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CDL-REF(2024)030  English  05/08/2024 -  Public
Armenia - Draft amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code 
CDL-REF(2024)027  English  07/05/2024 -  Public
Armenia - Explanatory Report on the Draft Law on National Minorites 
CDL-REF(2024)010  English  07/05/2024 -  Public
Armenia - Draft Law on National Minorites  
CDL(2022)045  English  02/12/2022 -  Public
Armenia - Draft opinion on amendments to the Judicial Code 
CDL-REF(2022)058  English  14/11/2022 -  Public
Armenia - Law on confiscation of property of illicit origin 
CDL(2021)037  English  01/10/2021 -  Public
Armenia - Draft opinion on the Armenian legislation related to the ombudsman’s staff   (J. HELGESEN, C. MONTI, I. TOTOZANI, P. VOYATZIS)
CDL-REF(2021)032  English  07/04/2021 -  Public
Armenia- Law amending the Electoral Code adopted on 1 April 2021  
CDL-REF(2021)029  English  12/03/2021 -  Public
Armenia - Law on public service as of 25 March 2020 
CDL-REF(2021)021  English  12/03/2021 -  Public
Armenia - Administrative offences code 
CDL-REF(2021)020  English  09/03/2021 -  Public
Armenia - Electoral Code as of 18 June 2020 
CDL-REF(2021)019  English  08/03/2021 -  Public
Armenia - Draft law on making amendments to the electoral code  
CDL-REF(2021)026  English  04/03/2021 -  Public
Armenia - Labour code as of 17 June 2016 
CDL-REF(2021)022  English  24/02/2021 -  Public
Armenia - Criminal code as of 23 May 2018 
CDL(2020)014  English  14/05/2020 -  Public
Armenia - Draft amicus curiae brief relating to article 300.1 of the criminal code   (K. TUORI, D. MERIDOR, M. HERMANNS, J. SARDON DE TABOADA)
CDL(2020)007  English  27/02/2020 -  Public
Armenia - Joint opinion on draft amendments to the legislation concerning political parties  (R. BARRETT, N. EȘANU, P. VILANOVA TRIAS)
CDL-REF(2020)015  English  20/02/2020 -  Public
Armenia - Constitutional law on political parties 
CDL-REF(2020)013  English  20/02/2020 -  Public
Armenia - Draft amendments to the criminal code 
CDL-REF(2019)024  English  23/09/2019 -  Public
Armenia - Consolidated version of the Judicial Code with the draft amendments  
CDL-REF(2018)054  English  15/10/2018 -  Public
Armenia - Electoral code 
CDL(2018)004  English  02/02/2018 -  Public
Armenia - Draft Joint Opinion amending the Law on Freedom of Conscience and on Religious Organisations  (J. OMEJEC, J. VELAERS, B. VERMEULEN)
CDL-PI(2015)019  Russian  18/12/2017 -  Public
Второе предварительное заключение по проекту поправок к главам 8, 9, 11 и 16 Конституции Республики Армения  (C. GRABENWARTER, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, E. TANCHEV, A. ENDZIŅŠ, T. KHABRIEVA)
CDL-PI(2015)015  Russian  18/12/2017 -  Public
Проект предварительного заключения по проекту поправок в главы 1-7 и 10 Конституции Республики Армения  (C. GRABENWARTER, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, E. TANCHEV, A. ENDZIŅŠ, T. KHABRIEVA)
CDL-REF(2017)049  English  31/10/2017 -  Public
Armenia - Draft constitutional law on referendum 
CDL-REF(2017)033  English  20/07/2017 -  Public
Armenia - Five preliminary questions related to the Draft Judicial Code, submitted by the Armenian authorities  (N. EȘANU, G. NEPPI MODONA, J. HIRSCHFELDT, A. VARGA)
CDL(2017)025  English  20/07/2017 -  Public
Armenia - Draft Opinion on the Draft Judicial Code  (N. EȘANU, G. NEPPI MODONA, J. HIRSCHFELDT, A. VARGA)
CDL-REF(2017)030  English  26/06/2017 -  Public
Armenia - Draft Judicial Code  
CDL(2017)021  English  22/05/2017 -  Public
Armenia - Draft opinion on the Constitutional draft law of the Constitutional Court  (C. GRABENWARTER, K. TUORI, A. ENDZIŅŠ, M. HERMANNS)
CDL-REF(2017)023  English  25/04/2017 -  Public
Armenia - Electoral Code - Amended as of 20 October 2016 
