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Improving governance in the Southern Mediterranean through better functioning public service – Results of the 3th Campus UniDem Med


Rabat – The 3d Campus UniDem Med seminar was organised by the Venice Commission at the request of and in cooperation with the Ministry of Civil Service and Modernisation of the Administration of the Kingdom of Morocco on theme of the “Reform of the General Statute of the Civil Service” on 30 October – 3 November 2016 in Rabat. The seminar examined four general topics:
(I) public service principles and values,
(II) strategic management of human resources,
(III) professionalization and training, and
(IV) ethics and deontology.
The Rabat meeting brought together around 60 participants, including senior civil servants and experts from both the Southern Mediterranean and Europe.
Discussions showed that the process of modernising the administration should not override the respect for the principles of good governance and accountability to citizens. The current challenge lies in the fact that administrative reforms aimed at the efficiency of the administration should be reconciled with the principles of the rule of law and the new missions of an administration that is in a process of integration of the culture of human rights.
The Seminar has also laid the foundations for future collaboration based on complementarity with the EU funded SIGMA project implemented by the OECD namely by bridging administrative and constitutional law using the standards of the Venice Commission.
Acting Moroccan Minister in charge of Public Administration and Modernisation of the Administration Mr. Driss MEROUNE attended the closing session of the Seminar and the diplomas award ceremony, which was also covered by the Moroccan Press Agency in a video report.



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