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Armenia - Constitutional Justice Conference on "Basic Criteria of Limitation of Human Rights in the Practice of Constitutional Justice"

03/10/2003 - 04/10/2003

Limitations of human rights was the theme of the VIIIth Yerevan international conference organised by the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe and the Constitutional Court of Armenia on 3 and 4 October. The event was organised within the framework of the constitutional justice activities of the Venice Commission. On this occasion a co-operation agreement between the Venice Commission and the Conference of the Constitutional Control Organs of the Countries of Young Democracy (CCCOCYD) was signed.

The conference brought together presidents and judges of 19 European courts, including the European Court of Human Rights. Western and eastern parts of the continent were equally represented. The event provided a forum for exchanging their experiences in establishing jurisprudence on such important issues as the limitations of human rights in general and for instance, the restrictions of the freedom of expression.

The President of the Republic and also the Speaker of the Parliament received the Venice Commission’s delegation on the afternoon of 3 October 2003.
(Yerevan, Picasso hall, hotel “Congress”)



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