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CDL-REF(2024)006  English  02/02/2024 -  Public
Hungary - Act LXXXVIII of 2023 on the protection of national sovereignty 
CDL-REF(2021)090  English  19/11/2021 -  Public
Hungary - Explanatory Report to ACT LXXIX of 2021 
CDL-REF(2021)070  English  06/09/2021 -  Public
Hungary - Act CCIII of 2011 On the Elections of Members of Parliament  
CDL-REF(2021)067  English  02/09/2021 -  Public
Hungary - Act CXI of 2011 on the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights  
CDL-REF(2021)065  English  26/08/2021 -  Public
Hungary - Act L of 2010 on the Election of Municipal Representatives and Mayors  
CDL-REF(2021)062  English  26/08/2021 -  Public
Hungary - Act XXXVI of 2013 on Electoral Procedure 
CDL(2021)028  English  17/06/2021 -  Public
Hungary - Draft opinion on the constitutional amendments adopted by the Hungarian parliament in December 2020  (B. VERMEULEN, R. KIENER, P. CAROZZA)
CDL-REF(2021)045  English  03/06/2021 -  Public
Hungary - Ninth Amendment to the Fundamental Law and Explanatory memorandum 
CDL-REF(2018)020  English  16/05/2018 -  Public
Hungary - "Stop Soros” draft legislative package 
CDL-PI(2017)005  English  11/08/2017 -  Public
Hungary - Preliminary Opinion on Act XXV of 4 April 2017 on the amendment of Act CCIV of 2011 on Tertiary Education  (B. VERMEULEN, R. KIENER)
CDL-PI(2017)002  English  01/06/2017 -  Public
Hungary - Preliminary Opinion on the Draft Law on the Transparency of Organisations receiving support from abroad  (H. KJERULF THORGEIRSDOTTIR, V. BÍLKOVÁ, R. CLAYTON QC)
CDL(2013)023  English  29/05/2013 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Fourth Amendment to the Fundamental Law of Hungary  (C. GRABENWARTER, H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, J. VELAERS, W. HOFFMANN-RIEM)
CDL-REF(2013)018  English  26/04/2013 -  Public
Act of 2012 on Electoral Procedure of Hungary (Extracts) 
CDL(2012)054  English  27/09/2012 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Cardinal Acts on the Judiciary that were amended following the Adoption of Opinion CLD-AD(2012)001 on Hungary  (C. GRABENWARTER, H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, J. VELAERS)
CDL(2012)040  English  01/06/2012 -  Public
Draft opinion on the Act on the rights of nationalities of Hungary  (S. BARTOLE, L. HUSEYNOV, J. VELAERS)
CDL(2012)033  English  01/06/2012 -  Public
Draft joint opinion on the Act on the elections of Members of Parliament of Hungary  (K. VOLLAN, A. SANCHEZ NAVARRO, D. PETIT)
CDL(2012)037  English  29/05/2012 -  Public
Draft opinion on act CLI of 2011 on the Constitutional Court of Hungary  (C. GRABENWARTER, G. NEPPI MODONA)
CDL-REF(2012)018  English  14/05/2012 -  Public
The transitional provisions to the fundamental law (31 December 2011) of Hungary 
CDL-REF(2012)014  English  10/05/2012 -  Public
Act on the rights of nationalities of Hungary 
CDL-REF(2012)017  English  09/05/2012 -  Public
Act CLI of 2011 on the Constitutional Court of Hungary 
CDL-REF(2012)015  English  04/04/2012 -  Public
Act CLXIII of 2011 on the prosecution service of Hungary 
CDL-REF(2012)003  English  15/03/2012 -  Public
Act CCIII of 2011 on the elections of Members of Parliament of Hungary 
CDL-REF(2012)007  English  15/02/2012 -  Public
Act CLXI of 2011 on the organisation and administration of courts of Hungary 
CDL-REF(2012)006  English  15/02/2012 -  Public
Act CLXII of 2011 on the legal status and remunerations of judges of Hungary 
CDL(2011)032  English  06/06/2011 -  Public
Draft opinion on the new constitution of Hungary  (C. GRABENWARTER, H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, J. VELAERS)
CDL-REF(2011)019  English  02/05/2011 -  Public
Fundamental Law of Hungary 
CDL(2011)016  English  17/03/2011 -  Public
Draft Opinion on three legal questions arising in the process of drafting the new constitution of Hungary  (C. GRABENWARTER, H. SUCHOCKA, K. TUORI, J. VELAERS)
CDL(2002)077  English  30/05/2002 -  Public
Legislation on Kin-Minorities: Hungary 
CDL-IMM(1996)002prov  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
Annex 1: Tables summarising replies to the questionnaire on parliamentary immunity 
CDL(1995)054  English  04/09/1995 -  Public
Opinion on the regulatory concept of the Constitution of the Hungarian Republic  (G. REUTER)
CDL(1995)045  English  28/08/1995 -  Public
Opinion on the draft amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Hungary  (G. MALINVERNI)
CDL(1995)045  French  28/08/1995 -  Public
Avis sur les propositions d'amendement de la Constitution de la République de Hongrie  (G. MALINVERNI)
CDL(1995)056  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
Opinion on the regulatory concept of the Constitution of the Republic of Hungary  (J. Zlinsky)
CDL(1995)021  English  01/01/1995 -  Public
Regulatory concept of the Constitution of the Hungarian Republic 
CDL-EM(1993)002add5  French  01/01/1993 -  Public
Réponses au questionnaire sur les pouvoirs d'exception (CDL - PV(93)14) 
CDL-EM(1993)002add5  English  01/01/1993 -  Public
Replies to the questionnaire on emergency powers (CDL - PV(93)14) 
CDL-MIN(1992)002  English  01/01/1992 -  Public
Explanatory report of the text of Bill 5191 
CDL-MIN(1992)001  English  01/01/1992 -  Public
Text of Bill n 5190 on the Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities 
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