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Ukraine - Constitutional principles of the legislative branch of power - roundtable


Kyiv - the Venice Commission in cooperation with the Ukrainian “Center for Policy and Legal Reforms” (CPLR), the USAID Program “RADA: Responsible Accountable Democratic Assembly”, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and with the support of the European Union organised the international roundtable on "Constitutional principles of the legislative branch of power in Ukraine". The event took place in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

The discussion was focused on the challenges to implementation of the Ukrainian Parliament’s legislative, constitutive, and oversight functions. The purpose was to develop further recommendations to ensure the sustainable functioning of the system of checks and balances based on principles of interaction and interdependence between different state powers as well as on systematic and effective governance.

The roundtable discussed the following issues:
1. The Parliament’s role in the formation of the Government;
2. The role of extra-parliamentary institutions in the legislative process;
3. Parliamentary oversight of the Executive.

The event was attended by some 90 participants, including deputies and their assistants, employees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, international organisations and technical assistance projects.



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