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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law, Department of Administrative Law, Republic of Croatia

She was born in 1962 in Osijek, Croatia. She graduated from the Faculty of Law, Osijek University, in 1985. She gained her LL D in administrative law at the Faculty of Law, Zagreb University, in 1994. From 1986, she was an assistant lecturer at the Department of Administrative Law at the Faculty of Law, Osijek University. In 1990, she was elected to the Faculty of Law, Zagreb University, first as an assistant lecturer then as a senior lecturer, associate professor, full professor, and finally full professor with tenure in the Department of Administrative Law. 

She was the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia (1999-2007, 2007-2016), Vice-President of the Court (2001-2003, 2003-2007) and the President of the Court (2008-2012, 2012- 2016). 

Since 2017, she is the President of the Court of Honour at the Croatian Chamber of Economy (CCE) and the President of the CCE Mediation Centre, as well as the arbitrator of the CCE Permanent Arbitration Court.

Since 2019, she is the ad hoc judge of the European Court of Human Rights in respect of Croatia.

She is a co-author of the first Croatian textbook on environmental law (1997). She is the author of the following books: The Council of Europe and the European Union: Institutional and Legal Framework (2008); the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights - Strasbourg Acquis (2013) and the supplemented edition of this book that was published in 2014. For that book, she has received two awards: the 2013 Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts' award for social sciences and the Jadranko Crnić's Foundation acknowledgement for the book of particular significance for the legal profession. She is author of more than 100 research and professional papers and articles dealing with constitutional, administrative and human rights law. She is a co-author of several collections on constitutional court practice.

From 2005 to 2010, she was a substitute member of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission) from the Republic of Croatia. Since 2010 she has been a member of the Venice Commission from the Republic of Croatia (re-appointed in 2014 and 2018). She was the member of the Commission's Board, as well as the Chair of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice. She was also the elected Vice-Chair of the Sub-Commission for Gender Equality, as well as Sub-Commission for Judiciary. Currently, she is the elected Vice-Chair of the Sub-Commission for Fundamental Rights.

She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Max Planck Encyclopaedia of Comparative Constitutional Law ― MPECCoL (Max-Planck-Stiftung für Internationalen Frieden und Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Heildeberg, Germany).

She is a full founding member of the Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences and the Croatian Association for Constitutional Law. She is the Head of the Public Law Section of the Scientific Council for State Administration, Judiciary and the Rule of Law of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

She has been an international legal expert in various missions of the European Commission (EU) and the Council of Europe, as well as the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

She has participated, as either organiser, lecturer or participant, in more than a hundred scientific and professional domestic and international conferences, seminars and symposiums. Besides Europe, she has also held lectures in Asia (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, South Korea), Africa (Egypt, Morocco, South Africa) and South America (Brazil, Mexico, Peru).



  1. BOOKS

  • Konvencija za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda u praksi Europskog suda za ljudska prava, Strasbourški acquis (The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. Strasbourg Acquis), 1st edition, Novi informator, Zagreb, 2013, 1552 pp.

‒ Award of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts for 2013 in the field of social sciences

‒ Jadranko Crnić Foundation's acknowledgment for the book of particular importance to legal profession for 2013

  • Konvencija za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda u praksi Europskog suda za ljudska prava, Strasbourški acquis (The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. Strasbourg Acquis), 2nd edition, Novi informator, Zagreb, 2014, 1546 pp.
  • Vijeće Europe i Europska unija. Institucionalni i pravni okvir (The Council of Europe and the European Union. Institutional and Legal Framework), Novi informator, Zagreb, 2008, 458 pp.


  • Presude o roditeljskoj skrbi Europskoga suda za ljudska prava protiv Republike Hrvatske (Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights against the Republic of Croatia on Parental Rights) (co-authors: D. Hrabar, A. Korać Graovac, J. Omejec, I. Majstorović, A. Čulo Margaletić, I. Šimović), Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, ed. Dubravka Hrabar, Library Monografije, Zagreb, 2021, 217 pp.

Textbook chapter: Značenje i doseg prava na poštovanje obiteljskog života u praksi Europskog suda za ljudska prava (The Meaning and Scope of the Right to Respect for Family Life in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights), pp. 1–26.

  • Pravo okoliša (Environmental Law) (co-authors: O. Lončarić–Horvat, L. Cvitanović, I. Gliha, T. Josipović, D. Medvedović, J. Omejec, M. Seršić), 3rd modified and supplemented edition, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning – Organizator, ed. Olivera Lončarić Horvat, Library PRAVO 37, Zagreb, 2003, 348 pp.

Textbook chapter: Uvodna i osnovna pitanja prava okoliša (Introductory and Basic Issues of Environmental Law), pp. 23–93.

  • Osnove prava okoliša (Environmental Law Basic Features) (co-authors: O. Lončarić-Horvat, L. Cvitanović, I. Gliha, T. Josipović, D. Medvedović, J. Omejec, M. Seršić), Organizator – Državna uprava za zaštitu okoliša – Pokret prijatelja prirode "Lijepa naša", ed. Olivera Lončarić Horvat, Biblioteka PRAVO 10, Organizator, Zagreb, 1997 (1st edition) and 1998 (2nd unchanged edition), 289 pp.