CDL-REF(2017)019  English  02/03/2017 -  Public
Armenia - Draft Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court 
CDL-PI(2016)012  English  25/11/2016 -  Public
Armenia - Draft Joint Opinion on the Draft Constitutional Law on Political Parties  (R. BARRETT, S. DARMANOVIĆ, P. BIGLINO CAMPOS)
CDL-REF(2016)063  English  16/11/2016 -  Public
Armenia - Draft Constitutional Law on Political Parties 
CDL-REF(2016)059  English  03/11/2016 -  Public
Armenia - Draft Constitutional Law on the Human Rights Defender 
CDL-PI(2016)008  English  19/07/2016 -  Public
Armenia - Second Preliminary Joint Opinion on the Electoral Code (as amended on 30 June 2016)   (K. VOLLAN, E. TANCHEV, R. BARRETT, P. BIGLINO CAMPOS, V. VASHCHANKA)
CDL-PI(2016)008  French  19/07/2016 -  Public
Arménie - Deuxième avis conjoint préliminaire sur le code électoral (tel que modifié le 30 juin 2016)  (K. VOLLAN, E. TANCHEV, R. BARRETT, P. BIGLINO CAMPOS, V. VASHCHANKA)
CDL-REF(2016)042  English  01/07/2016 -  Public
Armenia - Electoral Code adopted on 25 May 2016 
CDL-PI(2016)004  French  10/05/2016 -  Public
Arménie - Avis conjoint préliminaire sur le projet de code électoral du 18 avril 2016  (K. VOLLAN, E. TANCHEV, R. BARRETT, P. BIGLINO CAMPOS, V. VASHCHANKA)
CDL-PI(2016)004  English  10/05/2016 -  Public
Armenia - Preliminary Joint Opinion on the draft electoral code as of 18 April 2016  (K. VOLLAN, E. TANCHEV, R. BARRETT, P. BIGLINO CAMPOS, V. VASHCHANKA)
CDL-REF(2016)030  English  21/04/2016 -  Public
Draft Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia, as of 18 April 2016 
CDL-REF(2016)025  English  11/04/2016 -  Public
Draft Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia, as of 6 April 2016 
CDL-REF(2016)018  English  22/02/2016 -  Public
Draft Electoral Code of Armenia 
CDL-PI(2015)019  English  11/09/2015 -  Public
Second Preliminary Opinion on the Draft Amendments, in particular to Chapters 8, 9, 11 to 16, of the Constitution of Armenia  (C. GRABENWARTER, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, E. TANCHEV, A. ENDZIŅŠ, T. KHABRIEVA)
CDL-PI(2015)019  Armenian  11/09/2015 -  Public
Second Preliminary Opinion on the Draft Amendments, in particular to Chapters 8, 9, 11 to 16, of the Constitution of Armenia in Armenian  (C. GRABENWARTER, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, E. TANCHEV, A. ENDZIŅŠ, T. KHABRIEVA)
CDL-PI(2015)019  French  11/09/2015 -  Public
Deuxième avis préliminaire sur les projets d'amendements concernant en particulier les Chapitres 8, 9, 11 à 16 de la Constitution de la République d'Arménie   (C. GRABENWARTER, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, E. TANCHEV, A. ENDZIŅŠ, T. KHABRIEVA)
CDL-PI(2015)015rev  English  10/09/2015 -  Public
Preliminary Opinion on the draft amendments to Chapters 1 to 7 and 10 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia   (C. GRABENWARTER, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, E. TANCHEV, A. ENDZIŅŠ, T. KHABRIEVA)
CDL-PI(2015)015rev  Armenian  10/09/2015 -  Public
Preliminary Opinion on the draft amendments to Chapters 1 to 7 and 10 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia in Armenian  (C. GRABENWARTER, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, E. TANCHEV, A. ENDZIŅŠ, T. KHABRIEVA)
CDL-PI(2015)015rev  French  10/09/2015 -  Public
Avis préliminaire sur les projets d’amendements aux chapitres 1 a 7 et 10 de la constitution de la République d’Arménie   (C. GRABENWARTER, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, E. TANCHEV, A. ENDZIŅŠ, T. KHABRIEVA)
CDL-PI(2015)015  English  30/07/2015 -  Public
Preliminary Opinion on the draft amendments to Chapters 1 to 7 and 10 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia  (C. GRABENWARTER, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, E. TANCHEV, A. ENDZIŅŠ, T. KHABRIEVA)
