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Call for tenders – ENGLISH / FRENCH PROOF-READERS for e-Bulletin and database CODICES


Council of Europe, Strasbourg - the Venice Commission is looking for a maximum of 10 proof-readers for the provision of consultancy services for e-Bulletin and on constitutional case-law and database CODICES to be requested on an as needed basis.

The Venice Commission publishes the e-Bulletin on Constitutional Case-law three times a year in English and in French. Each issue contains important judgments handed down by constitutional courts and courts with equivalent jurisdiction. The regular issues are supplemented by a series of special bulletins on various topics.

The tender for proof-readers is now open and the deadline for applications is Monday, 3 June 2019, by the end of the business day.

We would be grateful if you could share this information with persons that you think are qualified for this position.



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14/10/2024, San Marino



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12-13/09/2024, Cassino, Italy 



Latest  issue of  the E-Bulletin on Constitutional Case-Law 

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