arabic, English)
Malaysia / Malaisie:
Mexico / Mexique:
Mongolia / Mongolie:
Byambadorj, Jamsran, Chairman, Constitutional Court, Briefly about Constitutional court of Mongolia (English and Russian)
Montenegro / Monténégro
Netherlands / Pays-bas:
Norway / Norvège:
Bruzelius, Karin M., Justice, Supreme Court of Norway, Judicial review within a unified court system
Moura Ramos, President, Constitutional Tribunal, The Portuguese Human Rights Constitutional Law
Romania / Roumanie:
Vida, Ioan, President of the Constitutional Court of Romania and of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (English and French)
Russia / Russie:
Zorkin, Valery, President, Constitutional Court, Human Rights within the context of global jurisprudence (English and Russian)
São Tomé and Príncipe / São Tomé et Príncipe:
Rodrigues Vera Cruz de Carvalho, Maria Alice, President, Supreme Court (English, French, Portuguese)
Serbia / Serbie:
Nenadic, Bosa, President, Vucic, Olivera, Justice, Constitutional Court, The impact of the of the practice of the Constitutional Court on Society (English and Serbian)
Slovakia / Slovaquie:
Slovenia / Slovenie:
Ribicic, Ciril, Vice President, Constitutional Court, Strengthening Constitutional Democracy
Thailand / Thaïlande:
"The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" / "L'ex République yougoslave de Macédoine":
Ivanovski, Trendafil, President, Constitutional Court, Constitutional justice in the Republic of Macedonia (English, French, Macedonian)
Spirovski, Igor, Judge, Constitutional Court, Constitutional Validity of Human Rights Treaties in the Republic of Macedonia: The Norms and the Courts (English and French)
Tunisia / Tunisie:
Charfeddine, Mohamed Kamel, Member, Constitutional Council, Control of the constitutionality of laws and basic rights (English, French, Arabic)
Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils / l’Union des cours et conseils constitutionnels arabes:
Mr Mohammed Abdel Kader ABD ALLAH, Secretary General of the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils, Vice-President of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt (Arabic, English / French)
United Kingdom / Royaume uni:
Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers, Senior Law Lord, House of Lords, United Kingdom