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Asoc. prof., Dr.iur. IRĒNA KUCINA

President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic Latvia




Since 28 November 2024                      President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia


Since 2022                                          Judge and Vice-President (until 2024) of the Constitutional Court of

                                                          the Republic of Latvia


Since 2023                                          Vice-President of the Latvian Association of Judges


Since 2016                                          Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Latvia


Since 2011                                          Guest lecturer at the European Academy of Law


Since 2006                                          Lecturer at the Latvian Judicial Training Centre


2019 – 2022                                        Deputy Head of the Presidential Chancery of the Republic of Latvia, Head of the

                                                          Office of the Presidential Advisers, Adviser to the President of Latvia on Issues

                                                          of Rule of Law and EU Legal Policy


2013 – 2019                                        Deputy State Secretary for Judicial Affairs at the Ministry of Justice of

                                                          the Republic of Latvia


2016 – 2019                                        Representative of the Republic of Latvia before the Court of Justice of

                                                          the European Union


2013 – 2016                                        Assistant Professor at the University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, Department of

                                                          International and European Law Sciences


2008 – 2013                                        Lecturer at the University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, Department of

                                                          International and European Law Sciences


2002 – 2013                                        Employment with several structural units of the Ministry of Justice of

                                                          the Republic of Latvia – Head of the Civil Law Department,

                                                          Department of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Division of

                                                          International Private Law under the Civil Law Department, as well as

                                                          activity in the capacity of a legal advisor




2011                                                    Doctor's Degree in International Law, the University of Latvia

2007                                                    Master's Degree of Social Sciences in Law Science, the University of Latvia




  1. Member of the Scientific Committee in the European Commission project “Train in your language: multilingual transnational training in EU civil and commercial law – TRAIL”.
  2. Member of the Management Group in the project “Economic, Political and Legal Framework for Preservation of Potential of the National Economy of Latvia and Promotion of Increasing Competitiveness after the Pandemic-Triggered Crisis” (reCOVery-LV).
  3. Expert at the project “European Seminar "Cooperation Among the EU Member States to Adjudicate Civil Cases Concerning Wrongful Children’s Removal or Retention"” of the financial programme “Rule of Law” 2014–2020 of the EC Directorate-General for Justice.
  4. Participation in the Twinning project UA 12 ENPI JH 02 16 “STRENGTHENING THE INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY OF THE SUPREME COURT OF UKRAINE IN THE FIELD OF HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL” in the capacity of a short-term expert, period of implementation of the project: from the spring 2017, duration of the project: 2 years. 
  5. Preparation of scientific research report (researcher) about Latvia, summarization of statistical data for the section of the book: “Cross-Border Litigation in Europe” edited by Paul Beaumont, Mihail Danov, Katarina Trimmings and Burcu Yüksel, by Hart Publishing, 2015 –2016.
  6. Participation in the project "Empowering European Families (EEF)” in the capacity of a national correspondent (researcher) preparing an overview about the legal system of Latvia in the field of family law, 2015 –2016.
  7. Participation in the European Commission project “The Regulation Brussels IIbis - ‘Cross-Border Proceedings in Family law Matters before National Courts and the CJEU’” in the capacity of a national correspondent (researcher) preparing an overview and statistics about the legal system of Latvia, 2015 –2016.
  8. Project Manager in the target cooperation (Twinning) project “Strengthening of Justice” No. MK 11 IB JH 03 (period of implementation of the project 20.12.2015 –19.09.2017).
  9. Participation in the Twinning project “Strengthening of the Efficiency of Judicial Power of the Republic of Croatia” in the capacity of a short-term expert in 2013/2014.
  10. Conducting research at the Academy of European Law about topics “Cross-border divorce and maintenance” and “Parental responsibility in a cross- border context, including child abduction” in respect of the situation in Latvia, 2012.
  11. Participation together with Ms Dagnija Palčevska in the project announced by the European Commission, resulted in the research: “REPORT ON THE ENFORCEMENT OF FAMILY LAW DECISIONS IN LATVIA”, 2008.




