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Activities by year: 2002

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Electoral issues - Azerbaijan

15/12/2002 - 16/12/2002
Round table on the draft revised election code, co-organised with OSCE/ODIHR

Venice Commission

Adoption of the Revised Rules of Procedure


Endorsement of the Joint Assessment of the Revised Draft Election Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan of 28 November 2002 by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the OSCE and the European Commission for Democracy though Law (Venice Commission, Council of Europe)


Adoption of the Opinion on the Implementation of the Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights


Adoption of the Opinion on the Draft Amendments to the Constitution of Kyrgyzstan


Adoption of the Opinion on the Amendments to the Constitution of Liectenstein Proposed by the Princely House of Liechtenstein

53rd Plenary Meeting of the Commission (Venice)

13/12/2002 - 14/12/2002
The Commission, following a request from the Parliamentary Assembly, examines the constitutional situation in Liechtenstein where two initiatives for amending the Constitution have been launched, one by the Princely House and the other by a citizens’ initiative.
Following a request from the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Commission will also examine the constitutional amendments proposed for Kyrgyzstan.
Other issues include future co-operation with Ukraine and Serbia and Montenegro on revising their constitutions and the draft law on national minorities of Croatia. The Comm... read more

2nd Meeting of the National Co-ordinators of UNIDEM Campus (Strasbourg)

06/12/2002 - 06/12/2002

UniDem Campus

Meeting of national co-ordinators


At a Conference on the Judicial System in Latvia, sponsored by the Latvian Ministry of Justice and UNDP, Mr. Lavin (member, Sweden)) presents the Commission’s Opinion on the Draft Law on Judicial Power and Corresponding Constitutional Amendments (Riga)

Constitutional justice -Romania

29/11/2002 - 30/11/2002
Seminar on "Relations between the Constitutional court end the Parliament".

This activity is organised in co-operation with the Romanian fundation for democracy through law and the Constitutional court of Romania.

Hungary, Members

Reappointment of Mr Lászlo SÓLYOM as member and Mr Péter Paczolay as substitute member of the Commissioni in respect of Hungary

Conférence sur "La Cour constitutionnelle, garant du respect de la Constitution : problèmes et perspective" (Tirana)

25/11/2002 - 25/11/2002

Constitutional Justice - Albania

Colloquium on "The Constitutional Court as a guarantor of the Respect of the Constitution: Problems and Perspectives" at the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Court (Tirana)

Electoral issues - Albania

22/11/2002 - 23/11/2002
Round table on complaints and appeals in electoral matters, co-organised with OSCE/ODIHR. This round table implied the bipartisan commission which works on electoral matters and then allowed a dialogue between the various political groups

Electoral issues

21/11/2002 - 22/11/2002
The Council for Democratic Elections and the Venice Commission were represented at the meeting of national correspondents on e-voting which was held in Strasbourg

Constitutional justice - Kyrgyzstan

21/11/2002 - 22/11/2002
Seminar on the protection of human rights; in co-operation with the Constitutional Court (Bishkek)

Constitutional Justice

15/11/2002 - 16/11/2002
Seminar on "The impact of the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights on the activity of the Constitutional Courts of Central and Eastern Europe" organised by the Research Group on the Law and Transition in Eastern Europe of the University of Clermont-Ferrand (GRDT). Judge Klucka, Slovak member of the Venice Commission, presents a report on the Commission's activities relating to the abolition of the death penalty. A cooperation agreement between the GRDT and the Commission with the objective to publish opinions of the Commission in the Revue de Justice constitutionnelle est-européenn... read more

Constitutional Justice

14/11/2002 - 15/11/2002
2nd Conference of the Secretaries General of constitutional courts and equivalent bodies, in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Spain (Madrid)

Constitutional Justice - Estonia

01/11/2002 - 02/11/2002
Seminar on "Topical Issues of Constitutional Review: Experience and Development of the First Decade"

This activity is organised in co-operation with the Supreme Court of Estonia. This is a regional conference, which will be attended by representatives of Constitutional courts and similar jurisdictions from Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and Ukraine. (Otepää, Tartu region)



