06/12/2024 - 07/12/2024
Venice, Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista - On 6-7 December 2024 the Venice Commission held its fourth plenary session of the year, with an agenda that included in particular:
Five draft opinions concerning :
- Albania on the implementation of Constitutional Court decisions by Parliament;
- Haiti on possible legislative solutions to conduct future electoral processes;
- Poland on the draft constitutional amendments concerning the Constitutional Tribunal and two draft laws on the Constitutional Tribunal;
- Serbia on the Judicial Academy and draft amendments to the Law on Judges and the Law on the Public Prosecutor’s Office; and
- Türkiye on the composition of the Council of Judges and Prosecutors and the procedure for the election of its members.
Two draft amicus curiae briefs for the European Court of Human Rights were also on the agenda in the case of Staderini and Others v. Italy on the stability of electoral legislation and some features of a mixed electoral system, and in the case of Shevchuk v. Ukraine on the dismissal of the applicant from the posts of Judge and President of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine as a result of disciplinary proceedings, and a draft report on a rule of law and human rights compliant regulation of spyware.