Dainius Žalimas

2022 – Present Member (2018-2022 - Substitute Member) from the Republic of Lithuania, European Commission “Democracy through Law” (Venice Commission)
07/2014 – 06/2021 President, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania
03/2011 – 06/2021 Justice, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania
09/2021 - Present Dean at the Faculty of Law, Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas)
2019 – Present Professor of international law, Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius)
Former scientific and pedagogical duties
1996–2002 Lecturer, Faculty of Law and the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University
2002–2011 Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University
2011–2019 Professor, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University
2005–2009 Associate Professor and Chair, Department of International and European Union Law at the Faculty of Law, Vilnius University
2002–2005 Associate Professor, Mykolas Romeris University
2001–2003 Associate Professor, Military Academy of Lithuania
Other former positions
2005–2011 Member, Permanent Court of Arbitration
1998–2011 Legal Adviser to the Minister, Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania
2001–2011 Chair, National Commission on Implementation of International Humanitarian Law under the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania
2001 - Doctor’s degree (Ph. D., law, social sciences), Faculty of Law, Vilnius University
Title of the doctor’s dissertation – The International Legal Grounds and Consequences of the 11 March 1990 Restoration of the Independence of the Republic of Lithuania.
1996 - Master’s degree in law (specialisation – international law), Faculty of Law, Vilnius University
Honours and awards
1. The “Order of Honour” (of the Republic of Moldova) for substantial contribution to the development and strengthening of inter-department cooperation in the field of constitutional law between the Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Moldova (2016).
2. The Grand Cross of Commander of the Order of Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas (of the Republic of Lithuania) for a significant contribution to the improvement of the legal system of Lithuania and for strengthening constitutional justice in Lithuania (2018).
Fields of expertise
Public international law, constitutional law, diplomatic and consular law, law of international organisations, protection of human rights and international humanitarian law.
International projects and programmes, expert activities, membership in editorial boards
1. Since 2002 - Member of the Editorial Board of the periodic international legal journal Baltic Yearbook of International Law.
2. 2005-2018 - National EMA director and national coordinator in the European Master of Human Rights and Democratisation Programme, conducted and supervised by the European Inter-University Centre of Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) in Venice, and the representative of Vilnius University in the EIUC.
3. Since 2007 Expert of the international research database Lituanistika.
4. 2008–2010 National expert-rapporteur in preparation of the EU Study on how the Memory of Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes in Europe Is Dealt with in the Member States in accordance with the contract with the European Commission No. JLS/2008/C4/006 conducted by the Institute for Public Goods and Policy, Centre of Human and Social Sciences (CSIC), Madrid, Spain; author of the national study Study on how the Memory of Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes in Europe Is Dealt with in the Member States. National Report: Lithuania (p. 286).
5. 2009–2012 Member of the ESF (European Science Foundation) Pool of Reviewers.
6. 2011 Editor-in-Chief of the periodic international legal journal Baltic Yearbook of International Law, 2011, Vol. 11.
7. 2012 National expert-rapporteur in the international scientific research project FRACIT / EUDO-Citizenship (franchise and electoral participation of third country citizens residing in the European Union and of EU citizens residing in third countries) conducted by the European University Institute Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies; author of the national study FRACIT Country Report: Lithuania.
8. Since 2013 Foreign member of the Editorial Board of the periodic legal journal of the University of Latvia Latvijas Universitãtes žurnãls. Juridiskã zinãtne / Journal of the University of Latvia. Law.
9. 2013–2015 International scholar in the Republic of Moldova (at the Department of International Law and Law of Foreign Economic Relations, Faculty of Law of Moldova State University) under the Open Society Foundations Higher Education Support Program of academic fellowships.
10. 2013–2015 Expert-rapporteur of Vilnius University in the scientific research project Challenges of Economic Crisis (Recession) to the Rule of Law and Human Rights.
