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Poland - forthcoming opinion - visit to the country

12/09/2016 - 13/09/2016

Warsaw - A delegation of the Venice Commission will visit Poland in the framework of the preparation of an opinion on the Act on the Constitutional Tribunal adopted by the Seim this summer. The programme of the visit includes meetings at the Supreme Court, Parliament, the Ministry of Justice, the Constitutional Tribunal, the Ombudsman and the Chancellery of the Prime Minister.
The delegation will be headed by the Vice-President of the Venice Commission, Mr Tuori (Finland) ; Ms Cleveland (USA) and Mr Scholsem (Belgium) take also part in the delegation.
The rapporteurs are accompanied by the Secretary of the Venice Commissions Mr Thomas Markert and by the Head of the Constitutional Justice Division Mr Schnutz Rudolf Dürr.

The opinion will be adopted at the next plenary session in October 2016.



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