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Activities by year: 2024

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141st Plenary Session of the Venice Commission

06/12/2024 - 07/12/2024
Venice, Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista

82nd meeting of the Council for Democratic Elections

Venice, Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista

Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa

30/10/2024 - 03/11/2024
Victoria Falls - 7th Congress of the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa on "Human dignity as a foundational value and principle: A source of constitutional interpretation, fundamental human rights protection and enforcement".


140th Plenary Session of the Venice Commission

11/10/2024 - 12/10/2024
Venice, Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista

81st meeting of the Council for Democratic Elections

Venice, Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista

Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Portuguese-speaking countries

15-16/07/2024, Maputo, Mozambique – The Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Portuguese-speaking countries held its VIth Assembly on 15 and 16 July 2024 on "The Constitutional Jurisdiction and other powers".
A representative of the Venice Commission participated in the event and delivered an opening speech. The Assembly was followed by the meeting of the Council of Presidents which elected the Constitutional Court of Cape Verde as the presiding court in the Conference for the biennium 2024-2026.

ARMENIA - Follow up to the Joint Opinion on the draft law on national minorities - on-line meeting

12/07/2024 - 12/07/2024
Yerevan / online – On 12 July 2024, a Venice Commission representative participated in an on-line meeting organised by a joint working group of the Ministry of Justice and the Parliament of Armenia in the framework of their work on the draft law on national minorities. During this meeting which took place as a follow up to the Joint Opinion of the Venice Commission and the Directorate General of Democracy and Human Dignity on the draft law on national minorities (CDL-AD(2024)019) adopted by the Venice Commission at its 139th plenary session, the Venice Commission representative who was Rappor... read more

Montenegro makes a voluntary contribution

The Government of Montenegro has made a voluntary contribution to support the activities of the Venice Commission.

The agreement was signed on 10 July 2024 by Ambassador Božidarka Krunić, Permanent Representative of Montenegro to the Council of Europe, and Mr Bjørn Berge, Deputy Secretary General.

Policy dialogue on the draft law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina

09/07/2024 - 09/07/2024
Sarajevo / online – Mr Kuijer, Vice-President of the Venice Commission, participated online as a keynote speaker in the Policy dialogue on the draft law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was organised by the EU4Justice in cooperation with the Norwegian-funded Judicial Capacity Building project.

The intervention took place during the opening session. The event aimed at increasing awareness about the Venice Commission Follow-up Interim Opinion on the previous opinions on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council and ensuring inclusive c... read more

Update of Rule of Law Checklist - Informal exchange of views with civil society organisations

On 8 July, the Venice Commission participated in an informal exchange of views with representatives of civil society organisations (CSOs) which was organised in the Council of Europe on the initiative of the Chair of the Committee of Ministers’ Rapporteur Group on Legal Co-operation (GR-J). The exchange of views aimed to liaise the Venice Commission with CSOs making use and giving visibility to the Venice Commission’s Rule of Law Checklist, in view of its planned updating as further implementation of the Reykjavík Declaration. Also it aimed to enable CSOs to provide feedback on the use and im... read more

VIIth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Administrative Justice in Ukraine: Issues of Theory and Practice. Judicial Protection of Political and Civil Rights and Freedoms of Pre-War, War and Post-War Periods”

04/07/2024 - 05/07/2024
Ostroh / online – Mr Tuori, Honorary President of the Venice Commission, participated in the VIIth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Administrative Justice in Ukraine: Issues of Theory and Practice. Judicial Protection of Political and Civil Rights and Freedoms of Pre-War, War and Post-War Periods”, which was organised by the Administrative Cassation Court within the Supreme Court of Ukraine.

The intervention took place during the second session, on “Protection and restriction of freedom of association in political parties and civil organisations; implementation of... read more

Participation of the Venice Commission in the High-Level Dialogue III “Good democratic governance in Ukraine: achievements, challenges and the way forward in post-war period”

03/07/2024 - 03/07/2024
Strasbourg – A member of the Venice Commission participated in the High-Level Dialogue III “Good democratic governance in Ukraine: achievements, challenges and the way forward in post-war period”.

The intervention took place during the session on “Political rights and challenges to national security in a war and post-war context in Ukraine and the implementation of international standards”.

Regional Conference on Money in Politics

02/07/2024 - 03/07/2024
Chişinǎu, Republic of Moldova – Ms Veronika Bílková, Vice-President of the Venice Commission, participated in the Regional Conference on Money in Politics. The conference was jointly organised by the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Moldova, the Intemational Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR), the Council of Europe, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), the National Democratic Institute (NDI), the International Republican Institute (IRl) and the Wes... read more

International conference on "The Internationalisation of the law on political elections"

27/06/2024 - 28/06/2024
Grenoble, France - A representative of the Venice Commission is taking part in a conference on "The Internationalisation of the law on political elections", organised by the University of Grenoble, with a presentation on "European electoral heritage, an expression of universal principles?" and a contribution to a round table on the "Role of organisations in Europe".

President of the Venice Commission participates in the Ministerial Conference “Negotiations on the Accession of the Western Balkan Countries to the European Union”

27/06/2024 - 27/06/2024
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Ms Claire Bazy Malaurie, President of the Venice Commission, took part in the Ministerial Conference “Negotiations on the Accession of the Western Balkan Countries to the European Union (Negotiation Chapter 23 – Judiciary, Fight against Corruption and Fundamental Rights) and the Remaining Steps to this Phase”, which was held in Sarajevo on 27 June 2024.

