Ms Maja Prelic Simovic
Deputy Director of the Judicial Academy of the Republic of Serbia

- University of Belgrade Faculty of Law
Doctoral Candidate in International Law, PhD dissertation title: Venice Commission- Institutional and Organizational Aspects
- La Sapienza University of Rome
Master in European and International Policies and Crisis Management, January 2012
- University of Belgrade Faculty of Law
The Bachelor of Laws (LLB), June 2010
Working experience
After 7 years of professional career in the judiciary, she has been involved in the various international projects primarily focused on the justice reform in the context of the European integration of the Republic of Serbia. From 2017 to 2020 she has worked as a consultant for Constitutional Framework for a Multi Donor Trust Fund for Justice Sector jointly executed by the World Bank and the Ministry of Justice. During this period she supported the Ministry of Justice by providing analytical and advisory services, particularly regarding the process of the constitutional reform in the area of the judiciary. In 2019 she was engaged as an expert on the Implementation of the National Judiciary Reform Strategy and Action Plan for Chapter 23 implementation mechanisms within the European Union Project "EU for Justice - Support for Chapter 23" which had the aim of strengthening the capacities of the Ministry of Justice in line with the requirements of the EU Accession Negotiation Process of the Republic of Serbia. As an associate with prof dr Vladan Petrov she co-authored a comparative study for the OSCE of the relationship between the Constitutional Court and regular courts in practice. She was elected by the Council of Europe into the pool of experts for the provision of consultancy services on judicial accountability and independence in Serbia.
On 1st January 2020 she was appointed as a Deputy Director of the Judicial Academy of the Republic of Serbia.
Selected Publications
- Maja Prelic Simovic, Vladan Petrov, Contribution of the Venice Commission to the constitutional reform in Serbia, Jubilee Volume "Venice Commission thirty-year quest for democracy through law 1990 – 2020" published by the Venice Commission, 2020
- Maja Prelic, Legal analysis of the new Legislative initiative regarding Religious Communities in Montenegro, Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law, The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, 2019
- Maja Prelic, Vladan Petrov, The Relations between the Constitutional Court and the Courts in the Light of the Constitutional Oversight of Judicial Decisions, Foundation Public Law Centre, 2019
- Maja Prelic, The Rule of Law in the Accession Process of the Republic Serbia to the European Union, European Union Legislation, Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade 2019
- Maja Prelic, The Constitutional changes in the Republic of Serbia with special emphasis on the Working Version of the Draft Amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia in the part relating to the judiciary, Foundation Public Law Centre, 2018
- Maja Prelic, The Constitutional amendments relating to the judiciary and the consultative process with civil society, Lawyer in the Judiciary-Journal for Judges, Lawyers, Prosecutors and Other Judicial Professions, Paragraf, 2017