In the context of the preparation of the opinion on the draft law on the amendment of certain normative acts (implementing the constitutional amendments on the judicial system), the Minister of Justice of Republic of Moldova requested the Venice Commission to deal with the list of questions on possible further amendments to the judiciary legislation. In response to that supplementary request, the delegation of the Venice Commission made a “virtual visit” to the Republic of Moldova on 6 June 2022.
The delegation had meetings with the following interlocutors:
• the Minister of Justice
• the Legal Committee on Appointments and Immunities
• the Superior Council of Magistracy
• the Association of Judges.
This draft joint opinion is prepared under the Quick Response Mechanism within the framework of the EU/CoE joint programme Partnership for Good Governance, co-funded by the Council of Europe and the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe.
The draft opinion will be submitted for adoption at the forthcoming plenary session of the Venice Commission (17-18 June 2022).