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Serbia - drafting of the Constitution


The Commission have been closely involved in the constitutional reforms in Serbia and Montenegro since the beginning of the process. Currently, the Constitutional Commission of Serbia is preparing a draft of a new Constitution for the entity.

Nenad Canak, who chairs the constitutional sub-commission on the territorial organisation of Serbia, is quoted by Novi Sad’s Dnevnik newspaper on Tuesday as saying that differing views taken by the members of the Sub-commission could not be coordinated without the help of the Venice Commission, Belgrade media reported.

"After all, the commission has been set up in order that the transition countries should have somebody to turn to in order to test their ideas about the future organization of their states and the relationship between the local constitutions and the European institutions," said Canak, who is the speaker of the Vojvodina parliament and leader of the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina (LSV).

He said that the new Serbian constitution should not follow visions that are at the moment in evidence on the Serbian political scene, but must guide the country toward European integration processes. "By the same token, some constitutional solutions, although they may seem unpopular or controversial at the moment, must be in line with the constitutional practice in the united Europe."

The future co-operation with the Serbian Constitutional Commission is on the agenda of the 56th plenary session of the Commission, which is taking place on 17-18 October 2003 in Venice.



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