University for Democracy for the Southern Mediterranean (UniDem Med)
List of seminars and coordination meetings
Lastest activities
Previous UniDem Med seminars
12th seminar on "Public administration reform: new challenges and new operating modes", 15-17 December 2020, videoconference, Tunisia
11th seminar on "Towards a user-oriented administration", 13-15 October 2020, videoconference, Morocco
10th seminar on "Leading Innovation in the Civil Service: from Rule of Law Standards to Leadership", 4-6 November 2019, Amman, Jordan
9th seminar on "Towards a public service closer to the citizens: models and good practices", 12-14 June 2019, Marrakech, Morocco
8th seminar on "Transformation and innovation in the senior civil service: challenges and opportunities", 24-27 September, 2018, Tunis, Tunisia
7th seminar on "Improving the relationship between administration and citizens: a democratic imperative", 23-26 April 2018, Rabat, Morocco
6th seminar on "The Women and the Labor Market", 7-8 November 2017, Algiers, Algeria
5th seminar on "Prevention of Corruption and Promotion of Integrity in the Civil Service: shared experiences", 25-28 September 2017, Skhirat, Morocco
4th seminar on "Performance, Merit and Equality in the Civil Service", 27-30 March 2017, Tunis, Tunisia
3rd seminar on "Reform of the General Statute of the Civil Service", 31 October - 3 November 2016, Rabat, Morocco
2nd seminar on "Open government", 4-7 April 2016, Rabat, Morocco
PATH Training seminar on "Constitutional Justice, Transitional Justice and the Legislative Process", 30 November - 3 December 2015, Venice, Italy
1st seminar on "Human Rights and Civil Service", 14-17 September 2015, Rabat, Morocco
Previous UniDem Med coordination meetings
8th annual coordination meeting, 15 March 2023,
Lisbon (Portugal) |
7th coordination meeting, 27 January 2022,
videoconference |
6th coordination meeting, 27 May 2021,
5th coordination meeting, 6 February 2020,
Rabat, Morocco
4th coordination meeting, 5 March 2019,
Rabat, Morocco
3rd coordination meeting, 5 February 2018,
Paris, France
2nd coordination meeting, 25 January 2017,
Paris, France
1st coordination meeting, 12 November 2015,
Paris, France

UniDem Med seminars
Digital transformation of public administration
16th UniDem Med, 23-24 Novembre 2022, Hybrid format (online and in Rabat, Morocco)
Organisers : Venice Commission in cooperation with the Ministry of digital transition and administrative reform of the Kingdom of Morocco
Participants : Senior civil servants and experts from Europe and the Southern Mediterranean region
Topics covered : the digital transformation of public services: how to best meet the needs and expectations of users ? The challenges of dematerialisation and digital transformation of public services : digital inclusion and equal access. Change management and sucess factors for digital projects in the public administration. Jobs of the future and digital training in public administration. A follow-up session on the implementation of teleworking policies in public administration is also planned.
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the programme, the list of participants and the final report
Public service policies : paradigms for changes
15th UniDem Med, 17-18 May 2022, Hybrid format (online and in Ramallah in Palestine*)
Organisers : Venice Commission in cooperation with the General Personnel Council of Palestine*
Participants : Senior civil servants and experts from Europe and the Southern Mediterranean region
Topics covered : New human resources management policies focusing on the development of individual career paths, investment in human capital, inclusion of people with disabilities and quality of life at work. The issue of training policies and strategy in the public service will also be discussed in detail. New management policies in the public administration and more particularly the impact on performance assessment and risk management. Finally, the remuneration of civil servants and social dialogue.
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the programme, the list of participants and the final report
Good Governance and quality of public administration
14th UniDem Med, 1-2 December 2021, videoconference
Organisers : Venice Commission in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform of the Kingdom of Morocco
Participants : Senior civil servants and experts from Europe and the Southern Mediterranean region
Topics covered : Good governance of the public administration towards users and in particular issues related to ethics, deontology, quality charters, simplification of administrative procedures or the right of access to information. Topics related to good governance within the administration will also be discussed, such as internal deontology, ethics in human resources and skills management, well-being at work, evaluation, mobility, training, and well-being at work.
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants and the Final report (FR)
Public administration facing the Covid-19 pandemic : Modernisation and digital innovations
13th UniDem Med, 5-6 October 2021, Hybrid format (on line and face-to-face in Palestine*)
Organisers : Venice Commission in cooperation with the General Personnel Council of Palestine*
Participants : Senior civil servants and experts from Europe and the Southern Mediterranean region
Topics covered : digital innovations in public administration, their impact on the simplication of administrative procedures and user experience, the challenges related to the respect of fundamental rights as well as the protection of personnal data, the new working methods and in particular the use ot the telework, the digital transformation of the human resources management processes.
