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  • 2002 - Ph.D., (Science Juris Doctor) obtained at the Law faculty - Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • 1997 - LL.M. degree obtained at the Faculty of Law - Skopje, North Macedonia
  • 1994 - University Degree graduated lawyer obtained at the Faculty of Law – Skopje, North Macedonia



  • Full Professor of Constitutional Law and Political System at the Law Faculty – Skopje (University Ss. “Cyril and Methodius”) from 2012
  • Associate professor - 2008 till 2012
  • Assistant professor - 2003 till 2008
  • Teaching assistant - 1998 till 2003



  • June 2018 - August 2020 – Minister of Justice of the Republic of North Macedonia 
  • June 2017- June 2018 – Minister of Education of the Republic of North Macedonia
  • May 2014 - June 2017 – Member of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia
  • 2015 - 2016 –  Vice-President of the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia
  • 2015 2017 – Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe
  • September 2015 June 2017 – Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE




1. “Executive power in democratic systems”, Matica Makedonska, Skopje, 1999
2. “Constitutional order of the Republic of Macedonia”, (co-author), Skopje, several editions: 2002, 2004, 2006

3. “Constitutional law and Political system”, (co-author), Skopje, 2003

4.“Constitutionalism and human rights”, Skopje, 2006

5. “Party Funding and Campaign Finance in Macedonia” in Daniel Smilov and Jurij Toplak (eds.), “Political Finance and Corruption in Eastern Europe – The transition Period”, Asgate, 2007

6. “One Voter- One Ballot”, UNDP, 2008

7. “Perspectives of the domestic legal framework for governing election, from viewpoint of the international election standards and goods”, OSCE and CRPM, 2008

8. “Constitutional law”, co-author with Savo Klimovski and Tanja Karakamiseva, 2009

9. “I have a right to vote”, UNDP, 2009

10. “Basis of public law”, (co-author), Skopje, 2011

11. “Constitutional and Political System”, (co-author with Savo Klimovski and Tanja Karakamiseva), Skopje, 2012

12.”The Rule of Law and Protection of Human Rights in the Republic of Macedonia”, “Rule of Law, Human Rights and European Union”, SEELS, GIZ, Skopje, 2012

13. “Open Parliaments: The Case of Macedonia”, “Open Parliaments 2012 – Transparency and Accountability of Parliaments in South-East Europe” (Regine Schubert, ed.), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Sofia, 2012

14. “Macedonian (Un)Democratic Saga: David (Parliament) vs. Goliath (Government)?” (Co-author with Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova) in “Challenges of Parliamentarism” (ed. Slaviša Orlović), Belgrade, 2013.

15. “Constitutionalism”, Law Faculty, Skopje, 2015

16. “Legal Frame for Fair and Free Elections”, NDI, NED, Skopje, 2015

17. “Dilemmas and challenges of legal protection against administrative actions in the Republic od Macedonia” (co-author with Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova) in Zoltán Szente and Konrad Lachmayer (eds.), “The Principles of Effective Legal Protection in Administrative Law”, Routledge, London and New York, 2017.

18. “Human Dignity in North Macedonia” in Paolo Becchi and Klaus Mathis (Eds) “Handbook of Human Dignity in Europe”, Springer, 2019, SBN 978-3-319-28081-3
ISBN 978-3-319-28083-7



Renata Deskoska has published over 80 articles in the filed of human rights, organiation of powers, constitutional judiciary and rights of minorities.



Renata Deskoska has attended over 30 international postgraduate summer schools and conferences, among which are: 

  • The University Training Center in Bertinoro (Forli, Italy);
  • The Hague Academy of International Law (on Public International Law);
  • Institut international des droits de l'homme (Strasbourg, France)
  • International Center for University Human Rights Teaching (Strasbourg, France).


In 1998 Deskoska had internship in the Council of Europe, Directorate of Human Rights and in 2000 was on study visit at the University of Idaho, USA.

During OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in 2013, Ms Deskoska was the moderator of the Working session 6 on freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief.



  • Renata Deskoska has worked on 40 scientific projects financed by international organisations such as UNDP, NDI, OSCE, DIFID etc.
  • From 2012 to 2016 Deskoska was a member of the ODIHR Advisory Panel of Experts on Freedom of Religion or Belief.


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