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UniDem - Italy

14/06/2002 - 15/06/2002

Seminar on "The Resolution of Conflicts between the Central State and Entities with Legislative Power by the Constitutional Court" in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of Italy (Rome)

The unitary state is becoming less and less a conventional model and federalism and regionalism are thus high on the agenda of the Commission. So too are the issues of constitutional justice, without which any Constitution would today be considered a lex imperfecta. In federal and regional states and other states comprising entities with legislative powers (autonomous regions), the Constitutional Court must ensure the peaceful settlement of disputes between the central state and its entities.

For the third time, a UniDem seminar will bring together presidents and judges of the constitutional courts of Europe, as well as experts in the field of federalism from different parts of Europe and North America. The overwhelming majority of courts of the European states comprising entities with legislative powers, i.e. some 15 constitutional courts, will be represented at the seminar.



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