Endorsement of the Opinion on the Draft Law on Political Parties and Socio-Political Organisations of the Republic of Moldova


Endorsement of the Opinion on the Law on Assemblies of the Republic of Moldova


Adoption of the Opinion on the Law on the Statute of a Deputy of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova


Adoption of the Supplementary Opinion on the Revision of the Constitution of Romania


Adoption of Draft Law no 4832 on the Creation of an Ombudsman in Luxembourg

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Adoption of the Opinion on the Implementation of Decision U5/98 ("Constituent Peoples") of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the Amendments to the Constitution of the Republika Srpska

Electoral issues

Adoption of the Opinion on the Code of Good Practice in Electorial Matters: Guidelines and Explanatory Report

52nd Plenary Meeting of the Commission (Venice)

18/10/2002 - 19/10/2002
The Commission will examine draft opinions on recent amendments to the Constitution of one of the two Entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republika Srpska, on the electoral laws of Armenia and Azerbaijan, the Croatian law on protection of minorities, the draft Law on the Judicial system of Latvia, the Ombudsman law of Luxembourg as well as several laws of Moldova. It will also discuss proposals to amend the constitutions of Mexico and Romania and the proposed Constitutional Charter of Serbia and Montenegro.

Constitutional Justice - Armenia

04/10/2002 - 05/10/2002
Seminar on "International Experience and Perspectives of Human Rights Protection before the Constitutional Court"; in co-operation with the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe (Yerevan)

Constitutional Justice - Romania

03/10/2002 - 05/10/2002
10th anniversary of the Constitutional Court of Romania (Bucharest)

Romania - constitutional revision

01/10/2002 - 02/10/2002
The working group of the Venice Commission on the constitutional revision in Romania will meet in particular with Ms Rodica Stanoiu, Minister of Justice, Mr Valer Dorneanu, President of Parliament, and the members of the Commission for the revision of the Constitution. (Bucharest)

Constitutional Justice - Estonia

27/09/2002 - 29/09/2002
Seminar "Continuity of the Estonian Constitution over the Past Ten Years"; organised in co-operation with the Ministry of Justice of Estonia

The Ministry of Justice of Estonia organises this conference on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Estonian Constitution. The first part of the event will deal with the evolution of the constitutional institutions; the second part will open a debate on possible developments of the main legal text of the country.

10 years ago the Venice Commission provided its expertise on the first draft of the Constitution of Estonia. Tt... read more

Electoral issues

26/09/2002 - 28/09/2002
Annual Conference of the Association of Central and Eastern European Election Officials (ACEEEO) on "International legal standards and practice in Europe in the domain of elections".

This 11th annual conference is organised by ACEEEO, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES).

Remodeling of the existing European electoral standards in a single international document seems to be in full conformity with the political spirit of nowadays. Such a text could represent a fresh impetus to the efforts to... read more

UniDem Campus - Trieste

23/09/2002 - 27/09/2002
Seminar on "Human Rights protection in Europe: the Council of Europe, the EU, the OSCE and the UN systems"

The UNIDEM campus in Trieste is meant for civil servants of 9 countries of South-East Europe. Each country sends 3 legal professionals, working in areas that will be dealt within the framework of the seminar. This session is devoted to different mechanisms of protection of fundamental rights and will focus on their complementary character as well as on their implementation on the national level.


Electoral issues

17/09/2002 - 18/09/2002
The Venice Commission is represented at the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, more precisely in the discussion regarding the current status of international standards for democratic elections. (Warsaw)

Democratic institutions - Azerbaijan

16/09/2002 - 17/09/2002
Seminar on the Importance of the creation of the institution of Ombudsman in Azerbaijan and its role in the general mechanism of the Azerbaijani democracy; in co-operation with the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe (Baku)

Electoral issues

14/09/2002 - 17/09/2002
Global workshop on universal electoral rights of the handicapped (Sigtuna, Sweden)

Handicapped people are among the most politically, economically and socially marginalized in the world. This workshop seeks to identify clear guidelines articulating the universal voting rights of citizens with disabilities.

