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Constitutional Justice

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YEREVAN - 21st Meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice (JCCJ)

15/11/2024 - 15/11/2024
Yerevan, Armenia, 15 November 2024: The 21st Meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice (JCCJ) of the Venice Commission took place on 15 November 2024 in Yerevan, Armenia. This gathering brought together liaison officers and representatives from constitutional courts to discuss key topics of cooperation, including:

• Updates on the CODICES database and the e-Bulletin on Constitutional Case-Law.
• Further development of the Venice Forum.
• Recent opinions and studies by the Venice Commission on constitutional justice.

Mr Valentin Georgiev, Secretary ... read more

YEREVAN - International High-Level Conference on “Respect for the Decisions of Constitutional Courts”

14/11/2024 - 15/11/2024
Yerevan, Armenia, 14-15 November 2024: The Venice Commission in collaboration with the Constitutional Court of Armenia and the Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI) of the Council of Europe organised a high-level conference titled “Respect for the Decisions of Constitutional Courts”.

The conference brought together constitutional court judges, members of the Venice Commission, judges of the European Court of Human Rights, representatives of the Council of Europe, legal experts, and representatives from International organisations and national institutions to ad... read more

Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa

30/10/2024 - 03/11/2024
Victoria Falls – The 7th Congress of the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa on "Human dignity as a foundational value and principle: A source of constitutional interpretation, fundamental human rights protection and enforcement" took place in Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe) from 30 October to 3 November 2024.

The President Emeritus and Special Representative of the Venice Commission, Mr Gianni Buquicchio, participated in the event and delivered an opening speech.


Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Portuguese-speaking countries

15-16/07/2024, Maputo, Mozambique – The Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Portuguese-speaking countries held its VIth Assembly on 15 and 16 July 2024 on "The Constitutional Jurisdiction and other powers".
A representative of the Venice Commission participated in the event and delivered an opening speech. The Assembly was followed by the meeting of the Council of Presidents which elected the Constitutional Court of Cape Verde as the presiding court in the Conference for the biennium 2024-2026.

Conference on “Elements and dynamics of the European legal standard”

18/04/2024 - 19/04/2024
Gdansk, Poland – The Venice Commission in cooperation with the University of Gdansk held a conference entitled “Elements and dynamics of the European legal standard”.

The participants addressed the topic of the conference through the following panels:
• An attempt to define the legal standard;
• In search of the legal standard on the separation of powers;
• The legal standard on the judiciary and the prosecutor's office;
• The legal standard on the constitutional judiciary;
• The significance of the legal standard for the democratic state of law in the EU... read more

Southern and Eastern African Chief Justices Forum

23/10/2023 - 26/10/2023
Arusha, Tanzania - the Southern and Eastern African Chief Justices’ Forum (SEACJF) held its conference and annual general meeting to mark the 20th anniversary since the establishment of the Forum. The topic of the conference was : "the Role of the National Judiciaries in Dispute Resolution under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): application of Modern Technologies for High Efficiency in Justice Dispensation".

Mr Gianni Buquicchio, President Emeritus and Special Representative of the Venice Commission, and Ms Simona Granata-Menghini, Secretary of the Venice Commissi... read more

20th meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice (JCCJ) and a mini-conference

24/04/2023 - 25/04/2023
Sofia - The 20th meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice of the Venice Commission was co-organized and hosted by the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria.
Liaison officers from 35 courts/members of the JCCJ and 7 representatives of 4 of the regional groups (AACC, CCJA, CJCPLP and UACCC) participated in the event.

On this occasion a mini-conference on the topic "Measures taken by States in response to the COVID-19 crisis and their impact on constitutional justice – constitutional case-law on emergency situations" was held.

Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa

22/11/2022 - 23/11/2022
Rabat and Fes - The Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa held its 6th Congress entitled "African Constitutional Courts and International Law".

The Special Representative, President emeritus of the Venice Commission, Mr Gianni Buquicchio, and the Deputy Secretary of the Commission, participated in the event.

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC - World Conference on Constitutional Justice - Statement in support of the Constitutional Court

Today, Mr Gianni Buquicchio, President Emeritus, Special Representative of the Venice Commission made the following statement, on behalf of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice, in support of the Constitutional Court of the Central African Republic:

“On behalf of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice, I fully support the Statement of the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa defending the independence of the Constitutional Court of the Central African Republic who have come under undue pressure from the Government when the Court adopted decisions ... read more

LITHUANIA - „From the National Constitution to the Transnational Constitutionalism“ - International conference

Vilnius - The Constitutional Court of Lithuania in cooperation with the Venice Commission held an international conference on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Constitution of 1922 and the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of 1992 of the Republic of Lithuania.

The Conference was opened by:
• H. E. Gitanas Nausėda, President of the Republic of Lithuania
• Ms Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
• Ms Ingrida Šimonytė, Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania
• Ms Danutė Jočienė, President of the Constitu... read more

Southern African Chief Justices' Forum

24/10/2022 - 25/10/2022
Maputo – The Southern African Chief Justices' Forum will hold its annual conference on “Judicial accountability and the role of the judiciary in the fight against terrorism”.


"CONSTITUTIONAL JUSTICE AND PEACE" - 5th Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ)

04/10/2022 - 07/10/2022
Bali, Indonesia - The Constitutional Court of Indonesia and the Venice Commission held the 5th Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice in Bali, Indonesia, from 4 to 7 October 2022. The theme of the Congress is "Constitutional Justice and Peace". A total of 94 delegations from constitutional courts and equivalent institutions participated in the Congress making a total of 583 participants.

The notion of peace was tackled by the 5th Congress in the broad sense of social peace within the state and the peaceful resolution of conflicts, rather than as a concept of pub... read more

LATVIA - 100th Anniversary of the Constitution and the 25th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court

15/09/2022 - 16/09/2022
Riga - The Venice Commission participated in the Conference on “Sustainability as a Constitutional Value: Future Challenges” on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia and the 25th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court.

MONGOLIA - 30th anniversary of the Constitutional Court

The President of the Venice Commission, Ms Claire Bazy Malaurie, delivered a welcome address (online) at the ceremony on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia.

WCCJ - The Constitutional Tribunal of Equatorial Guinea becomes 119th member

The Constitutional Tribunal of Equatorial Guinea joined the World Conference on Constitutional Justice, which now has 119 members.

Association of Francophone Constitutional Courts (ACCF)

31/05/2022 - 02/06/2022
Dakar – Representatives of the Venice Commission participated in the 9th Congress of the ACCF on "The constitutional judge and human rights".

Conference of European Constitutional Courts

25/05/2022 - 26/05/2022
Chisinau - The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova held online a preparatory meeting for the XIXth Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts.

World Conference on Constitutional Justice - 17th meeting of the Bureau

Venice / online - The Bureau of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice held its 17th meeting.

Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC)

10/11/2021 - 11/11/2021
Seoul/online - The Venice Commission participated in the 3rd International Symposium of the AACC Secretariat for Research and Development of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) on “Constitutional Rights and AACC Members”.

Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa

14/10/2021 - 15/10/2021
Maputo/online - The Venice Commission participate the International Symposium on the “Transparency of Elections in Africa” organised by the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa and the Constitutional Council of Mozambique.

19th meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice (JCCJ)

23/09/2021 - 23/09/2021
Sofia/Strasbourg (online) – The 19th meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice of the Venice Commission (JCCJ), initially to be hosted by the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria took place online on 23 September 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kazakhstan / Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions

Nur-Sultan/online – The President of the Venice Commission gave an opening speech at the Symposium on “The Internet Era: the Rule of Law, the Values of the Person and the State Independence”, organised by the Constitutional Council of Kazakhstan and the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) . The Symposium coincided with the 30th anniversary of the Independence of Kazakhstan.
The participation of the President of the Venice Commission has been financed by the Central Asia Rule of Law programme.

Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) / Eurasian Association of Constitutional Review Bodies (EACRB)

Nur Sultan/online – The Secretary General of the World Conference on constitutional Justice participated in the meetings of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) and the Eurasian Association of Constitutional Review Bodies (EACRB).

KAZAKHSTAN - “Execution of the decisions of the Constitutionals Courts and equivalent bodies – theory and practice” - International online Seminar

The Constitutional Council of Kazakhstan and the Venice Commission organised an international online seminar on the “Execution of decisions of constitutional courts and equivalent bodies – theory and practice”. The President of the Venice Commission, Mr Gianni Buquicchio, as well as several other members of the Commission participated in the seminar.

The event was financed by the joint Council of Europe – European Union “Central Asia Rule of Law Programme”. The Venice Commission implements the third component of this programme, namely “Promoting Efficient Functioning of State Inst... read more

UKRAINE - International conference

Kiev - The Constitutional Court of Ukraine, on the occasion of its 25th anniversary as well as the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine, organised an international conference on "The Constitution of 1996: Ukraine within the framework of European constitutionalism" in co-operation with the the IRZ-Foundation and the Venice Commission.

Association of Francophone Constitutional Courts (ACCF)

The Venice Commission and the World Conference on Constitutional Justice participated in the 9th Conference of Head of Institutions of the Association of Francophone Constitutional Courts on "Collegiality" (online).

World Conference on Constitutional Justice - 16th meeting of the Bureau

Strasbourg - The Bureau of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice held its 16th meeting online. The Bureau discussed inter alia the preparation of the 5th Congress to be held in Indonesia on 4-7 October 2022 on the theme “Constitutional Justice and Peace”.

POSTPONED - Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa

08/03/2021 - 09/03/2021
Libreville - The Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa (CCJA) and the Constitutional Court of Gabon are co-organising on 8 and 9 March 2021 the 1st "Meeting of women chief justices and African judges" . The Venice Commission is invited to attend this event.

This Meeting is devoted to the celebration of the International Women's Day.

“Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: the Relationship of International, Supranational and National Catalogues in the 21st Century” - XVIIIth Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (online)

24/02/2021 - 25/02/2021
Prague – The Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic hosted the XVIIIth Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (CECC). The Congress, initially planned in Prague in 2020, took place online on 24–25 February 2021. The President of the Commission, Mr Gianni Buquicchio, addressed the Congress at the opening session.

In its Resolution no. II of 2018, the Circle of Presidents asked the Venice Commission to cooperate in the organisation of the XVIIIth Congress and to prepare a special issue of the Commission’s electronic Bulletin on Constitutional Case-Law on the... read more

Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova - anniversary

Chisinau – The President of the Venice Commission sent a congratulatory message to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova, which celebrates its 26th anniversary. The message is included in a video clip prepared by the Judges of the Court explaining the mission and activity of the Constitutional Court and its impact on daily life.

Austria - Constitutional Justice - CANCELLED

Vienna - Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Austrian Constitutional Court.

ECUADOR – online meeting with the Constitutional Court

Quito/Strasbourg - On 29 September 2020 a teleconference took place between representatives of the Venice Commission and the Constitutional Court of Ecuador. The issues related to the work of the Venice commission in Latin-America, the Commission’s ongoing projects in the region, as well as cooperation perspectives between the Court and the Commission were addressed by the participants.

The activity was organised in the framework of the joint EU-Council of Europe project “Support to reforms of electoral legislation and practice and regional Human Rights instruments and mechanisms i... read more

Ibero-American Conference of Constitutional Justice - virtual meeting

25/09/2020 - 26/09/2020
Cartagena, Colombia - The President of the Venice Commission Mr Gianni Buquicchio participated in the XIIIth Congress of the Ibero-American Conference of Constitutional Justice.

Association of the Asian Constitutional Courts - Conference

23/09/2020 - 25/09/2020
The Venice Commission participated in a video Conference of the Association of the Asian Constitutional Courts (AACC) "Freedom of expression: experience of the AACC members", organised by the Secretariat for Research and Development established by the AACC.

IVth Congress of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC)

Nur-Sultan - The Venice Commission was invited to the online IV Congress of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC).

The President of the Commission Mr Gianni Buquicchio delivered an opening speech.

World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ)

Strasbourg - Following the spread of COVID-19, the 15th meeting of the Bureau of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice was replaced by a written procedure.

ALGERIA – Constitutional Council

23/02/2020 - 24/02/2020
Algiers - A Venice Commission delegation participated in the Conference on "the protection of rights and freedoms by the Constitutional Council" on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Constitutional Council of Algeria.

REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA - Constitutional Court

19/02/2020 - 21/02/2020
Chisinau - The Venice Commission participated in the International conference on “Constitutional justice and the society’s reaction: When the solutions of the Constitutional Courts are in disagreement with the majority opinion of the society”.

WCCJ - Supreme Court of Somalia becomes 117th member

The Supreme Court of Somalia joined the World Conference on Constitutional Justice, which now has 117 members.

Informal exchange on constitutional justice

Venice - At the occasion of a visit of a delegation of the Conference of African Constitutional Jurisdictions and the President of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia, the Venice Commission organised an Informal Exchange on Constitutional Justice between these delegations and its members on the topic of the relations between constitutional courts and parliaments.

Supreme Court of India - World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ)

The Supreme Court of India has joined the World Conference on Constitutional Justice bringing its total membership to 116 Courts from 5 continents!

Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC)

17/06/2019 - 20/06/2019
Seoul, Korea – The Secretariat for Research and Development established by the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC SRD) held its 2nd International Symposium on June 17-20 in Seoul, Korea on the topic “Constitutional Justice and Democracy”. The participants included the member States of the AACC and the European Court of Human Rights, which was invited as a special guest.

The aim of this Symposium was to promote the sharing of knowledge and to discuss constitutional review, including the criteria of constitutionality of statutes, in the mem... read more

Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa (CJCA)

10/06/2019 - 13/06/2019
Luanda,Anglola - the Venice Commission participated in the 5th Congress of the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa.


BELARUS – 25th anniversary of the Constitutional Court – International conference

30/05/2019 - 31/05/2019
Minsk – The Venice Commission and the Constitutional Court of Belarus organised a conference entitled "Modern Constitutional development: the role of the constitutional review in constitutionalisation of law". The event is devoted to the 25th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Belarus. On the sidelines of the conference, a meeting of the Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of Countries of New Democracy - CCCOCND - took place.

A delegation of the Venice Commission lead by its 1st Vice President of the Venice Commission Ms Herdis Kjerulf Thorgeirsdottir, represented ... read more

Joint Council on Constitutional Justice

23/05/2019 - 24/05/2019
Rome - The Constitutional Court of Italy hosted the 18th meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice of the Venice Commission. The topic of this year's mini conference was the "Independence of the judiciary, the role of the constitutional courts".

Association of Constitutional Courts using the French Language

01/05/2019 - 03/05/2019
Montreal - The President of the Venice Commission Mr Gianni BUQUICCIO participated in the 8th Congress of the Association of Constitutional Courts using the French Language (ACCPUF).

World Conference on Constitutional Justice - 14th meeting of the Bureau

Santo Domingo - The 14th meeting of the WCCJ Bureau was dedicated to the organisation of the 5th WCCJ Congress on on the topic “Peace and Constitutional Justice" (Algiers, September 2020) and support for Member Courts whose independence is endangered.

World Conference on Constitutional Justice - 1st training on CODICES and the Venice Forum

07/02/2019 - 08/02/2019
Santo Domingo, WCCJ organised a training for liaison officers on contributing to the CODICES database and the Venice Forum, followed by the 14th meeting of the WCCJ Bureau.

The Constitutional Court of the Dominican Republic was hosting this event together with the Venice Commission acting as the Secretariat of the WCCJ. The training session was organised specifically for liaison officers from constitutional courts and equivalent bodies (constitutional councils and supreme courts) on using and contributing to the CODICES database and the restricted Venice Forum. Following a presenta... read more

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan – Conference with the Constitutional Court

Amman – The Venice Commission and the Constitutional Court of Jordan organised a conference on “Legal stability and the case for reversing precedent”.

The Commission’s participation in the event was funded through the South Programme III "Ensuring sustainable democratic governance and human rights in the Southern Mediterranean", a joint programme funded by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Ukraine - Constitutional Justice

Kiev - In co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the Venice Commission organised a conference on the newly introduced constitutional complaint to the Constitutional Court.

This activity was organised in the framework of the Ukraine Action Plan of the Council of Europe.

Constitutional Justice - Korea

02/09/2018 - 05/09/2018
Seoul - The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe was invited to the International Conference on "Constitutional Justice and Democracy" at the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Korea.

The President of the Commission Mr Gianni Buquicchio participated in the opening session of the Conference.

Andorra - Constitutional Justice

12/07/2018 - 13/07/2018
Andorra – The Venice Commission participated in the conference on « The Constitutional Courts : a warranty of the democratic quality of societies ? » at the occasion of the the 25th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Andorra.

Constitutional justice - Azerbaijan

Baku – A delegation of the Venice Commission participated in the Conference on “The state governed by the rule of law and constitutional justice: values and priorities” at the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan.

Joint Council on Constitutional Justice

26/06/2018 - 27/06/2018
Lausanne - The Federal Court of Switzerland hosted the 17th meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice of the Venice Commission. Some 60 representatives from 44 courts participated in this meeting.

On this occasion a mini-Conference entitled “Gender, equality and discrimination” was organised. Issues pertaining to gender equality and discrimination as regards trans-sexuality and (trans)gender, same sex marriages and #MeToo campaign dealt with by the national courts as well by the European Court of Human Rights were highlighted by the liaison officers from Austria, Belg... read more

Conference of European Constitutional Courts

13/06/2018 - 14/06/2018
Prague – The Venice Commission participated in the Preparatory meeting of the Circle of Presidents for the XVIIIth Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts.


1st Research Conference of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC)

29/05/2018 - 01/06/2018
Seoul – A representative of the Venice Commission’s Secretariat participated in the 1st Research Conference of the AACC SRD on “Jurisdictions and Organisation of AACC members.” The event was organised by the Secretariat for Research and Development (SRD) of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions.

Constitutional Justice - Latvia

24/05/2018 - 25/05/2018
Riga - The President of the Venice Commisision participated in the international conference on "The Role of the Constitutional Courts in the Globalized World of the 21st Century" organised by the Constitutional Court of Latvia.

Ibero-American Conference of Constitutional Justice (CIJC)

16/05/2018 - 18/05/2018
Panama - The President of the Venice Commission participated in the XIIth Ibero-American Conference of Constitutional Justice.


Turkey – Constitutional Justice

25/04/2018 - 26/04/2018
Ankara – The President of the Venice Commission participated in the International Conference on “The role of Constitutional Courts in the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms” at the occasion of the 56th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey.

Constitutional justice - Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils

Cairo - The President of the Venice Commission participated in the Symposium of the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils on “Latest developments in Arab world: experiences of the Arab constitutional judiciary in the field of the right to Equality, religious and cultural freedom”.

25th anniversary of the Kyrgyz Constitution

19/04/2018 - 20/04/2018
Bishkek - The Venice Commission participated in the International Conference on « Supremacy of the Constitution and its direct force: issues of ensuring the legal protection of the Constitution ». The event was organised by the Constitutional Chamber of Kyrgyzstan at the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Kyrgyz Constitution.

Slovakia - Constitutional Justice

Košice - The Constitutional Court of Slovakia organised an international conference on "Constitutional Justice - Challenges and Perspectives" at the occasion of its 25th anniversary.

World Conference on Constitutional Justice - the Bureau meeting

Venice - At its 13th meeting, the Bureau of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice examined, inter alia, the financial report prepared by the Secretariat and discussed the topic for the 5th Congress of the World Conference (hosted by the Constitutional Council of Algeria in 2020), the organisation of a training session on CODICES and the Venice Forum for liaison officers in February 2019, the support for Member Courts that come under undue pressure and the activities of the regional and linguistic groups represented in the Bureau.

Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa (CJCA)

25/11/2017 - 27/11/2017
Algiers - Scientific Seminar of the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa, co-organised with the Constitutional Council of Algeria, on "Access of individuals to constitutional justice".


Association of Constitutional Courts Using the French Language (ACCPUF)

16/11/2017 - 17/11/2017
Paris - The President of the Venice Commission Gianni Buquicchio participates in the opening of the seminar - conference on "the drafting of decisions", celebrating the 20th anniversary of ACCPUF (Association of Constitutional Courts sharing the use of French).

Association of Asian Constitutional Courts

30/10/2017 - 02/11/2017
Seoul - The President of the Venice Commission participated in the International Symposium on "Constitutionalism in Asia: Past, Present and Future" organised by the Secretariat for Research and Development of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts (AACC).

Albania - Constitutional Justice

Tirana – The President of the Venice Commission participated in the international conference on “Europeanisation of the Constitutional Law and Constitutionalization of the European Law – challenges of the future” at the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Albania.

Armenia - Role of the Constitutional Courts in Overcoming Constitutional Conflicts - International Conference

19/10/2017 - 21/10/2017
Yerevan - The Constitutional Court of Armenia and the Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of the Countries of New Democracy (CCCOCND) organised a conference on "The Role of the Constitutional Courts in Overcoming Constitutional Conflicts". Vice-President Ms Herdis Kjerulf Thorgeirsdottir represented the Venice Commission on this occasion.

This activity is part of the Partnership for Good Governance (PGG) for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus, funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

4th Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice

11/09/2017 - 14/09/2017
Vilnius - During the 4th Congress meetings of the 10 regional and linguistic groups of constitutional courts and equivalent bodies took place, as well as a meeting of the Bureau of the World Conference, its 2nd General Assembly and a special stocktaking exercise on the independence of the 111 Courts members of the World Conference.

Asia - Constitutional Justice

09/08/2017 - 10/08/2017
Solo, Indonesia – The President of the Venice Commission participated in the International Symposium of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions on “The Constitutional Court as the Guardian of Ideology and Democracy in a Pluralistic Society” (Solo, Indonesia, 9-10 August 2017).


Conference of European Constitutional Courts - XVIIth Congress

28/06/2017 - 01/07/2017
Batumi - The Conference of European Constitutional Courts held its XVIIth Congress on the topic "Role of Constitutional Courts in upholding and applying Constitutional Principles".

Constitutional Justice - Joint Council

18/05/2017 - 19/05/2017
Karlsruhe - The President of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, Mr Andreas Voßkuhle, and the President of the Venice Commission, Mr Gianni Buquicchio, opened the 16th meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice of the Venice Commission.

Belarus - Conference with the Constitutional Court

27/04/2017 - 28/04/2017
Minsk - Conference in cooperation with the Constitutional Court on "The Role of Constitutional review bodies in ensuring the rule of law in rule-making and law-enforcement". This Conference is financed by the Council of Europe / European Union programme : “Programmatic Cooperation Framework in the Eastern Partnership Countries” .
The Vice-President of the Venice Commission as well as the experts invited by the Venice Commission, strongly insisted on the Constitutional Court’s role in upholding human rights, and notably the freedom of expression and freedom of assembly. The Vice-President... read more

Africa - Constitutional Justice

23/04/2017 - 26/04/2017
Cape Town - The Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa held its IVth Congress on the topic of "Strengthening of the Independence of the Judiciary and the Respect for the Rule of Law".

World Conference on Constitutional Justice - Bureau

Venice - 11th Meeting of the Bureau of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice.

Republic of Moldova - Conference with the Constitutional Court

02/03/2017 - 03/03/2017
Chisinau - The Venice Commission organised in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova a Conference on “Evolution of constitutional control in Europe: lessons learned and challenges”.

This conference was co-financed in the Council of Europe/European Union Programmatic Cooperation Framework (PCF).

Russia - Sixth All-Russian Moot Court Contest “Crystal Themis” on Constitutional Justice

Moscow - The oral finals of the Sixth All-Russian Moot Court Contest “Crystal Themis” on Constitutional Justice for law student teams are held in Moscow
The Contest is organised by the Institute for Law and Public Policy in partnership with the Venice Commission.
The case touches current issues on the protection of economic and environmental constitutional rights, respect for the balance of interests and the state support of small and medium-sized businesses.
Based on the evaluation of written documents prepared by the participants, 8 teams were chosen to meet in the quarter-f... read more

Armenia - Constitutional Justice

20/10/2016 - 23/10/2016
Yerevan - Conference on “The role and importance of constitutional courts decisions in addressing legislative gaps and legal uncertainty” co-organised by the Constitutional Court of Armenia, the Venice Commission and the Conference of the Constitutional Control Organs of the Countries of New Democracy.

This Conference is financed by the CoE/EU programme : “Programmatic Cooperation Framework in the Eastern Partnership Countries” .

Poland - Constitutional Tribunal

Gdansk – The President of the Venice Commission, Mr Buquicchio, participated in the Conference on “The Constitutional Court as Guardian of Constitutional Values” co-organised by the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland and the Mayor of Gdansk, held in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland. In his welcome speech, Mr Buquicchio informed the participants about the adoption of the Commission’s Opinion on the Act on the Constitutional Tribunal on 14 October 2016.

Ukraine - Constitutional Justice

07/10/2016 - 08/10/2016
Kiev - Conference on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. This event is co-organised by the Constitutional Court and the Venice Commission under the Council of Europe/European Union Eastern Partnership Programmatic Co-operation Framework, the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine and IRZ-Stiftung.

Francophone countries – Constitutional Justice

27/09/2016 - 30/09/2016
Chisinau – Conference of Head of Institutions of the Association of Constitutional Courts using the French Language (ACCPUF).

Constitutional Justice - Southern African Chief Justices Forum

23/09/2016 - 24/09/2016
Windhoek – The Venice Commission and the World Conference on Constitutional Justice participated in the Conference and Annual General Meeting of the on the Southern African Chief Justices Forum on “Contemporary Issues in the Prevention of Organised Crime”.

Bulgaria - Constitutional justice

21/09/2016 - 22/09/2016
Sofia - The President of the Venice Commission participated in the International Conference on “The Protection of Fundamental Citizens’ Rights and National Security in the Modern World. The Role of Constitutional Courts” on the occasion of the 25th anniversary Constitutional Court of Bulgaria.

Georgia – 20th anniversary of the Constitutional Court

10/09/2016 - 11/09/2016
Batumi - A delegation of the Venice Commission will participate in an international conference entitled “Constitutional justice in transitional democracy: success and challenges of constitutional review in Georgia and Eastern Europe”. This event is organised by the Constitutional Court on the occasion of its 20th anniversary.

This activity falls in the Programmatic Cooperation Framework (PCF) for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus, a programme funded jointly by the European Union and the Council of Europe, and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Asia - Constitutional Justice

08/08/2016 - 13/08/2016
Nusa Dua - In his key-note speech at the 3rd Congress of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC), the President of the Venice Commission highlighted the close cooperation between the Venice Commission and the AACC and the contribution of the AACC to the establishment of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice. He expressed the support of the Venice Commission and the World Conference for Constitutional Courts which are under undue pressure from other state powers. He also welcomed the initiative by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Ko... read more


Ibero-America - Constitutional Justice

28/06/2016 - 01/07/2016
Lima - The Venice Commission and the World Conference on Constitutional Justice participated in the XIth Ibero-American Conference of Constitutional Justice on “Constitutional State and Economic Development”.

Constitutional Justice - Joint Council

07/06/2016 - 08/06/2016
Venice – the 15th meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice of the Venice Commission was held on 7 June 2016, followed by a mini conference on the issue of “Migration” on 8 June 2016. The mini conference an integral part of the annual meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice, which unites the liaison officers of the Constitutional Courts and Courts with equivalent jurisdiction of the Venice Commission’s member States and is open to the members of the Venice Commission.

Latvia – International Conference celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Constitutional Court

26/05/2016 - 27/05/2016
Riga – Organisation by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia together with the Venice Commission of an International Conference on “Judicial Activism of Constitutional Courts in a Democratic State” in celebration of the Court’s 20th anniversary.

This activity is organised with the support of the Programmatic Cooperation Framework (PCF), which is a programme financed by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Turkey - Constitutional Justice

25/04/2016 - 26/04/2016
Ankara - The President of the Venice Commission Gianni Buquicchio participated in the event marking the 54th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey.

Portuguese-Speaking Countries - Constitutional Justice

07/04/2016 - 08/04/2016
Brasilia - The President of the Venice Commission participated in the IVth General Assembly of the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CJCPLP).

World Conference on Constitutional Justice - Bureau

Venice - The World Conference on Constitutional Justice held a meeting of its Bureau.

Jordan - International conference

28/02/2016 - 29/02/2016
Dead Sea - President Gianni Buquicchio and a delegation of the Venice Commission participated in the Conference “Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils: Possible Reforms and Challenges in Light of Regional Changes”. This Conference was co-organised by the Constitutional Court of Jordan in the framework of the Regional Rule of Law programme Middle East/North Africa run by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.

The Conference was intended for the members of the Union of the Arab Constitutional Councils and Courts (UACCC).

Kosovo – Constitutional Justice

Pristina – The President of the Venice Commission participated in the Opening of the judicial Year of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo.

Armenia - Conference on “The Role of Constitutional Courts in Strengthening the Independence of the Judicial Power”

09/10/2015 - 10/10/2015
Yerevan - The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia, the Venice Commission and the Conference of the Constitutional Control Organs of the Countries of New Democracy co-organise, the 20th Annual Yerevan International Conference which will be held on 8 October 2015, in Yerevan. The subject of the Conference is “The Role of Constitutional Courts in Strengthening the Independence of the Judicial Power: Doctrinal Approaches and Contemporary Challenges”.