 Textbook chapter: Uvodna i osnovna pitanja prava okoliša (Introductory and Basic Issues of Environmental Law), pp. 15–82


  •             O suočavanju hrvatskog društva s nepravnom prošlošću (On How the Croatian Society Deals with Its Wrongful Past), in the book: Collection of Papers in Honor of 70th Anniversary of Academician Vlado Kambovski, Skopje: MANU (Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts), Pravni fakultet "Justinijan Prvi" Skopje" (Iustinianus Primus Faculty of Law, Skopje), 2019 (in the process of printing)
  •             O Venecijanskoj komisiji i njezinom utjecaju na jurisprudenciju hrvatskog Ustavnog suda (The Venice Commission and its Impact on the Jurisprudence of the Croatian Constitutional Court), in the book: Liber amicorum Aldo Radolović. Zbornik radova u čast prof. dr. sc. Aldu Radoloviću (Liber amicorum Aldo Radolović. Collected Papers in Honor of Professor Aldo Radolović), eds. Zvonimir Slakoper; Maja Bukovac Puvača; Gabrijela Mihelčić, Rijeka: Sveučilište u Rijeci, Pravni fakultet (University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law), 2018, pp. 23–48 (co-authorship: Slavica Banić)
  •             Dialogue entre juges constitutionnels européens: Croatie, in the book: Traité des rapports entre ordres juridiques, sous la directions de Baptiste Bonnet, Issy-les-Moulineaux: LGDJ, Lextenso editions, 2016, pp. 1445‒1499
  •             A Study on European Constitutional Courts as the Courts of Human Rights - Assessment, challenges, perspectives, in the book: Global Constitutionalism and Multi-layered Protection of Human Rights – Exploring the Possibility of Establishing a Regional Human Rights Mechanism in Asia, ed. SNU Asia-Pacific Law Institute, Seul: Constitutional Court of Korea, 2016, pp. 339–417
  •             Veliki njemački ustav i nepromjenjiva ustavna načela u praksi Saveznog ustavnog suda (The Great German Constitution and the Inalterable Constitutional Principles in the Case-Law of the German Federal Constitutional Court), in the book: Pravo i Pravda – Zbornik za 2015. (The Law and the Justice – Collected Papers 2015), ed. Jasminka Hasanbegović, Beograd: Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law), 2016 (in the process of printing)
  •             Grundrechte in Kroatien, in the book: Handbuch der Grundrechte in Deutschland und Europa, Band IX: Grundrechte in Ostmittel- und Osteuropa, eds. Detlef Merten, Hans-Jürgen Papier and Rainer Arnold, Heidelberg: C. F. Müller, 2016, XXXIV, pp. 331‒382
  •             Croatia: Commitment to reform: Assessing the impact of the ECtHR's case law on reinforcing democratization efforts in Croatian legal order, in the book: The Impact of the ECHR on Democratic Change in Central and Eastern Europe. Judicial Perspectives, eds. Motoc, Iulia; Ziemele, Ineta, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016, pp. 110‒135 (co-authorship: Ksenija Turković)
  •             Dialogue on the Advisory Jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights, in the book: Estudos em memória do conselheiro Artur Maurício, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra: Tribunal Constitucional de Portugal, Lisboa, 2015, pp. 477‒519
  •             Jurisprudencija njemačkog Saveznog ustavnog suda i hrvatsko ustavno sudstvo (The Jurisprudence of the German Federal Constitutional Court and the Croatian Constitutional Judiciary), in the book: Izbor odluka Ustavnog suda Savezne Republike Njemačke (The selection of decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany), eds. Tobias Zern and Martin Bauch, Zagreb: Zaklada Konrad Adenauer (Konrad Adenauer Foundation), 2015, pp. 15‒26
  •             Novi europski tranzicijski ustavi i transformativna uloga ustavnih sudova (New European Transitional Constitutions and Transformative Role of Constitutional Courts), in the book: Europeizacija hrvatske javne uprave (Europeanization of the Croatian Public Administration), ed. Ivan Koprić, Library: Suvremena javna uprava (Contemporary Public Administration), Book 28, Zagreb: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Studijski centar za javnu upravu i javne financije (Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Study Centre for Public Administration and Public Finances), 2014, pp. 805‒827
  •             Primjenjivost jamstava članka 6. stavka 1. Konvencije na privremene mjere i postupke sudskih zabrana ratione materiae (Applicability of Article 6 para 1 of the Convention to Temporary Measures and Court Injunctions Ratione Materiae), in the book: Djelotvorna pravna zaštita u pravičnom postupku. Izazovi pravosudnih transformacija na jugu Europe. Liber amicorum Mihajlo Dika (Efficient Legal Protection in Fair Proceedings. Challenges of Judicial Transformations in Southern Europe. Liber amicorum Mihajlo Dika), ed. Alan Uzelac et al., Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 2013, pp. 771–782
  •           Država i političke stranke (The State and Political Parties), Pravna biblioteka – monografije 58, ed. Ivan Prpić, Narodne novine – Hrvatski pravni centar, Zagreb, May 2004 