The event is co-organised by the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA). It is sponsored by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), and is carried out ... read more

Serbia and Montenegro

Representatives of the Venice Commission held an exchange of views with members of the Constitutional Commission charged with drafting the Charter for the future union of Serbia and Montenegro. The Charter is being elaborated under the March 2002 agreement between the FRY's two entities. The initial draft, prepared by the Venice Commission following the EU's request, has already been accepted as one of the basic texts for the Constitutional Commission's work. The first exchange of views took place on 16 July this year.

The Commission played an important role in developing the cons... read more

UniDem - Campus Trieste

15/07/2002 - 19/07/2002
Seminar on "Access to information and human rights"

Campus UNIDEM in Trieste is meant for civil servants of 9 countries of South-East Europe. Each country sends 3 legal professionals, working in areas that will be dealt within the framework of the seminar.


Endorsement of the Comments on the Draft Law on Modification and Amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova


Adoption of the Opinion on the draft revision of the Constitution of Romania

"The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"

Adoption of the Opinion on the "Draft Proposal for Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia"


Endorsement of the Comments on the Draft Law on Freedom of Expression in the Media in Luxembourg


Endorsement of the Comments on the Draft Law on Protection of Persons in Respect of Processing of Personal Data of Luxembourg

Electoral Issues

The Venice Commission adopted the Guidelines on Elections (CDL-AD (2002) 13). This document has been previously adopted by the Council for Democratic Elections at its 2nd meeting (3 July 2002).

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Adoption of the Opinion on Certain Issues Related to the Ombudsman Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and on the Interpretation of Certain Commitments Undertaken by Bosnia and Herzegovina upon Accession to the Council of Europe


Adoption of the Opinion on the Unified Election Code of Georgia


Adoption of the Opinion on the Law on Modification and Addition in the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova in Particular Concerning the Status of Gagauzia

51st Plenary Meeting of the Commission (Venice)

05/07/2002 - 06/07/2002

Electoral issues

2nd meeting of the Council for Democratic Elections (including representatives of the Venice Commission, the Parliamentary Assembly and the CLRAE) (Italy, Venice)

The Council for Democratic Elections will be invited in particular to adopt guidelines in electoral matters, realising the European electoral heritage.

Constitutional Justice - Moldova

17/06/2002 - 18/06/2002
Seminar in co-operation with the Constitutional Court on "The Competencies of the Constitutional Court and its Role in Society" (Chisinau)

The Venice Commission is organising this seminar in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Moldova. A key element of the seminar will be the discussion on the new Draft Law on the Constitutional Court of Moldova and corresponding constitutional amendments on the basis of comments by the rapporteurs of the Venice Commission. The results of the seminar will be presented to the plenary session of the Commission on 5-6 July in Venice.

UniDem - Italy

14/06/2002 - 15/06/2002
Seminar on "The Resolution of Conflicts between the Central State and Entities with Legislative Power by the Constitutional Court" in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Italy (Rome)

The unitary state is becoming less and less a conventional model and federalism and regionalism are thus high on the agenda of the Commission. So too are the issues of constitutional justice, without which any Constitution would today be considered a lex imperfecta. In federal and regional states and other states comprising entities with legislative powers (autonomous regions), the Constituti... read more


07/06/2002 - 08/06/2002
International colloquium on the protection of national minorities by their kin-State (Greece, Athens).