Publications indexed in scopus and/or web of science:

  1. The Law of the Baltic States. Editors: Kerikmäe, T., Joamets, K., Pleps, J., Rodiņa, A., Berkmanas, T., Gruodytė, E. (Eds.), 2017. ISBN: 978-3-319-54477-9
    “I.Kucina “The structure of the judicial system”” (pages 160-172)


Publications indexed in erih+ and/or ebsco:

  1. Kucina I. Polish Constitutional Tribunal's judgment regarding supremacy of the Polish constitution over EU law: the next-level debate on the "last word". Vol.15 (2022) Journal of the University of Latvia. Law. 16.11.2022 (page 13)
  2. Kucina I. The Challenges of Digitalization in the Judicial System. 2022, 2 (23): "Socrates" Journal of Scientific Articles (page 9)


International scientific publications not indexed in databases:

1. The Future of Legal Europe: Will We Trust in It? Editors: Gavin Barrett, Jean-Philippe Rageade, Diana Wallis, Heinz Weil, Springer, 2021. ISBN: 978-3-030-68252-1

"I.Kucina "The German Constitutional Court's Challenge to the Court of Justice of the European Union – Problems, Consequences, Possible Solutions: The PSPP Judgment of the German Constitutional Court of 5 May 2020"" (pages 431-448)

2. The Challenges of Digital Communication for the State and its Democratic State Form. Editor: Julia Iliopoulos – Srangas, Egils Levits, Michael Potacs, Jacques Ziller (eds.), Societas Iuris Publici Europaei (SIPE), 2021. ISBN: 978-3-8487-7986-4

"I.Kucina "Algotithms in Courts and Predictive Justice"" (pages 27-33)

3. Manual. European seminar – Cooperation between the EU member states for the purposes of solving the civil cases regarding the wrongful removal or retention of a child. SITECH Publishing House. CRAIOVA, 2018. ISBN: 978-606-11-6637-4

"I.Kucina "Enforcement or return decisions"" (pages 99-107)

4. Cross-Border Litigation in Europe. Editor: Paul Beaumont, Mihail Danov, Katarina Trimmings, Burcu Yüksel, Hart Publishing, 2017.

ISBN: 9781782256786

"I.Kucina "Latvia"" (pages 351-360)

5. Kucina I. The Measure of Quality of Mutual legal assistance Treaties.// The Quality of Legal Acts and its Importance in Contemporary Legal Space Riga : The University of Latvia, 2012.


Scientific publications of national importance:

  1. Kucina I. Civil law aspects of cross-border child abduction: child between parents and countries. Publisher: Courthouse Agency, 2020. ISBN NO. 978-9934-508-84-4 (page 432)
  2. Latvian economy in the shadow of the pandemic and the possibilities of a post-crisis breakthrough. Publisher: LU Academic Press, 2021. ISBN: 978-9934-18-687-5
  3. "I.Kucina "Threats to privacy and freedom of speech in digital communication and the new proposals of the European Union on the regulation of large online platforms"" (pages 323-334)
  4. Law and legal environment in changing conditions. Publisher: University of Latvia, 2021. ISBN: 978-9934-18-679-0
  5. "I.Kucina "Instruments for ensuring the rule of law at the disposal of the European Union - the previous and the new addition"" (pages 72-80)
  6. Kucina I. Notes on Latvian court decisions in the civil cases of K. Misānes regarding the return of a child from Latvia to South Africa. Lawyer's Name, June 16, 2020, no. 24/25.
  7. Kucina I. Upheaval in the legal space of the European Union. Lawyer's Name, May 25, 2020, no. 21.
  8. Kucina I. Artificial intelligence (algorithms) in courts and justice of prognostic decisions. Lawyer's Name, September 24, 2019, no. 38.
  9. COMMENTARY ON THE LAW OF CIVIL PROCEDURE. Part III (Chapters 61-86). Prepared by a team of authors. Prof. K. Torgan's scientific editorial. – Riga: Courts Agency, 2014, 1026 pages. (Commented - Chapters 74.3, 77.1, 77.2, 79, 84, 85, 86)
  10. Kucina I. Divorce of cross-border marriages at the Latvian notary Europe within the framework of Union regulation. Latvian notary public. Riga. ISBN 978-9984-49-997-0
  11. Kucina I. Publication of judicial practice as one of the openness of the court tools. Jurista Vārds, July 1, 2014, no. 25.
  12. Kucina I. An insight into the ambiguous interpretation of legal aid contracts. Jurista Vārds, July 30, 2013, no. 31.
  13. Kucina I. Actualities of cross-border family law. Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Latvia, April 2013, no. 6.
  14. Kucina I. The Hague Convention on the Civil Legal Aspects of International Child Abduction - time for revision.// Current problems of legal science. A collection of articles. "Star ABC", 2012.