              Book chapter: Pravni pojam političke stranke (The Legal Concept of a Political Party), pp. 21–38

  •          Legislative Frameworks for Decentralisation in Croatia, ed. Ivan Koprić, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb and Croatian Law Centre Zagreb, Zagreb, 2003​

              Book chapters:

- On Electoral Systems for Local Representative Bodies, pp. 265–290

- The Role of Local Self-Government in Multicultural Issues and Interethnic Relationships in the Republic of Croatia, pp. 315–361

  •  Local Self-Government and Decentralization in South-East Europe (co-authors: Stjepan Ivanišević, Jasna Omejec, Ivan Koprić, Jure Šimović). Proceedings of the Workshop held in Zagreb, 6th April 2001, ed. Inge-Perko Šeparović, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Office Zagreb, Zagreb, 2001

              Book chapter: The Reform of Local Self-Government in Croatia, pp. 75–104

  • Local Governments in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 2: Stabilization of Local Governments (co-authors: Stjepan Ivanišević, Jasna Omejec, Ivan Koprić, Jure Šimović), ed. Emilia Kandeva, Open Society Institute & Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI), Budapest, 2001

              Book chapter: Local Government in Croatia, pp. 179–240


  • Hrvatska uprava – od socijalističkog do europskog koncepta zakonitosti // L'administration croate – de la conception socialiste à la conception européenne de la légalité (Croatian Administration from Socialist to European Concept of Legality), in the book: Hrvatsko-francuski upravnopravni dani. Hrestomatija I – Opći dio : Javna uprava // Journées juridiques et administratives franco-croates. Miscellanea I – Partie générale : L'administration publique, eds. Gjidara, Marc; Aviani, Damir; Britvić Vetma, Bosiljka, Split/Paris : Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu; Sveučilište Panthéon Assas, Paris II; Državni savjet Republike Francuske // Faculté de droit de Split; Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris 2; Conseil d'État de France, 2016, pp. 99–141 / original scientific paper  / UDK 35.07(497.5) /
  • European Legal Standards in Transitional Democracy, in the Collection of papers: Kultura, identitet, društvo – europski realiteti (Culture, Identity, Society – European Realities), I. međunarodni interdisciplinarni znanstveni skup (1st International interdisciplinary scientific conference, Osijek, 20–21 March 2013), Odjel za kulturologiju Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u  Osijeku; Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar u Zagrebu (Department of Cultural Studies at the University of Osijek; Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Zagreb), Osijek – Zagreb, 2014, pp. 25‒50 / original scientific paper / UDK 342.4(4)(063)=111 /
  • Izvršenje presuda i odluka Europskog suda za ljudska prava (Implementation of Decisions and Rulings of the European Court of Human Rights), in Collection of papers: Liber amicorum Petar Klarić, ed. Tatjana Josipović et. al., Faculty of Law, Zagreb University, Zagreb, 2012, pp. 801–830 / original scientific paper / UDK 341.231.145(4)(094.8) · 347.952:341.231.145(4)/
  • Diferencijacija propisa i općih akata u budućoj praksi Ustavnog suda i Upravnog suda u povodu Zakona o upravnim sporovima (2010) (Differentiation of Regulations and General Enactments in the Future Practice of the Constitutional Court and Administrative Court in regard with the Administrative Disputes Act (2010), together with Slavica Banić, Judge of the Constitutional Court of Croatia, Collected Papers of the Split Law Faculty, Split, year 49, No. 2, 2012, pp. 309–324 /  original scientific paper / UDK: 342.565.2 /
  • Новые европейские переходные конституции и преобразующая роль конституционных судов (New European Transitional Constitutions and the Transformative Role of Constitutional Courts), Журнал конституционного правосудия / Moskva, No 5(23)/2011, pp. 25–38 (in Russian)
  • Kontrola ustavnosti ustavnih normi (ustavnih amandmana i ustavnih zakona) (Control of Constitutionality of Constitutional Norms (Constitutional Amendments and Constitutional Laws), Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske / Yearbook Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences, Zagreb, Vol. I, No. 1, 2010, pp. 1–27 / original scientific paper / UDK 340.131.5 · 342.562/ 
  • Ustavno i konvencijsko jamstvo prava vlasništva (The Constitutional and Convention Guarantee of the Proprietary Right), in Liberum amicorum in honorem Jadranko Crnić (1928 – 2008), Novi informator, Zagreb, 2009, pp. 139–187 / original scientific paper / UDK 342.739 · 347.23:342.4(497.13) /
  • Zabrana diskriminacije u praksi Europskog suda za ljudska prava (Prohibition of Discrimination in the Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights), Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu (Collected Papers of Zagreb Law Faculty), Zagreb, Vol. 59, No. 5 (2009), pp. 873–979 / original scientific paper, UDK 341.231.145(4) * 341.645.5(4)
  • Primjena Konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda u radu domaćih sudova (Prvi dio), (Application of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Work of Domestic Courts /part one/), Croatian Law Review Hrvatska pravna revija, Inženjerski biro d.d, Zagreb, year VII, No. 7–8 (July-August 2007), pp. 1–9 / original scientific paper / UDK 341.231.14 : 343.11 /
  • Primjena Konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda u radu domaćih sudova (II. dio), (Application of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Work of Domestic Courts /part two/), Croatian Law Review Hrvatska pravna revija, Inženjerski biro d.d, Zagreb, year VII, No. 9 (September 2007), pp. 1–15 original scientific paper / UDK 341.231.14 : 343.11 /
  • Имплементация решений Европейского Суда по правам человека в практике Конституционного суда Республики Хорватии, Sravnitelnoe Konstitutsionnoe Obozrenie /Comparative Constitutional Review/, ежеквартальный российский научный журнал, Институт права и публичной политики /Institute of Law and Public Policy/, Moskva, Vol. 54, 1 (2006), pp. 150–172 (in Russian)
  • Status državnih službenika: pravna stajališta i praksa Europskog suda za ljudska prava, Europskog suda pravde i Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske (The Status of Civil Servants: Legal Views of the European Court of Human Rights, the European Court of Justice and of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia), Hrvatska javna uprava (Croatian Public Administration), časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave (periodical for the theory and practice of public administration), Public Administration Institute, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Polytechnic of Social Sciences in Zagreb and Novi informator Zagreb, Zagreb, year 6, No. 2 (2006), pp. 47-81 (scientific review)