This Conference is financed by the EU programme : “Programmatic Cooperation Framework in the Eastern Partnership Countries”

Azerbaijan - Constitutional Justice

Baku – The President of the Venice Commission, Mr Buquicchio, participated in the conference on “Protection of human rights and freedoms by the Constitutional Court by means of individual complaint” at the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of Azerbaijan. This Conference examined how the Constitutional Courts can improve individual access to the Constitutional Court as a remedy to human rights violations..
The Venice Commission supported this conference, co-organised with the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan and the German GIZ, through the joint Council of Europe - EU... read more

Ibero-American Conference on Constitutional Justice

28/09/2015 - 02/10/2015
La Antigua, Guatemala – Seminar of the Ibero-American Conference on Constitutional Justice on “Fundamental rights of people deprived of their freedom in penitentiary establishments”.

Moldova - Constitutional Justice

24/09/2015 - 25/09/2015
Chisinau - The Constitutional Court of Moldova and the Venice Commission co-organised the International Conference on "Relations of the Constitutional Court with other public authorities". This Conference, which was financed by the EU Programme : “Programmatic Cooperation Framework in the Eastern Partnership Countries”, examined how the Constitutional Courts in Moldova and other Eastern Partnership countries interact with the legislative and executive powers (nomination of judges, budget) and how the Courts’ decisions are implemented.

Tajikistan - 20th anniversary of the Constitutional Court

17/09/2015 - 18/09/2015
Dushanbe – The Venice Commission’s Vice-President Ms Kjerulf Thorgeirsdottir participated in the International Conference on “Constitutional Justice as a Guarantee of the Supremacy of the Constitution" on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Tajikistan.

Conference of European Constitutional Courts - preparatory meeting

Batumi - The Conference of European Constitutional Courts held its preparatory meeting for the XVIIth Congress and the Constitutional Court of Georgia hosted the Conference “Application of International Treaties by Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Bodies: Challenges to the Dialogue”.

Georgia - Constitutional Justice

09/09/2015 - 10/09/2015
Batumi - The Venice Commission participated in the International Conference on the “Application of International Treaties by Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Bodies: Challenges to the Dialogue”.

Southern African Chief Justices Forum

27/08/2015 - 30/08/2015
Zimbabwe - The Southern African Chief Justices Forum held its annual Conference and the Annual General Meeting. The representatives of the Venice Commission took part in the event.

Indonesia - Constitutional Complaint

15/08/2015 - 16/08/2015
Jakarta – the President of the Venice Commission participated in the International Symposium on the “Constitutional Complaint as an Instrument for Protecting Fundamental Rights of Citizen”, in Celebration of the 12th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia. The proceedings of the Symposium are available at the site of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia.

Asia - Constitutional Justice

Jakarta – The Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) will hold the meeting of its Board.


Network of Constitutional Courts and Councils of West- and Central Africa

Rabat - The Constitutional Courts and Councils from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central Africa, Chad, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo - Democratic Republic (Kinshasa), Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Senegal and Togo have established the “Network of Constitutional Courts and Councils of West- and Central Africa”.

French speaking Africa - constitutional justice

25/07/2015 - 26/07/2015
Rabat - Ceremony for the creation of the Network of Constitutional Courts and Councils of Central and West Africa.

Ibero-American Conference on Constitutional Justice

15/06/2015 - 18/06/2015
Montevideo, Uruguay – Seminar of the Ibero-American Conference on Constitutional Justice on “New challenges to the right to privacy”.

Constitutional Justice - Joint Council

11/06/2015 - 12/06/2015
Bucharest - Following a training session for liaison officers on CODICES and the Venice Forum, the 14th meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice was opened by the President of the Constitutional Court of Romania, Mr Zegrean, the host of the meeting, which was organised in an excellent manner by his Court.

The two Co-Presidents of the Joint Council, Justice Kang, Republic of Korea, and Ms Kovac, Hungary, chaired the meeting and the ensuing mini-conference on “Blasphemy and other limitations to the freedom of expression”.

The Joint Council on Constitutional J... read more

Association of Constitutional Courts using the French Language

03/06/2015 - 07/06/2015
Lausanne - 7th Congress of the Association of Constitutional Courts using the French Language

Morocco – Constitutional Justice – Seminar on the indirect individual access to Constitutional court

Rabat – In the framework of the South Programme II, and in view of Morocco’s adoption of an organic law on individual requests before the Constitutional Court, the Venice Commission and the Ministry of Justice and Liberties of Morocco have co- organised a seminar in Rabat, on 13 May 2015.
The seminar took place in the presence of the Minister of Justice and of other high-level representatives of the judiciary as well as of Venice Commission experts and representatives of the European Union. The experience of the Constitutional Court of Jordan was presented as well as the experience of E... read more

Africa - Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa

07/05/2015 - 10/05/2015
Libreville, Gabon - Mr Buquicchio, President of the Venice Commission, participated in the 3rd Congress of the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa (CCJA) on the topic "Constitutional Court and regulatory function".


Kyrgyzstan – Conference on constitutional amendment

Bishkek – A Conference on “International experience on introducing Constitutional amendments and on Constitutional revisions” took place on 28 April 2015 in Bishkek.

The delegation of the Venice Commission was composed of its members and substitute members from Georgie, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Korea and Turkey. The speakers - leading constitutionalists in their countries - presented the experience of their countries in the field of constitutional reforms. The President of the Venice Commission addressed the participants by video message. This event provided a platform for the excha... read more

Belgium - Constitutional Justice

Brussels - The Commission will participate in the 30th anniversary celebration of the Belgian Constitutional Court (formerly Court of Arbitration).

French Speaking Courts - Constitutional Justice correspondents

26/03/2015 - 27/03/2015
Strasbourg - The Venice Commission together with the Association of Constitutional Courts using the French Language (ACCPUF) organised a training seminar for the ACCPUF correspondents on how to use and feed the CODICES database as well as the Venice Forum.

Kuwait - Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils

Kuwait - The Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils (UACCC) held its bi-annual symposium in Kuwait. The President of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo represented the Venice Commission in the meeting.

World Conference on Constitutional Justice - Bureau

Venice - The World Conference on Constitutional Justice, which has 95 member Courts, held the 9th meeting of its Bureau in Venice. Following the congresses in Cape Town (2009), Rio de Janeiro (2011) and Seoul (2014), the Bureau accepted the candidacy of the Constitutional Court of Lithuania to host the 4th Congress in Vilnius in 2017. The Bureau also examined the financial report and discussed activities in between the congresses. The regional and linguistic groups of Courts represented in the Bureau informed the participants about the programme of activities of their respective groups.


Asian system of human rights protection

Nagoya – Upon invitation of the University of Nagoya / CALE, the Head of the Constitutional Justice Division of the Secretariat of the Venice Commission participated in the international symposium on “Multi-layered Constitutionalization in the Context of Integration in East Asia”. This event is a follow-up to the 3rd Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice at which the President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Korea proposed the establishment of an Asian Court of Human Rights. This proposal was welcomed in the Seoul Communiqué adopted at the Congress. ... read more

Africa – Constitutional Justice

04/02/2015 - 05/02/2015
Maputo – 6th meeting of the Executive Bureau of the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa.


World Conference on Constitutional Justice - Kuwait

The Constitutional Court of Kuwait joined the World Conference on Constitutional Justice, which now has 95 members.

Jordan – Workshop with the Constitutional Court

Amman - The Venice Commission is holding with the Constitutional Court of Jordan a workshop on the organisation of a Constitutional Court.
This workshop is intended mainly for the registry of the Constitutional court. It is organized in the framework of the Joint with the EU programme “Support to the Jordanian authorities in improving the quality and efficiency of the Jordanian justice system”.

Montenegro - Constitutional Court

27/11/2014 - 28/11/2014
Budva – The Venice Commission participated in the Conference on "Constitutional protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms". One of the rapporteurs, Ms Wedam Lukic presented the Opinion on the Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of Montenegro, adopted by the Venice Commission at its 100th Plenary Session (Rome, 10-11 October 2014).

Algeria - Constitutional Justice

24/11/2014 - 25/11/2014
Algiers - The President of the Venice Commission participated in the seminar on "The Progress of Constitutionalism in Africa", organised by the Constitutional Council of Algeria, in co-operation with the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Council.

Costa Rica – Constitutional Justice

13/11/2014 - 14/11/2014
The Head of the Constitutional Justice Division of the Venice Commission and Secretary General of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice, Mr Schnutz Dürr, participated in the seminar on the occasion of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Costa Rica.

Armenia - Constitutional Justice

23/10/2014 - 25/10/2014
Yerevan - Conference in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Armenia and the Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of the Countries of New Democracy (CCCOCND) on the "Constitutional Status of Human Dignity".

3rd Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice - Seoul Communiqué

Seoul - The participants of the 3rd Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice adopted the Seoul Communiqué:

"From 28 September to 1 October, the World Conference on Constitutional Justice held its 3rd Congress in Seoul, upon the invitation of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Korea.

The World Conference on Constitutional Justice unites 93 Constitutional Courts and Councils and Supreme Courts as well as Constitutional Chambers (hereinafter all referred to as “Constitutional Courts”) in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe. It promotes constitu... read more

World Conference on Constitutional Justice - São Tomé and Príncipe

Seoul - The Supreme Court of São Tomé and Príncipe joined the World Conference on Constitutional Justice, which now has 93 members.

3rd Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ)

28/09/2014 - 01/10/2014
Seoul - The main purpose of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice, which unites 93 Constitutional Courts and Councils and Supreme Courts in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe, is is to facilitate judicial dialogue between constitutional judges on a global scale.

