Iain Thorburn CAMERON

Selected academic experience
- Lecturer in Law, University of Hull, England 1982-1989
- Doctor in Law, Uppsala University 1991
- Senior Lecturer in Law, Uppsala University July 1992 -May 2000
- Professor in International Law, Uppsala University May 2000 - to present
Selected other experience
- Assistant to Judge Palm, Arbitration Commission, EC Conference on Yugoslavia, (Badinter Commission) 1993
- Expert investigator appointed by Swedish Foreign Ministry to report on sanctions (Targeted Sanctions and Legal Safeguards, October 2002)
- Expert investigator appointed by the Council of Europe to report on sanctions (the ECHR, Due Process and UN Security Council Counter-terrorism Sanctions, 6 February 2006)
- Expert investigator appointed by the European Parliament to report on sanctions (Respecting Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and EU/US Sanctions: State of Play, Policy Department, External Policies, October 2008)
- Member of the Advisory Board to the Swedish Prosecutor General 2010 - 2015
- Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (class 9) 2014 - to present
- Member of the Ethics Advisory Board to the Swedish Police 2015 - to present
Selected books published
1. The Protective Principle of International Criminal Jurisdiction (Dartmouth, Aldershot, 1993), 400 pages
2. An Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights, 7 editions (Iustus, Uppsala, 2014), 200 pages
3. National Security and the European Convention on Human Rights (Iustus, Uppsala/Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2000), 498 pages
4. International Criminal Law from Swedish Perspective (Intersentia, Brussels, 2011), 276 pages (editor, and author of three chapters)
5. EU Sanctions: Law and Policy Issues Concerning Restrictive Measures, (Intersentia, Brussels, 2013), 266 pages (editor and author of the introductory chapter)