The President of the Venice Commission was invited to give an opening speech at the conference and participated in the ministerial panel together with the Ministers of Justice of Bosnia and Herzeg... read more

Participation of Ms Veronika Bílková, Vice-President of the Venice Commission, in two hearings of the Parliamentary Assembly's committees

27/06/2024 - 27/06/2024
Ms Veronika Bílková, Vice-President of the Venice Commission, made a presentation on “Regulating foreign influence: best practices and European standards” during a joint hearing of the Monitoring Committee and the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Furthermore, the Vice-President also participated in a joint hearing of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights with the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy on “Examining the legitimacy and legality of the ad hominem term-limit waiver for the incumbent Pre... read more

Meeting of the Venice Commission President with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr Volker Türk

Strasbourg – The President of the Venice Commission Ms Claire Bazy Malaurie held a meeting in Strasbourg with Mr Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

On this occasion they exchanged on their respective activities and discussed potential synergies and avenues for future cooperation. Their discussions illustrated the extent to which the rule of law and human rights are mutually reinforcing, and the need for the rule of law to be fully aligned with human rights.

139th Plenary Session of the Venice Commission

21/06/2024 - 22/06/2024
Venice, Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista - On 21-22 June 2024 the Venice Commission held its second plenary session of the year, with an agenda that included 17 opinions concerning eight countries (Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, and Poland).

80th meeting of the Council for Democratic Elections

Venice, Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista

Association of the French-speaking Constitutional Courts (ACCF) – International conference

13/06/2024 - 15/06/2024
Paris – The Association of the French-speaking Constitutional Courts (ACCF) held its Conference of the Heads of Institutions on the following topic: "Constitutional protection of the freedom of expression". A representative of the Venice Commission participated in the event.

The exception of unconstitutionality of laws – comparative experiences – international seminar

12/06/2024 - 13/06/2024
Salé - A seminar on the exception of unconstitutionality of laws is organised in Salé, Morocco, from 12 to 13 June 2024 by the Venice Commission and the Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Morocco. The seminar will bring together around fifty participants from the Ministry of Justice, other ministries, ordinary judges and representatives of academia and the bar as well as a delegation from the Venice Commission led by its Vice-President, Ms. Marta CARTABIA.
The seminar aims to examine the state of play regarding the development of the organic law on the exception of unconstitutionality... read more

The Czech Republic supports Venice Commission through voluntary contribution

Strasbourg - The Czech Republic made a voluntary contribution of € 8 090 in support of the Venice Commission to promote the development of democratic institutions based on the respect of the rule of law and human rights.

The agreement was signed on 11 June 2024 by Ambassador Petr Válek, Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the Council of Europe, and Mr Bjørn Berge, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe.

Closing Regional Conference of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2024

On 11 June 2024, the joint EU/Council of Europe Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2024, financed by the Council of Europe and the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe, held its Closing Regional Conference in Astana, Kazakhstan.

The event gathered around 80 participants representing national partner institutions from Central Asia, including relevant ministries, Constitutional and Supreme courts, Ombudsman institutions, Law enforcement agencies, Anti-corruption authorities, National training institutions of legal professionals, the representatives of civil s... read more

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Forthcoming opinion - country visit

10/06/2024 - 11/06/2024
Sarajevo – A delegation of the Venice Commission conducted a visit to Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, within the context of the preparation of its Interim Follow-up Opinion to previous Opinions on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This opinion follows a request by Minister of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 10 May 2024.

The Venice Commission delegation met with the Minister of Justice, several representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly, the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, as well as with representatives of the Parliamentary ... read more

BULGARIA – Early parliamentary elections – legal assistance to the PACE election observation mission

Sofia - Representatives of the Venice Commission will accompany the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) election observation delegation to advise it on the legal framework for the early parliamentary elections of 9 June 2024 in Bulgaria.

The delegation will participate in briefings before and after the elections, and observe the opening, voting and counting processes.

POLAND - President of the Venice Commission, met with Mr Adam Bodnar, the Minister of Justice of Poland

Strasbourg – Ms Claire Bazy Malaurie, President of the Venice Commission, met with Mr Adam Bodnar, the Minister of Justice of Poland, to discuss the legal reforms planned by the Polish government and the ongoing cooperation between the Venice Commission and the Ministry of Justice.

HAITI - OAS - Mr Michael Frendo, member of the Venice Commission for Malta, made a presentation on the situation in Haiti

Mr Michael Frendo, member of the Venice Commission for Malta, made a presentation on the situation in Haiti during the discussion on “the review of needs and regional commitments” on the occasion of the Regular Meeting of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS).

Meeting of the Venice Commission President with Mr Miroslav Lajčák

Strasbourg – The President of the Venice Commission Ms Claire Bazy Malaurie held a meeting in Strasbourg with Mr Miroslav Lajčák, EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues.

On this occasion they exchanged on their respective activities.

