Full Professor of Constitutional Law, Sapienza University of Rome Legal Science Department

- Director of the Doctorate in Public Law, Sapienza University of Rome
- Director of the review “Diritto pubblico” since 2014
- President of the Fondazione Modigliani
- Member of the national “Commission for institutional reforms” (2013), and of various governmental commissions
- Former member of the IACL’s Executive Committee (2004-2010)
- Former clerk at the Italian Constitutional Court with Justice Antonio Baldassarre (1986-1990)
Author of several books in Italian and essays in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and German.
As Venice Commission expert :
- Freedom of the press in constitutional practice, in European Commission for Democracy through Law, Nicosia, 16-18 December 1994, Council of Europe, Publishing, 1995
- The Italian Regions in the Perspective of European Integration, Relazione al Seminario di Bologna, 18-19 March 1999, in Rivista italiana di diritto pubblico comunitario, 1999
- International treaties and agreements making trade and foreign aids conditional on respect for human rights and democracy, in Venice Commission, “The status of international treaties on human rights”, Council of Europe Publishing, 2006
- Concept and practice of judicial activism in the experience of some Western democracies, Relazione al Seminario di Tallin, in Juridica international, Law Review University of Tartu, Estonia, 2007
- La Protection des droits de l'homme dans les Constitutions de l'Europe orientale entre Ombudsmans et Cours constitutionnelles, Rapport au Deuxième Seminaire organisé à Erevan par la Commission européenne pour la Démocratie par la Droit du Conseil de l'Europe, in Rivista di diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, 2000
- Le sens de la démocratie politique dans le système conventionnel, Relazione al Congresso di Istanbul del 16-19 maggio 2004, in Dir.pub.comp.eur., 2004
- La démocratisation par voie législative après la transition à la démocratie, Rapport au 1° Atelier interculturel, Commission de Venise-AIDC, Marrakech, 29-30 mars 2012, in www.diritticomparati.it, 30 avril 2012
On the Venice Commission:
- Professor La Pergola’s “constructive fantasy”, in Venice Commission, Liber Amicorum Antonio La Pergola, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 2008
- Parliaments, Constitutional Transitions and the Venice Commission, in www.venice.coe.int, 26 June 2016
Other essays in English:
- ‘Populism and Illiberal Democracies: The Case of Hungary’, Z.Szente – F.Mandak- Z.Fejes (eds.), Challenges and Pitfalls in the Recent Hungarian Constitutional Development. Discussing the New Fundamental Law of Hungary, L’Harmattan, 2015.
- ’The Constitutional Relevance of the ECHR in European and Domestic Law. General Assessments’, G.Repetto (ed.), The Constitutional Relevance of the ECHR in European and Domestic Law, Intersentia, 2013
- ’Conditionality and Enlargement in Light of EU Constitutional Developments’, European Law Journal, 2004
- ‘The Kelsen/Schmitt controversy and the evolving relations between constitutional and international law’, Ratio iuris, 2010
- ‘Parliamentarism’ (with A.W.Bradley), M.Rosenfeld & A.Sajo, The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law, Oxford University Press, 2012
- ‘Constitutions’ (with Y.Hasebe), M.Tushnet, T.Fleiner and C.Saunders (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Constitutional Law, Routledge, 2013
- ‘Constitutional Reasoning and Political Deliberation’, German Law Journal, 2013
- ‘The Discourses on Post-National Governance and the Democratic Deficit Absent an EU Government’, EuConst, 2013, n. 2
- ‘Machiavelli, Guicciardini and the ‘Governo Largo’, Ratio iuris, 2015
- Review of P.F.Kjaer, A.Febbrajo and G.Teubner (eds.) “The Financial Crisis in Constitutional Perspective. The Dark Side of Functional Differentiation”, EuConst, 2015, Volume 11, Issue 01
- ‘The Convention method’, N.Lupo and C.Fasone (eds.), Interparliamentary Cooperation in the Composite European Constitution, Hart 2016
- ‘The formation of a costitutional tradition in continental Europe since World War 2’, European Public Law, 22, n. 2, 2016
- ‘Constitutionalism and Globalization: A Disputed Relationship’, A.Febbrajo and G.Corsi (eds.), Sociology of constitutions: a paradoxical perspective, Ashgate 2016
- Illiberal regimes in the perspective of comparative constitutionalism, in Rivista di diritti comparati, n. 1/2017
- History and theory of mixed governments, in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law, 2017
- Theories concerning the hierarchy of norms, in MPECCL, 2017
- Constitutional Pluralism, in New Developments in Constitutional Law. Essays in honour of Andras Sajo, eleven, 2017, 309 ss.
Essays in French:
- “Rationalisation” et élasticité dans la Constitution de 1958, Relazione al Convegno “De Gaulle en son siècle. Journées Internationales tenues à l’Unesco”, Paris, 19-24 novembre 1990, negli Atti del Convegno, vol. 2, Paris, 1992, trad.it. in Diritto e società, 1991, col titolo “Sui discorsi dei costituzionalisti francesi”, e in Saggi sulla V Repubblica;
- Compromis historique, in Dictionnaire constitutionnel, a cura di O.Duhamel e Y.Mény, Paris, 1992;
- Profils de droit constitutionnel et communautaire des privatisations des services publics en Italie et en France, Relazione al Convegno di Grenoble su “Services publics et interets locaux”, 1-4 dicembre 1994, in Annuaire International de Justice Constitutionnelle, 1993 e in Regione e governo locale, 1994;
- Problèmes et perspectives de l’enseignement du droit en Italie, in Revue de la recherche juridique. Droit prospectif, 1998, n° spécial;
- Italie. Justice constitutionnelle et subsidiarité, in Justice constitutionnelle et subsidiarité, sous la direction de F.Delpérée, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2000;
- Le principe de subsidiarité et les sources du droit communautaire, Relazione al VI Congresso della Association Internationale de Méthodologie Juridique tenuto a Pisa il 23-25 settembre 1999 su "La méthodologie de l'étude des sources du droit", in Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, Aix-enProvence, 2001;
- Secret du vote et apprentissage de la démocratie. Les débats et la pratique italienne entre 1848 et 1912, in Revue française de Droit constitutionnel, 2001;
- La communicabilité entre les systèmes juridiques, Liber Amicorum Jean-Claude Escarras, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2005
- “Gouvernement des juges”. Petite histoire du terme, in G.Vrabie (dir.), Le role et la place des Cours constitutionnelles dans le système des autorités publiques, Iassi, le 15 mai 2009, Institutul European, Romania, 2010
- Les rapports entre droit constitutionnel, droit européen et droit international dans la récente jurisprudence et expérience juridique italienne, in G.Vrabie (dir.), Droit constitutionnel, droit international. Frontières et interférences, Iassi, le 3 juin 2011, Institutul European, Romania, 2012.
- Santé et Constitution : l’exemple italien, in Acte du colloque de l’Association française de droit de la santé, Juin 2013, in Revue de droit sanitaire et social, N.Hors-série 2013