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CDL-PI(2024)008  English  21/05/2024 -  Public
Montenegro – Urgent Opinion on the draft law on the prevention of corruption 
CDL-REF(2024)013rev  English  07/05/2024 -  Public
Montenegro - Revised draft law on the prevention of corruption 
CDL-REF(2024)011  English  15/04/2024 -  Public
Montenegro - Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on the State Prosecution Service 
CDL-REF(2024)013  English  10/04/2024 -  Public
Montenegro - Draft law on the prevention of corruption 
CDL-REF(2023)040  English  12/09/2023 -  Public
Montenegro - Draft Law on the Government  
CDL-REF(2023)016  English  23/02/2023 -  Public
Montenegro - Law on the Judicial Council and Judges with revised draft amendments 
CDL(2022)048  English  02/12/2022 -  Public
Montenegro - Draft opinion on the draft amendments to the Law on the Judicial Council and Judges  (P. DIMITROV, M. CARTABIA)
CDL-REF(2022)068  English  28/11/2022 -  Public
Montenegro - Law on amendments to the Law on the President of Montenegro  
CDL-REF(2022)067  English  28/11/2022 -  Public
Montenegro - Law on the President of Montenegro 
CDL-REF(2022)049  English  10/11/2022 -  Public
Montenegro - Law on the Judicial Council and Judges with draft amendments 
CDL-REF(2020)031  English  02/07/2020 -  Public
Montenegro - Law on election of councillors and members of parliament  
CDL(2019)018  English  07/06/2019 -  Public
Montenegro - Draft Opinion on the draft Law on Freedom of Religion or Beliefs and legal status of religious communities  (N. EȘANU, J. VELAERS, B. VERMEULEN)
CDL-REF(2018)047  English  03/10/2018 -  Public
Monténégro - Law on Admendments to the Law on the Judicial Council and Juges  (P. DIMITROV, M. CARTABIA)
CDL(2018)021  English  08/06/2018 -  Public
Montenegro - Draft Opinion on the draft law on amendments to the law on the Judicial Council and Judges   (P. DIMITROV, M. CARTABIA)
CDL-REF(2015)049  English  10/12/2015 -  Public
Law on Courts of Montenegro as adopted on 26 February 2015 
CDL(2015)045  English  08/10/2015 -  Public
Draft opinion on the draft law on amendments of the Law on Minority Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro  (J. SCHOLSEM, B. AURESCU, S. KIVALOV)
CDL-REF(2015)032  English  28/08/2015 -  Public
Draft Law on Freedom of Religion of Montenegro 
CDL(2015)012  English  13/03/2015 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the amendments to the Law on media of Montenegro  (P. VAN DIJK, C. GRABENWARTER, H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR, W. HOFFMANN-RIEM)
CDL-REF(2015)005  English  06/03/2015 -  Public
Draft Law on amending the Law on media of Montenegro 
CDL(2015)003  French  29/01/2015 -  Public
Projet d'avis concernant le projet de loi révisé sur le ministère public du Montenegro  (J. HAMILTON, G. NEPPI MODONA, J. SØRENSEN)
CDL(2015)003  English  29/01/2015 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the revised draft Law on the Public Prosecution Office of Montenegro  (J. HAMILTON, G. NEPPI MODONA, J. SØRENSEN)
CDL(2015)002  French  29/01/2015 -  Public
Projet d'avis concernant le projet de loi révisé sur le bureau spécial du ministère public du Montenegro  (J. HAMILTON, G. NEPPI MODONA, J. SØRENSEN, T. TOADER)
CDL(2015)002  English  29/01/2015 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the revised Draft Law on Special Public Prosecutor's Office  (J. HAMILTON, G. NEPPI MODONA, J. SØRENSEN, T. TOADER)
CDL-REF(2015)002  English  25/01/2015 -  Public
Revised draft Law on the State Prosecution Office of Montenegro, 4 December 2014 
CDL(2014)053  English  28/11/2014 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the draft Laws on Courts and on Rights and Duties of Judges and on the Judicial Council of Montenegro  (H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR, J. HIRSCHFELDT)
