Óscar Sánchez Muñoz is a Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Valladolid (Spain) and has been developing his academic career for thirty years. His research interests focus on electoral law, political finance, political parties, freedom of expression and federalism. He is the author of 108 publications. His books on "The regulation of election campaigns in the digital age: disinformation and micro-targeting in social media" (2020), "Government advertising and elections" (2013), and "Equality of opportunities in electoral competitions" (2007) deserve special mention.
In addition to a PhD in Law from the University of Valladolid, he holds a DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies) in Comparative Public Law of European States from the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and a specialisation course in International Human Rights Law from the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
Besides his purely academic work, it is worth mentioning his professional activity as an expert in electoral law with notable international projection. In this field, he has drafted several reports for public and private institutions and has participated in numerous electoral assistance and observation missions. As an expert, he has been invited to appear before parliamentary committees of the Spanish Congress of Deputies to speak on the financing of political parties and on disinformation in electoral campaigns.
Throughout his career, he has taught at numerous universities in Europe and Latin America and has been visiting scholar at internationally renowned centres. such as the University of Toronto (ICCS grant), the American University Washington College of Law (Fulbright-Schuman grant), and the University of Ottawa.
Finally, it is worth mentioning his time as an elected member of the regional parliament of Castilla y León between 2003 and 2011, where his legislative activity was remarkable, particularly his participation as rapporteur for the reform of the Statute of Autonomy, as well as his participation in the drafting of various laws of institutional content.
For more detailed information on his curriculum vitae, please consult https://uva-es.academia.edu/OscarS%C3%A1nchez