CDL-REF(2015)023  English  27/07/2015 -  Public
Draft amendments to the Constitution of Armenia Chapters 1 to 7 and 10 
CDL-REF(2015)014  English  28/04/2015 -  Public
Draft Amendments to the first two chapters of the Constitution of Armenia 
CDL(2014)040  English  26/09/2014 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Concept Paper on the Constitutional Reforms of the Republic of Armenia  (C. GRABENWARTER, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, E. TANCHEV, A. ENDZIŅŠ, T. KHABRIEVA)
CDL-REF(2014)033  English  08/09/2014 -  Public
Draft concept paper on the reforms of the constitution of the Republic of Armenia 
CDL(2014)027  French  10/06/2014 -  Public
Projet d'avis sur le projet de loi modifiant et complétant le Code judiciaire de l'Arménie (durée du mandat des Présidents de tribunaux)   (K. TUORI, J. HIRSCHFELDT, W. THOMASSEN, A. VARGA)
CDL(2014)027  English  28/05/2014 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on introducing Amendments and Addenda to the Judicial Code of the Republic of Armenia  (K. TUORI, J. HIRSCHFELDT, W. THOMASSEN, A. VARGA)
CDL(2014)007  English  28/02/2014 -  Public
Draft Joint Opinion on the draft Law amending and supplementing the Judicial Code (evaluation system for judges) of Armenia  (J. HAMILTON, K. VARDZELASHVILI, J. HIRSCHFELDT, G. REISSNER)
CDL-JU(2013)008  English  04/09/2013 -  Public
Courts as Representatives, or Representation without Representatives 
CDL(2011)099  English  02/12/2011 -  Public
Draft opinion on the draft law on amendments and additions to the law on alternative service of Armenia  (H. SUCHOCKA, N. EȘANU, H. HAENEL, R. CLAYTON QC)
CDL(2011)095  English  28/11/2011 -  Public
Draft opinion on the draft law on the legal regime of the state of emergency of Armenia  (P. VAN DIJK, K. TUORI)
CDL-REF(2011)029rev  English  11/10/2011 -  Public
Electoral Code of Armenia adopted on 26 May 2011 
CDL(2011)081  French  29/09/2011 -  Public
Projet d'avis conjoint sur le code électoral de l'Arménie adopté le 26 mai 2011  (K. VOLLAN, J. PILGRIM, M. MAURO)
CDL(2011)081  English  29/09/2011 -  Public
Draft joint opinion on the electoral code of Armenia adopted on 26 May 2011  (K. VOLLAN, J. PILGRIM, M. MAURO)
CDL-REF(2011)045  English  05/09/2011 -  Public
Draft law on freedoms of conscience and religion of the Republic of Armenia 
CDL-REF(2011)029  English  24/06/2011 -  Public
Electoral code of Armenia adopted on 26 May 2011 
CDL(2011)039  English  26/05/2011 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the draft law supplementing the penitentiary code of Armenia  (P. VAN DIJK, K. ŠIMÁČKOVÁ)
CDL(2011)020  English  02/05/2011 -  Public
Draft Joint Opinion on the new Draft Electoral Code of Armenia  (K. VOLLAN, J. PILGRIM, M. MAURO)
CDL(2011)020  French  02/05/2011 -  Public
Projet d'avis conjoint sur le projet de nouveau code électoral de l'Arménie  (K. VOLLAN, J. PILGRIM, M. MAURO)
CDL-REF(2011)009  English  24/02/2011 -  Public
Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia - Draft new edition 
CDL(2010)128  English  02/12/2010 -  Public
Draft interim joint opinion on the draft law on assemblies of the Republic of Armenia by the Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR  (J. HAMILTON, B. AURESCU, F. FLANAGAN, D. Goldberger)
CDL(2010)117  English  18/11/2010 -  Public
Draft law on public assemblies of the Republic of Armenia 
CDL(2009)173rev  English  04/12/2009 -  Public
Revised Draft Law on amending the Civil Code of Armenia 
CDL(2009)174  English  24/11/2009 -  Public
Draft Final Opinion on the Draft Law on ameding the Civil Code of Armenia  (P. VAN DIJK)
CDL(2009)173  English  24/11/2009 -  Public
Revised Draft Law on ameding the Civil Code of Armenia 