  • Političko predstavljanje nacionalnih manjina u parlamentu: usporedba hrvatskog sa slovenskim i rumunjskim izbornim sustavima (The Political Representation of National Minorities in Parliament: a comparison of the Croatian electoral system with those in Slovenia and Romania), Međunarodne studije = International studies, časopis za međunarodne odnose, vanjsku politiku i diplomaciju (periodical for international relations, foreign policy and diplomacy), Hrvatska udruga za međunarodne studije (Croatian International Studies Association) and Centar za međunarodne studije (International Studies Centre), Zagreb, year IV, No. 3–4 (2004), pp. 59–80
  • Granice ovlasti Ustavnog suda u postupku ocjene suglasnosti zakona s Ustavom (The Boundaries of Constitutional Court Jurisdiction in Proceedings of Reviewing the Conformity of an Act with the Constitution), Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu (Collection of Papers of the Faculty of Law, Zagreb University), Zagreb, Vol. 53, No. 6 (2003), pp. 1423–1455 / original scientific paper, UDK 342.565.2 * 340.131.2 /
  • Izborni sustav i rezultati lokalnih izbora održanih 20. svibnja 2001. (The Electoral System and the Results of Local Elections Held on 20 May 2001), Hrvatska javna uprava (Croatian Public Administration), časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave (journal for the theory and practice of public administration), Public Administration Institute, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Polytechnic of Social Sciences in Zagreb and Novi informator Zagreb, Zagreb, year 4, No. 1 (2002), pp. 115–156
  • O izbornim sustavima za lokalna predstavnička tijela (On Electoral Systems for Local Representative Bodies), Hrvatska javna uprava (Croatian Public Administration), časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave (journal for the theory and practice of public administration), Public Administration Institute, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Polytechnic of Social Sciences in Zagreb and Novi informator Zagreb, year 2, No. 3 (2000), pp. 461–493 / original scientific paper, UDK 342.8 * 352/353 /
  • Uloga lokalne samouprave u multikulturalnim pitanjima i međuetničkim odnosima u Republici Hrvatskoj (The Role of Local Self-Government in Multicultural Issues and Interethnic Relations in Croatia), Hrvatska javna uprava, (Croatian Public Administration), časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave (journal for the theory and practice of public administration), Public Administration Institute, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Polytechnic of Social Sciences in Zagreb and Novi informator Zagreb, year. 2, No. 4 (2000), pp. 639–695 / original scientific paper, UDK 352/553 * 342.724(497.5) /
  • Initial Citizenry of the Republic of Croatia at the Time of the Dissolution of Legal Ties with the SFRY, and Acquisition and Termination of Croatian Citizenship, Croatian Critical Law Review, Croatian Law Centre, Zagreb, Vol. 3, No. 1–2 (1998), pp. 99–127
  • Ograničavanje sloboda i prava čovjeka i građanina u izvanrednim stanjima (Restricting the Freedoms and Rights of Man and Citizen in States of Emergency), Društvena istraživanja (Social Studies), časopis za opća društvena pitanja (journal for general social issues), Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar (Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences), Zagreb, year 5, No. 2 (22) (1996), pp. 345–374 / preliminary report, UDK 342.7(497.5:4) /
  • Legal Requirements for Acquiring Croatian Citizenship by Naturalization in Comparison with the Naturalization Laws of Some European and Anglo-Saxon Countries, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu (Collection of Papers of the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb), Zagreb, Vol. 46, No. 5 (1996), pp. 489–519 / original scientific paper, UDK 347.711 (497.5) * 340.5 /
  • Izvanredna stanja u pravnoj teoriji i ustavima pojedinih zemalja (States of Emergency in the Legal Theory and Constitutions of Some Countries), Pravni vjesnik (Legal Gazette), tromjesečni glasnik za pravne i društveno-humanističke znanosti Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku (quarterly bulletin for legal and socio-humanistic sciences of the Law Faculty of the University J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek), Osijek, Vol. 12, No. 1–4 (1996), pp. 171–196 / original scientific paper, UDK 351.79(914) /
  • Problemi pojmovnog određenja opće uporabe u europsko-kontinentalnim vodnim pravima (Problems of Conceptually Defining General Use in European-Continental Water Rights), Pravni vjesnik (Legal Gazette), tromjesečni glasnik za pravne i društveno-humanističke znanosti Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku (quarterly bulletin for legal and socio-humanistic sciences of the Law Faculty of the University J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek), Osijek, Vol. 10, No. 1–4 (1994), pp. 56–68 / original scientific paper, UDK 351.79(914)/
  • Uzroci narušavanja prirodne strukture slivnog područja rijeke Vuke (The Causes Disrupting the Vuka River Basin’s Natural Structure), Pravni vjesnik (Legal Gazette), tromjesečni glasnik za pravne i društveno-humanističke znanosti Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku (quarterly bulletin for legal and socio-humanistic sciences of the Law Faculty of the University J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek), Osijek, Vol. 4, No. 1–2 (1988), pp. 41–45 / original scientific paper, UDK 351.79:352.91/ (Co-authorship: Dr Josip Vrbošić)
  • Teorija komunikativnog djelovanja Jürgena Habermasa – stvarnost ili utopija? (Jürgen Habermas' Theory of Communicative Action Reality or Fiction?), Pravni vjesnik (Legal Gazette), tromjesečni glasnik za pravne i društveno-humanističke znanosti Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku (quarterly bulletin for legal and socio-humanistic sciences of the Law Faculty of the University J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Osijek, Vol. 3, No. 3–4 (1987), pp. 293–298 / original scientific paper, UDK 008/
  • Moć i upravljanje (neka razmišljanja o fenomenu moći kao simboličko generaliziranom mediju komunikacije u teoriji Niklasa Luhmanna) (Power and Government /some thoughts on the power phenomenon as a symbolically generalised communication medium in the theory of Niklas Luhmann), Pravni vjesnik (Legal Gazette), tromjesečni glasnik za pravne i društveno-humanističke znanosti Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku (quarterly bulletin for legal and socio-humanistic sciences of the Law Faculty of the University J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Osijek, Vol. 3, No. 1 (1987), pp. 103–112 / preliminary report, UDK 65.012.4/​



