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Study visit to the Council of Europe from the Kyrgyz Republic

10/07/2019 - 12/07/2019

Strasbourg – A study visit to the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights for members of two Working Groups under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic on improvement of the electoral legislation and on monitoring the judiciary reform took place on 10-12 July 2019. The participants were able to follow closely the work of the Venice Commission, the Parliamentary Assembly, judges and lawyers of the EctHR and other bodies and services of the Council of Europe.

During the seminar organised on 11 July the participants learnt about European standards in the field of gender equality in the electoral process as well as the experience of several European countries on this matter.

Finally, a meeting with representatives of the Working Groups present in Strasbourg was held on 12 July with the aim of continuing dialogue on amendments to legislation on sanctions.

These events are organised by the project “Support to Strengthening Democracy through Electoral Reform in the Kyrgyz Republic” implemented by the Venice Commission with funding provided by the European Union and the Council of Europe.



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