Experts from several countries, where legislation on kin-minorities exists, as well as representatives of institutions such as the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities and the Advisory Committee for the Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, have discussed this sensitive issue together with members of the Venice Commission in the course of a two-day colloquium. The event came as a follow-up to the Venice Commission's report on the same topic, adopted in Oct... read more

Cyprus - New members

Appointment of Mr Panayiotis KALLIS as member, and of Mr Petros CLERIDES as substitute member of the Commission in respect of Cyprus


03/06/2002 - 04/06/2002
Seminar in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Georgia on basic problems of constitutional control - organisation and procedure (Batumi)

Constitutional Justice

19th meeting of the Sub-Commission on Constitutional Justice (Larnaca)

The Venice Commission held the 19th meeting its Sub-Commission on Constitutional Justice together with liaison officers from constitutional courts and equivalent bodies on 31 May in Larnaca hosted by the Supreme Court of Cyprus. The main topics of the meeting have been the co-operation with constitutional courts in other regions (francophone countries, Southern Africa, Latin America), the publication of the Bulletin on Constitutional Case-Law and the evaluation of a new, expanded version of the Commission's CODI... read more

Bosnia and Herzegovina

23/05/2002 - 24/05/2002
Conference in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina on "Effective remedies for the protection of human rights : the role of the constitutional court" (Sarajevo)

Belgium - Member

Reappointment of Mr Jean-Claude SCHOLSEM as member of the Commission in respect of Belgium

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Publication of the Opinion on the Status and Rank of the Ombudsman Institution in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, based on the comments of the rapporteurs

Electoral issues

16/05/2002 - 17/05/2002
Participation in a round table on Electoral Legislation Reform in Armenia, organised by the OSCE, the Council of Europe and National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) (Yerevan). Please see document CDL-AD(2002)7.

Georgia - new substitute member

Nomination of Mr Konstanitn KORKELIA as substitute member of the Commissioni in respect of Geogia

Germany - Members

Reappointment of Mr Helmut STEINBERGER as member and Mr Georg NOLTE as substitute member of the Commission in respect of Germany

Austria - new substitute member

Nomination of Mr Christoph GRABENWARTER as substitute member in respect of Austria

Austria - Member

Reappointment of Mr Franz MATSCHER as member of the Commissioni in respect of Austria

Lithuania - New substitute member

Nomination of Ms Živilė LIEKYTE as substitute member of the Commission for Lithuania

Lithuania - Member

Reappointment of Mr Kęstutis LAPINSKAS as member of the Commission in respect of Lithuania

Iceland - New substitute member

Nomination of Mr Magnus K. HANNESSON as substitute member of the Commission in respect of Iceland

Iceland - Member

Reappointment of Mr Hjörtur TORFASON as member of the Commission in respect of Iceland

Electoral issues

10/05/2002 - 11/05/2002
Participation in a conference" E-voting and European Parliamentary Elections", organised by the European University Institute and the University of Geneva (Florence)

Ireland - New Substitute member

Nomination of Mr James HAMILTON as substitute member of the Commission in respect of Ireland

Ireland - New Member

Nomination of Ms Finola FLANAGAN as member of the Commission in respect of Ireland

Albania - Member

Reappointment of Mr Luan OMARI as member of the Commission in respect of Albania

Turkey - New substitute member

Nomination of Mr Erdal ONAR as substitute member of the Commission in respect of Turkey

Turkey - Member

Reappointment of Mr Ergun ÖZBUDUN as member of the Commission in respect of Turkey

Romania - New members

Nomination of Ms Rodica-Mihaela STĂNOIU as member and of Mr Alexandru FARCAŞ and Mr Bogdan AURESCU as substitute members of the Commission in respect of Romania

Finland - Members

Reappointment of Mr Kaarlo TUORI as member and of Mr Matti NIEMIVUO as substitute member of the Commission in respect of Finland

Luxembourg - New member

Nomination of Ms Lydie ERR as member of the Commission in respect of Luxembourg

France - New members

Appointment of Mr Olivier DUTHEILLET DE LAMOTHE as member, and of Mr Alain LANCELOT as substitute member of the Commission in respect of France

Norway - Member

Reappointment of Mr Jan HELGESEN as member of the Commission in respect of Norway

Switzerland - Member

Reappointment of Mr Giorgio MALINVERNI as member of the Commission in respect of Switzerland

Switzerland - New substitute member

Nomination of Mr Heinrich KOLLER as substitute member of the Commission in respect of Switzerland

