Selected academic experience
- Resercher at University of Salamanca 1990-1994
- Doctor in Law (Award for Doctorate Students University of Salamanca) 1994
- Lecturer in Constitutional Law at University of Salamanca 1995-2010
- Professor in EU and Constitutional Law at Escuela Judicial (Spanish Judicial Academy) 2010-2020
- Part-Time Professor in Constitutional Law, University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), 2012-2020
- Full Professor in Constitutional Law, Director of the Institute of Parliamentary Law (University Complutense Madrid-Congreso de los Diputados), University Complutense Madrid, 2020-present
Selected other experience
- Focal Point for Spain of the Council of Europe Program: HumanRights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP), 2012-2020
- Member of the WG Technologies of the European Training Network (EJTN), 2010-2013
- Member of the Rule of Law Experts Groups, European Judicial Training Network and EU, 2018-2019
- Member of the Expert Groupo in he Project: JUST FREE: Justice and Freedom of Expression”, École Nartionale de la Magistrature- EU (2021-2022)
- Member of the expert group for the drating of the HELP course (1) on Legal Reasoning of Judgments (2021) and (2) on the ECHR-EUCFR interplay (2022)
- Vicepresident of the Spanish Constitutional Association (2020-present)
Selected Books
- RAFAEL BUSTOS GISBERT: Calidad Democrática. Reflexiones constitucionales desde la Teoría, la Realidad y el Deseo. Marcial Pons/Fundación Giménez Abad, Madrid, 2017, ISBN: 978-84-9123-430-2
- OTILIA PACURARI/RAFAEL BUSTOS GISBERT/HORATIUS DUMBRAVA: Training Guide on the Rule of Law for Judges and Prosecutors, EJTN, Bruselas, 2019. ISBN: 9789082810653
- RAFAEL BUSTOS GISBERT/JAVER GARCÍA ROCA, Identidades Europeas, Subsidiariedad e Integración, Thomsn Reuters, Madrid, 2022. ISBN: 978-84-1124-162-5
- RAFAEL BUSTOS GISBERT, Independencia judicial e integración europea, Tirant Lo Blanch, Valencia, 2022. ISBN: 978-84-1113-759-1
The list of other publications can be consulted at: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/autor?codigo=77467