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Documents by series

The series mostly indicate whether a document is being dealt with in a Sub-Commission or the Plenary. Since 2002, public adopted texts figure in the CDL-AD series. Public texts adopted before 2002 appear in the CDL-INF series.

Adopted opinions and studies (since 2002) - CDL-AD Plenary sessions - CDL
Constitutional Justice - CDL-JU Reference document - CDL-REF
Public information - CDL-PI Annual Report - CDL-RA
WCCJ General Assembly - CDL-WCCJ-GA


Procès-verbaux, Carnets de bord / Meeting Reports, -PV Ordres du jour / Agendas -OJ

Previous document series:

Electoral Matters (until 2022) - CDL-EL Judiciary (until 2022) - CDL-JD
Fundamental Rights (until 2022) - CDL-FR International Law (until 2022) - CDL-DI
Federalism (until 2022) - CDL-FED Minorities (until 2022) - CDL-MIN
Constitutional Reform (until 2022) - CDL-CR Rule of Law (until 2022) - CDL-RoL
Democratic Institutions (until 2022) - CDL-DEM UniDem Campus Trieste Seminar (until 2011) - CDL-UDT
UniDem (until 2022) - CDL-UD Scientific Council (until 2022) - CDL-SC
Adopted opinions and studies (until 2001) - CDL-INF European Union (until 1999) - CDL-UE
Political Parties (until 2002) - CDL-PP Emergency Powers (until 1994) - CDL-EM
WCCJ - CDL-WCCJ South Africa (only 1997) - CDL-RSA
Immunity (until 1996) - CDL-IMM Stability Pact (until 2001) - CDL-SP
Science and Technique of Democracy (until 2013) - CDL-STD Nationality (until 1996) - CDL-NAT
Latin America (until 2022) - CDL-LA Working Methods (until 2022) - CDL-WM
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