Presentation of the 2023 Annual Report of Activities

Strasbourg - The President of the Venice Commission, Ms Claire Bazy Malaurie, presented the 2023 Annual Report of Activities of the Commission to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

President Bazy Malaurie noted that in 2023 the Venice Commission adopted 47 Opinions, a figure in line with the increase in the three previous years. Thus, the Commission continued to provide legal advice to its member States helping them bring their legal and institutional structures into line with European standards in the fields of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. In 202... read more

President of the Venice Commission attends the Political Affairs and Democracy Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly plenary meeting

30/05/2024 - 31/05/2024
The President of the Venice Commission, took part in the Political Affairs and Democracy Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly plenary meeting, which was held in Oslo on 30 and 31 May in Oslo, Norway.
The President of the Venice Commission was invited to give a speech during the hearing under the item "General Rapporteur on Democracy" on Thursday 30 May.
The speech focused on the work carried out by the Venice Commission to assist States in the constitutional and legislative field with a view to guaranteeing the democratic functioning of their institutions and respect for fundamen... read more

Report on Bicameralism presentation

29 May, Madrid (5-7 p.m.) – The Centre of Political and Constitutional Studies of Spain (CEPC) and the Venice Commission organised an event to present the Report on Bicameralism adopted by the Venice Commission in March 2024. The report analyses good practices on bicameralism based on information collected about the 61 Venice Commission member states. Speakers at the event included Venice Commission rapporteurs Rafael Bustos (Spain, member) and Janine M. Otálora (Mexico, substitute member) and CEPC director Rosario García Mahamut. The event was held in Spanish.

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Forthcoming opinion – on-line meetings

Sarajevo – On 30 May 2024, a delegation of the Venice Commission held online meetings, in preparation of its draft Opinion on the method of electing judges to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This Opinion was requested by the then-Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr Željko Komšić, on 15 March 2024.

The delegation met on-line with the President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, advisors to the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Office of the High Representative and representatives of the European Union delegation i... read more

KYRGYZSTAN - Forthcoming opinion on the draft law "On amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences of the Kyrgyz Republic introducing penalties for insult and slander" – online meetings

Strasbourg – On 30 May 2024 a delegation of the Venice Commission held a series of online meetings with stakeholders in Kyrgyzstan within the context of the preparation of an opinion on the draft law on amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences of the Kyrgyz Republic introducing penalties for insult and slander. The opinion follows a request by the Minister of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr Ayaz Baetov, made on 22 April 2024.

The Venice Commission delegation met online with representatives of the Ministry of Justice, as well as with representatives of civil society orga... read more

The Netherlands supports Venice Commission through voluntary contribution

Strasbourg - The Netherlands made a voluntary contribution of €30 000 in support of the Venice Commission to promote the development of democratic institutions based on the respect of the rule of law and human rights.

REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA - Forthcoming Opinion on the Law on the partial implementation of the postal vote – online meetings

28/05/2024 - 28/05/2024
Chisinau – On 28 May 2024 a delegation of the Venice Commission held a series of online meetings with stakeholders in the Republic of Moldova within the context of the preparation of an opinion on the Law of the Republic of Moldova on the partial implementation of the postal vote. The opinion follows a request from the President of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Mr Igor Grosu, made on 3 May 2024.

The Venice Commission delegation met online with representatives of the Parliament and the Central Electoral Commission, as well as with representatives of civil society organi... read more

Venice Commission’s visit to Mexico in the context of the presidential and general elections in Mexico

28/05/2024 - 02/06/2024
A delegation of the Venice Commission travelled to Mexico City in the framework of the 2024 federal electoral process of Mexico.

The Venice Commission delegation participated both in the Electoral Justice Forum for Foreign Visitors organised by the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF) on 28 and 29 May 2024, and in the Foreign Visitors Program organised by the National Electoral Institute (INE) and the TEPJF from 30 May to 2 June 2024.

This visit took place in the context of the Commission's longstanding co-operation with the TEPJF and with the IN... read more

KYRGYZSTAN - Forthcoming opinion on amendments to the Law on Regulatory Legal Acts – online meetings

Strasbourg – On 27 May 2024 a delegation of the Venice Commission held a series of online meetings with stakeholders in Kyrgyzstan within the context of the preparation of an opinion on amendments to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on Regulatory Legal Acts. The opinion follows a request by the Minister of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr Ayaz Baetov, made on 30 April 2024.

The Venice Commission delegation met online with representatives of the Ministry of Justice, as well as with representatives of civil society organisations.

The opinion will be submitted for adoption ... read more

Participation of the Venice Commission’s Vice-President in the Parliamentary Assembly Standing Committee’s debate on democracy in Georgia

Vilnius - Ms Veronika Bílková, Vice-President of the Venice Commission, participated online in the Standing Committee of Parliamentary Assembly's Current affairs debate on 'Recent challenges to democracy in Georgia", which took place in Vilnius on 24 May 2024.

The Vice-President presented the recent Venice Commission Urgent Opinion on the Law of Georgia on Transparency of Foreign Influence and held an exchange of views with the members.