11. 2016 Member of the Editorial Board of the book The Implementation and Protection of the Principles of the Rule of Law in Georgia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, Vilnius: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, 2016.
12. Since 2016 Member of the Editorial Board of the scientific legal journal Український часопис конституцiйного права [Ukrainian Journal of Constitutional Law].
13. 2016–2017 Short-term expert in the EU project Support for the Constitutional Court of Moldova.
14. 2017 Short-term expert in the European Commission’s twinning project Implementation of the best European practices with the aim of strengthening the institutional capacity of the Apparatus of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights to protect human rights and freedoms in accordance with the contract with the Law Institute of Lithuania.
15. 2017 Editor-in-Chief of the book Lithuanian Constitutionalism: The Past and the Present, Vilnius: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, 2017, p. 464.
16. 2017 Editor of the book Selected Official Constitutional Doctrine, 1993–2016, Vilnius: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, 2017, p. 1020.
17. 2020 Editor of the book Oficialioji konstitucinė doktrina: svarbiausiosios nuostatos, 1993-2020 [Selected Official Constitutional Doctrine, 1993–2016], Vilnius: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, 2020, p. 1010.
18. 2020-2021 Expert in the EU project The Rule of Law Programme in the Kyrgyz Republic – 2nd phase (ROLPRO2): the author of the Concept Paper: Reform and Strategic Development of the Constitutional Chamber of the Kyrgyz Republic; co-author of the Opinion on the Draft Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic.
19. 2021 International expert in the CoE project Support for Judicial Institutions and Processes to Strengthen Access to Justice in Ukraine.
I. Author or co-author of more than ten books on public international law and constitutional law. The latest publications include the following:
1. Lietuvos Respublikos nepriklausomybės atkūrimo 1990 m. kovo 11 d. tarptautiniai teisiniai pagrindai ir pasekmės [International Legal Grounds and Consequences of Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Lithuania on 11 March 1990], Vilnius: Demokratinės politikos institutas, 2005, p. 364.
2. 17 skyrius. “Karo policija” [Chapter 17. “Military Police”] in Lietuvos teisinės institucijos (vadovėlis) [Lithuanian Legal Institutions (textbook)], Vilnius: VĮ Registrų centras, 2011, pp. 411–429.
3. Study Access to Electoral Rights: Lithuania (EUDO Citizenship Observatory. Access to Electoral Rights Report, RSCAS/EUDO-CIT-ER 2013/20, http://eudo-citizenship.eu/admin/?p=file&appl=countryProfiles&f=1320-Lithuania-FRACIT.pdf).
4. Part of the scientific study: 2.3. skyrius. “Europos Sąjungos teisės įtaka nacionalinei konstitucinei jurisprudencijai” [Chapter 2.3. “Impact of European Union Law on National Constitutional Jurisprudence”] in Transnacionalinės teisinės sistemos – santykio ir sąveikos problemos [Transnational Legal Systems – Problems of Relationships], Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris University, 2014, pp. 121–152.
5. Chapter 10. “International and National Legal Assessment of Crimes Committed by the Communist Regimes: Lithuanian Case Study” in Fijalkowski A., Grosescu R. (eds.), Transitional Justice in Post-Dictatorial and Post-Conflict Societies (Series on Transitional Justice, Volume 18), Cambridge: Intersentia, 2015, pp. 231–271.
6. XXX skyrius. “Lietuvos Respublikos užsienio politikos konstituciniai pagrindai” [Chapter XXX. “Constitutional Foundations of the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Lithuania”] and XXXI skyrius. “Valstybės gynimo konstituciniai pagrindai” [Chapter XXXI. “Constitutional Foundations of the State Defence”] in Birmontienė, T. and others, Lietuvos konstitucinė teisė (vadovėlis) [Constitutional Law of Lithuania (textbook)], 2nd edition, Vilnius: VĮ Registrų centras, 2017, p. 755–799.