CDL(2009)157  English  02/10/2009 -  Public
Draft Law on Amending the Civil Code of Armenia 
CDL(2009)149  English  02/10/2009 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Civil Code of Armenia  (P. VAN DIJK)
CDL(2009)081  English  20/05/2009 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on making amendments to the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia  (P. VAN DIJK)
CDL(2009)063  English  20/05/2009 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Law on amending the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia  (P. VAN DIJK)
CDL(2009)062  English  13/05/2009 -  Public
Draft Law on making amendments to the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia 
CDL(2009)042  English  05/03/2009 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Draft Amendments of February 2009 to the Criminal Code of Armenia  (J. HAMILTON, G. NEPPI MODONA)
CDL(2009)002  English  15/01/2009 -  Public
Draft Law on Freedom to receive information of the Republic of Armenia 
CDL(2008)118  English  09/10/2008 -  Public
Law on the Human Rights Defender of Armenia 
CDL(2008)088  English  29/09/2008 -  Public
Draft Amendments to Article 23(5) of the Law on the Human Rights Deferender of Armenia  (M. NOWICKI)
CDL(2008)087  English  04/08/2008 -  Public
Draft Opinion on Draft Amendments to Article 23(5) of the Law on the Human Rights Defender of Armenia  (K. TUORI, M. NOWICKI)
CDL(2008)083  English  01/07/2008 -  Public
Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia as of November 2007 
CDL(2008)045  English  10/06/2008 -  Public
Assessment of the Draft Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia  (J. HAMILTON)
CDL-EL(2007)015  English  21/05/2007 -  Public
Comments on Amendments to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia adopted on 5 February 2007  (K. VOLLAN)
CDL-EL(2007)014  English  21/05/2007 -  Public
Comments on Amendments to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia adopted on 5 February 2007  (C. CLOSA MONTERO)
CDL-EL(2007)010  English  09/05/2007 -  Public
Electoral Code of Armenia as of 26 February 2007 
CDL-EL(2007)007prog  English  20/04/2007 -  Public
Seminar on holding and supervision of elections (Yerevan, 25-26 April 2007): Programme 
CDL(2006)093  English  06/12/2006 -  Public
Comments on the "Law of the Human Rights Defender of Armenia"  (L. BIANKU)
CDL(2006)098  English  04/12/2006 -  Public
Law of the Republic of Armenia on the Human Rights Defender 
CDL(2006)094  English  04/12/2006 -  Public
Comments on the Amendments to the Law on the Human Rights Defender of Armenia  (H. TORFASON)
CDL(2006)090  English  27/11/2006 -  Public
Draft Opinion on Amendments to the Law on the Human Rights Defender of Armenia  (H. TORFASON, L. BIANKU, M. NOWICKI)
CDL(2006)088  English  27/11/2006 -  Public
Comments on the "Law on the Human Rights Defender of Armenia"  (M. NOWICKI)
CDL-EL(2006)026rev  English  07/06/2006 -  Public
Draft Joint Opinion on Draft Amendments to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia by the Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR  (M. KRENNERICH, J. PILGRIM, C. CLOSA MONTERO)
CDL(2006)050  English  02/06/2006 -  Public
Draft Opinion on Amendments to the Law on the Constitutional Court of Armenia  (P. PACZOLAY, J. CARDOSO DA COSTA, J. Costa)
CDL(2006)047  French  31/05/2006 -  Public
Observations sur les Amendements à la loi relative à la Cour constitutionnelle d'Arménie  (J. CARDOSO DA COSTA, J. Costa)
CDL(2006)046  English  31/05/2006 -  Public
Comments on the Amendments to the Law on the Constitutional Court of Armenia  (P. PACZOLAY)
CDL(2006)045  French  31/05/2006 -  Public
Amendements à la loi sur la Cour constitutionnelle d'Arménie 
CDL(2006)045rev  English  31/05/2006 -  Public