19th Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (CECC) - Chisinau, Moldova - 22-23 May 2024

22/05/2024 - 23/05/2024
Ms. Claire Bazy Malaurie, President of the Venice Commissio participated in the 19th Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (CECC) held in Chisinau.
She delivered a welcome speech at the conference. The event featured the following panels:
Interaction between constitutional courts and supranational courts,
Political and legal aspects within the jurisdiction of constitutional courts,
Safeguarding constitutional principles during a state of emergency,
The forms and limits of judicial deference: the experience of constitutional courts.
Ms Bazy ... read more

REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA - High-level bilateral meetings of the Venice Commission’s delegation with the Moldovan authorities - Chisinau, Moldova - 22-23 May 2024

22/05/2024 - 23/05/2024
On 22-23 May 2024, Ms. Claire Bazy Malaurie, President of the Venice Commission, discussed the recent development in the Republic of Moldova during her meetings with Ms. Maia Sandu, President of the Republic of Moldova, Mr. Igor Grosu, President of the Parliament, Mr. Vlad Batrîncea, Vice President of the Parliament, Ms. Veronica Mihailov-Moraru, Minister of Justice, Mr. Ion Munteanu, Acting Prosecutor General and Mr. Dumitru Obadă, President of the Superior Council of Prosecutors.

MONTENEGRO - Urgent Opinion on the draft amendments to the Law on Seizure and Confiscation of Material Benefit Derived from Criminal Activity

Strasbourg - Today the Venice Commission issued its Urgent Opinion on the draft amendments to the Law on Seizure and Confiscation of Material Benefit Derived from Criminal Activity.

The request for an Urgent Opinion was made on 10 April 2024 by the Minister of Justice of Montenegro.

The Urgent Opinion will be submitted for endorsement to the 139th plenary session of the Commission (Venice, 21-22 June 2024).

GEORGIA - Forthcoming opinion on electoral amendments – online meetings

22/05/2024 - 23/05/2024
Tbilisi – A delegation of the Venice Commission held a series of online meetings with stakeholders in Georgia on 22 and 23 May 2024 within the context of the preparation of an opinion on amendments to the Election Code which abolish gender quotas. The opinion follows a request by the President of the Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 16 April 2024.

The Venice Commission delegation met with representatives of the Public Defender’s Office,... read more

MONTENEGRO - Urgent Opinion on the draft law on the prevention of corruption

Strasbourg – Today the Venice Commission issued its Urgent Opinion on the draft law on the prevention of corruption.

The request for an Urgent Opinion was made on 1 April 2024 by the Minister of Justice of Montenegro.

The Urgent Opinion will be submitted for endorsement by the 139th plenary session of the Commission (Venice, 21-22 June 2024).

GEORGIA - Urgent Opinion on the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence

Strasbourg - Today the Venice Commission issued the Urgent Opinion on the Law of Georgia on Transparency of Foreign Influence.

This opinion follows a request by the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 15 April 2024.

The Urgent Opinion will be submitted to the 139th plenary session of the Commission (Venice, 21-22 June 2024) for endorsement.

Participation of the Venice Commission in the Parliamentary Assembly Monitoring Committee’s meeting

Paris - Ms Katharina Pabel and Mr Oliver Kask, Substitute members of the Venice Commission in respect of Austria and Estonia respectively, participated online in the meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly, which took place in Paris on 17 May 2024.

They presented the recent Venice Commission Opinion on electoral reform in Armenia, which had been requested by the Monitoring Committee, and held an exchange of views with the members.

MONTENEGRO - Urgent Follow-up Opinions on the draft amendments to the Law on the State Prosecution Service and the Law on the Special State Prosecutor’s Office

Strasbourg – Today, the Venice Commission issued its Urgent Follow-up Opinions on the draft amendments to the Law on the State Prosecution Service and the Law on the Special State Prosecutor’s Office.

The request for urgent opinions was made on 1 April 2024 by the Minister of Justice of Montenegro.

The Urgent Follow-up Opinions will be submitted for endorsement by the 139th plenary session of the Commission (Venice, 21-22 June 2024).

HAITI - OAS hosts Venice Commission Delegation

13/05/2024 - 15/05/2024
The Organization of American States (OAS) today hosted a delegation of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission) in Washington D.C., following the invitation of the OAS Secretary General, Luis Almagro, that the Commission “analyze the legislative framework for Haiti’s elections, along with the relevant recommendations of past OAS Electoral Observation Missions and help identify legislative solutions that could serve as a basis for conducting the next and future electoral processes in Haiti.”
The delegation was received by OAS Assistant Secretary General Ne... read more

GEORGIA - forthcoming opinion – online meetings

13/05/2024 - 14/05/2024
Tbilisi – A delegation of the Venice Commission held a series of online meetings with stakeholders in Georgia on 13 and 14 May 2024 within the context of the preparation of an opinion on the draft constitutional law on the “protection of family values and minors”. The opinion follows a request by the President of the Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 16 April 2024.

The Venice Commission delegation met with representatives of the Ministry... read more

President of the Venice Commission participates in the first meeting of the Steering Committee on Democracy

13/05/2024 - 13/05/2024
Strasbourg - The President of the Venice Commission, Ms Claire Bazy Malaurie, participated in an exchange of views during the first meeting of the Steering Committee on Democracy (CDDEM) on 13 May 2024.

The exchange with the Venice Commission and other key Council of Europe bodies was intended to provide input for the CDDEM's reflections on the development of parameters for the implementation of the Reykjavik Principles on Democracy, adopted at the 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe.