The 3rd Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice will deal with the wider topic of “Constitutional Justice and Social Integration” in four sub-topics:
1. Challenges of social integration in a globalised world
2. International standards for social integration
3. Constitutional ... read more

"The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" – Constitutional Justice

Skopje - The Venice Commission participated the International Conference on the topic: Contemporary Challenges of the Constitutional Judiciary: 1. The principle of separation of powers and its protection by the Constitutional Court and 2. Constitutional review of by-laws, organized by the Constitutional Court, the OSCE Mission to Skopje and the Rule of Law Program South East Europe.

Georgia - Right to Privacy

04/07/2014 - 06/07/2014
Batumi - The Venice Commission participated in the 4th Black Sea Regional Conference on "Emerging Challenges to the Right to Privacy", organised by the Constitutional Court of Georgia with the support of the German Co-operation/GIZ.

Constitutional Justice - Joint Council

26/06/2014 - 27/06/2014
Batumi - Upon invitation by the Constitutional Court of Georgia, the Venice Commission's Joint Council on Constitutional Justice held its 13th meeting in Batumi, which was opened and chaired by the President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia.
The Joint Council:
• elected Ms Kovacs (Constitutional Court of Hungary) as its co-president in respect of the liaison officers;
• held exchanges of views with representatives of the regional and linguistic groups co-operating with the Venice Commission and was informed about this co-operation;
• was informed about the progress ... read more

Angola - Constitutional Justice - Portuguese-Speaking Countries

02/06/2014 - 04/06/2014
Benguela - Mr Buquicchio, President of the Venice Commission, participated at the General Assembly of the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CJCPLP).

Austria - Conference of European Constitutional Courts

12/05/2014 - 15/05/2014
Vienna - The President of the Venice Commission, Gianni Buquicchio participated in the XVIth Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts organised by the Constitutional Court of Austria.

Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions

28/04/2014 - 30/04/2014
Istanbul - 2nd Congress of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions.


Association of Constitutional Courts using the French Language

27/04/2014 - 29/04/2014
Canada - Conference of Heads of Institutions of the Association of Constitutional Courts using the French Language.

Jordan - Conference on the protection of the human rights by Constitutional Courts and the judiciary

Amman – The Venice Commission organises in cooperation with the Constitutional Court of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan a conference on “Constitutional Courts and the Judiciary: protecting human rights together”. This conference is part of the Council of Europe-European Union Joint Programme (JP) entitled “Support to the Jordanian authorities in improving the quality and efficiency of the Jordanian justice system”.

Bosnia and Herzegovina - 50th anniversary of Constitutional Justice

27/03/2014 - 28/03/2014
Sarajevo - A delegation of the Venice Commission, headed by its President, participated in the celebration on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Constitutional Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Conference on “Constitutional Court – Between Negative Legislator and Positive Activism”.

Constitutional Justice - Ibero-America

12/03/2014 - 14/03/2014
Santo Domingo - The Venice Commission participated in the Xth Ibero-American Conference of Constitutional Justice on "Legal rules and the Supremacy of the Constitution".


Jordan - seminar on preliminary requests before Constitutional courts

Amman - The Venise Commission organises in cooperation with the Constitutional court of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan a seminar on preliminary requests before Constitutional courts.
This seminar is organised in the framework of the Joint programme “Support to the Jordanian authorities in improving the quality and efficiency of the Jordanian justice system”. It is intended to the judges and administrative staff of the Constitutional court and is held in Amman on 27 November 2013.

Albania – Constitutional justice

Tirana - A delegation of the Venice Commission participates in the international Conference at the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Constitution of Albania, hosted by the Constitutional Court of Albania.

Constitutional Justice - French Speaking Countries

07/11/2013 - 08/11/2013
Paris - The Venice Commission will participate in the Seminar of the national correspondents of the Association of the Constitutional Courts using the French language (ACCPUF).

Serbia – 50th anniversary of the Constitutional Court

Belgrade - On the occasion the 50th Anniversary of its founding, the Constitutional Court of Serbia is organising, in cooperation with the Venice Commission, a conference on “Position and Perspectives of constitutional Justice”. The President of the Venice Commission, Mr Buquicchio, will participate.

Constitutional Justice - Joint Council

08/10/2013 - 09/10/2013
Venice - 12th meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice and mini-conference on "Children's Rights".

Latvia - Constitutional Justice

26/09/2013 - 27/09/2013
Riga - International Conference on the “Jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court: Limits and Possibilities of Expansion”

Lithuania - Constitutional Justice

Vilnius - International Conference in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Lithuania on the topic “Present Tendencies of Constitutional Justice: the Relation between national and international Law”.

Constitutional Justice - Southern Africa

02/08/2013 - 03/08/2013
Livingstone - the Southern African Chief Justices Forum (SACJF) held its Annual Conference on the topic "The quest for an efficient judicial system as a key to democratic and economic development".

Armenia - Conference on Rule of Law and Discretionary Powers

03/07/2013 - 04/07/2013
Yerevan - Within the framework of the Chairmanship of the Republic of Armenia in the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Armenia and the European Court of Human Rights, the Venice Commission will organise the Pan-European Conference on “the European Standards of Rule of Law and the Scope of Discretionary Powers in the Member-States of the Council of Europe”. The Conference is to explore the necessary limits of discretionary powers within the principle of the rule of law. Delegations from some 30 countries are expected to partici... read more

Georgia - Constitutional Justice

29/06/2013 - 30/06/2013
Batumi - Conference in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Georgia on "Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Reviewing the Constitutionality of the Constitutional Norms".

Ukraine - Constitutional justice

20/06/2013 - 22/06/2013
Yalta – The Venice Commission will participate in the International Conference on "the Protection of Human and Citizens' rights by bodies of Constitutional Jurisdiction in the current context", organised in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

Latin America – Regional conference - Constitutional Justice

29/05/2013 - 31/05/2013
Arequipa, Peru – the Venice Commission and the Constitutional Court of Peru organise a regional conference on the topic of “Individual access to constitutional justice”.

A Venice Commission delegation headed by its President, will participate in the event. The Constitutional and Supreme Courts of Latin American countries are invited to attend. The following countries are represented: Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru as well as non-members of the Venice Commission such as Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Venezuela, U... read more

Constitutional Justice - Africa

09/05/2013 - 11/05/2013
Cotonou, Benin - 2nd Congress of the Conference of African Constitutional Jurisdictions and seminar on "Constitutional Justice in Africa".

Constitutional Justice - Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions

Ankara - preparatory meeting of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions.

Bahrain - Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils

17/03/2013 - 18/03/2013
Manama - A delegation of the Venice Commission will participate in the 8th Symposium of the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils on the topic "Direct and Indirect Interpretation of the Constitution".

Seminar on preliminary requests to Constitutional Courts

29/11/2012 - 30/11/2012

Seminar on preliminary requests to Constitutional Courts

29/11/2012 - 30/11/2012
Rabat - In cooperation with the Constitutional Rabat - The Constitutional Council of the Kingdom of Morocco, the Commission organised a seminar on preliminary requests to the Constitutional Court.

Seminar on preliminary requests to Constitutional Courts

29/11/2012 - 30/11/2012
Rabat - In cooperation with the Constitutional Council of the Kingdom of Morocco, the Commission organised a seminar on preliminary requests to the Constitutional Court.

Seminar on preliminary requests to Constitutional Courts

29/11/2012 - 30/11/2012

Lithuania - Constitutional justice - Conference on "Standards of Europe's Constitutional Heritage"

Vilnius - Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania in co-operation with the Constitutional Court and Vilnius University.

XVIIth Yerevan International Conference

05/10/2012 - 06/10/2012

Mini-Conference on "The Rule of Law" (11th meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice - Brno, Czech Republic)

01/06/2012 - 01/06/2012

Joint Council on Constitutional Justice - Mini-conference on the Rule of Law

30/05/2012 - 01/06/2012
Brno - 11th meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice

5th Conference of secretaries general of constitutional courts or courts with equivalent jurisdiction

13/04/2012 - 14/04/2012

5th Conference of secretaries general of constitutional courts or courts with equivalent jurisdiction

13/04/2012 - 14/04/2012

Round Table of Russian Regional Ombudsmen - Samara, Russian Federation - Report "Relations between the Ombudsmen and the Judiciary"

22/11/2011 - 23/11/2011

XVI Yerevan International Conference on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia

06/10/2011 - 08/10/2011

Latvia - Constitutional Justice

29/09/2011 - 30/09/2011
Riga - Conference on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Latvia on the "Role of the Constitutional Court in protecting constitutional values".

Ukraine - Constitutional Justice

15/09/2011 - 17/09/2011
Kyiv - Conference in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Court, on "The protection of human rights by bodies of constitutional justice: possibilities and problems of individual access" in the framework of the Ukrainian Chairmanship in the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

Bulgaria - Constitutional Justice

29/07/2011 - 30/07/2011
Sofia - 20th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria. The Commission participates in the conference on the "Classical and modern trends in Constitutional review", organised by the Constitutional Court.

Conference on "the past and the future of the constitutional judicial review in new democracies" - Batumi, Georgia

25/06/2011 - 26/06/2011

Georgia - Constitutional Justice

24/06/2011 - 26/06/2011
Batumi - Conference on "The Past and the Future of the Constitutional Review in New Democracies" at the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, organised by the Court in cooperation with the GIZ and the Venice Commission.

Conference celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Constitution of Azerbaijan on "Constitutional mechanisms for the protection of Human Rights and Freedoms" (Baku)

12/11/2010 - 12/11/2010

Conference on "bodies of constitutional control in conditions of integration of legal systems: the international experience and ptractice of Tajikistan"

04/11/2010 - 05/11/2010

Georgia - Constitutional Justice

17/09/2010 - 18/09/2010
Batumi - Black Sea Region Conference in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Georgia and GTZ on the "Importance of Dissenting and Concurring Opinions in the Development of Judicial Review".