CDL(2014)056  English  14/11/2014 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the draft Law on special State Prosecutor's Office of Montenegro  (J. HAMILTON, G. NEPPI MODONA, J. SØRENSEN, T. TOADER, M. FRENDO)
CDL(2014)055  English  14/11/2014 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the draft Law on State Prosecution Office of Montenegro  (J. HAMILTON, G. NEPPI MODONA, J. SØRENSEN)
CDL-REF(2014)045  English  15/10/2014 -  Public
Draft Law on State Prosecution Service in Montenegro 
CDL-REF(2014)043  English  15/10/2014 -  Public
Draft Law on the Courts of Montenegro 
CDL-REF(2014)042  English  15/10/2014 -  Public
Draft Law on the Special State of Prosecutor's Office in Monenegro 
CDL(2014)043  English  25/09/2014 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court on Montenegro  (G. NEPPI MODONA, A. ENDZIŅŠ, D. WEDAM LUKIC)
CDL(2014)043  French  25/09/2014 -  Public
Projet d'avis sur le projet de loi constitutionnelle relative à la Cour constitutionnelle du Monténégro   (G. NEPPI MODONA, A. ENDZIŅŠ, D. WEDAM LUKIC)
CDL-REF(2014)034  English  15/09/2014 -  Public
Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of Montenegro 
CDL(2012)051  English  22/11/2012 -  Public
Draft Opinion on two sets of draft amendments to the constitutional provisions relating to the judiciary of Montenegro  (K. TUORI, J. HAMILTON, G. NEPPI MODONA)
CDL(2012)041  English  31/05/2012 -  Public
Draft opinion on the draft law on free access to information of Montenegro  (H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR, I. CAMERON, A. PETERS)
CDL-REF(2012)004rev  English  11/05/2012 -  Public
Draft law on free access to information of Montenegro - version of April 2012 
CDL(2012)019  English  07/03/2012 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on amendments to the law on classified information of Montenegro  (H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR)
CDL(2012)020  English  02/03/2012 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on amendments to the law on classified information of Montenegro  (I. CAMERON)
CDL(2012)017  English  02/03/2012 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on free access to information of Montenegro  (I. CAMERON)
CDL(2012)018  English  01/03/2012 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on free access to information of Montenegro  (H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR)
CDL(2012)016  English  29/02/2012 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on free access to information of Montenegro  (A. PETERS)
CDL-REF(2012)004  English  07/02/2012 -  Public
Draft Law on free access to information of Montenegro 
CDL(2011)082  English  28/09/2011 -  Public
Draft joint opinion on the law on the protector of human rights and freedoms of Montenegro  (K. TUORI, L. HUSEYNOV)
CDL-REF(2011)052  English  22/09/2011 -  Public
Law on the protector of human rights and freedoms of Montenegro 
CDL(2011)057  English  28/07/2011 -  Public
Comments on the Draft law on the protector of human rights and freedoms of Montenegro  (L. HUSEYNOV)
CDL(2011)056  English  28/07/2011 -  Public
Comments on the Draft law on the protector of human rights and freedoms of Montenegro  (K. TUORI)
CDL-REF(2011)041  English  22/07/2011 -  Public
Draft law on the protector of human rights and freedoms of Montenegro 
CDL-REF(2011)033  English  24/05/2011 -  Public
Draft amendments to the constitution of the Republic of Montenegro 
CDL(2011)028  English  18/05/2011 -  Public
Draft joint opinion on the draft law on amendments to the law on election of councillors and members of parliament of Montenegro  (O. KASK, P. PACZOLAY, K. OLSZEWSKI, J. PILGRIM)
CDL-REF(2011)026  English  18/05/2011 -  Public
Draft Law on amendments to the law on the state prosecutor's office of Montenegro 
CDL-REF(2011)025  English  18/05/2011 -  Public
Draft law on amendments to the law on judicial council of Montenegro 