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants and the Final report
Public administration reform: new challenges and new operating modes
12th UniDem Med, 15-17 December 2020, videoconference, Tunisie
Organisers : Venice Commission in cooperation with the Presidency of the Government of Tunisia, Minister's Services to the Head of Government in charge of the Civil Service
Participants : Senior civil servants from Europe and the Southern Mediterranean region
Topics covered : mobility and professional transitions, skills management and performance evaluation, gender equality and means to promote and support the professional career of women, establishment of a sustainable and inclusive framework for constructive social dialogue within the public administration
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants and the Final report (in French only)
Towards a user-oriented administration
11th UniDem Med, 13-15 October 2020, videoconference
Organisers : Venice Commission in cooperation with the Ministry of the Economy, Finances and Public Administration Reform of the Kingdom of Morocco
Participants : Senior civil servants from Europe and MENA region
Topics covered : access to public information and transparency, protection of personal data, quality management, e-government initiatives and deontology of civil service.
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants and the Final report (in French only)
Leading Innovation in the Civil Service : from Rule of Law Standards to Leadership
10th UniDem Med, 4-6 November 2019, Amman, Jordan
Organisers: Venice Commission in cooperation with the Prime Ministry of Jordan / Institutional Performance and Policy Department and the General Personnel Council of Palestine*
Participants: Senior public officials from Europe and the MENA region
Topics covered: public administration modernisation and rule of law principles, ethics, transparency and integrity as accelerators for democratic reforms, leadership and human resources management in the era of new technologies
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants and the Final report
Towards a public service closer to the citizens: models and good practices
9th UniDem Med, 12-14 June 2019, Marrakech, Morocco

Organisers: Venice Commission in cooperation with the Ministry of the Reform of the Administration and the Civil Service of Morocco
Participants: Senior public officials from Europe and the MENA region
Topics covered: administrative deconcentration/decentralisation, relations between deconcentrated/decentralised units and relations with the central administration, accessibility and digitalisation of services
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants and the Final report (in French only)
Transformation and innovation in the senior civil service: challenges and opportunities
8th UniDem Med, 24-27 September, 2018, Tunis, Tunisia
Organisers: Venice Commission in cooperation with the Presidency of the Government of Tunisia
Participants: Senior public officials from Europe and the MENA region
Topics covered: Respect for Democracy and Principles of the Rule of Law in Public Administration: Policies and Practice / Mission and Role of the Senior Civil Service in the Transition Process to a More Citizen-Focused Public Sector / Promoting leadership and excellence in the senior civil service: recruitment and skills management / The concept of new public management and its impact on the senior civil service: contracting, performance management and accountability.
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants, the Final report (in French only) and the Photo Gallery
Improving the relationship between administration and citizens: a democratic imperative
7th UniDem Med, April 23-26, 2018, Rabat, Morocco
Organisers: Venice Commission in cooperation with the Ministry of Reform of the Administration and Civil Service of Morocco
Participants: Senior public officials from the MENA region
Topics covered: National and international standards supporting the improvement of the relationship between administration and citizens / Simplification of administrative procedures and the role of the senior civil service in the conduct of change: best practices / Digitilization of services and facilitation of access to information / Institutional policies and complaint mechanisms.
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants, the Final report (in French only) and the Video report (AR)
The Women and the Labor Market
6th UniDem Med, November 7-8, 2017, Algiers, Algeria
Organisers: The Venice Commission in cooperation with the Algerian Constitutional Council and the General Directorate of Public Administration and the Reform of the Administration of Algeria
Participants: Senior public officials from MENA region
Topics covered: Articulation between the international standard-setting system and its different variations in national legal systems in the field of gender equality / Status of women in the public administration sector: challenges, perspectives and training programs / Integration of women in the economic sector: best practices
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants, the Final report (in French only) and the Photo gallery
Prevention of Corruption and Promotion of Integrity in the Civil Service: shared experiences
5th UnDem Med, 25-28 September 2017, Skhirat, Morocco

Organisers: Venice Commission in co-operation with the Ministry of the Reform of the Administration and the Civil Service
Participants: high-level civil servants of the MENA region
Topics covered: National and international legal and institutional standards and tools to combat the phenomenon of corruption and promote integrity in the civil service / Anticorruption and fundamental principles of civil service (transparency, accountability, access to information, sound financial management and audit) / Anti-corruption programs and initiatives (protection of whistle blowers, multi-sectoral coordination ) / Management of the human factor in relation to administrative dysfunctions and relations between the civil service and extra-institutional actors (economic interest groups, trade unions, civil society, etc.) / Institutional mechanisms to fight corruption
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants, the Final report (in French only) and the Photo gallery
Performance, Merit and Equality in the Civil Service
4th UniDem Med, 27-30 March 2017, Tunis, Tunisia
Organisers: The Venice Commission in cooperation with the Presidency of the Government of Tunisia
Participants: Senior public officials from MENA countries
Topics covered: New challenges and new missions for the public service / Performance evaluation and rules of ethics in the public service / Integration of a system based on merit in the public service / Place of women in the senior civil service
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants, the Final report (in French only) the Summary of discussions and the Photo gallery
Reform of the General Statute of the Civil Service
3rd UniDem Med, October 31 - November 3, 2016, Rabat, Morocco
Organisers: The Venice Commission in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Service and Modernization of the Administration of the Kingdom of Morocco
Participants: Senior officials from MENA countries
Topics covered: Asserting Public Service Values / Professionalizing, Developing and Remunerating Skills / From Administratin of Staff to Human Resources Management / Obligations, Ethics and Professional Conduct
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants, the Final report (in French only), the Photo gallery and the Video report (AR)
Open government
2nd UniDem Med, 4-7 April 2016, Rabat, Morocco
Organisers: Venice Commission in collaboration with the Ministry of Civil Service and Modernisation of the Administration of the Kingdom of Morocco
Participants: Senior officials from MENA countries
Topics covered: Open government: principles and implementation / Civic engagement / Transparency and Budget transparency; accountability / Access to information / Public sector integrity and anti-corruption / E-government for openness and participation.