Constitutional justice - SACJF conference

13/08/2010 - 14/08/2010
Johanesbourg - the Southern African Chief Justices’ Forum’s (SACJF) conference on “Sustaining the independence of the Judiciary” followed by the SACJF’s annual general meeting.

Conference "Fundamental Constitutional values as a stability factor of the democratic regime" (Chisinau)

22/07/2010 - 23/07/2010

Georgia - Constitutional Justice

13/07/2010 - 14/07/2010
Batumi - Conference in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Georgia on "Judicial Activism".

Peru - Constitutional Justice

19/04/2010 - 21/04/2010
Lima - Conference in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Peru on "Constitutional and International Human Rights Justice"

Conference on "theoretical and practical aspects when dealing with individual constitutional complaints in the European model of constitutional justice"

08/04/2010 - 08/04/2010

Conference celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Moldova on "Guaranteeing the Constitution's Supremacy, Basic Function of the Constitutional Court" (Chisinau)

25/02/2010 - 26/02/2010

Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils

10/01/2010 - 11/01/2010
Tripoli - In co-operation the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils and the Supreme Court of Libya, the Commission organises a Symposium of the Scientific Council of the Union on "the Economic and Political Rights from a Constitutional Point of View"

Russia - Constitutional Justice - conference on "Property, free enterprise and constitution - new and old questions"

20/11/2009 - 21/11/2009
St. Petersburg - In co-operation with the Institute for Public Law and Policy and under the aegis of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, a Conference on "Property, free enterprise and constitution - new and old questions".

Tadjikistan - Judiciary

12/11/2009 - 13/11/2009
Dushanbe - In cooperation with the Judge's Training Center of Tadjikistan and the Open Society Foundation, the Commission organises a seminar on "International experience and standards in the field of the independence of the judiciary"

The purpose of the seminar is to allow for an exchange of experience between the experts of the Judicial Training Centre and the international experts invited by the Venice Commission who will present their national experience (Azerbaijan, Italy and Latvia) and that of the Venice Commission.

Georgia - seminar with the Constitutional Court

07/11/2009 - 08/11/2009
Batumi - In co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Georgia and GTZ, the Commission organises a seminar on "Judicial Precedents as a Source of Law".

Conference on "Access to the Court - The applicant in the Constitutional Jurisdiction" (Riga)

06/11/2009 - 06/11/2009

Seminar on "The Competence of the Constitutional Court to control the conformity of laws with ratified treaties" ( Podgorica)

03/11/2009 - 03/11/2009

Algeria - Constitutional Justice

31/10/2009 - 01/11/2009
Algiers – The Constitutional Council of Algeria, the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils and the Venice Commission organise a Conference on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Algerian Council on the "Relations between the Constitutional Court and Parliament".

Constitutional Justice - Secretaries General

01/10/2009 - 02/10/2009
Ankara - The Venice Commission organised, in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Turkey, the 4th Conference of Secretaries General of Constitutional Courts

XIV Yerevan International Conference on "International Experience of Interaction between Constitutional Courts and Parliaments in guaranteeing the supremacy of the Constitution" (Yerevan)

30/09/2009 - 01/10/2009

Southern African Chief Justices Forum

06/08/2009 - 09/08/2009
Kasane, Botswana - In co-operation with the Chief Justices of the Southern Chief Justices Forum (formerly Southern Chief Judges Commission), the Commission organises a Conference on two topics: (a) The enhancement of the Rule of Law, separation of powers and judicial independence and the relationship of these doctrines to socio economic development. (b) The protection of human rights in general through the court system by way of Judicial Review. It is intended that the Conference should examine how effective the use of Judicial Review of administration action is in controlling excesses in th... read more

Georgia - “Justiciability of Social Rights in Constitutional and ECtHR Jurisprudence” – international conference

10/07/2009 - 12/07/2009
Batumi - Conference in cooperation with the Constitutional Court of Georgia and the Directorate of Co-operation of the Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs on the “Justiciability of Social Rights in Constitutional and ECtHR Jurisprudence”.

Social rights are often ambiguous and are, contrary to civil rights, often not judicially enforceable, which poses complex challenges to courts. The conference will give insight on the rationales underlying Constitutional Courts' and the ECtHR's decisions in relation to these matters.

Conference on "The current situation and further prospects of judicial reforms in Uzbekistan" (Tashkent)

25/06/2009 - 26/06/2009

Joint Council on Constitutional Justice

18/06/2009 - 19/06/2009
Tallin – Upon invitation by the Supreme Court of Estonia, the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice of the Venice Commission holds its 8th meeting in Tallin.

A main topic of the meeting will be the draft Statute of the new World Conference on Constitutional Justice of which the Joint Council is to become a founding member. Other topics will be the co-operation with the various regional and linguistic bodies uniting the constitutional and supreme courts (Arab, Asian, European, French speaking, Ibero-American, Southern African, Young Democracies), the publication of the Bulletin o... read more

Seminar on “Efficient ways of dealing with individual complaints - International experiences” (Podgorica)

12/06/2009 - 13/06/2009

Request for opinion - Luxembourg - constitutional amendments

02/06/2009 - 02/06/2009
On 2 June 2009, the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg sought the opinion of the Venice Commission on a set of constitutional amendments recently prepared.

Conference on the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its fundamental principles -implementation in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (Astana)

02/12/2008 - 02/12/2008

Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils

10/11/2008 - 11/11/2008
Sanaa, Yemen - A delegation of the Venice Commission participated in the Fifth Plenary of the Scientific Symposium of the Union of Arab Constitutional Courts and Councils on "Constitutional Principles Securing a Fair Trial".

Algeria - Constitutional Justice

30/10/2008 - 31/10/2008
Algiers - Conference on "Constitutional Interpretation" and prepratory meeting for the World Conference on Constitutional Justice.

Constitutional Justice - Palestinian National Authority

25/10/2008 - 26/10/2008
Ramallah - In cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of the Palestinian National Authority, the Venice Commisison is organising a seminar on "Models of Constitutional Jurisdiction"

Armenia - Constitutional Justice

03/10/2008 - 04/10/2008
Yerevan - XIIIth International Yerevan Conference in co-operation wih the Constitutional Court of Armenia on "Fundamental Constitutional Principles and Public Practice"

Republic of Korea - Constitutional Justice

01/09/2008 - 04/09/2008
Seoul - Preparatory meeting for the World Conference of Constitutional Justice and participation in the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Korea

Azerbaijan - Constitutional Justice

14/07/2008 - 15/07/2008
Baku - Conference in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan on the "Execution of decisions of the Constitutional Court" on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Court.

Joint Council on Constitutional Justice

26/06/2008 - 27/06/2008
Tirana – Upon invitation by the Constitutional Court of Albania, the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice of the Venice Commission holds its 7th meeting in Tirana.

Russia - Constitutional Justice

20/06/2008 - 21/06/2008
Moscow - In co-operation with the Moscow Institute for Public Law and Policy and under the auspices of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Commission organises a conference on "Constitutional values".

Georgia - Constitutional Justice

19/06/2008 - 20/06/2008
Batumi – In co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Georgia and the German Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), the Venice Commission organised a Conference on "Constitutional Justice and the Rule of Law in the South Caucasus". Important issues on constitutional justice in the South Caucasus were discussed during the Conference. Additionally, representatives from neighbouring and new EU member countries shared their experiences on certain issues.

Kyrgyzstan - Judiciary

27/05/2008 - 28/05/2008
Bishkek – In co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Kyrgyzstan, the Commission organizes a conference on “The Rule of Law and Independence of the Judiciary as the Guarantees of Sustainability of Democratic Institutions”

Ukraine - Constitutional Justice

16/05/2008 - 17/05/2008
Kyiv - The Venice Commission organises together with the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine an international conference on "The Constitutional Court in the System of State Bodies: Crucial Problems and Ways to resolve them".

Seminar on "The use of international instruments for protecting individual rights, freedoms and legitimate interests through national legislation and the right to legal defence in Belarus: challenges and outlook" (Minsk)

24/04/2008 - 24/04/2008

International Seminar on " Constitutional Judiciary in the Vishegrad 4 States (Kosice)

03/04/2008 - 03/04/2008

Constitutional Justice - Romania

06/12/2007 - 07/12/2007
Bucharest - At the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Romania, the Venice Commission participates in the Conference on "The Constitutionalisation of political-legal life. The role of the Constitutional Courts"

Constitutional Justice - Southern African Judges Commission

06/12/2007 - 08/12/2007
Johannesburg – Together with the Constitutional Court of South Africa and the Southern African Judges Commission (SAJC), the Venice Commission organises a seminar for registrars of the member courts of the SAJC, which allows them to exchange on issues like case and docket management, budget, IT matters and other seminar issues between them or with registrars from various courts in South Africa. The co-operation programme of the Venice Commission with the SAJC is funded by the Irish Government.

Constitutional Justice- Conference on “The interaction of national courts with European courts”

06/11/2007 - 07/11/2007
Batumi, Georgia -This conference was organised by the Constitutional Court of Georgia in co-operation with the Venice Commission, USAID, the ABA Rule of Law Initiative and the Open Society Foundation.

The application of the European Convention on Human Rights by the courts in Austria, Georgia and Nordic countries were discussed as well as the impact of the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights on the national case-law of these countries.

Xth International Forum on Constitutional Review “Constitutional Principle of Social State and its application by the Constitutional Courts”

12/10/2007 - 13/10/2007
Moscow, Russia - This conference gathers together judges, professors, legal researchers and experts to address the issue of social rights and discuss the role of constitutional courts with respect to these rights.

