Ms Melek SARAL
Associate Professor, Social Sciences University of Ankara;
Professorial Research Associate, SOAS, University of London

09/2007 - 07/2012
PhD (Dr. phil) in Political Science (major) and Law (minor), Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
09/2009 - 02/2010
Visiting PhD Student, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
04/2002 - 02/2007
M.A in Political Science, Law and History, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany
09/2004 - 06/2005
Erasmus exchange student, European Studies Department, University of Bradford, UK
Current and Previous Positions
03/2022 - present |
Associate Professor, General Public Law, Social Sciences University of Ankara, Turkey
01/05/2019 - present
Professorial Research Fellow, School of Law, SOAS University of London, UK
15/9/2019 - 02/2022
Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Turkey
05/2017- 04/2019
Marie Curie Research Fellow, School of Law, SOAS University of London, UK
09/2015 - 08/2017
Associated Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University Priority Research Program Asia and Europe, University of Zurich, Switzerland
09/2014 - 09/2015
Postdoctoral Researcher, Swiss Government Excellence Scholar holder at the University Priority Research Program Asia and Europe, University of Zurich, Switzerland
07/2012 - 03/2018
Affiliated Researcher at the Professorship of International Politics and Conflict Research, Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany
Additional Professional Experience
01/2016 - 04/2017
Expert, Prime Ministry, Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities, Office of Legal Counsellor, Human Rights and Law Office, Ankara, Turkey.
06/2016 - 04/2017
Expert, Human Rights Inquiry Committee of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey.
Selected Publications
- Saral Melek (2021) Transitional justice and small states: Bosnia-Herzegovina and Tunisia. International Politics
- Saral Melek (2021) Human Rights Challenges in Post-Uprising Egypt: Political Actors’ Reflections on the Years of 2011-2013. The International Journal of Human Rights, 25(8): 1374-1394.
- Saral Melek. (2021) Emerging Human Rights Discourses in Post-Uprising Egypt. Ortadoğu Etütleri (Middle Eastern Studies) 13(2), pp 287-311.
- Saral Melek, Bahçecik Şerif Onur (eds). (2020). State, Religion and Muslims. Between Discrimination and Protection at the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Levels. Muslim Minority Series, BRILL.
- Saral Melek, (2020). Muslims Between Discrimination and Protection at the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Levels in Western Countries in: Melek Saral and Serif Onur Bahcecik (eds) ‘Religion and Muslims. Between Discrimination and Protection at the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Levels’. Muslim Minority Series, BRILL, pp 1-11.
- Saral Melek. (2019). The Protection of Human Rights in Transitional Tunisia. Willingness, Consensus and Capacity Building. Muslim World Journal of Human Rights:
- Saral Melek. (2018) Discourses of Egyptian Women’s Rights NGOs in: Raffaelle Marchetti (ed) Government-NGO Relations in Africa, Asia, Europe and MENA, Routledge, 217-235.
- Saral Melek (2018) Concept of Fault and Discrimination of Women in Turkish Judiciary System in the Context of Post-Marital Maintenance Obligation. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family. Volume 32 Issue 3. (together with Betul Ozluk)
- Saral Melek, (2017). Turkey-EU Relations and Turkey’s New Identity, Amsterdam University Press.
- Saral, Melek. (2011). Civil Society and Human Rights Protections in Iraq since 2003, in: Marchaetti and Tocci (eds.) Conflict Society and Peacebuilding, New Delhi, Routledge