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Kyrgyzstan – Electoral reform

02/05/2011 - 03/05/2011

Bishkek - The Venice Commission has been requested by the Kyrgyz authorities to provide a legal opinion on three Draft Laws to be submitted to a parliamentary hearing on 3 May 2011: Constitutional law on Presidential and Parliamentary Elections, Law on Local Elections and Law on Electoral Commissions.
Two experts of the Venice Commission will participate in a Round Table on 2 May 2011 in Bishkek, together with experts from OSCE/ODIHR and representatives of the Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic, in order to discuss the Draft Laws.
This activity is carried out within the framework of the Joint Programme “EU – Central Asia Rule of Law Initiative”, in co-operation with the UNDP Kyrgyz Republic Election Support Project (KESP).



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