▪ Law Degree, Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (1989-1994);
▪ Master’s Degree in Criminal Sciences, Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (1996-1999);
▪ Lawyer since 1996;
▪ Partner, Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados (2005 – present);
▪ Coordinator of the Criminal, Regulatory Offences and Compliance Department, Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados (2004 – present);
▪ Member of the Board, Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados (2008-2021);
▪ President of the General Assembly, Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados (2021 – present);
▪ Co-coordinator of the IMGT – Instituto Miguel Galvão Teles (2016 – present);
▪ Professor at Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (1994-2006);
▪ Professor at Nova School of Law (2007-2013);
▪ Visiting professor at Nova School of Law at a Master’s Degree (2020 – present);
▪ Visiting professor at seminars and on postgraduate and master’s degree courses in numerous Faculties;
▪ Conference speaker and lecturer in several areas of law, particularly in criminal and procedural matters, as well as on matters of justice and issues concerning the practice of law;
▪ Member of the Conselho Superior da Magistratura (2005-2009 and 2009-2011);
▪ Member of the Conselho de Prevenção da Corrupção (2017-2020);
▪ Deputy Director of the Revista da Ordem dos Advogados (2018-2019);
▪ Member of the OPCR’s Board – Observatório Português de Compliance e Regulatório (2017 – present);
▪ Member of the Advisory Board and Honorary Member of APAC – Associação de Proteção e Apoio ao Condenado (2019 – present);
▪ Member of the Board of Directors of the Fundação de Arte Moderna e Contemporânea – Coleção Berardo (2019 – 2023);
▪ Co-coordinator of BeNAC – Barómetro da aplicação das Estratégias Nacionais Anticorrupção (2021 – present)
▪ Author of legal articles and books on criminal and procedural matters and on matters of justice;
▪ Regular and ad hoc contributor to several media publications.