The CDDEM’s mandate is to promote and facilitate thema... read more

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA – Request for opinion

By letter dated 9 May 2024, the Minister of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr Davor Bunoza, has requested an opinion of the Venice Commission on the draft law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The draft opinion will be submitted for adoption at the 139th Plenary Session of the Commission (Venice, 21-22 June 2024).

ARMENIA - forthcoming joint opinion on Draft Law on National Minorities - country visit

YEREVAN – A joint delegation of the Venice Commission and Directorate General of Democracy and Human Dignity of the Council of Europe (DGII) conducted a visit to Yerevan (Armenia) on 6 and 7 May 2024, in preparation for the joint opinion on the Draft Law on National Minorities. This opinion follows a request by the Ministry of Justice of Armenia.

The joint delegation met with the Deputy Minister of Justice, the Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, as well as representatives of the Parliament, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Council for National and Cult... read more

POLAND - Urgent Joint Opinion on the draft law amending the Law on the National Council of the Judiciary of Poland

Strasbourg – Today the Venice Commission issued the Urgent Joint Opinion of the Venice Commission and the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law of the Council of Europe on the draft law amending the Law on the National Council of the Judiciary of Poland.

This opinion follows a request by the President of the Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States (Monitoring Committee) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 7 March 2024. Recourse to the urgent procedure was requested by the Minister of Justice of Poland.
read more

HAITI – Organization of American State - Electoral matters

Further to a request from the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS), the Venice Commission will analyze the legislative framework for Haiti’s elections, along with the relevant recommendations of past OAS Electoral Observation Missions and help identify legislative solutions that could serve as a basis for conducting the next and future electoral processes in Haiti.

MONTENEGRO - Urgent Follow-up Opinion on the revised draft amendments to the Law on the Judicial Council and Judges

Strasbourg – Today the Venice Commission issued its Urgent Follow-up Opinion on the revised draft amendments to the Law on the Judicial Council and Judges.

The request for urgent opinion was made on 1 April 2024 by the Minister of Justice of Montenegro.

The Urgent Follow-up Opinion will be submitted for endorsement by the 139th plenary session of the Commission (Venice, 21-22 June 2024).

REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA – Request for opinion

By letter dated 3 May 2024 the President of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova has requested an opinion of the Venice Commission on the draft law on the partial implementation of the postal vote.

The draft opinion will be submitted for adoption at the 139th Plenary Session of the Commission (Venice, 21-22 June 2024).

MONTENEGRO – On-line meetings in view of the preparation of urgent opinions

Within the context of the preparation of four urgent opinions on Montenegro (Amendments to the Law on the Judicial Council and Judges; Amendments to the Law on the State Prosecution Service; Amendments to the Law on the Special State Prosecution Service; Amendments to the Law on Seizure and Confiscation of Material Benefit Derived from Criminal Activity), on 22, 23 and 30 April Venice Commission delegations consisting of rapporteurs and members of the Secretariat carried out on-line meetings with the State Secretary and other officials of the Ministry of Justice, representatives of judicial a... read more

MONTENEGRO - forthcoming urgent opinion - country visit

29/04/2024 - 30/04/2024
Podgorica – A delegation of the Venice Commission conducted a visit to Podgorica, Montenegro, in the context of the preparation of its urgent opinion on the draft law on the prevention of corruption. This opinion follows a request by the Minister of Justice of Montenegro on 1 April 2024.

The Venice Commission delegation met with the Minister of Justice, Members of Parliament (ruling majority and opposition parties), the President of the Administrative Court and deputy directors of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, as well as representatives of civil society and th... read more

GEORGIA - forthcoming urgent joint opinion – online meetings

29/04/2024 - 02/05/2024
Tbilisi – The Venice Commission is preparing an urgent opinion on the draft law of Georgia on Transparency of Foreign Influence. A delegation of the Venice Commission is holding a series of online meetings with stakeholders in Georgia, within the context of the preparation of this urgent opinion. The opinion follows a request by the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 15 April 2024.

The Venice Commission delegation met with the Public Defender and representatives of the diplomatic corps on Monday 29 April 2024 and with representatives of civil socie... read more

POLAND - forthcoming urgent joint opinion - country visit

25/04/2024 - 26/04/2024
Warsaw – A delegation of the Venice Commission conducted a visit to Warsaw, Poland, within the context of the preparation of its urgent joint opinion, with the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law of the Council of Europe, on the draft law amending the Law on the National Council of the Judiciary of Poland. This opinion follows a request by the President of the Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States (Monitoring Committee) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 7 March 2024. Recourse to the urgent procedure was requested by ... read more

NORTH MACEDONIA – Presidential and parliamentary elections – legal assistance to the PACE election observation mission

Skopje - Representatives of the Venice Commission will accompany the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) election observation delegation to advise it on the legal framework for the presidential elections (first round on 24 Avril and second round on 8 May 2024), and for the parliamentary elections of 8 May 2024 in North Macedonia.

The delegation will participate in joint briefings with other international organisations, before and after the elections, and observe the opening, voting and counting processes.

The best interests of the child seen by Mediators and Ombudsmen – training workshop

23/04/2024 - 24/04/2024
Rabat, Morocco - The Venice Commission is organising, in co-operation with the Association of Ombudsmen and Mediators of the Francophonie (AOMF) and the Ombudsman of Morocco, a training workshop which will focus on the best interests of the child. This training will be held between 23 and 24 April in Rabat, Morocco and will bring together the collaborators of Mediators and Ombudsmen of the AOMF network.