Armenia - Constitutional Justice

04/10/2007 - 06/10/2007
Yerevan - XIIth Yerevan International Conference:
"International experience of the cooperation between constitutional courts and Ombudsmen in the field of ensuring of and protecting human rights"

Estonia - Constitutional Justice

06/09/2007 - 07/09/2007
Tallinn – The Supreme Court of Estonia and the Venice Commission organise a seminar on “Political questions in constitutional review: what is the dividing line between interference with policy-making and routine constitutional review?”

"The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" - Workshop on amendments to electoral legislation

06/07/2007 - 07/07/2007
Ohrid - The Venice Commission takes part in a conference organised by the OSCE on three crucial issues on electoral matters: voters’ registration; fight against electoral irregularities and legal protection; and financing of electoral campaigns. Mr Kåre Vollan is the electoral expert who represents the Venice Commission; he intervenes on the the two topics.

Constitutional Justice

29/05/2007 - 30/05/2007
Venice – The Commission’s Joint Council on Constitutional Justice holds its 6th meeting and a mini-conference on “proportionality”

Constitutional Justice- Conference on “Constitutionalism: The key to Democracy, Human Rights and the Rule of Law”

30/03/2007 - 01/04/2007

Maseru, Lesotho Sun Hotel – The Southern African Judges Commission (SAJC) is organising, in co-operation with the Venice Commission, a conference on “Constitutionalism: the key to democracy, human rights and the rule of law”. This event brings together Chief Justices from the 15 court members of the SAJC to discuss and share experiences on this important topic. On this occasion, the SAJC and the Venice Commission discuss a framework for co-operation.

Constitutional Justice - 10th jubilee of Latvia’s Constitutional Court

08/12/2006 - 09/12/2006
Riga, Hotel “Daugava” - On the occasion of the 10th jubilee of Latvia’s Constitutional Court, the Venice Commission, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia and the German Foundation for International Legal Co-operation (IRZ) organise a conference on the “Role of the Constitutional Court in the Protection of the Values Enshrined in the Constitution: Experience of the Last Decade and the Prospect for Development in Europe”.

The event will gather together the chairpersons of several constitutional courts, judges and legal experts to discuss the protection of individual ri... read more

Geogia - Constitutional Justice

02/12/2006 - 03/12/2006
Tbilisi - Seminar with the Constitutional Court on Communicating the Decisions of the Constitutional Court to the Public

Lisbon Forum 2006

28/11/2006 - 29/11/2006
Lisbon - The Venice Commission organises in cooperation with the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe the Lisbon Forum 2006 on "Constitutionalism - the Key to Democracy, Human Rights and the Rule of Law".

Constitutional democracy today is recognised, more and more, as a transnational norm. The Lisbon Forum 2006 will facilitate the debate on the character and the evolution of the constitutional and political systems of the North and South in a context of globalisation.
The Forum will devote the discussions to the guarantees for the respect of the constitution by the br... read more

Southern African Judges Commission - study visit to Ireland

27/11/2006 - 01/12/2006
Dublin – Registrars of the Courts, members of the Southern African Judges Commission, participate in the study visit co-organised by the Venice Commission and the Courts Service of Ireland.

This activity takes place in the framework of the programme of cooperation with the Southern African Judges Commission funded by the Irish government.

International Seminar "Guarantees for the Independence of Constitutional Judges" (Bucharest)

23/11/2006 - 24/11/2006

Seminar on "Interrelations between the Constitutional Court and Ordinary Courts" (Baku)

09/11/2006 - 10/11/2006

Constitutional Justice - Russian Federation

26/10/2006 - 28/10/2006
Moscow, "President Hotel" - the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Institute for Public Law and Policy and the Venice Commission organise a multilateral Conference on the “Common legal space of Europe and practice of constitutional justice”.

This event takes place in the framework of the Russian Chairmanship of the Committee
of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

Electoral issues - Armenia –XIth International Conference

06/10/2006 - 07/10/2006
Yerevan – the Constitutional Court of Armenia held its XIth International Conference, organised in co-operation with the Venice Commission. The topic of this year’s conference was: “The role of constitutional courts in ensuring genuine elections”.

On this occasion, four rapporteurs intervened on behalf of the Venice Commission, essentially on electoral disputes:
- Ms Barbara Jouan, the Legal Department of the French Commission monitoring political parties and candidates in their electoral campaign expenses,
- Ms Jacqueline de Guillenchmidt, Member of the French Constitu... read more

Federalism – international conference in Moldova

22/09/2006 - 23/09/2006
Chisinau – Upon the initiative of the President of the Constitutional Court of Moldova, the Venice Commission and the Court hold a conference on the “Sovereignty and State Structure in Pluri-ethnic States”.

Constitutional Justice - Southern African Judges Commission

10/08/2006 - 11/08/2006
Maputo/Mozambique – The Venice Commission co-organises with the Supreme Court of Mozambique the Meeting of the Southern African Judges Commission on “Independence and Autonomy of the Courts / the Balance between National Security and Human Rights”.

5th Meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice Mini Conference on "Gender Equality" (Budapest)

17/06/2006 - 17/06/2006

Constitutional Justice

15/06/2006 - 16/06/2006
Budapest - 5th meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice with ‘mini-conference’ on Gender Equality

Review by the constitutional courts of proceedings before ordinary courts applying community law (Kosice)

01/06/2006 - 02/06/2006

Meetings of the SAJC: Exchange of views with the Venice Commission Exchange of views with the European Court of Human Rights Working meeting of the SAJC (Venice, Strasbourg)

17/03/2006 - 20/03/2006

Constitutional Justice and Elections – Georgia

10/02/2006 - 11/02/2006
Tbilisi – The Constitutional Court of Georgia and the Commission hold a seminar on the “Protection of the electoral rights and the right of political association by the Constitutional Court”

Seminar on "The Role of the Constitutional Court in the System of the State Powers" (Tbilisi)

09/12/2005 - 09/12/2005

Conference on the "Limits of constitutional review of ordinary courts´ decisions in the proceedings on the constitutional complaint”

14/11/2005 - 15/11/2005
Brno, Czech Republic - International conference organised by the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic in co-operation with the Venice Commission.

Conference on the "Role of the Constitution in establishing the rule of law"

11/11/2005 - 12/11/2005
Baku, Azerbaijan - Conference in cooperation with the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Constitution.

“Influence of the European Court of Human Right's case law on national constitutional jurisprudence” - International conference

14/10/2005 - 15/10/2005
Kiev, Constitutional Court - The President of the Federal Tribunal of Switzerland, the Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of Germany, Judges from the House of Lords (Court of Appeal) of the United Kingdom, constitutional courts of Belgium and the Czech Republic will exchange their views with the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and distinguished scholars of Ukraine on their experience in implementing the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights.

The conference is organised by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in co-operation with the Venice Commission.

Third Conference of Secretaries General of Constitutional Courts and Courts of Equivalent Jurisdiction (Bled)

29/09/2005 - 30/09/2005

10th International Yerevan Conference

29/09/2005 - 01/10/2005
Yerevan, Constitutional Court - On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Constitution and the Constitutional Court of Armenia the Venice Commission, the Constitutional Court, the International Association of Constitutional Law and the Conference of Constitutional Control Organs of the Countries of Young Democracy (CCCOCYD) organised an international conference on "Legal Principles and Political Reality in the Exercise of Constitutional Control".

Southern African Judges Commission Conference

12/08/2005 - 13/08/2005
Windhoek, Namibia - Chief Justices of 15 founding states of the Commission came together to exchange views on the views on the independence of the judiciary and the relations between courts and the media.
Co-organised by the Venice Commission and the Supreme Court of Namibia.

“Law and Fact in Constitutional Justice”

30/06/2005 - 01/07/2005
Vilnius - Conference on the "Law and Facts in Constitutional Jurisprudence" in cooperation with the Constitutional Court of Lithuania.

Constitutional Justice

16/06/2005 - 17/06/2005
Baku - 4th meeting of the Joint Council on Constitutional Justice of the Venice Commission

Moldova - Constitutional Justice

23/02/2005 - 24/02/2005
Chisinau - Conference in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Moldova on "current problems of constitutional justice: perspectives of development".

Constitutional justice – European Law

14/02/2005 - 15/02/2005
Budapest – In co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Hungary, the Venice Commission organises a Round Table on the Relationship between Constitutional Law and European Law in the Member States of the European Union, which focuses on the relationship between national courts and the European courts based on the discussion of concrete cases.

Seminar UniDem Campus

15/10/2004 - 16/10/2004
Trieste, Palazzo del Ferdinandeo - “Access to and protection of data in the era of e-government”

Armenia - Request for opinion and electoral reform

14/10/2004 - 15/10/2004
Yerevan - The Armenian Parliament requested the Venice Commission to give an opinion on the Electoral Code of Armenia, jointly with the OSCE-ODIHR. In this context, the Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR are sending a delegation on 29-30 September 2004 to Armenia to follow the latest developments the electoral reform process.

Slovenia - Constitutional Justice

30/09/2004 - 02/10/2004

Bled - Conference on "The Position of Constitutional Courts following Integration into the European Union", in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Slovenia

XXe Table ronde internationale: Justice constitutionnelle, Justice ordinaire, Justice supra nationale "À qui revient la protection des droits fondamentaux en Europe ?" (Aix-en- Provence)

14/09/2004 - 16/09/2004

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Constitutional control and development of a social state ruled by law" (Minsk)

09/09/2004 - 10/09/2004

Azerbaijan - Constitutional Justice

03/09/2004 - 04/09/2004

Baku - Seminar on ‘The Value of Precedents (National, Foreign, International) for Constitutionals Courts’, in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan

Romania - 10th anniversary of the entry into force of the European Convention on Human Rights

08/07/2004 - 09/07/2004

Bucharest, Human Rights Hall of the House of Parliament - Conference on "the European Convention on Human Rights in Romania: from integrating standards to shaping solutions", on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the entry into force of the European Convention on Human Rights in Romania. The activity was co-organised by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Venice Commission.

