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LEBANON – Forthcoming opinion – online meetings


Following the request by the Minister of Justice of Lebanon dated 23 June 2023, the Venice Commission is preparing a draft Opinion on the draft law on the Administrative Judiciary.

On 1-2 February 2024, the rapporteurs conducted a series of online meetings with the following interlocutors:

• President of the State Council;
• Minister of Justice;
• Chair and members of the Parliamentary Sub-Commission on Administration and Justice;
• Representatives of the International community;
• NGOs representatives;
• Representatives of the Bar Associations;
• Representatives of Academia.

The draft Opinion will be prepared in the framework of the joint European Union-Council of Europe Programme “Regional Support to Reinforce Human Rights, Rule of Law and Democracy in the Southern Mediterranean” (South Programme V), which is co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe. The draft Opinion will be submitted for adoption at the 138th Plenary Session of the Venice Commission (15-16 March 2024).



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