7. “The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania as the Jurisprudential Constitution” in Jakubčionis, A. and others, Lithuanian Constitutionalism: The Past and the Present, Vilnius: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, 2017, pp. 289–387.
8. Parts of the scientific study: I dalies IV skyrius. “Sąjūdis. Siekis atkurti Lietuvos valstybės nepriklausomybę” [Chapter IV of Part I “Sąjūdis. The Aspiration to Restore the Independence of the State of Lithuania”]; I dalies VII skyrius. “Konstitucinė teisė kaip jurisprudencinė teisė” [Chapter VII of Part I “Constitutional Law as Jurisprudential Law”]; IV dalies I skyriaus 1.1 poskyris. “Lietuvos Respublikos tarptautinio teisinio statuso pagrindai” [Section 1.1 of Chapter I of Part IV “The Grounds of the International Legal Status of the Republic of Lithuania”]; IV dalies I skyriaus 1.4 poskyris. “Lietuvos Respublikos sovietinė okupacija ir aneksija – sunkus tarptautinės teisės pažeidimas” [Section 1.4 of Chapter I of Part IV “The Soviet Occupation and Annexation of the Republic of Lithuania – A Grave Violation of International Law”]; IV dalies I skyriaus 1.5 poskyris. “Lietuvos valstybės tęstinumo koncepcija: tarptautiniai teisiniai pagrindai ir pasekmės” [Section 1.5 of Chapter I of Part IV “The Concept of the Continuity of the State of Lithuania: International Legal Grounds and Consequences“]; IV dalies II skyriaus 2.5 poskyris. “Lietuvos Respublika – Europos saugumo ir bendradarbiavimo organizacijos narė” [Section 2.5 of Chapter II of Part IV “The Republic of Lithuania – A Member of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe”]; IV dalies II skyriaus 2.6 poskyris. “Lietuvos Respublika – Šiaurės Atlanto sutarties organizacijos (NATO) narė” [Section 2.6 of Chapter II of Part IV “The Republic of Lithuania – A Member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)”]; IV dalies V skyrius. “Tarptautinės teisės mokslas Lietuvoje: pagrindinės tendencijos, reikšmė ir įtaka valstybėje ir tarptautinėje erdvėje vykstančių procesų kaitai” [Chapter V of Part IV “The Science of International Law in Lithuania: Major Tendencies, Importance for and Influence on the Changes in Processes Taking Place in the State and International Arena”] (together with Prof. Dr. Lyra Jakulevičienė and Prof. Dr. Justinas Žilinskas) in Lietuvos teisė 1918–2018 m.: šimtmečio patirtis ir perspektyvos [The Development of the Lithuanian Law within the Period of 1918–2018: The Centennial Experience and Prospects], Vilnius: Mykolas Romeris University, 2018, pp. 120–142; 223–256; 699–701; 714–725; 725–735; 757–760; 760–766; 813–820.
9. Parts of the Collective Monograph: I skyriaus 1 poskyris. Konstitucijos samprata [Chapter I.1. Concept of the Constitution]; IV skyriaus 4.3 poskyris. Konstitucinio Teismo išvada, ar Lietuvos Respublikos tarptautinės sutartys neprieštarauja Konstitucijai [Chapter IV.4.3. Conclusion of the Constitutional Court whether International Treaties of the Republic of Lithuania Are in Compliance with the Constitution]; VI skyriaus 5-7 poskyriai (Konstitucinio Teismo baigiamieji aktai, jų galiojimas ir teisinės pasekmės; Konstitucinio Teismo nutarimų įsigaliojimo atidėjimas; Konstitucinio Teismo baigiamųjų aktų aiškinimas, ištaisymas ir peržiūrėjimas) [Chapters VI.5-7. Final Acts of the Constitutional Courts; Posponing of the Entrance into Force of the Rulings of the Constitutional Court; Interpretation, Correction and Review of the Final Acts of the Constitutional Court]. // Konstituciniai ginčai [Constitutional Disputes]. – Vilnius: Mykolo Romerio universitetas, 2019. – P. 16-47; 293-308; 486-570.