  • Appointment, Promotion and Dismissal of Judges and their Ethical Standards, in the Collection of papers from the 2019 European Court of Human Rights' Judical Seminar: Strengthening Confidence in the Judiciary held on 25 January 2019, European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, 2020, pp. 9‒20.
  • Zaštita poduzetnika - pravnih osoba u praksi Europskog suda za ljudska prava (Protection of Fundamental Rights of Profit-making Companies before the European Court of Human Rights), in the 2019 Collection of papers from the 57th Meeting of Layers in Economy, held on 8-10 May 2019 in Opatija, eds. Miladin, Petar; Giunio, Miljenko; Zagreb: Croatian Association of Lawyers in Economy, 2019, pp. 69‒95
  • Zaštita okoliša u praksi Europskog suda za ljudska prava (The Environmental Protection in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights), in the Collection of papers from a Round table: Administrative Protection of Environment – Where we were and where we are now? held on 23 October 2014 // Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Scientific Council for State Administration, Judiciary and the Rule of Law // Library: Modernizacija prava, Book 26 / ed. Jakša Barbić, F.C.A. / Zagreb, 2015, pp. 41‒115
  • Dan neovisnosti Republike Hrvatske u zakonodavnoj, kaznenosudskoj i ustavnosudskoj praksi (Independence Day of the Republic of Croatia in the Legislation, Case-Law of the Criminal Courts and the Constitutional Court' Jurisprudence), in the Collection of papers from a Scientific conference: Dan kada je nastala država Hrvatska 1991. (The day when the Croatian State was created in 1991) held on 20 February 2015 // Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Scientific Council for Peace and Human Rights / ed. Davorin Rudolf F.C.A. / Zagreb, 2015, pp. 49–71 
  • Odgovornost ustavnog sudstva za ustavne norme (Responsibility of Constitutional Judiciary for Constitutional Norms), in the Collection of Papers from a Round Table: Constitutional Democracy and Responsibility held on 22 December 2012) // Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Scientific Council for State Administration, Judiciary and the Rule of Law / / Library: Modernizacija prava, Book 12 / ed. Professor Dr Arsen Bačić / Zagreb, 2013, pp. 71–99
  • Istine i zablude o ulozi Ustavnog suda u svjetlu europeizacije hrvatskog prava (Facts and Misconceptions about the Role of the Constitutional Court in the Light of Europeanization of Croatian Law), Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb) / ed. Jakša Barbić, F.C.A. / Zagreb, 2013, pp. 123–156
  • Novi europski tranzicijski ustavi i transformativna uloga ustavnih sudova (New European Transitional Constitutions and Transformative Role of Constitutional Courts), in the Collected Papers from a Round Table: Twentieth Anniversary of the Croatian Constitution held on 16 December 2010, Zagreb // Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Scientific Council for State Administration, Judiciary and the Rule of Law / Library: Modernizacija prava, book 12 / ed. Professor Dr Arsen Bačić/ Zagreb, 2011, pp. 61–85
  • The Constitutional Development оf European Post-Communist аnd Post-Socialist States, Koнституционное правосудие, Вестник Kонференции органов конституционного контроля стран молодой демократии, ӏздается чентром кoнституционного права Республиᴋи Армения, Еребан 2010, 3 (49) 2010, pp. 33‒53
  • O potrebnim promjenama u strukturi hrvatskog ustavnog sudovanja (prilog reformi ustavnog sudovanja) (On Necessary Changes in the Structure of the Croatian Constitutional Judiciary (a contribution to the constitutional judiciary reform), proceedings of round table: Twentieth Anniversary of the Croatian Constitution held on 2 April 2009, Zagreb // Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Scientific Council for State Administration, Judiciary and the Rule of Law / Library 10 / ed. Jakša Barbić, F.C.A., Zagreb, 2009, pp. 23–142
  • Pravnost hrvatske države (The Lawfulness of the Croatian State), proceedings of round table: Croatian State and Administration – situation and perspectives held on 26 and 27 March 2008, Zagreb // Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Scientific Council for State Administration, Judiciary and the Rule of Law / Library: Modernizacija prava, book 9 / ed. Eugen Pusić, F.C.A. / Zagreb, 2008, pp. 75–138
  • (Ne)djelotvornost domaćih pravnih sredstava protiv zlostavljanja u smislu članka 3. Konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda (The (In)efficiency of Domestic Legal Remedies against Torture Within the Meaning of Article 3 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms), proceedings of round table: Aktualna pitanja kaznenog zakonodavstva – 2008 (Current Issues of Criminal Legislature – 2008), Inženjerski biro d.d., Zagreb, June 2008, pp. 3–35
