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The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe – Elections


Venice - Following the proposals made by the Committee of Wise Persons, the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe on 10 December 2017 elected for a term of two years:

• Mr G. Buquicchio (Italy) as President (re-elected);
• Ms H. Kjerulf Thorgeirsdottir (Iceland) as First Vice-President;
• Ms V. Bílková (Czech Republic) and Mr M. Frendo (Malta) as Vice-Presidents;
• Ms C. Bazy-Malaurie (France), Mr J. M. Castella Andreu (Spain), Mr I-W. Kang (Republic of Korea) and Ms T. Khabrieva (Russian Federation), as members of the Bureau.



International seminar: “PRIVATE POWERS AND THE RULE OF LAW”

28-29/11/2024, Madrid



Conference on “Aspects of Constitutionalism in European small-sized States”

14/10/2024, San Marino



International conference on “The role of the Ombudsman as a guardian of rights”

12-13/09/2024, Cassino, Italy 



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