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Obituary - Owen Masters – Electoral expert


It is with deep regret that the Venice Commission announces the death of a renowned electoral expert from the United Kingdom, Mr Owen Masters, on 6 October 2023. Mr Masters contributed personally to advancing the work of the Council of Europe in the field of elections and election observation in particular.

Mr Masters served as the Head of the Council of Europe Election Observation Mission in Kosovo in 2001. From the beginning of the 2000s for almost a decade, he was one of the major experts contributing to the Venice Commission opinions relating to electoral legislation on such countries as Armenia, Croatia, Georgia. He equally worked on the reports and guidelines concerning media monitoring during election observation missions and an internationally recognised status of election observers. He actively participated in the Council for Democratic Elections as well.

His personal qualities of a warm-hearted and fair human being will be missed.
Our sincere condolences go out to his family and loved ones.



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