Amendments to the Law on the Constitutional Court of Armenia 
CDL-EL(2006)019  English  17/05/2006 -  Public
Electoral Code of Armenia as of 12 October 2005 
CDL(2005)054rev  French  16/09/2005 -  Public
Projet d'avis final sur la réforme constitutionnelle de la République d'Arménie  (K. TUORI, A. ENDZIŅŠ)
CDL(2005)054rev  English  16/09/2005 -  Public
Draft Final Opinion on the Constitutional Reform in the Republic of Armenia  (K. TUORI, A. ENDZIŅŠ)
CDL(2005)054  English  21/07/2005 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Constitutional Reform in Armenia  (K. TUORI, A. ENDZIŅŠ)
CDL(2005)043rev  English  07/06/2005 -  Public
Draft Second Interim Opinion on Constitutional Reforms in the Republic of Armenia  (K. TUORI, A. ENDZIŅŠ)
CDL(2005)043  English  25/05/2005 -  Public
Draft Second Interim Opinion on Constitutional Reforms in the Republic of Armenia  (K. TUORI, A. ENDZIŅŠ)
CDL-EL(2005)005  English  27/01/2005 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Amendments to the Electoral Code of Armenia  (H. TORFASON)
CDL-EL(2005)004  English  18/01/2005 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Amendments to the Electoral Code of Armenia  (T. ANNUS)
CDL(2004)125  English  29/11/2004 -  Public
Constitution of the Republic of Armenia (5 July 1995) 
CDL(2004)108  English  25/11/2004 -  Public
Draft Opinion on Three Sets of Proposals for Constitutional Amendments in Armenia  (K. TUORI, B. NASCIMBENE, O. MASTERS, A. ENDZIŅŠ)
CDL(2004)119  English  18/11/2004 -  Public
Comments on Three Sets of Proposals for Constitutional Amendments in Armenia  (O. MASTERS)
CDL(2004)118  English  18/11/2004 -  Public
Comments on Three Sets of Proposals for Constitutional Amendments in Armenia  (B. NASCIMBENE)
CDL(2004)117  English  18/11/2004 -  Public
Comments on Three Sets of Proposals for Constitutional Amendments in Armenia  (A. ENDZIŅŠ)
CDL(2004)116  English  18/11/2004 -  Public
Comments on Three Sets of Proposals for Constitutional Amendments in Armenia  (K. TUORI)
CDL(2004)107  English  09/11/2004 -  Public
Third Set of Proposals for Constitutional Amendments in Armenia 
CDL(2004)027rev  English  06/10/2004 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Law on conducting Meetings, Assemblies, Rallies and Demonstrations of the Republic of Armenia  (G. MALINVERNI, F. FLANAGAN)
CDL(2004)101  English  28/09/2004 -  Public
Second Set of Proposals for Constitutional Amendments in Armenia 
CDL(2004)100  English  28/09/2004 -  Public
First Set of Proposals for Constitutional Amendments in Armenia 
CDL(2004)027  English  28/05/2004 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Law on conducting meetings, assemblies, rallies and demonstrations of the Republic of Armenia  (G. MALINVERNI, F. FLANAGAN)
CDL-EL(2003)013  French  18/03/2004 -  Public
Atelier de formation électorale (Erevan, 5-8 mai 2003) : Rapports  (D. VINOLAS, M. MOREL DE VILLIERS, C. CASAGRANDE, J. SZIJARTO)
CDL-EL(2003)010  English  06/10/2003 -  Public
Comments on the Electoral Law and the Electoral Administration in Armenia  (M. KRENNERICH)
CDL(2003)062  English  26/09/2003 -  Public
Draft Law on the Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia 
CDL(2003)052  English  30/07/2003 -  Public
Universal Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia as of August 3, 2002 
CDL-EL(2003)003syn  English  27/05/2003 -  Public
Training Seminar on Electoral Matters (Yerevan, 5-8 May 2003), Synopsis 
CDL-EL(2003)003syn  French  27/05/2003 -  Public
Séminaire de formation électorale (Erevan, 5-8 mai 2003), Synopsis 
CDL(2003)024  English  05/03/2003 -  Public
Draft Opinion on the Law of the Republic of Armenia on Political Parties 
CDL(2003)023  English  28/02/2003 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Law on the Human Rights Defender of Armenia  (M. SERRA LOPES)