CDL-REF(2011)024  English  18/05/2011 -  Public
Draft law on amendments to the law on courts of Montenegro 
CDL(2010)024  English  05/03/2010 -  Public
Draft Law on Prohibition of Discrimination of Montenegro 
CDL(2010)023  English  04/03/2010 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on Prohibition of Discrimination of Montenegro  (L. HUSEYNOV)
CDL(2009)122  English  22/09/2009 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on Prohibition of Discrimination of Montenegro  (P. VAN DIJK, L. HUSEYNOV)
CDL(2009)121  English  16/09/2009 -  Public
Comments on the draft law on prohibition of discrimination of Montenegro  (L. HUSEYNOV)
CDL(2009)120  English  06/08/2009 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on Prohibition of discrimination of Montenegro  (P. VAN DIJK)
CDL(2009)119  English  06/08/2009 -  Public
Drat Law on Prohibition of Discrimination of Montenegro 
CDL(2009)114  English  22/07/2009 -  Public
Law on the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro 
CDL(2009)109  English  20/07/2009 -  Public
Draft Opinion on Amendments to the Law on the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms of Montenegro  (K. TUORI, M. NOWICKI)
CDL(2008)080  English  28/06/2008 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of Montenegro  (C. GRABENWARTER, J. OMEJEC, H. GSTÖHL, A. ENDZIŅŠ)
CDL(2008)076  English  11/06/2008 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of Montenegro  (C. GRABENWARTER)
CDL(2008)073  English  09/06/2008 -  Public
Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of Montenegro 
CDL(2008)075  English  06/06/2008 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of Montenegro  (H. GSTÖHL)
CDL(2008)074  English  06/06/2008 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of Montenegro  (A. ENDZIŅŠ)
CDL(2008)028  Serbian  06/03/2008 -  Public
Nacrt Misljenja a Nacrtu Izmjena i Dopuna Zakona o Drzavnom Tuzilastvu Crne Gore  (H. GSTÖHL, J. SØRENSEN, P. BROEKHOVEN)
CDL(2008)028  English  06/03/2008 -  Public
Draft Opinion on Draft Amendments to the Law on the State Prosecutor of Montenegro  (H. GSTÖHL, J. SØRENSEN, P. BROEKHOVEN)
CDL(2008)026  English  04/03/2008 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law amending the Law on the State Prosecutor's Office of Montenegro  (H. GSTÖHL)
CDL(2008)027  English  03/03/2008 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law amending the Law on the State Prosecutor's Office of Montenegro  (J. SØRENSEN)
CDL(2008)025  English  03/03/2008 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law amending the Law on the State Prosecutor's Office of Montenegro  (P. Broeckhoven)
CDL(2008)024  English  03/03/2008 -  Public
Draft Law amending the Law on the State Prosecutor's Office of Montenegro 
CDL(2008)023  English  03/03/2008 -  Public
Law on the State Prosecutor of Montenegro 
CDL(2007)130  English  17/12/2007 -  Public
Draft Law on the Judicial Council of Montenegro 
CDL(2007)129  English  17/12/2007 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on the Judicial Council of Montenegro  (G. NEPPI MODONA)
CDL(2007)104  English  07/12/2007 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Constitution of Montenegro  (K. TUORI, A. EIDE, A. BRADLEY, G. NEPPI MODONA)
CDL(2007)052  English  23/05/2007 -  Public
Draft Interim Opinion on the Draft Constitution of Montenegro  (A. EIDE, A. BRADLEY, A. ENDZIŅŠ)
CDL(2007)053  English  11/05/2007 -  Public
Draft Constitution of the Republic of Montenegro 
CDL(2006)106  English  07/12/2006 -  Public
Expert Meeting on the Constitutional Reform of the Republic of Montenegro (Podgorica 28 November 2006): Speeches  (K. TUORI, A. EIDE, A. BRADLEY, G. NEPPI MODONA)
CDL(2005)096  English  05/12/2005 -  Public
Constitution of the Republic of Montenegro (12 October 1992) 
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