International Conference on "Constitutional protection: current state of affairs and perspectives" on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the functioning of the Constitutional Court (Skopje)

02/06/2004 - 03/06/2004

Constitutional justice - Russian Federation

27/02/2004 - 28/02/2004

In co-operation with the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and with the assistance of the Institute of Law and Public Policy, the Commission organised a conference on "the Role of the Constitutional Court in the Maintenance of the Stability and Development of the Constitution".


International legal training workshop: Improving examinations methods of individual complaints - Effective case management - Effective decision drafting.

26/02/2004 - 27/02/2004

The recently adopted new law on the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan has introduced the possibility of lodging individual complaints before the Constitutional Court.

At the request of the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan, the Venice Commission has organised a training session for lawyers of the Constitutional Court to in order for the Court to be as efficient as possible. There were presentations on case management by representatives of the constitutional courts of Belgium, Germany, Russia, Slovakia and Slovenia as well as on the experience of the Constitutional Court of... read more

Electoral issues - e-Democracy

12/02/2004 - 13/02/2004

The DG INFSO – e-Government Unit of the European Commission organises a seminar on e-Democracy, which is intended at taking stock of e-Democracy experiments and exchanging opinions on the role of information computer technology (ICT) for reinforcing participation in democratic decision-making. This is also an opportunity to highlight achievements and landmark national projects, as well as look forward to challenges and priorities for future e-Democracy research. The seminar focuses on two aspects: e-Voting and e-Participation. The Venice Commission contributes principally to the discuss... read more

25 Years of the Spanish Constitution

23/01/2004 - 24/01/2004

International seminar on "25 Years of the Spanish Constitution: 1978 - 2003" is organized in co-operation with the Center of Political and Constitutional studies and the Constitutional Tribunal of Spain.

The event will focus on two main issues: basic human rights and the territorial organisation, and the role that the Constitutional tribunal played with respect to these two questions.

Conference on "Constitutional Reforms in Armenia" (Yerevan)

20/01/2004 - 21/01/2004

Albania - Constitutional justice

26/11/2003 - 27/11/2003
Conference in co-operation with the Constitutional Court, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution

IInd Conference of Secretaries General of Constitutional Courts and Courts of Equivalent Jurisdictions (Madrid)

14/11/2003 - 15/11/2003

VIIIe Conférence internationale de Erevan sur "Les critères de base des restrictions aux droits de l'homme dans la pratique de la justice constitutionnelle" (Erevan)

03/10/2003 - 04/10/2003

Lithuania - Constitutional Justice

04/09/2003 - 05/09/2003
Conference on "Constitutional Justice and the Rule of Law" in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Lithuania on the occasion of its 10th anniversary.

Southern Africa - Constitutional Justice

21/07/2003 - 22/07/2003
Meeting of Presidents of Constitutional and Supreme Courts of the Southern African Region on the "Sustaining independence of the judiciary. Co-operation between the judiciary of the region"

Azerbaijan - Constitutional Justice

14/07/2003 - 15/07/2003
Conference on the "Role of the Constitutional Court in the Protection of Democratic Values"
on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Republic of Azerbaijan

Belarus - Constitutional Justice

26/06/2003 - 27/06/2003
Conference on "Strengthening of the principles of a democratic State ruled by law in the Republic of Belarus by way of the constitutional control".

Albania - Constitutional Justice

28/04/2003 - 29/04/2003
Conference " Effects of the Constitutional Courts' decisions" in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Albania (Tirana)

Constitutional justice -Romania

29/11/2002 - 30/11/2002
Seminar on "Relations between the Constitutional court end the Parliament".

This activity is organised in co-operation with the Romanian fundation for democracy through law and the Constitutional court of Romania.

Conférence sur "La Cour constitutionnelle, garant du respect de la Constitution : problèmes et perspective" (Tirana)

25/11/2002 - 25/11/2002

Constitutional Justice

15/11/2002 - 16/11/2002
Seminar on "The impact of the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights on the activity of the Constitutional Courts of Central and Eastern Europe" organised by the Research Group on the Law and Transition in Eastern Europe of the University of Clermont-Ferrand (GRDT). Judge Klucka, Slovak member of the Venice Commission, presents a report on the Commission's activities relating to the abolition of the death penalty. A cooperation agreement between the GRDT and the Commission with the objective to publish opinions of the Commission in the Revue de Justice constitutionnelle est-européenn... read more

Constitutional Justice

14/11/2002 - 15/11/2002
2nd Conference of the Secretaries General of constitutional courts and equivalent bodies, in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Spain (Madrid)

Constitutional Justice - Moldova

17/06/2002 - 18/06/2002
Seminar in co-operation with the Constitutional Court on "The Competencies of the Constitutional Court and its Role in Society" (Chisinau)

The Venice Commission is organising this seminar in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Moldova. A key element of the seminar will be the discussion on the new Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of Moldova and corresponding constitutional amendments on the basis of comments by the rapporteurs of the Venice Commission. The results of the seminar will be presented to the plenary session of the Commission on 5-6 July in Venice.


03/06/2002 - 04/06/2002
Seminar in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Georgia on basic problems of constitutional control - organisation and procedure (Batumi)


11/01/2002 - 12/01/2002
Conference on "Legal frameworks to facilitate the settlement of ethno-political conflicts in Europe" (Baku)


10/05/2001 - 11/05/2001
Workshop on "The role of the Constitutional Court in the state and society" organised in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (Kyiev)


27/04/2001 - 28/04/2001
Seminar on "Economic transition: property rights, restitution, pensions and other issues concerning the constitutional protection of economic rights of citizens" in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek)

Seminar on "The Implications of the New Century and Striving to Join European Structures for Constitutional Courts" (Tartu)

17/11/2000 - 18/11/2000

Seminar on "The Efficiency of Constitutional Justice in a Society in Transition" (Yerevan)

06/10/2000 - 07/10/2000

Seminar on "Direct access to the Constitutional Court" (Zakopane)

05/10/2000 - 08/10/2000

Workshop on "the Constitutional Court as a protector of individual rights and freedoms" (Baku)

17/04/2000 - 18/04/2000

Seminar for judges from Constitutional and Supreme Courts of Southern Africa on "Enhancing Constitutionalism and Net - working among Jurisdictions in the SADC Region" (Siavonga)

12/02/2000 - 13/02/2000

International Conference on "The Contribution of Constitutional Arrangements to the Stability of South Eastern Europe" (Brdo)

29/11/1999 - 30/11/1999

Conference of Secretaries General of Constitutional Courts and bodies of equivalent jurisdiction (Kyiv)

25/11/1999 - 26/11/1999

Séminaire sur "la Constitution, la protection des Droits de l’Homme et l'ombudsman" (Sarajevo)

15/11/1999 - 15/11/1999

Seminar on "the Execution of Decisions of the Constitutional Court" (Kyiv)

28/10/1999 - 29/10/1999

Seminar on "Cases of Conflicts of Competence between State Powers before the Constitutional Court (Yerevan)

04/10/1999 - 05/10/1999

Seminar on Constitutional Control in Federal and Unitary States (Batumi)

01/07/1999 - 02/07/1999

Workshop on "The relationship between the Constitutional Court and the Ombudsman" (Kyiv) (Kyiv, Ukraine, 1-2 July 1999)

01/07/1999 - 02/07/1999

Seminar on "the role of the Constitutional Court in the protection of private property" (Kishinev)

30/03/1999 - 31/03/1999

Seminar on "Electoral disputes before the constitutional court" (Yerevan)

15/10/1998 - 16/10/1998

Seminar on "The role of the constitutional court in the implementation of international law" (Lviv)

07/10/1998 - 08/10/1998

Second congress of the heads of institutions of the Association of Constitutional Courts using the French language (accpuf) (Beirut)

10/09/1998 - 13/09/1998

Workshop on "Principles of constitutional control, techniques of constitutional and statutory interpretation" (Kyiv)

05/06/1998 - 06/06/1998

Workshop on "Judicial Independence and Incompatibilities of the office of Judge with other activities" (Bishkek)

05/06/1998 - 06/06/1998

Seminar on "Constitutional courts, state of law and the process of economic reforms" (Istanbul)

22/05/1998 - 23/05/1998

Summary of the workshop on "judicial independence and the incompatibility of judicial functions with other activities" (Bishkek)

20/04/1998 - 21/04/1998

Constitutional Court Conference on Equality Jurisprudence (Gordon's Bay)

31/01/1998 - 02/02/1998

Workshop on "the budget of the constitutional court: control and management" (Kyiv)

19/01/1998 - 21/01/1998

Workshop on the constitutional court in a state ruled by law (Baku)

04/12/1997 - 05/12/1997

Séminaire international sur le "Contrôle de la constitutionnalité et la protection des Droits de l'Homme" (Erévan)

22/10/1997 - 24/10/1997

Conference on "Five years of the Estonian Constitution" (Tallin)

26/09/1997 - 27/09/1997

Workshop on the Relationship of Central Constitutional Courts and Constitutional Courts of Federated Entities (Petrozavodsk)

22/09/1997 - 24/09/1997

Workshop on "the Functioning of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia" (Riga)

03/07/1997 - 04/07/1997

Seminar on "Contemporary problems of Constitutional Justice" (Tbilissi)

01/12/1996 - 03/12/1996

Seminar on "Monitoring Constitutionality and Democratic Processes in the newly independent States" (Yerevan)

16/10/1996 - 18/10/1996

The 10th Conference of European Constitutional Courts (Budapest)

05/05/1996 - 10/05/1996



International seminar: “PRIVATE POWERS AND THE RULE OF LAW”

28-29/11/2024, Madrid



Conference on “Aspects of Constitutionalism in European small-sized States”

14/10/2024, San Marino



International conference on “The role of the Ombudsman as a guardian of rights”

12-13/09/2024, Cassino, Italy 



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