10. Part of the scientific study: Sutarties politinė ir teisinė reikšmė bei pasekmės [Political and Legal Significance of the Treaty]. // Jakniūnaitė D., Stankevičius Č. V., Vadapalas V., Vitkus G., Žalimas D. Lietuvos ir Rusijos sutartis dėl tarpvalstybinių santykių pagrindų [Treaty between Lithuania and Russia on the Fundamentals of Inter-State Relations]. – Vilnius: Mykolo Romerio universitetas, 2021. – P. 99-118.
II. Author of more than 150 scientific articles and more than 70 other articles published in different journals. The latest publications include the following:
1. “Legal Status of Lithuania’s Armed Resistance to the Soviet Occupation in the Context of State Continuity”, Baltic Yearbook of International Law, 2011, Vol. 11, pp. 67–112.
2. “Konstitucinis Lietuvos Respublikos užsienio politikos tikslų ir principų įtvirtinimas” [“Constitutional Expression of the Purposes and Principles of Foreign Policy of the Republic of Lithuania”], Konstitucinė jurisprudencija [Constitutional Jurisprudence], 2012, January – March, No. 1(25), pp. 373–402.
3. “Contemporary Problems of (Non)Implementation of the Acts of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania” in Constitutional Justice in the New Millennium: International Almanac, 2012 (XVII Yerevan International Conference: Interaction between the Constitutional Court and Other Institutions in Ensuring the Execution of Constitutional Court Judgments), Yerevan: NJHAR, 2012, pp. 109–122.
4. “Lietuvos Respublikos pilietybės konstitucinės doktrinos raida ir pagrindiniai bruožai” [“Main Features and Development of the Constitutional Doctrine on Nationality of the Republic of Lithuania”], Konstitucinė jurisprudencija [Constitutional Jurisprudence], 2013, April – June, No. 2(30), pp. 205–259.
5. “Lietuvos Respublikos pilietybės teisinis reguliavimas Europos Tarybos standartų kontekste” [“Legal Regulation of Nationality of the Republic of Lithuania in the Context of the Standards of the Council of Europe”] in Lietuva Europos Taryboje: dvidešimt narystės metų [Lithuania in the Council of Europe: Twenty Years of Membership], Vilnius: Institute of International and European Union Law of the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University, 2014, pp. 269–312.
6. “Taupymo priemonių konstitucingumo kriterijai Lietuvos Respublikos oficialiojoje konstitucinėje doktrinoje” [“Criteria of the Constitutionality of Austerity Measures in the Official Constitutional Doctrine of the Republic of Lithuania”], Teisė [Law], 2015, Vol. 94, pp. 59–76.
7. “The International Legal Status of Lithuania and Its Resistance to the Soviet Union” in Lithuanians and Poles against Communism after 1956. Parallel Ways to Freedom?, Vilnius: PI Bernardinai.lt, 2015, pp. 335–373.
8. “Foreword”, The Implementation and Protection of the Principles of the Rule of Law in Georgia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine, Vilnius: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, 2016, pp. 4–5.
9. “Fundamental Values as an Inviolable Core of the Constitution”, Constitutional Values in Contemporary Legal Space I (16–17 November 2016): Collection of Research Papers in Conjunction with the 6th International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia, Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2016, pp. 58–69.
10. “The Annexation of Crimea and Attempts to Justify It in the Context of International Law” (together with Dr. Leonaitė, E.), Lithuanian Annual Strategic Review, 2015–2016, 2016, Vol. 14, pp. 11–63; https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/lasr.2016.14.issue-1/issue-files/lasr.2016.14.issue-1.xml and https://www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/j/lasr.2016.14.issue-1/lasr-2016-0001/lasr-2016-0001.xml.