Popular scientific publications:

  1. Kucina I. Online platforms, Rule of Law and The European Response. Delphi portal, May 19, 2021. Https://
  2. Kucina I. Prohibition to Divide Lives. Delphi portal, January 15, 2021. Https://
  3. Kucina I. About Higher Education Institutions – The Name Is Not a Qualification. Delphi portal, February 17, 2020. Https://
  4. Kucina I. International Extradition: A Legal Space That Still Requires In-Depth Study. LV portal, March 3, 2020. Https://
  5. Kucina I. In the Interest of the State – Professionally Strong Prosecutor General. LV portal, March 11, 2020. Https://
  6. Kucina I. Failure to Comply with Quarantine and Self-Isolation - Warning and Gentle Supervision Are Not Enough. Delphi portal, March 30, 2020. Https://
  7. Kucina I. How to Limit Covid-19, Not Endanger Privacy and Return to Normal Life? Delphi portal, April 6, 2020. Https://
  8. Kucina I. Judge's Oath - Behind Closed Doors or Remotely? LV portal, April 30, 2020. Https://




International conferences:

  1. Kucina I. Judicial Sovereignty. Panel discussion. The Academy of European Law, congress: European Sovereignty: The Legal Dimension A Union in Control of its own Destiny. 13-14 October 2022. Trier, Germany.
  2. Participation with a paper in the most international conference "Constitution of the Republic of Latvia 100", February 16, 2021, Riga. Topic of the report: "Latvia as a member of the European Union and the framework of European law in the Constitution".
  3. Participation with a paper in SIPE (Societas Iuris Publici Europaei) XIV congress "The challenges of digital communication for the state and its democratic state form", June 13 - 15, 2019, Riga. The topic of the report "Algorithms in judicial system: a tasty or bitter recipe for trial?"
  4. Participation with a report in the international conference organized by the Baltic Judges' Association in Estonia on September 29, 2016. Topic of the report: "The significance of the Constitutional Court on the policy of the judicial system: problems and challenges".
  5. Participation with a paper in the international conference, September 22-23, 2016, Trier. Topic of the report: "Cross-border family cases, CJEU case law, the role of the central authority, perspectives in the field of cross-border family law".
  6. Participation with a paper in the international conference, June 16-17, 2016, London. Topic of the report: "Cross-border litigation in Europe: Latvia's experience".
  7. Participation with a report in the international conference organized by the Baltic Judges Association in Lithuania on October 1, 2015. Topic of the paper: "Electronic communication".
  8. Participation with a report in the international seminar "Children's rights protection system" in The Hague, the Netherlands, on May 12, 2015. Topic of the report: "International cooperation in children's rights protection matters: challenges faced by the Latvian Central Authority".
  9. Participation with a report in the international seminar organized by Croatian Ministry of Justice in Zagreb, October 6 - October 10, 2014 (the lecture was given every day). Topic of the report: "Latvian Experience on Practical Implementation and the Case Study on the Service of Documents Regulation and on the Taking of Evidence Regulation".
  10. Participation with a report in the international conference organized by the Baltic Judges' Association in Riga on September 25, 2014. Topic of the paper: "Possibilities for election / appointment to the position of a judge and problems of staffing the court system. Does the position of a judge have prestige?”
  11. Participation with a paper in the international seminar organized by Croatian Ministry of Justice in Zagreb, June 30 - July 4, 2014 (the lecture was given every day). Topic of the report: "Latvian Experience on Practical Implementation and the Case Study on the Service of Documents Regulation and on the Taking of Evidence Regulation". 
