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Documents by opinions and studies


803/2015 - Constitutional reform of Ukraine

CDL(2015)039  English  09/10/2015 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the proposed Constitutional Amendments regarding the Judiciary of Ukraine  (J. SCHOLSEM, H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, P. PACZOLAY, G. PAPUASHVILI, E. TANCHEV, R. KIENER)
CDL(2015)037  English  24/09/2015 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Temporal Validity of Draft Transitional Provision 18 of the Constitution of Ukraine   (H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, A. DELCAMP)
CDL-PI(2015)016  English  24/07/2015 -  Public
Preliminary Opinion on the proposed constitutional amendments regarding the judiciary of Ukraine  (J. SCHOLSEM, H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, P. PACZOLAY, G. PAPUASHVILI, E. TANCHEV, R. KIENER)
CDL-PI(2015)016  French  24/07/2015 -  Public
Avis préliminaire sur la proposition de révision constitutionnelle concernant le pouvoir judiciaire de l'Ukraine  (J. SCHOLSEM, H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, P. PACZOLAY, G. PAPUASHVILI, E. TANCHEV, R. KIENER)
CDL-PI(2015)008  English  24/06/2015 -  Public
Preliminary Opinion on the Constitutional Amendments regarding the Territorial Structure and Local Administration of Ukraine   (H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, A. DELCAMP)
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