  •  The Implementation of the Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, in the Collected Papers: I Col-loqui de Justίcia Constitutional del Principat D'Andorra "L'aplicaciό de les decisions de les jurisdiccions constitucionals", Tribunal Constituticional Principat D'Andorra, Andora De Vella, 2007, pp. 45–69
  •  Primjena Konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda u radu domaćih sudova (Application of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the Work of Domestic Courts), in the Collected Papers: Aktualna pitanja kaznenog zakonodavstva – 2007 (Current Issues of Criminal Legislature - 2007), Inženjerski biro d.d., Zagreb, May 2007, pp. 3–45
  • Ustavni sud u budućem Ustavu Crne Gore – usporedba s hrvatskim ustavnim sudovanjem (The Constitutional Court in the Future Constitution of Montenegro Comparison with Croatian Constitutional Judiciary), proceedings of round table: Position, Role and Jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court in the Future Constitution of Montenegro, the Constitutional Court of Montenegro and OSCE – Mission to Montenegro, Podgorica (Montenegro), 2007, pp. 98–116
  • Državni službenici u praksi Europskog suda za ljudska prava (Civil Servants in the Case-law of the European Court of Human Rigths), in the Collected Papers: Upravno pravo – aktualnosti upravnog sudovanja i upravne prakse (Administrative Law – Current Issues of Administrative Justice and Practice), Inženjerski biro d.d., Zagreb, September 2007, pp. 7–35
  • Odnos Ustavnog suda i Upravnog suda u kontroli javne uprave u Republici Hrvatskoj (The Relationship Between the Constitutional Court and the Administrative Court in the Control of Public Administration in the Republic of Croatia, proceedings of a round table: Reform of administrative judiciary and administrative procedure, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Scientific Council of Public Administration, Judiciary and the Rule of Law / Library: Modernizacija prava, book 4 / ed. Jakša Barbić F.C.A., Zagreb, 2006, pp. 81–96
  • Prilog reformi upravnog spora – odnosi između upravnog i ustavnog sudovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj (A Contribution to Administrative Disputes Reform Relations between Administrative and Constitutional Judiciary in Croatia), in the Collected Papers: Upravno pravo i upravni postupak u praksi – aktualna pitanja i problemi (Administrative Law and Administrative Proceedings in the Practice – current topics and problems), Inženjerski biro d.d., Zagreb, October 2006, pp. 8–22
  • Pravni učinci ustavnosudske kontrole zakona i drugih propisa (Legal Effects of the Constitutional Review of Laws and other Regulations), proceedings of the Conference on the Constitution as Guarantor of the State’s Adherence to the Rule of Law Principle in International, Legal and Economic Transactions held on 26 to 28 September 2001 in Novi Vinodolski: Ustav kao jamac načela pravne države (Constitution as a guarantor of the principle of the state governed by the rule of law), Hrvatski institut za ljudska prava Novi Vinodolski (Croatian Human Rights Institute) – Hans Seidel Stiftung, Deutsche Stiftung für internationale rechtliche Zusammenarbeit – Hrvatski pravni centar (Croatian Law Centre) Zagreb, ed. Jadranko Crnić and Nikola Filipović, Biblioteka PRAVO 34, Organizator, Zagreb, 2002, pp. 95–140.
  •  Legal Effects of the Constitutional Court's Control of Law and Other Regulations, proceedings of the Symposium on the Constitution as a Guarantor of the State’s Adherence to the Rule of Law Principle in International, Legal and Economic Transactions held on 26 to 28 September 2001 in Novi Vinodolski: Ustav kao jamac načela pravne države (Constitution as a guarantor of the principle of the state governed by the rule of law), Hrvatski institut za ljudska prava Novi Vinodolski (Croatian Human Rights Institute) – Hans Seidel Stiftung, Deutsche Stiftung für internationale rechtliche Zusammenarbeit – Hrvatski pravni centar (Croatian Law Centre) Zagreb, ed. Jadranko Crnić and Nikola Filipović, Biblioteka PRAVO 34, Organizator, Zagreb, 2002, pp. 141–189
  •  'Razumni rok' u interpretaciji Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske (A 'Reasonable Time' as Interpreted by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia), in the Collected Papers from the Symposium on the interpretative role of the Constitutional Court held from 28 to 30 September 2000 in Novi Vinodolski: Ustavni sud u zaštiti ljudskih prava. Interpretativna uloga ustavnog suda (The Constitutional Court in the Protection of Human Rights. Interpretative Role of the Constitutional Court), Hrvatski institut za ljudska prava Novi Vinodolski (Croatian Human Rights Institute) – Hans Seidel Stiftung, Deutsche Stiftung für internationale rechtliche Zusammenarbeit – Hrvatski pravni centar (Croatian Law Centre) Zagreb, ed. Jadranko Crnić and Nikola Filipović, Biblioteka PRAVO 24, Organizator, Zagreb, 2000, pp. 131–150



