- 1996 – Graduated Lawyer, Faculty of Law (University of Mostar)
- 2001 - Master of Science, Field of Legal Sciences - Faculty of Law (University of Split, Croatia)
- 2007 - Doctor of Science, Field of Legal Sciences, Civil Law Faculty of Law (University of Mostar)
Work experience
Faculty of Law (University of Mostar):
- 1997 – 2007 assistant
- 2007 – onwards assistant professor
Visiting professor :
- 2009 - onwards Faculty of Health Studies, University of Mostar, Law and Ethics
- 2010/2011 Faculty of Law, University “Džemal Bijedić” Mostar – Civil Law
Study visits
- Austria (Karl-Franzens University of Graz - Faculty of Law), Tempus Programme, June - July 1999, ;
- Spain (University of Barcelona, Faculty of Law), Tempus Programme, May - June 2001;
- Austria (Karl-Franzens University of Graz - Faculty of Law), Tempus Individual Mobility Grant, June - July 2004;
- USA (School of Law – University of Kansas – School of Law), Junior Faculty Development Program – JFDP, U.S. Department of State January – May 2008;
- Slovenia (University of Maribor – Faculty of Law), Joint EU-SEE Programme, 10/01-10/02/2012;
- Austria (Karl-Franzens University of Graz - Faculty of Law) ,One Month Visits to Austrian Universities, February 2013.
Other activities
- Participated in organisation of International conference “Current Issues of the Civil and Trade Legislation and Legal Practice” (Faculty of Law University of Mostar, Neum, 2003 – 2013);
- Participated in organisation of International legal workshops “Consumer protection in EU law” (November 2002, Faculty of Law University of Mostar) and “Current Issues of the European Civil and Civil Procedure Law” (April 2004., Faculty of Law University of Mostar);
- Participated in organisation panel “Organisation of Postgraduate Study in to Doctorial Study in the Line with Bologna Declaration (April 2004, Faculty of Law University of Mostar);
- Member and Secretary of Editorial Board of Collected Papers of the Faculty of Law University of Mostar (2002 – 2007);
- Member of Editorial Board of Collected Papers “Current issues of the Civil and Trade Legislation and Legal Practice” (2003 – 2013);
- Actively engaged in the Project connecting Faculty of Law University of Mostar with (First instance) Court in Mostar;
- Participated in organisation of the First Annual Student Conference „American National Identity“, Mostar 17 – 18/11/2011;
- Participated in organisation of Second Student Conference „Woman and Youth Empowerment in Bosnian and Herzegovinian Society“, Mostar 06 – 07/12/2012.
- Participated in international conferences:
- Human rights, Democratic Institutions and Federalism, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, 16/07 – 29/07/2000;
- Human Rights and Human Wrongs in Southeastern Europe, Miločer (Crna Gora), 26/ 08 – 09/09/2001;
- International Commercial Arbitration, Dubrovnik, 01 – 05/10/2001
- Tribal Law and Institutions, University of Kansas, February 2008;
- 2nd Regional Conference of the Civil Law Forum for South East Europe, Skopje, January 2012;
- Einführung in Das Medizinrecht, Sarajevo, 19 – 24/10/2012.