President of the Constitutional Court
Militant career :
• Mujahid in the National Liberation Army (Political governors of the Eighth Region-the Fifth wilaya) from the year of 1960 to 10/10/1962.
Academic degrees:
• Baccalaureate degree from Jordan in 1963,
• Bachelor's degree in law from university of Cairo in 1967,
• Master’s degree in Criminal Sciences from university of Algiers in 1984.
1. Editor at the weekly El Moudjahid newspaper from September 1967 to the end of February 1968,
2. Public prosecutor from 13/03/1973 to 15/07/1973,
3. Assistant Attorney General from 16/07/1973 to 31/08/1978,
4. Attorney General from 01/09/1978 to 24/11/1979,
5. Advocate-general of the Supreme Court from 25/11/1979 to 01/09/1987,
6. Assigned staff manager and general administration at the ministry of justice from September 1979 to September 1980,
7. Professor at the Higher School of the Magistracy from 1980 to 1987,
8. Member of Council of Nation of the third which is appointed by the President of the Republic from 22/06/2020 to 16/11/2021,
9. President of Constitutional Court since 16/11/2021.
Professional career:
1. Lawyer at the Supreme Court and Council of State from 23/11/1987 at the regional organization of lawyers Media, then at the regional organization of lawyers Algiers and finally at the regional organization of lawyers Tlemcen to the date of 23/06/2020,
2. Member of Algerian Jurists Union from 1974 to 1990, then as the Vice-President of Algerian Jurists Union since the resumption of its activity in 1998.
• Publication of many articles and lectures in the Journal of Legal Thought and some national newspapers.
Various activities:
• Participation in several national and international professional and cultural conferences، as well as directing and lecturing in national seminars, forums and symposiums.