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Mónica Aralí Soto Fregoso

Chief Justice of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary




  • Mexican lawyer with a Master’s degree in Education and a Master’s in Human Rights with a focus on Gender Perspective and Political-Electoral Parity. Holds specializations in Electoral Law and Electoral Justice. Her professional career includes 30 years in electoral matters, covering administrative and judicial roles at local, regional, and national levels.
  • Justice of the High Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF) for the 2016–2025 term, appointed unanimously by the Senate of the Republic.
  • Elected as Chief Justice of the High Chamber of the TEPJF starting January 1, 2024.
  • She has been a member of the Academic and Editorial Committee, the Jurisprudence Commission, and coordinator of the Gender and Human Rights agenda of the Tribunal, and of the Inter-Institutional Gender Equality Committee of the Federal Judiciary, which included the Supreme Court, the Judicial Council, and the Electoral Tribunal.
  • Served as Deputy General Coordinator of the Mexico Chapter of the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) from 2019 to 2021.
  • Contributor to the drafting group and Evaluation Committee for the Pact to Introduce Gender Perspective in Judicial Bodies in Mexico, under the Mexican Association of Justice Officials (AMIJ).
  • Vice-President and future President of the Association of Female Electoral Judges of the Americas (AMEA).
  • She represented Mexico as an expert before the Inter-American Commission of Women of the Organization of American States (CIM-OAS) from 2017 to 2020.
  • Participant in the Women’s Political Participation Observatory, involving the TEPJF, the National Electoral Institute, and the Women’s Institute.
  • Former member of the advisory board for the Ibero-American Yearbook of Constitutional Law, awarded by the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies of the Ministry of the Presidency in Madrid, Spain.
  • Currently serves as President of the Gender Observatory of the World Electoral Justice Network.
  • Was the first woman to join and preside over the Guadalajara Regional Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (2013–2016). Served as Electoral Magistrate in her home state, Baja California Sur (2007–2016), and held various roles at the Federal Electoral Institute (1994–2007).
  • Has published extensively, both individually and collaboratively, on electoral topics, human rights, and constitutional law. One notable publication is: “2018. The Year of Parity. A Brief Account of Electoral Justice.”
  • Recipient of numerous national and international awards for her judicial performance and gender-focused rulings.
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