Participants will discuss the issues and best practices of the institutions of Ombudsmen and Mediators concerning the best interests of the child with regard to legal procedures, in... read more

KYRGYZSTAN - Request for an opinion

By letter dated 22 April 2024, the Minister of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr Ayaz Baetov, requested an opinion of the Venice Commission on the draft Law "On amendments to the Code on Administrative Offences of the Kyrgyz Republic Introducing Penalties for Insult and Slander".

The draft opinion will be submitted for adoption at the 139th plenary session of the Commission (21-22 June 2024).

European Parliament - Spain – Amnesty law

Brussels - Ms Marta Cartabia, Vice-President of the Venice Commission, took part in an exchange of views on the Spanish amnesty law with the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of the European Parliament.

This exchange of views is a follow-up to the Opinion on the rule of law requirements of amnesties, with particular reference to the parliamentary bill of Spain “on the organic law on amnesty for the institutional, political and social normalisation of Catalonia”, adopted by the Venice Commission in March 2024.

Conference on “Elements and dynamics of the European legal standard”

18/04/2024 - 19/04/2024
Gdansk, Poland – The Venice Commission in cooperation with the University of Gdansk held a conference entitled “Elements and dynamics of the European legal standard”.

The participants addressed the topic of the conference through the following panels:
• An attempt to define the legal standard;
• In search of the legal standard on the separation of powers;
• The legal standard on the judiciary and the prosecutor's office;
• The legal standard on the constitutional judiciary;
• The significance of the legal standard for the democratic state of law in the EU... read more

TÜRKİYE – Request for an opinion

18/04/2024 - 18/04/2024
By letter of 18 April 2024, the President of the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe requested a Venice Commission opinion on the composition of the Council of Judges and Prosecutors of Türkiye and the procedure for the election of its members.

The draft opinion will be submitted for adoption at the 140th plenary session of the Venice Commission (11-12 October2024).

GEORGIA - Requests for opinion

By letter of 16 April 2024, the President of the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe requested two opinions of the Venice Commission:
- an opinion on the amendments to the Election Code and to the Law on Political Associations of Citizens as adopted by the Georgian Parliament on
4 April 2024, which abolish gender quotas,
- an opinion on the draft constitutional laws on “protection of family values and protection of minors” of Georgia.

The draft opinions will be submitted for adoption at the 139th plenary session of the Venice... read more

President of the Venice Commission meets Deputy Prime and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova

15/04/2024 - 15/04/2024
Strasbourg - the President of the Venice Commission, Ms Claire Bazy Malaurie, met with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, Mr Mihail Popșoi, to discuss recent developments in the country.

MONTENEGRO - Request for opinions

By letters of 1 April 2024 and 10 April 2024, the Minister of Justice of Montenegro, Mr Andrej Milović, requested urgent opinions of the Venice Commission on the following:
• the draft Law on Amendments to the Law on the Judicial Council and Judges;
• the draft Law on Amendments to the Law on the State Prosecution Service;
• the draft Law on the Prevention of Corruption;
• the draft Law on Amendments to the Law on the Special State Prosecution Service
• the draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Seizure and Confiscation of Material Benefit Derived from Criminal Activ... read more

ARMENIA – follow-up to opinion on the electoral legislation - country visit

25/03/2024 - 26/03/2024
Yerevan – A delegation of the Venice Commission travelled to Armenia and had an exchange of views with state authorities and other stakeholders in order to follow up on the joint opinion of the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR on the draft amendments to the Electoral Code and related legislation of Armenia, which the Commission adopted in October 2023. The delegation met with representatives of the following institutions:

• the Ministry of Justice, including the Deputy Minister of Justice,
• the Central Election Commission (CEC),
• the Standing Committee on State and ... read more

Resolution of the Bureau of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ) adopted at its 21st meeting held on 16 March 2024 in Venice

"Pursuant to Article 1(1) of the Revised Statute of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice,’ “The World Conference on Constitutional Justice ... promotes constitutional justice, as a key element of democracy, the protection of human rights and the rule of law”. Pursuant to Article 4(b)(7) of the Revised Statute, the Bureau of the Conference may, inter alia, adopt resolutions in accordance with the World Conference’s objectives listed in Article 1. The communiqué adopted at the 5th Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice acknowledged the role of constitutional courts... read more

21st Bureau Meeting of World Conference on Constitutional Justice convened in Venice

Venice - The 21st Bureau meeting of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ) convened on 16 March 2024, in Venice, alongside the 138th plenary session of the Venice Commission.

The WCCJ Bureau consists of ten regional and linguistic groups of constitutional courts and courts of equivalent jurisdiction, four courts representing the continents of Africa, the Americas, Asia/Oceania and Europe, as well as the host courts of the previous and the next WCCJ Congresses (Article 4(b)(1) of the WCCJ Statute).