Spain - New substitute member

Nomination of Mr Pedro GANZALEZ TREVIJANO as substitute member of the Commission in respect of Spain

Spain - Member

Reappointment of Ms Carmen IGLESIAS CANO as member of the Commission in respect of Spain

Greece - Members

Nomination of Mr Dimitri CONSTAS as member and Ms Fani DASKALOPOULOU LIVADA as substitute member in respect of Greece

Italy - Members

April 2002
Reappointment of Mr Antonio LA PERGOLA as member and of Mr Sergio BARTOLE as substitute member of the Commission in respect of Italy

Sweden - Members

Reappointment of Mr Rune LAVIN as member and of Mr Hans-Heinrich VOGEL as substitute member of the Commission in respect of Sweden


05/04/2002 - 06/04/2002
Seminar on "The Post-Communist State : the Construction of an Idea" (Paris)


18/03/2002 - 19/03/2002
Meeting of the Working Group on the revision of the Romanian Constitution (Bucharest)


15/03/2002 - 16/03/2002
Baltic-Nordic regional conference on "Interpretation and Direct Application of the Constitution" (Vilnius)


Serbia and Montenegro

On 14 March 2002 the President of Yugoslavia, Mr Kostunica, the Prime Minister of Serbia, Mr Djindjic, the President of Montenegro, Mr Djukanovic, the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Mr Vujanovic, and the Deputy Prime Minister of Yugoslavia, Mr Labus, signed "Proceeding Points for the restructuring of relations between Serbia and Montenegro". This documents contains the main principles for transforming the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia into "Serbia and Montenegro". The signing was witnessed by EU High Representative, Javier Solana, who initiated the negotiations and had a key role for ensuring... read more


Adoption of the Opinion on the Resolution on the Principles of the State Policy of Ukraine in the Sphere of Human Rights Adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 17 June 1999

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Adoption of the Opinion on the Draft Law on Civil Service in Governmental Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina


Adoption of the Consolidated Opinion on the Law on the Election of Members of the Representative Bodies of Local and Regional Self-Government Units of Croatia


Adoption of the Opinion on Possible Groups of Persons to which the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities could be applied in Belgium

50th Plenary Meeting of the Commission (Venice)

08/03/2002 - 09/03/2002
The Venice Commission has invited European Commission President Romano Prodi to participate in its 50th session. On 9 March, he will give a speech on cooperation between the two institutions and on the future European Constitution. The participants will examine in particular the situation of minorities in Croatia, in the presence of the Deputy Justice Minister, as well as recent developments in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Moldova.

Electoral issues

First meeting of the working group on electoral issues (Venice)

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Meeting on Minority protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Paris)


Adoption of the Revised Statute of the European Commission for Democracy through Law by the Committee of Ministers

Slovenia - Member

Reappointment of Mr Peter JAMBREK as member of the Commission in respect of Slovenia

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Request for an opinion by the Ombudsman of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the rank and status of the ombudsman

Constitutional Justice

25/01/2002 - 27/01/2002
Meeting of the Presidents of the courts members of the Association of Constitutional Courts Using the French Language - ACCPUF. Signature of the Protocol to the Co-operation Agreement between the Venice Commission and ACCPUF (Djibouti).



Meeting on "Possible Groups to which the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities would be applicable in Belgium" (Brussels)


11/01/2002 - 12/01/2002
Conference on "Legal frameworks to facilitate the settlement of ethno-political conflicts in Europe" (Baku)

Russia - accession

Accession of the Russian Federation to the Venice Commission. Appointmemt of Mr Marat V. Baglay as member of the Commission



20th European Conference of Electoral Management Bodies:
Stability of Electoral Law - Practical Aspects

15-16/04/2025, Vilnius, Lithuania


International seminar: “Private Powers and the Rule of Law”

28-29/11/2024, Madrid


Conference on “Aspects of Constitutionalism in European small-sized States”

14/10/2024, San Marino


International conference on “The role of the Ombudsman as a guardian of rights”

12-13/09/2024, Cassino, Italy 


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