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Situation in Kyrgyzstan - Statement of the President of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe Gianni Buquicchio


Strasbourg, Council of Europe - The President of the Venice Commission Gianni Buquicchio deeply regrets the loss of human lives and expresses hope that a peaceful solution could be found to the conflict in Kyrgyzstan, based on democratic principles, the rule of law and respect for human rights - the fundamental values of the Council of Europe.

He recalls that the country is a full member of the Venice Commission and that the Venice Commission had been involved in the drafting of its Constitution and various efforts to reform it. In his view the developments since the Tulip revolution of 2005 show that long-term stability in the country can only be achieved if the democratic aspirations of the Kyrgyz people are respected. The Venice Commission is ready to assist the necessary constitutional and legal reforms once the situation permits addressing these issues.



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