Strasbourg, Council of Europe - The Democratic Governance Division in cooperation with the Division of Elections and Participatory Democracy of the Directorate General DG-II of the Council of Europe organised a Conference on “E-voting and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in elections: taking stock and moving forward”. The aim of the conference was to:
• Take stock of the current implementation of the Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on standards for e-voting and the use of the Committee of Ministers’ Guidelines on the use of ICT in the electoral process and discuss best practice and challenges;
• Identify areas to be developed further as well as cooperation opportunities; and
• Assess the impact of new technologies, such as AI, in this field;
• Recommend ways forward.
Mr Oliver Kask, member of the Venice Commission in respect of Estonia, acted as a panellist in the debate on “Tackling challenges related to implementation of e-voting solutions “.