Ćazim Sadiković
Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Born on 1 April 1935 in Ljubuški.
High School completed in Mostar and School of Law in Sarajevo in 1957.
Diploma in the field of Legal and Political Sciences at the European University Centre in Nancy (1965/66).
Doctoral Dissertation in «Marksističko shvatanje demokracije» (“Understanding of Democracy through Marxist Point of View”) at the University in Ljubljana (1965).
University Career:
He taught the following courses:
- Introduction to Political Sciences at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo;
- Introduction to Law at the Faculty of Law in Mostar;
- International Public Law at the Faculty of Law in Sarajevo;
- Human Rights at the Faculty of Criminology in Sarajevo.
Public and Professional Positions:
- President of the Legal Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1971-1974);
- President of the Constitutional Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1974-1982);
- President and Judge of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1983-1991);
- Vice-President of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, Brussels (1984-1991);
International Arbitration Tribunal for Brčko District (1996-1999);
- Associated Member of the Commission of the Council of Europe “Democracy through Law” (Venice Commission), (1996-2002).
He is currently teaching the course Contemporary political systems at the Faculty of Law in Sarajevo. He is also Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- “Socijalizam i vlast” (“Socialism and Power”), ed. Veselin Masleša, Sarajevo, 1969;
- “Kriterij demokratiije” (“Criterion of Democracy”), ed. Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1971;
- “Ogledi u samoupravljanju” (“Models in Self-Government”), ed. Veselin Masleša, Sarajevo, 1982;
“Predstavljanje i samoupravljanje” (“Representation and Self-Government”), ed. Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1983;
- “Država i samoupravljanje” (State and Self-Government”), ed. NIŠRO Oslobođenje, Sarajevo, 1987;
- “Država ili strah od sutrašnjice” – “Esej o budućnosti političkih institucija” (“State or Fear of Tomorrow” – “Essay on the Future of Political Institutions”), ed. Oslobođenje, Sarajevo, 1992; “
- “Sumrak ujedinjenih nacija” (“Twilight of the United Nations”), ed. Međunarodni centar za Mir, Sarajevo, 1995;
- “Ljudska prava bez zaštite” (“Human Rights without Protection”), ed. Bosanska knjiga, Sarajevo, 1998;
- “Politički sistem” (Political System”), ed. Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, 2000; Evropsko pravo ljudskih prava (“European Law of Human Rights”), ed. Magistrat, Sarajevo, 2001.