11. “The Impact of the Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights on the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania”, Global Constitutionalism and Multi-layered Protection of Human Rights: Exploring the Possibility of Establishing a Regional Human Rights Mechanism in Asia, Seoul: SNU Asia-Pacific Law Institute, Constitutional Court of Korea, 2016, pp. 65–92.
12. “Independence of Constitutional Courts – Recent Developments and Challenges”, Role of Constitutional Courts in Protecting Democratic Values. 1st Congress of the Association of Constitutional Justice of the Countries of the Baltic and Black Sea Regions: Chișinǎu, 30 June – 1 July 2016, Chișinǎu: Curtea Constituționalǎ a Republicii Moldova, 2017, pp. 21–29.
13. “Effects of Constitutional Acts (Rulings, Judgments, Decisions)”, Role of Constitutional Courts in Protecting Democratic Values. 1st Congress of the Association of Constitutional Justice of the Countries of the Baltic and Black Sea Regions: Chișinǎu, 30 June – 1 July 2016, Chișinǎu: Curtea Constituționalǎ a Republicii Moldova, 2017, pp. 52–59.
14. “Lessons of World War II and the Annexation of Crimea”, research journal International Comparative Jurisprudence, 2017, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 25–36 (https://www3.mruni.eu/ojs/international-comparative-jurisprudence/issue/view/329).
15. “Regional Challenges in Implementation of European Convention on Human Rights: Lithuanian Perspective”, Latvijas Universitãtes žurnãls. Juridiskã zinãtne / Journal of the University of Latvia. Law, 2017, No. 10, pp. 29–48 (https://www.lu.lv/fileadmin/user_upload/lu_portal/apgads/PDF/Book_Jur_Zin_10-internetam.pdf).
16. “Офіційна конституційна доктрина: концепція, значущість, головні принципи розвитку” in Критика: міжнародний огляд книжок та ідей, Сiчень, 2017: https://krytyka.com/ua/articles/ofitsiyna-konstytutsiyna-doktryna-kontseptsiya-znachushchist-holovni-pryntsypy-rozvytku, https://krytyka.com/ua/articles/ofitsiyna-konstytutsiyna-doktryna-kontseptsiya-znachushchist-holovni-pryntsypy-rozvytku?page=2.
17. “National Constitutional Paradigm and the Principles and Norms of International and EU Law” in Journal of the Association of Constitutional Justice of the Countries of the Baltic and Black Sea Regions. BBCJ 2nd Congress: The Role of Constitutional Courts in Interpreting the Provisions of National Constitutions in the Context of the Generally Recognized Principles and Norms of International Law and EU Law, Judgments of International Courts, Kyiv: Constitutional Court of Ukraine, 2017, No. 1. pp. 34–52.
18. “Rolul Curții Constituționale ȋn soluționarea crizelor constituționale: experiența Lituaniei”, Buletinul Curții Constituționale (a Republicii Moldova), 2017, No. 1 (2), pp. 10–26.
19. “Justificarea ruseascã privind anexarea Crimeei și propaganda nazistã: asemãnãri majore și deferențe minore”, Buletinul Curții Constituționale (a Republicii Moldova), 2017, No. 1 (2), pp. 27–46.
20. The Role of Constitutional Justice in the Development of Electoral Rights: the Search for Balance between Individual Rights and Public Interest. // Developments in European Law (Rainer Arnold ed.). – Vol. 17. – Constitutional Justice and Evolution of Individual Rights (XIXth International Congress on European and Comparative Constitutional Law, Chișinǎu, 8-9 June 2017). – Regensburg: Universitätsverlag Regensburg, 2018. – P. 267-290.
21. Konstitucijos viršenybės užtikrinimas: kai kurie Konstitucinio Teismo implicitinių įgaliojimų aspektai [Ensuring the Supremacy of the Constitution: Some Aspects of the Implied Powers of the Constitutional Court]. // Jurisprudencija. – 2018. – Nr. 25(1). – P. 38-68 (https://www3.mruni.eu/ojs/jurisprudence/article/view/4826).
