Promoting Efficient Functioning of State Institutions
and Public Administration in Central Asia /2020-2023/
The project “Promote efficient functioning of state institutions and public administration” aims to promote efficient functioning of state institutions and public administration in accordance with European and other international standards in the Central Asia partner countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). Venice Commission is implementing the project in the framework of the Joint EU/Council of Europe Central Asia Rule of Law Programme which aims to reinforce human rights, rule of law and democracy in Central Asian partner countries in accordance with European and other international standards by offering assistance to reform processes, based on a demand-driven approach. The Programme is open to all Central Asian countries wishing to benefit from the Council of Europe expertise and meeting the conditions for co-operation.
Objectives of the project
- to support the development and adoption by the parliaments of relevant legislation in the field of rule of law, separation of powers and the judiciary, in line with international standards;
- to support the development of new legislation in the field of administrative law and justice, including the reform of public administration and Alternative Dispute Resolution;
- to increase professional capacities of representatives of public administration and the judiciary.
Project information
- Timeframe 48 months (1 January 2020 – 31 December 2023)
- Geographical scope Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
- Budget EUR 1 788 433
- Funding European Union and Council of Europe
- Programme’s website EN RU
- Programme’s overview EN RU
Since 2007, the Venice Commission has established a very good level of co-operation with national institutions of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, in various fields with funding provided by the European Union as well as by voluntary contributions from some Council of Europe member states. The Venice Commission has been assisting Central Asian countries in conducting reforms in line with international standards, notably in the field of the rule of law.
The Commission has an important tool in this field —The rule of law checklist, adopted in 2016, which provides a comprehensive list of criteria which could be used as reference in conducting reforms by the countries of the region. The project targets not only the institutional support but also some of the crucial human rights issues (such as access to justice, right to a fair trial, etc.), which are essential for the rule of law. In Central Asian countries where legal and judicial reforms are well under way, in an effort to build synergies with initiatives funded by the European Union or other international and national donors, the project seeks the engagement of civil society and professional communities to assess the on-going reforms and recommend measures to improve their implementation.
The Venice Commission has prepared several opinions upon request from the national authorities of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan:
- 010/2021 - Kazakhstan - Opinion on the concept paper on improving the legal framework of the Constitutional Council EN RU
- 007/2021 - Kyrgyzstan - Joint Opinion of the OSCE/ODIHR and the Venice Commission on the Draft Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic EN RU
- 002/2021 - Uzbekistan - Joint opinion of the Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR on the draft Law "On freedom of conscience and religious organisations" EN RU
- 982/2020 - Kyrgyzstan - Opinion on the amendments to some legislative acts related to sanctions for violation of electoral legislation EN
- 938/2018 - Kazakhstan - Opinion on the Concept Paper on the High Judicial Council EN
- 933/2018 - Uzbekistan - Joint Opinion on the draft election code EN RU
- 931/2018 - Kazakhstan - Opinion on the draft Code of Administrative Procedure and Justice Code EN RU
- 882/2017 - Kazakhstan - Opinion on the draft amendments to the Constitution of Kazakhstan EN
- 871/2017 - Kazakhstan - Opinion on the draft law on administrative procedures EN
- 863/2016 - Kyrgyz Republic - Opinion on the draft law on introduction of amendments and changes to the Constitution EN RU
- 765/2014 - Tajikistan - Opinion on draft Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court EN RU
- 739/2013 - Tajikistan - Opinion on the draft Code of Judicial Ethics EN RU
Useful links