Panayotis Voyatzis
Professional Experience
Court of Justice of the European Union
Legal Adviser (Référendaire) in the Chambers of Advocate General Dean Spielmann
(October 2024 – today)
General Court of the European Union, Luxembourg
Legal Adviser (Référendaire) in the Chambers of Judge Dean Spielmann (July 2016 – October 2024)
• Analysis and handling of cases related to EU intellectual property law, competition law,
restrictive measures, EU civil service law, and the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental
• Coordination of chamber conferences and case management.
• Supervision and mentoring of legal trainees.
European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg (Council of Europe)
Senior Lawyer (Référendaire) (April 2003 – July 2016)
• Managing of complex (chamber and Grand chamber) cases concerning fundamental rights,
including right to life, fair trial, detention conditions, freedom of expression, freedom of religion,
discrimination, and the right to property.
• Drafted decisions and judgments in English and French.
• Provided analysis and research on the Greek legal system and ECHR jurisprudence.
• Supervised and trained junior lawyers.
Council of Europe, Strasbourg
Secretary, Advisory Committee on Disputes (June 2009 – June 2013)
• Managed the Registry of the Committee and handled case organization and documentation.
• PhD in Law, University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), France (1999)
Title of doctoral thesis: “Freedom of Expression and Article 10 of the European Convention
on Human Rights” (in French)
• DEA (Diplôme d’études approfondies) in Public Law, University of Paris I (1993)
Title of dissertation: "Personal data processing and the right to private life" (in French)
• Law Degree, Athens Law School, Greece (1992)
Academic and Institutional Engagements
• Substitute Member of the Venice Commission on behalf of Greece (2021-today)
• Member, Editorial Board of the Revue Trimestrielle des Droits de l’Homme (August 2019 –
• Visiting Lecturer, University of Luxembourg (September 2017 – Present): Case law of the
European Court of Human Rights, European Union Law, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the
European Union.
• Visiting Lecturer, University of Athens (2013 – 2014, 2008 – 2009)
• Lecturer, University of Indianapolis – Athens Campus (2001 – 2003)
More than forty publications in Greek, English, and French on European human rights law, EU law, and
constitutional law:
▪ Human Rights in Times of Illiberal Democracies/ Essays in memoriam of Stavros Tsakyrakis, co-editor
with Marialena Tsirli/ Wolf Legal Publishers (to be published, 2020).
▪ European Convention on Human Rights- A Commentary (in Greek), (edited by. L. – A. Sicilianos Nomiki
Vivliothiki- Athens- Greece, 2013 and 2016);
- Commentary on Article 6§2 ECHR (presumption of innocence);
- Commentary on Article 34 and Article 35 ECHR (conditions of admissibility).
▪ La Convention européenne des droits de l’homme, un instrument vivant/ The European Convention on
Human Rights, a living instrument/ Essays in honour of Christos L. Rozakis, Co-editor with Dean
Spielmann and Marialena Tsirli/ Bruylant, 2011.
Selected Articles
▪ « The refusal to submit a preliminary reference to the CJEU and the guarantees of a fair trial under Article
6(1) ECHR” (in Greek), Hellenic Review of European Law, 2025, available at
▪ « Le mandat d’arrêt européen entre Luxembourg et Strasbourg : un subtil exercice d’équilibriste entre la
C.J.U.E. et la Cour eur. D.H. », co-author with D. Spielmann, in Sa justice. L'Espace de Liberté, de Sécurité
et de Justice. Liber amicorum en hommage à Yves Bot, Études coordonnées par Véronique Beaugrand,
David Mas et Maud Vieux, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2022, pp. 255-301.
▪ « La liberté d’expression s’invite au contentieux du droit des marques. Quelques réflexions à propos des
arrêts Matal v. Tam et Iancu v. Brunetti de la Cour suprême des États-Unis », in Human Rights in Times
of Illiberal Democracies/ Essays in memoriam of Stavros Tsakyrakis, Wolf Legal Publishers, 2020, pp. 217-
▪ « The Unanswered Question – en contrepoint préjudiciel- le renvoi préjudiciel vu par la Cour européenne
des droits de l’homme et la Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne », co-author with D. Spielmann, Essays
in honour of L.-A. Sicilianos, Anthemis, 2020, pp. 595- 619.
▪ « L’étendue du contrôle du respect des droits fondamentaux à la lumière de l’expérience judiciaire
comparée », co-author with D. Spielmann, Revue trimestrielle des droits de l’homme, No 112, octobre
▪ « Freedom of Speech and Internet : ‘A Brave New World’ in the case law of the European Court of Human
Rights » (in Greek), DiMEE (Media and Communication Law Review), No 3/2016, pp. 371-384.
▪ « Les aventures du droit à l’oubli et l’arrêt « Google Spain » : de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne
à la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme » (in French), Liber Amicorum Dean Spielmann, Wolf Legal
Publishers, 2015.
▪ « Ne bis in idem and presumption of innocence in criminal and administrative law: issues of
incompatibility in the case law of the Supreme Administrative Court and the European Court of Human
Rights » (in Greek), Theoria & Praxi Dioikitikou Dikaiou, No 6, 2015.
▪ « Alternative measures to detention in the European Court of Human Rights’ case law », European
Criminal Law Review, Volume 4, No 2, 2014, pp. 169-178.
▪ “The Internet and freedom of expression: a ‘brave new world’ and the ECtHR’s evolving case-law’”, coauthor
with N. Vajić, Freedom of Exprerssion – Essays in honour of Nicolas Bratza, Wolf Legal Publishers,
2012, pp. 391-407.
▪ « European Consensus and the ‘living instrument’ doctrine in the case law of the European Court of
Human Rights » (in Greek), Nomiko Vima, vol.3/2012.
▪ « Les effets des arrêts de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme dans le temps juridique - Les cas du
revirement de jurisprudence et de la violation potentielle », in La Convention européenne des droits de
l’homme, un instrument vivant/ The European Convention on Human Rights, a living instrument, (dir. D.
Spielmann/ M. Tsirli/ P. Voyatzis), Bruylant, 2011.