22. The Development of Constitutional Review and Human Rights Protection by the Constitutional Court of Lithuania. // In Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of Constitutional Interpretation, 2018 International Conference, Taiwan Constitutional Court, Judicial Yuan (Conference Proceedings). – Taipei: Taiwan Constitutional Court (Judicial Yuan), 2019. – P. 77-120.
23. Opinion Regarding the “Constitutional Legal Position on the Protection of the Constitutional Order”, adopted by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus on 25 August 2020. // European Humanities University (EHU), 5 October 2020: https://en.ehu.lt/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/20201005_--alimas_opinion_CC-1.pdf; Eastern European Studies Centre (EESC), 6 October 2020: https://www.eesc.lt/en/2020/10/06/regarding-the-constitutional-legal-position-on-the-protection-of-the-constitutional-order-adopted-by-the-constitutional-court-of-the-republic-of-belarus-on-25-august-2020/.
24. “Role of Constitutional Justice in Taming Populism in Politics”, Constitutional Justice and Politics: International Congress on European and Comparative Constitutional Law (Regensburg, 14-15 October 2016), Košice: Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, 2020, pp. 273-286.
25. “The Concept of Democracy as Safeguarded by the Constitution: Regional and National Challenges”, The Concept of Democracy as Developed by Constitutional Justice: XXII International Congress on European and Comparative Constitutional Law (Vilnius, 4-5 October 2019) (eds. Arnold R., Danėlienė I.), Vilnius: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, 2020, pp. 22-34.
26. SSRS agresija prieš Lietuvos Respubliką 1991 metų sausį: tarptautiniai teisiniai aspektai [Aggression by the USSR against the Republic of Lithuania: International Legal Aspects]. // Sausio 13-oji: tarp atminties ir istorijos [January 13: between Memory and History]. – Vilnius: Lietuvos istorijos institutas, 2021. – P. 99-124.
27. The Consolidation of Western Geopolitical Orientation in the Constitution / Закріплення західної геополітичної орієнтації в Конституції. // Незалежність України: права людини та національна безпека. – Львів: Львівська політехніка, 2021. – P. 27-42.
28. Legal Status of Lithuania‘s Armed Resistance to the Soviet Occupation in the Context of State Continuity. // International Law from a Baltic Perspective. – Leiden/Boston: Brill Nijhoff, 2021. – P. 139-187.
29. Lietuvos valstybės pamatiniai konstituciniai aktai: suprakonstitucionalizmas oficialiojoje konstitucinėje doktrinoje [Fundamental Constitutional Acts of the State of Lithuania: Supra-Constitutionalism in the Official Constitutional Doctrine]. // Konstitucija ir teisinė sistema: Liber Amicorum Vytautui Sinkevičiui [Constitution and Legal System: Liber Amicorum Vytautas Sinkevičius]. – Vilnius: Mykolo Romerio universitetas, 2021. – P. 79-107.
Public lectures
More than 50 public lectures delivered on different occasions. Some of the lectures are as follows:
1. Impact of Global Economic Crisis on Human Rights delivered at the Faculty of Law of Moldova State University (Chișinǎu) on 20 November 2013.
2. Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments in the Context of International Human Rights Standards delivered at the Faculty of Law of Moldova State University (Chișinǎu) on 9 April 2014.
3. Защита верховенства права: роль Конституционного Суда в реагировании на сегодняшние вызовы delivered at the Academy of Sciences of Moldova on 29 November 2016.
4. The reports National Constitutional Paradigm in the Context of International and European Human Rights Standards and Human Rights as the Core Constitutional Value and the Challenges Posed by Political Populism delivered at the summer school Constitutional Jurisdiction – Effective Remedy of Human Rights Protection, which was organised in Vadul lui Voda (Moldova) on 20–21 June 2017 by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova together with the EU project Support to the Constitutional Court of Moldova.