CDL(2003)017  English  28/02/2003 -  Public
Draft Law on the Human Rights Defender of Armenia 
CDL(2002)090  English  17/06/2002 -  Public
Draft Law of the Republic of Armenia on Political Parties: Second Reading  (K. TUORI)
CDL(2002)089  English  17/06/2002 -  Public
Draft Law of the Republic of Armenia on Political Parties: Second Reading  (H. VOGEL)
CDL(2002)088  English  17/06/2002 -  Public
The Law of the Republic of Armenia on Political Parties 
CDL(2002)087  English  10/06/2002 -  Public
Universal Electoral Code: Amendments National Assembly, May 7, 2002 
CDL(2001)098  English  11/10/2001 -  Public
Republic of Armenia: Draft Law on Civil Service 
CDL(2001)087  English  18/09/2001 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Civil Service Law of the Republic of Armenia  (K. TUORI)
CDL(2001)061rev  English  16/07/2001 -  Public
Draft revised Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and explanatory memorandum 
CDL(2001)030  English  14/03/2001 -  Public
Draft Law on the Political Parties of the Republic of Armenia 
CDL(2001)026  English  02/03/2001 -  Public
Ombudsman in the Republic of Armenia  (M. SERRA LOPES)
CDL(2001)025  English  02/03/2001 -  Public
Comments on the Draft Civil Service Law of the Republic of Armenia  (K. TUORI)
CDL(2001)022  English  01/03/2001 -  Public
Draft Law on the Ombudsman of the Republic of Armenia 
CDL-JU(2000)041  English  04/10/2000 -  Public
The Execution of judgments of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany  (S. Walter)
CDL(2000)025  English  11/04/2000 -  Public
Constitution of the Republic of Armenia 
CDL(2000)024  English  11/04/2000 -  Public
Basic Provisions for the Concept of Reforming the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia  (G. HARUTYUNYAN)
CDL(1998)010  English  18/02/1998 -  Public
Comments on the Yegorian and the Sahakian draft electoral laws of Armenia  (B. OWEN)
CDL(1998)018  English  01/01/1998 -  Public
Draft Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia 
CDL-JU(1997)067  English  18/12/1997 -  Public
Specific problems of Human Rights protection in times of transitions  (A. ENDZIŅŠ)
CDL-JU(1997)060  English  08/12/1997 -  Public
The role of non-Governmental organisations in the protection of Human Rights.  (M. Sevian)
CDL-JU(1997)059  English  05/12/1997 -  Public
Constitutional Guarantees of the Protection of Human Rights in the Republic of Armenia.  (A. Nazarian)
CDL-JU(1997)059  French  05/12/1997 -  Public
Les garanties contitutionnelles de la protection des droits de l'Homme en Arménie.  (A. Nazarian)
CDL(1997)023rev  English  16/06/1997 -  Public
Draft electoral code of the Republic of Armenia as of 27.05.1997 
CDL(1997)023  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Draft electoral code of the Republic of Armenia as of 27.05.1997 
CDL-JU(1997)004  English  01/01/1997 -  Public
Replies to the questionnaire on the composition of constitutional courts 
CDL-JU(1997)004  French  01/01/1997 -  Public
Réponses au questionnaire sur la composition des cours constitutionnelles 
CDL(1996)062rev  English  02/10/1996 -  Public
The law of the Republic of Armenia on the Constitutional Court 
CDL(1996)062rev  French  02/10/1996 -  Public
La loi de la République d'Arménie sur la Cour constitutionnelle 
CDL(1996)062  English  01/01/1996 -  Public
The law of the Republic of Armenia on the Constitutional Court 
CDL(1995)062  French  01/01/1995 -  Public
Constitution de la République d'Arménie 
CDL(1994)024  English  05/05/1994 -  Public
Draft Law on Political Asylum in the Republic of Armenia 
CDL(1994)022  English  01/01/1994 -  Public
Draft Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Armenia 
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