  • O prijedlogu Zakona o referendum (On the Draft Law on Referendum), Informator, weekly magazine for legal and economic issues, Vol. 69, No. 6663; Zagreb, 25 January 2021, pp. 1-5
  • Primjena Europske konvencije o ljudskim pravima u doba koronavirusa (Application of the European Convention on Human Rights in the Age of Coronavirus), Informator, weekly magazine for legal and economic issues, Vol. 68, No. 6622; Zagreb, 13 April 2020 (Supplement, 14 pp.)
  • Kamo ide hrvatsko naturalizacijsko pravo? (Where to is the Croatian Nationality Law heading?), Informator, weekly magazine for legal and economic issues, Vol. 67, No. 6567; Zagreb, 25 March 2019 (co-author: Frane Staničić)
  • Pravni status krajobraznih arhitekata u hrvatskom pravu (Prilog raspravi o ulozi "ovlaštenih krajobraznih arhitekata" u obavljanju poslova i djelatnosti gradnje) (Landscape Architects in the Croatian Law (A Contribution to the Discussion of the Role of "Certified Landscape Architects" in Performing Construction Tasks and Activities)), Informator, weekly magazine for legal and economic issues, Vol. 67, No. 6549; Zagreb, 19 November 2018 (Supplement, 31 pp.)
  • Zaključak Visokog upravnog suda RH o troškovima upravnog spora – korak nazad u zaštiti prava stranaka? (The Conclusion of the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia regarding the Costs of an Administrative Dispute - A Step Back in the Protection of Rights of the Parties), Informator, weekly magazine for legal and economic issues, Vol. 67, No. 6511; Zagreb, 26 February 2018, pp. 1–5 (Editorial) (co-authors: Frane Staničić, Lana Ofak, Marko Turudić)
  • Venecijanska komisija - lučonoša ustavnih vrijednosti (Venice Commission - The Torchtbearer of the Constitutional Values), Informator, weekly magazine for legal and economic issues, Vol. 66, No. 6486; Zagreb, 4 September 2017, pp. 1‒3 and 5 (co-author: Slavica Banić).
  • Zabrana političkih stranaka u svjetlu suvremenog političkog ekstremizma u Europi – njemački poučak (The Prohibition of Political Parties in the Light of Contemporary Political Extremism in Europe German Lesson), "Ustavni vidici" ("Constitutional Vistas") No. 20, in: Informator, instructive and informative paper for economic and legal issues, Vol. 66, No. 6458, Zagreb, 20 February 2017, pp. 1–12.
  • Obrana demokracije – novo čitanje Europske konvencije o ljudskim pravima i temeljnim slobodama (The Defense of Democracy A New Reading of the European Convention for Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms), Informator, instructive and informative paper for economic and legal issues, Vol. 65., Nos. 6450-6451; Zagreb, 26 December 2016 and 2 January 2017, pp. 1‒3.
  • Narodna ustavotvorna inicijativa i razgraničenje nadležnosti između Hrvatskog sabora i Ustavnog suda (Popular Initiative to Amend the Constitution and the Separation of Powers between the Croatian Parliament and the Constitutional Court), Informator, instructive and informative paper for economic and legal issues, No. 6258, Zagreb, 26 February 2014, pp. 1–2
  • Istine i zablude o ulozi Ustavnog suda u svjetlu europeizacije hrvatskog prava (Facts and Misconceptions about the Role of the Constitutional Court in the Light of Europeanization of Croatian Law), shortened lecture given at a Debate of the Zagreb Law Faculty and the City of Zagreb Lawyers Club, held in Zagreb on 20 June 2013, Informator, instructive and informative paper for economic and legal issues, No. 6189–6190, Zagreb, 29 June and 3 July 2013, pp. 1–3
  • Ogledne (pilot) presude Europskog suda za ljudska prava o "staroj deviznoj štednji" građana bivše SFRJ – drugi dio (Pilot Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights regarding the " old foreign savings" of the citizens of the former Yugoslavia part II), Informator, instructive and informative paper for economic and legal issues, No. 6127, Zagreb, 24 November 2012, p. 5
  • Ogledne (pilot) presude Europskog suda za ljudska prava o "staroj deviznoj štednji" građana bivše SFRJ – prvi dio (Pilot Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights regarding the " old foreign savings" of the citizens of the former Yugoslavia part I), Informator, instructive and informative paper for economic and legal issues, No. 6126, Zagreb, Zagreb, 21 November 2012, pp. 1–3
  • Postupci odlučivanja o dopuštenosti i osnovanosti zahtjeva (Procedures on admissibility and merits of requests), Informator, instructive and informative paper for economic and legal issues, No. 6063, Zagreb, 14 April 2012, pp. 1–3