5. Teisės viršenybė ir Konstitucija: aktualūs iššūkiai ir atsako paieškos [Rule of Law and Constitution: Current Challenges and the Search of Responses], delivered on 30 August in the Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas).
Participation in conferences and presentation of reports Active participant in international scientific conferences (more than 100 reports). Some examples are as follows:
1. Participant (and chair of one of the sessions) of the international conference The Role of Constitutional Justice in Protecting Values of the Rule of Law, organised by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova on 9 September 2014 to mark the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova. Presentation of the report Facing the Challenges of the Financial Crisis: The Role of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania.
2. Participant of the international scientific conference Соотношение внутреннего и международного права: вызовы и решения, organised by the Department of International Law and Law of Foreign Economic Relations of the Faculty of Law of Moldova State University in Chișinǎu on 14 November 2014 to mark the 70th birthday of Prof. Nicolae Osmochescu. Presentation of the report Воздействие международного права и права Европейского Союза на конституцию: к европейской конституционной идентичности.
3. Presentation of the report A Survey of the Cases Considered by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania from 1 January 2014 until 1 April 2015 at the trilateral conference of the Constitutional Courts of Lithuania, Moldova, and Romania Constitutional Jurisdiction, which took place at the University “Stefan cel Mare” of Suceava on 21 April 2015.
4. Participant (and chair of one of the sessions) of the international conference Relations of the Constitutional Court with Other Public Authorities, which was organised on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova. Presentation of the report Acts of the Constitutional Court as a Living Constitution.
5. Presentation of the report Constitutionality of Constitutional Amendments: Experience of the Constitutional Court of Lithuania at the round table Constitutionality of Constitutional Amendments, which was organised by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova together with the EU project Support to the Constitutional Court of Moldova on 20 May 2016.
6. Participant (and chair of one of the sessions) of the 1st Congress of the Association of Constitutional Justice of the Countries of the Baltic and Black Sea Regions (BBCJ) titled Role of Constitutional Courts in Protecting Democratic Values, which took place in Chișinǎu on 30 June 2016. Presentation of the reports Independence of Constitutional Courts – Recent Developments and Challenges: Lithuanian Practice and Effects of Constitutional Courts Acts (Rulings, Judgments, Decisions): Lithuanian Practice.
7. Participant (and moderator of one of the sessions) of the international conference of the justices of the Constitutional Courts of Georgia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine – the Vilnius Forum, which was organised by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania on 24–25 October 2016 as part of the project Assistance to the Constitutional Courts of Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine in Ensuring the Implementation and Protection of the Principles of the Rule of Law. Presentation of the report The Constitutional Principle of Respect for International Law as an Element of the Principle of the Rule of Law.
8. Presentation of the report The Role of the Constitutional Court in Resolving Constitutional Crises: The Experience of Lithuania at the international conference The Role of Constitutional Courts in Solving Constitutional Crises, which was organised by the Deutche Stiftung für Internationale Rechtliche Zusammenarbeit E. V. (IRZ) and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova and took place in Chișinǎu on 2 December 2016.
9. Participant (and moderator of one of the sessions) of the international conference Evolution of Constitutional Control in Europe: Lessons Learned and New Challenges, which was organised by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova with support from the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) and took place in Chișinǎu on 2–3 March 2017. Presentation of the report Relations of Constitutional Control Institutions with European and International Courts.
10. Participant (and chair of one of the sessions) of the 2nd Congress of the Association of Constitutional Justice of the Countries of the Baltic and Black Sea Regions (BBCJ) titled The Role of Constitutional Courts in Interpreting Provisions of National Constitutions in the Context of the Generally Recognised Principles and Norms of International Law and EU Law, Judgments of International Courts, which took place in Kharkiv on 1–2 June 2017. Presentation of the report National Constitutional Paradigm and the Principles and Norms of International and EU Law.