  12. Participation with a report in the international seminar organized by Croatian Ministry of Justice in Zagreb, December 2-6, 2013 (lecture was read every day). Topic of the report: "Latvian Experience on Practical Implementation and the Case Study on the Taking of Evidence Regulation".
  13. Conducting seminars at the international conference "Cilaw - New two years Civil Justice Project" - "CiLaw Conference", Vienna, April 8-10, 2013.
  14. Participation with a paper in the international seminar organized by the Academy of European Law "Cross - border divorce and maintenance: jurisdiction and applicable law. Train the trainers workshop" in Brussels, 24 - 26, 2012. in October. Topic of the report: "Features of the training module: presentation and possible use of the workshop exercises". As well as leading a working group on the topic "Practical session: implementation of workshop exercise III in groups".
  15. Participation with a paper in the international conference "The Quality of Legal Acts and its Importance in Contemporary Legal Space", October 4 - 5, 2012. Paper topic: "The Measure of Quality of Mutual legal assistance Treaties".
  16. Participation with a paper in the international seminar organized by the Academy of European Law "Cross - border divorce and maintenance: jurisdiction and applicable law" in Brussels, September 26-28, 2012. Topic of the report: "The proposed legislation on property effects of marriage and registered partnership". As well as leading a working group on the topic "Case - study on a cross-border maintenance case".
  17. Participation with a report in the international conference "Jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations" in Riga, June 11-13, 2012. Topic of the report: "Council Regulation (EC) No 4/2009 of 18 December 2008 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations - recognition and enforcement".
  18. Participation in the international conference "Principles and Specific Rules in European Contract Law", held at the University of Messina, June 1-2, 2012.
  19. Participation with papers in the Court of the European Union, Luxembourg, on March 26-27, 2012 on the topic "Material and procedural aspects of private international law".


National conferences:

  1. Participation with a paper in the public discussion "Covid-19: Drugs for Economic Treatment and Risks of Chronic Disease", March 5, 2021, Riga. Topic of the paper: "Remote Work - Legally Still to Be Strengthened".
  2. Participation with a paper in the scientific conference of the University of Latvia, February 27, 2019, Riga. Topic of the paper: "Cross-Border Consumer Disputes: The Choice of European Courts for The Purposes of Potential Litigation".
  3. Participation with a paper in the scientific conference of the University of Latvia, February 2, 2018, Riga. Topic of the report: "Protection of Children's Rights In Cross-Border Family Disputes".
  4. Participation with a paper in the conference "Impact of Public Opinion on Judges and The Court System as A Whole", January 26, 2018, Riga. Topic of the report: "The Role of Public Opinion in The Development of Judicial System Policy".
  5. Participation with a paper in the scientific conference of the University of Latvia, February 24, 2017, Riga. Topic of the report: "Application of Foreign Law in Latvian Judicial Practice".
  6. Participation with a paper in the scientific conference of the University of Latvia, February 13, 2015, Riga. Topic of the report: "Current Issues of The Application of The Legal Aid Agreement with Ukraine".
  7. Participation with a report in the conference "The Role of Birth Certificates in The Judicial System" on October 17, 2014, which was held in Riga, on the topic "The Role of Birth Certificates in The Judicial System".
  8. Participation with a report in the conference "Court in The Space of Legal Culture" organized by the Supreme Court on April 14, 2014, held in Riga, on the topic "Publication of Case Law as One of The Instruments of Court Openness".
  9. Participation with a report in the conference of Latvian judges on November 2, 2012, which was held in Riga, on the topic of "Topics of Cross-Border Family Law".
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