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Interaction between Constitutional Courts and similar jurisdictions and ordinary courts - 5th Intercultural workshop on democracy

03/04/2017 - 04/04/2017

Nicosia - The Venice Commission organised, in the framework of the Presidency of Cyprus of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus, the 5th Intercultural Workshop on Democracy on the theme “Interaction between Constitutional Courts and similar jurisdictions and ordinary courts”.

The workshop took place in Nicosia (Cyprus), from Monday 3 April to Tuesday 4 April 2017. It xas attended by judges of Constitutional Courts and Councils as well as ordinary courts from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Palestinian National Authority and Tunisia.

The 5th Intercultural workshop on democracy was organised in the framework of the South Programme II “Towards a Strengthened Democratic Governance in the Southern Mediterranean”, funded by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe.



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