The members of the WCCJ Bureau held an exchange of views ... read more

Venice Commission adopts opinion on the rule of law requirements of amnesties with particular reference to the amnesty bill in Spain

At its 138th Plenary Session, following an exchange of views with Mr Pedro Rollán Ojeda, President of the Senate of Spain, and with Ms Isaura Leal Fernández, Second Secretary of the Bureau of the Congress of Deputies, the Venice Commission adopted the Opinion on the rule of law requirements of amnesties, with particular reference to the parliamentary bill of Spain “on the organic law on amnesty for the institutional, political and social normalisation of Catalonia”.

Rule of law in Poland

15/03/2024 - 16/03/2024
At its 138th Plenary Session, the Venice Commission held an exchange of views with Mr Adam Bodnar, Minister of Justice of Poland, about the restoration of the rule of law in Poland and the future cooperation with the Venice Commission. On the other hand, at the request of the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Venice Commission will prepare an opinion on the draft law amending the Act on the National Council of the Judiciary.

138th Plenary Session of the Venice Commission

15/03/2024 - 16/03/2024
Venice, Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista - On 15 and 16 March 2024 the Venice Commission held its plenary session in Venice.

It had on its agenda in particular six draft opinions concerning: Bosnia and Herzegovina on certain questions relating to the functioning of the Constitutional Court; Bulgaria on the Code of Ethical Conduct for Judges and on the Code of Ethical Conduct for Prosecutors and Investigators; Hungary on the Act LXXXVIII of 2023 on the Protection of National Sovereignty; Lebanon on the draft law on the administrative judiciary; Spain on the rule of law r... read more

ROMANIA - Request for an opinion

By letter of 11 March 2024, the President of the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe requested that the Venice Commission examine the Emergency Ordinance regarding some measures for the organisation and conduct of the elections for members from Romania in the European Parliament in 2024 and the elections for local public administration authorities in 2024

The draft opinion will be submitted for adoption to the 140th plenary session of the Venice Commission (11-12 October 2024).

GEORGIA – Request for an opinion

By letter of 7 March 2024, the President of the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe requested that the Venice Commission examine the draft amendments to the Election Code and to the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Georgia.

The draft follow-up opinion of the Venice Commission to the Joint Opinion (CDL-AD(2023)047) will be submitted for adoption to the 139th plenary session of the Venice Commission (21-22 June 2024).

POLAND – Request for an opinion

By letter of 7 March 2024, the President of the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe requested that the Venice Commission examine the draft law amending the Law on the National Council of the Judiciary of Poland.

The draft opinion will be prepared jointly with the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law and will be submitted for adoption to the 139th plenary session of the Venice Commission (21-22 June 2024).

MOROCCO - Evaluation of laws by the parliamentary institution: training seminar

05/03/2024 - 06/03/2024
Rabat - The Venice Commission organised a training seminar on the evaluation of laws by the parliamentary institution in Rabat on 5-6 March 2024 in collaboration with the Parliament of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

By developing the capacities of parliamentarians and civil servants of the two Houses of Parliament in law evaluation, the seminar aimed to contribute to the development of quality legislation. The event brought together members of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Morocco, academics, national and international experts and... read more

Mission to Poland

26/02/2024 - 27/02/2024
Warsaw - On 26 and 27 February, the Director General of Human Rights and Rule of Law, Mr Christos Giakoumopoulos and the Secretary to the Venice Commission, Ms Simona Granata-Menghini met with the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Poland, Mr Adam Bodnar, and with Ms Henryka Mościcka-Dendys, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to discuss the rule of law reforms in preparation in Poland, notably in the context of the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.

Justice Minister Bodnar will participate in the 138th Plenary Session of the ... read more

UZBEKISTAN – Ombudsman institution

Tashkent/online - On 23 February 2024 the Venice Commission participated online in the Conference organised by the Ombudsman institution of Uzbekistan on the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the foundation of the institute of the Authorised Person of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights (Ombudsman), on “Human Rights an important factor of the sustainable development of States”.

Ms Adele Matheson Mestad, substitute member of the Venice Commission in respect of Norway, intervened in Session 1 on the topic: ”Collaboration of national institutes on human ri... read more

BELGIUM - Hearing of the Senate

Brussels/online - On 23 February 2024, a Venice Commission representative participated in a Hearing with the Belgium Senate Institutional Affairs Committee on legislative evaluation, focusing on the Commission’s work on the evaluation of legislation and the Venice Commission’s Rule of Law Checklist.

KYRGYZSTAN - Request for an opinion

By letter dated 22 February 2024, the Minister of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr Ayaz Baetov, requested an opinion of the Venice Commission on the draft law "On amendments to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on normative legal acts".

The draft opinion will be submitted for adoption at the 139th plenary session of the Commission (21-22 June 2024).

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA – Forthcoming opinion – online meetings

On 21 February 2024, a delegation of the Venice Commission conducted on-line meetings, in preparation of its draft Opinion on certain questions relating to the functioning of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This Opinion was requested by the President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 19 January 2024.

The delegation met on-line with the President of the Constitutional Court and representatives of the EU, the Office of the High Representative and academia.

The draft Opinion is prepared under the Expertise Co-ordination Mechanis... read more

Upgraded CODICES Database for Enhanced Constitutional Research now online

Strasbourg, France – The upgraded CODICES database of the Venice Commission is now online. This comprehensive resource for constitutional case law boasts a user-friendly design, improved search functionalities, and streamlined features for academics, legal professionals, and the public alike.