  • Kontrola ustavnosti ustavnih amandmana (Control of the Constitutionality of Constitutional Amendments), lecture given at the symposium "Constitutional Changes and the EU" of the Law Faculty, Split University, held on 22 May 2010, Universitas, sveučilišni list studenata i profesora Sveučilišta u Splitu (University paper of students and teacher of the Split University), Split, year II, No. 10, 16 June 2010, pp. 22–23
  • Ustavno i konvecijsko jamstvo prava vlasništva (Constitutional and Conventional Guarantee of the Property Right), in the book Liber amicorum in honorem Jadranko Crnić: (1928–2008), ed Hrvoje Kačer, Hrvoje Momčinović, Mladen Žuvela, Novi informator, Zagreb, 2009, pp.139–187
  • Promjene Ustava Republike Hrvatske 2009. (Revisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia), paper presented at the round table "Constitutional Revisions 2009", Informator, instructive and informative paper for economic and legal issues, No. 5818, Zagreb, 9 December 2009, pp. 1–3
  • Prilog raspravi o reformi hrvatskog ustavnog sudovanja (A Contribution to the Reform of Croatian Constitutional Justice), Informator instructive and informative paper for economic and legal issues, No. 5794–5795, Zagreb, 16 and 19 September 2009, pp. 1–3
  • Prilog raspravi o reformi hrvatskog ustavnog sudovanja 2. dio (A Contribution to the Reform of Croatian Constitutional Justice, Part II), Informator instructive and informative paper for economic and legal issues, No. 5797, Zagreb, 26 September 2009, pp. 1–3
  • Prilog raspravi o reformi hrvatskog ustavnog sudovanja 3. dio (A Contribution to the Reform of Croatian Constitutional Justice, Part III), Informator instructive and informative paper for economic and legal issues, No. 5798, Zagreb, 30 September 2009, pp. 12–13
  • O važnosti jurisprudencije njemačkog Saveznog ustavnog suda za hrvatsko ustavno sudovanje (Importance of the jurisprudence of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany for the Croatian Constitutional Judiciary), Informator, instructive and informative paper for economic and legal issues, No. 5763, Zagreb, 30 May 2009, pp. 1–2
  • Odnosi Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske i Europskog suda za ljudska prava pri odlučivanju o duljini sudskih postupaka u Republici Hrvatskoj (Relations between the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia and the European Court of Human Rights in Deciding about the Length of Judicial Proceedings in Croatia), Informator, instructive and informative paper for economic and legal issues, No. 5332, Zagreb, 13 April 2005 (introductory article)
  • Odnosi Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske i Europskog suda za ljudska prava pri odlučivanju o duljini sudskih postupaka u Republici Hrvatskoj (2. dio) (Relations between the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia and the European Court of Human Rights in Deciding about the Length of Judicial Proceedings in Croatia - part II), Informator, instructive and informative paper for economic and legal issues, No. 5333–5334, Zagreb, 16 April 2005, (introductory article)
  • Temeljna pitanja vezana uz popise birača (Basic Issues of Electoral Registers), in the book Ruža Šimunec: Popisi birača (Zakon o popisima birača s objašnjenjima, komentarom, poveznicama i stvarnim kazalom) (Electoral Registers /The Electoral Registers Act with Explanations, Commentary, References and Index/), Legal Library "Zbirke propisa" No. 458, Narodne novine d.d., Zagreb, September 2007, pp. 3–23 (introductory article)
  • Usporedba hrvatskog sa slovenskim i rumunjskim izbornim sustavima (A Comparison of the Croatian Electoral System with those of Slovenia and Rumania), Prosvjeta, novine za kulturu (newspaper for culture), year 11 (36), No. 66 (676), December 2004, pp. 23–30
  • Pojam i pravna priroda azila (The Concept and Legal Nature of Asylum), Informator, instructive and informative paper for economic and legal issues, No. 5177, Zagreb, 18 October 2003, pp. 21
  • D'Hondtova metoda preračunavanja glasova u zastupničke mandate (The D’Hondt Method of Calculating Votes into Parliamentary Seats), Informator, instructive and informative paper for economic and legal issues, No. 5182, Zagreb, 5 December 2003, pp. 5–7
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