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Documents by opinions and studies


543/2009 - Constitutional reform of Georgia Opinion on the draft constitutional law on amendments and changes to the constitution of Georgia

CDL(2010)062  English  31/07/2010 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Constitutional Law on the changes and amendments to the Constitution of Georgia  (J. SCHOLSEM, S. BARTOLE, A. NUSSBERGER, J. SØRENSEN, R. Hertzog)
CDL(2010)062  Georgian  31/07/2010 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Constitutional Law on the changes and amendments to the Constitution of Georgia (Translation into Georgian provided by the Goergian authorities)  (J. SCHOLSEM, S. BARTOLE, A. NUSSBERGER, J. SØRENSEN, R. Hertzog)
CDL(2010)016  English  05/03/2010 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Constitutional Law on changes and amendments to the Constitution of Georgia (Chapter VII - Local Self-Government)  (O. DUTHEILLET DE LAMOTHE, S. BARTOLE, E. TANCHEV, J. SØRENSEN, R. Hertzog)
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