While retaining its extensive repository of over 12,000 summaries (précis) of judgments submitted by courts worldwide, the upgraded CODICES introduces several key improvements:

• Intuitive interface: users can now explore the database with ease thanks to a modern and streamlined de... read more

HUNGARY - Forthcoming opinion - country visit

15/02/2024 - 16/02/2024
Budapest - A delegation of the Venice Commission carried out a visit to Hungary, in the framework of the preparation of its opinion on the Act LXXXVIII of 2023 on the Defence of National Sovereignty of Hungary. This opinion follows a request by the Chair of the Monitoring Committee of the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly on 11 December 2023.

The delegation met with representatives of the governing and opposition parties, the Committee on National Security of the Hungarian Parliament, the Hungarian Government, the Sovereignty Protection Office, the National Election Offic... read more

SPAIN - Forthcoming opinion - country visit

07/02/2024 - 09/02/2024
Madrid – A delegation of the Venice Commission conducted a visit to Madrid, Spain, within the context of the preparation of its opinion “on the rule of law requirements of amnesties, with particular reference to the parliamentary bill of Spain “on amnesty for the institutional, political and social normalisation of Catalonia”. This opinion follows a request by the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on 8 December 2023, on the rule of law requirements which an amnesty should fulfill, as well as a second request made on 13 December 2023 by the President of the Spani... read more

LEBANON – Forthcoming opinion – online meetings

Following the request by the Minister of Justice of Lebanon dated 23 June 2023, the Venice Commission is preparing a draft Opinion on the draft law on the Administrative Judiciary.

On 1-2 February 2024, the rapporteurs conducted a series of online meetings with the following interlocutors:

• President of the State Council;
• Minister of Justice;
• Chair and members of the Parliamentary Sub-Commission on Administration and Justice;
• Representatives of the International community;
• NGOs representatives;
• Representatives of the Bar Associations... read more

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA – Request for opinion

By letter dated 19 January 2024, the President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ms Valerija Galić, requested an opinion of the Venice Commission on certain questions related to the functioning of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The draft opinion will be submitted for adoption at the 138th plenary session of the Commission (15-16 March 2024).

BULGARIA – Forthcoming opinion – country visit

Following the request by the Ministry of Justice of Bulgaria dated 18 December 2023, the Venice Commission is preparing a draft Opinion on the Code of Ethics for Bulgarian Judges and the Code of Ethics for Bulgarian Prosecutors and Investigators.

On 26 January 2024, the rapporteurs conducted a series of meetings in Sofia, Bulgaria, with the following interlocutors:

• Members of the Supreme Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils;
• representatives of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Finance;
• Deputy Prosecutor General and members of the Ethics Committee... read more

ARMENIA – Request for opinion

Following a request made by the Minister of Justice of Armenia, the Venice Commission and the Directorate General of Democracy and Human Dignity (DGII) will prepare a joint opinion on the draft law on national minorities. The joint opinion will be submitted for adoption to the 139th plenary session of the Venice Commission (21-22 June 2024).

PACE - Propaganda and freedom of information

Strasbourg - Ms Veronika Bílková, Vice-President of the Venice Commission, participated on 23 January 2024, during the 1st part session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, in a meeting of the Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on “Propaganda and freedom of information”.

PACE – Ukraine - national minorities (communities)

Strasbourg - Ms Veronika Bílková also participated in a joint hearing of the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination and the Committee on the Honoring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee) on “National minorities in Ukraine”.
On this occasion she presented the latest opinions of the Venice Commission on national minorities (communities) in Ukraine.

BULGARIA - Request for opinion

By letter dated 18 December 2023 the Minister of Justice of Bulgaria, Mr Atanas Slavov, requested an opinion of the Venice Commission on the Code of Ethics for Bulgarian Judges and the Code of Ethics for Bulgarian Prosecutors and Investigators.

The draft opinion will be prepared jointly with the Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI) of the Council of Europe and submitted for adoption during the 138th plenary session (15-16 March 2024).

Amnon Rubinstein, former observer in respect of Israel at the Venice Commission (1931-2024)

It is with deep regret that the Venice Commission announces the death of its former observer in respect of Israel Mr Amnon Rubinstein which occurred on 18 January 2024.

Mr Rubinstein was a lawmaker and a politician who played a key role in shaping Israel’s constitutional law.

Israel acceded to the Venice Commission in 2008. Prior to that it had an observer status.

HUNGARY – Request for opinion

By letter of 11 December 2023, Mr Piero Fassino, Chair of the Monitoring Committee of the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly, requested an opinion of the Venice Commission on the Act LXXXVIII of 2023 on the Defence of National Sovereignty of Hungary. The draft opinion will be submitted for adoption at the 138th plenary session of the Commission (15-16 March 2024).

FINLAND – Helsinki Dialogue: A democratic future for Belarus

12/01/2024 - 12/01/2024
A member of the Venice Commission took part in the “Helsinki Dialogue: A democratic future for Belarus” organised by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in co-operation with the Finnish Parliament. He intervened in a session dedicated to “A representative body of the Belarusian people”.




International conference

Money and Democracy – an Uneasy Relationship

07 - 08/12/2023, Cologne, Germany  

International seminar

“Constitutions and war”  

14 - 15 September 2023
Madrid, Centre for Constitutional and Political Studies (CEPC)


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