11. Presentation of the report Role of Constitutional Justice in the Development of Electoral Rights: The Search for Balance between Individual Rights and Public Interest at the XIX International Congress on European and Comparative Constitutional Law titled Constitutional Justice and Evolution of Individual Rights, which was held by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova, Prof. Rainer Arnold from the University of Regensburg, the Deutche Stiftung für Internationale Rechtliche Zusammenarbeit E. V. (IRZ), and the Graduiertenschule für Ost- und Südosteuropastudien. The Congress took place in Chișinǎu on 8–9 June 2017.
12. Participant and chair of the working meeting of the international conference of the justices of the Constitutional Courts of Georgia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine – the Vilnius Forum, which was organised by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania on 24 October 2017 as part of the project Assistance to the Constitutional Courts of Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine in Ensuring the Implementation and Protection of the Principles of the Rule of Law. Presentation of the report Presentation of Recent Developments in the Relevant Case Law: Report of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania.
13. Report "Democratic Law-Making and Public Consultations: Constitutional Framework, Legislative Powers and Role of the Judiciary" in the Round-Table Democratic Law-Making Public Consultations: the Theory and Realities from the OSCE Region by the OSCE ODIHR, 5 December 2019, Venice.
14. Report "Constitutional Justice and the Society‘s Reaction: When the Solutions of the Constitutional Courts Are in Disagreement with the Majority Opinion of the Society" in the international conference on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova, 20 February 2020, Chisinau (Moldova).
15. Report "The ECHR as a Source for the Interpretation of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania" in the international conference 70 Years of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: Challenges and Prospects, held by the Mykolas Romeris University, 17 September 2020.
16. Report "The Comparative Analysis of the First Constitutions of Georgia and Lithuania" in the international conference 100th Anniversary Celebration of the First Constitution of Georgia: Legal and Political Aspects, held by the Tbilissi State Illia University, 19 February 2021.
17. Report "Constitutional Standards of the Parliamentary Oversight in Lithuania" in the international conference Parliamentary Oversight in the XXI Century, held by the Фонд Східна Європа (Ukraine) and the USAID mission in Ukraine and Belarus, 14 May 2021.
18. Report "The Principle of Legal Certainty in the Judicial Practice of the Constitutional Court of Lithuania" in the round-table discussion The Principle of Legal Certainty: Standards of the Council of Europe and the Practice of Ukrainian Courts, held by the Supreme Court of Ukraine, National Judicial School of Ukraine and the CoE project Support for Judicial Institutions and Processes to Strengthen Access to Justice in Ukraine, 30 June 2021.
19. Report "Behind the Drėlingas Case: Concept of the Soviet Genocide in Lithuania in Accordance with the Ruling of the Constitutional Court of 18 March 2014" in the international conference Two Years after Drėlingas Case: Changes and Perspectives for the Future, held by the Mykolas Romeris University, 10 September 2021.
20. Report "The Doctrine of Supraconstitutionality and Lithuanian Constitutional Identity" at the international scientific conference 100 Years of the Satversme, held by the Chancery of the President of the Republic of Latvia and the Academy of Science of Latvia on 16 February 2022.
21. Report "Constitution and International Law: Supremacy or Harmony" at the international conference International Law in Domestic Litigation, held bu the Ukrainian Association of International Law and the Supreme Court of Ukraine on 18 February 2022.
Other academic activities
• Supervisor and reviewer of master’s theses.
• Scientific supervisor and consultant of doctoral dissertations.
• Reviewer of scientific works.
Other activities
1. Author or co-author of more than 50 different legal acts of Lithuania (including amendments to various codes, decommunisation and denazification laws, Law on Citizenship, Law on International Military Operations and other laws relevant to the country’s accession to NATO).
2. At the request of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania submitted 10 expert opinions in different cases.
3. At the request of the Agent of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania in the European Court of Human Rights submitted 3 expert opinions regarding the position of the Government in different cases.
4. At the request of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia submitted an expert opinion in 2007.