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CDL-WCCJ-GA(2017)007  Russian  13/09/2018 -  Public
Вильнюсское Коммюнике 
CDL-PI(2015)019  Russian  18/12/2017 -  Public
Второе предварительное заключение по проекту поправок к главам 8, 9, 11 и 16 Конституции Республики Армения  (C. GRABENWARTER, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, E. TANCHEV, A. ENDZIŅŠ, T. KHABRIEVA)
CDL-PI(2015)015  Russian  18/12/2017 -  Public
Проект предварительного заключения по проекту поправок в главы 1-7 и 10 Конституции Республики Армения  (C. GRABENWARTER, S. BARTOLE, K. TUORI, E. TANCHEV, A. ENDZIŅŠ, T. KHABRIEVA)
CDL-PI(2016)009  Russian  29/08/2016 -  Public
Kyrgyz Republic - Preliminary Joint Opinion on the Draft Law “on Introduction of amendments and changes to the Constitution"   (G. HARUTYUNYAN, N. EȘANU, A. ENDZIŅŠ, T. KHABRIEVA)
CDL-REF(2015)007  Russian  06/03/2015 -  Public
Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court of Tajikistan 
CDL-AD(2013)035  Russian  19/12/2013 -  Public
Opinion on the Draft Code on Judicial Ethics of the Republic of Tajikistan 
CDL-JU(2013)007  Russian  20/09/2013 -  Public
Scope of the Protection of Human Rights by the Constitutional Court: Latvia’s Experience   (G. KŪTRIS)
CDL-WCCJ(2011)001  Russian  23/05/2011 -  Public
Statute of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice 
CDL-JD(2009)001  Russian  06/03/2009 -  Public
Draft Report on the Independence of the Judicial System: Part I: The Independence of Judges (in Russian)  (G. NEPPI MODONA, A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL(2008)105  Russian  29/09/2008 -  Public
Comments on the Law on Court Juries of the Kyrgyz Republic (in Russian)  (A. NUSSBERGER)
CDL-INF(2000)012  Russian  26/09/2000 -  Public
Ten Years of the Venice Commission 
CDL-JU(2000)018  Russian  09/03/2000 -  Public
Systematic Thesaurus: Version 11- in Russian 
CDL-INF(1999)013  Russian  03/08/1999 -  Public
La Commission de Venise à la veille de son dixième anniversaire 
CDL-INF(1998)002  Russian  01/01/1998 -  Public
The Work of the European Commission for Democracy through Law - in Russian 
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