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants, the Final report (in French only) the Photo gallery and the Video report (AR)
Constitutional Justice, Transitional Justice and the Legislative Process
PATHS Training, 30 November - 3 December 2015, Venice, Italy
The Venice Commission's Campus UniDem Med Program has contributed to the PATHS (Advanced Training Course on Human Rights for the South of the Mediterranean) in the framework of the EU-Council of Europe Joint Program (South Program). II)
Organisers: PATHS Project under the South II Program
Participants: Senior officials from MENA countries
Topics covered: Constitutional Court / Independence of the Constitutional Court / Constitutional Cases / Legislative Process
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants, and the Final report (in French only)
Human Rights and Civil Service
1st UniDem Med, 14-17 September 2015, Rabat, Morocco
Organisers: Venice Commission; Ministry of Civil Service and Modernization of the Administration of the Kingdom of Morocco
Participants: Senior officials from MENA countries
Topics covered: Dignity and vulnerable people / Principle of non-discrimination / Freedom of conscience and religion / Freedom of expression / Freedom of assembly and association / Private life
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, and the List of participants
UniDem Med coordination meetings
8th Unidem Med coordination meeting
15 March 2023, Lisbon (Portugal)
During the 8th annual meeting which will take place in Lisbon just after the Launch event of the South Programme V, the UniDem Med national coordinators will discusse the following topics:
- Results and impact of the UniDem Med 2022 seminars
- National priorities, venues and themes of the 2023 seminars
- Communication and sustainability issues
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants and the Final report
7th Unidem Med coordination meeting
27 January 2022, videoconference
During the 7th annual meeting which took place on line, the UniDem Med national coordinators discusses the following topics:
- Results and impact of the UniDem Med 2021 seminars
- National priorities, venues and themes of the 2022 seminars
- Communication and sustainability issues
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants and the Final report
6th Unidem Med coordination meeting
27 May 2021, videoconference
During the 6th annual meeting which took place on line, the UniDem Med national coordinators discussed the following topics:
- Results and impact of the UniDem Med 2020 seminars
- National priorities, venues and themes of the 2021 seminars
- Communication and sustainability issues
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants and the Final report
5th UniDem Med coordination meeting
6 February 2020, Rabat, Morocco
During the Rabat meeting the UniDem Med national coordinators discussed the following topics:
- Results and impact of the UniDem Med 2019 seminars
- National priorities, venues and themes of the 2020 seminars
- Communication and sustainability issues
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants and the Final report
4th UniDem Med coordination meeting
5 March 2019, Rabat, Morocco
The UniDem national coordinators met in Rabat and discussed the following topics:
- Results and impact of the UniDem Med 2018 seminars
- National priorities, venues and themes of the 2019 seminars
- Communication, sustainability and extension of the UniDem Med network
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants and the Final report
3rd UniDem Med coordination meeting
5 February 2018, Paris, France
The national coordinators met in Paris on 5th February to discuss:
- Progress achieved and project impact in 2017
- Results of the 2017 seminars organised respectively in Tunis, Skhirat and Algiers
- Themes, dates and venues of 2018 UniDem Med seminars
- Communication, outreach and sustainability of UniDem Med network
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants and the Final report
2nd UniDem Med coordination meeting
25 January 2017, Paris, France
The second coordination meeting of the UniDem Med project allowed to :
- Discuss the progress achieved in 2016
- Discuss in detail the 3rd UniDem Med organised in November 2016 in Rabat
- Decide on the themes, the dates and the venues of the UniDem Med in 2017
- Discuss issues related to the sustainability and the visibility of the UniDem Med network
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants and the Final report
1st UniDem Med coordination meeting
12 November 2015, Paris, France
The meeting allowed to :
- Present the Venice Commission contribution to the first module of PATHS programme;
- Decide on themes and venues of 2016 seminars;
- Discuss follow up issues as well as the methodology of the UniDem Med seminars;
- Present the new webpage of the project;
Link to the news, the documents and the presentations
Direct link to the Programme, the List of participants and the Final report
* This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of Council of Europe and European Union member States on this issue.